04/08/1985-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting April 8, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman and' Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Harvey W. Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and Gerald Jenkins 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Council canvassed the ballots of the city officials election held on Saturday, April 6th. Freddy Inman made a motion and introduced a resolution to approve the order declaring the results of the City Officer's Election. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unanimous. A total of 274 valid and legal votes were cast. The results are as follows: Place l: Place 3 Place 5 Freddy Inman 235 Write Ins: Henry Cooper 2 David Arrlington 1 Carroll Howard 4 Allie Davenport 1 Gerald H. Jenkins 216 Joe S. Waide 69 Danny Spindle 238 Write Ins: Ralph Cole 1 Jack Pennington 4 Carroll Trego 1 Debby Spindle 1 Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn. the meeting Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Benny City Secretary or --