05/20/1985-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council May 20, 1985 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Glenn Shaw, J. C. Landers, Fred Henry, C. G. McNeill, Bob Roberts, Benny Erwin, Don Waddell, B. McMurray 143. 1. Mayor. Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the regular city council meeting of May 6th were approved as printed. The minutes of the special called meeting of May 15th were approved with one addition. It is as follows: Add - The average annual principal and interest requirements will be $236,693 which includes prior debt service. 3. After a brief discussion of the disbursements, Thomas made the motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of $91,197.61. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong presented certificates of appreciation to the following committee members. J. C. Landers Tommy Kincaid Danny Spindle Don Waddell Carolyn Adkins Members of the committees to receive certificates, but who were unavailable to attend the meeting are as follows: Merwyn Tucker Craig Waggoner J. P. Hampton Chet Switzer Robert Swaim, Jr. Steve Hollingsworth Eunice Gray Nan Anderson Faye Morrison John Gray Benny Johnson Jeff McNeill Gene Morrow 5. Consideration was given to the preliminary replat of Sims Addition presented by Mike Norman. Council was advised that this plat was scheduled for review by P & Z for May 14, 1985, but there were not enough members to conduct a meeting, there- fore it was brought directly to council in order that the replat would not be delayed. Council discussed drainage. Bud Hauptman, engineer for Mike Norman explained that a 20' drainage easement was designated on the plat. A concrete drainage ditch would be installed and would connect with the existing box culvert under Old 77 or 5th Street. Norman's plat designated a 20' building setback instead of 25' as required by city ordinance. Jenkins' stated that he did not agree with the variance on the front. He requested that council consider having Norman take it off the back. Discussion. Lloyd stated that the city would need guy wire easements on Lots 12, 13, and 14, Block 3A, unless the developer decides to go underground. Council asked Norman about size of houses. He stated they would probably be from 1100 sq. feet to 1400 sq. feet with two car garage. It was noted that street widths were not shown on the plat and that a request for variance on setbacks should be included. Inman made the motion to of the Sims Addition for receipt of the variance approve the preliminary replat 6. Council considered the variance request on Lot 5, Block 37, Original Town for Gene Hughes. The variance is for an undersized lot. City code requires 6000 sq. ft. Hughes' lot is 5040 sq. feet. Mayor Armstrong explained to the audience why the city had been granting so many variances. In the older part of town the lots are smaller. The city by allowing a variance from code can benefit from tax revenues on a new structure instead of just taxes on a vacant lot. 144. Thomas made the motion to approve the undersized Lt. 51 Blk. 37, O. T. for Gene Hughes. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the final plat on Lots 1 & 2, Block C. White Addition for Jean Haddack. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following letter of request: SUBJECT: Proposed Barricade at The End of David Drive The following citizens in the community of Sanger would appreciate your consideration of a barricade at the end of David Drive. Without this barricade, the streets in this residential addition will continue to be misused. It is creating a nuisance to the people who live in this area and should be closed. We would also like the control of the unlicensed motorcycles and three-wheelers using the land adjacent to this subdivision. Thank you. Ruby Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Malone Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Shaw Mike and Jo Ann Vinson Mayor Armstrong stated that she was aware of the problem on David and asked Benny Erwin if there would be any reason the city could not place the barricade. He replied no. Types of Barricades were discussed. Reflectors and flashing lights were discussed. Motion was made by Thomas that the city install a barricade at the South end of David Drive, that it be reflected on both sides and equipped with flashing lights for at least two weeks. His motion further included that Chief Benny Erwin assess the problem and see if a second barricade was needed (possibly on the south end of the gravel road) and be in charge of where it should be placed. It would have reflectors and flashing lights also. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Jenkins that appointed to complete the Senior as follows : J. P. Hampton T. A. Melton the following citizens be Center Committee. They are Russ Molohan Margaret Sands Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. l0. Mayor Armstrong requested that council consider borrowing $12,000 from First National Bank of Sanger on a Certificate of Obligation to complete the Senior Center while volunteer help is still available. She felt the building would just sit if the city didn't take the initiative and get it completed. She stated she felt donations would be much easier to get once the building was finished. She noted that the money would be used to purchase an air condition- ing -heating system, plumbing fixtures for two restrooms, small kitchen sink, carpet, and new sheetrock. The loan to be paid back by donations. Motion was made by Adkins to adopt a resolution to borrow funds in the amount of $12,000. to complete the Senior Center. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Lloyd advised council that SPAN had again requested the use of the Community Center on Wednesday for serving meals. He stated SPAN had excess money for meals which they would lose if it is not used. Since the Wednesday Study Club does not meet on Wednesday during the summer months SPAN has requested to serve meals on Wednesdays. It was noted that the Senior Center would be completed by end of summer. 145. Motion was made by Adkins to allow SPAN to use the Community Center on Wednesdays until the Senior Center is complete or through the end of the summer which ever is first. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that Michelle Mullins had donated an electric stove to the Community Center. City Secretary .was instructed to send a thank you letter to Mrs. Mullins. 12. Motion was made by TYiomas to award the contract to Cole and Smithen Construction for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Motion was made by Inman to award the contract to Bell Construction Inc. for Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Stand-by pay and private telephone pay for the employees in the Utility and Electric departments were discussed. Jenkins stated that he personally felt the on -call pay was inadequate and should be increased. Inman stated everyone knew how he felt about the city paying the employees basic telephone bill. He stated, "I feel we're getting into a situation that don't need to be there." Mayor Armstrong stated that she had had second thoughts regarding paying the basic telephone bill since it would be quite a bit of money. She stated it should be looked at again during budget time. Council discussed, city policy for requiring a telephone. Mayor Armstrong read the following proposed policy prepared by Don Waddell and Jerry Don Linn. 1. Each employee on stand-by will be required to have a telephone. 2. Each employee will be required to have the telephone put in his residence at his expense. 3. Each employee will be required to pay his bill each month and if his phone is disconnected for non-payment at any time he will be subject to disciplinary action by the department head. 4. The City will only pay the basic bill each month. 5. Employees will not remove telephone .receiver or disconnect telephone at any time unless 2they contact department head as to why they are doing so. This policy was discussed but was not adopted. Motion was made by Jenkins to increase standby pay from per weekend to $50.00 per. weekend and increase hioliday standby pay to $25.00. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 15. iylotion was blade by Inman to deny the request for payment of the basic telephone bill for standby personnel in the Utility and Electric Departments. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Motion was made by Thomas. to adopt Ordinance No. 85-9 Amend- ing the Junk Vehicle Ordinance. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 856-9 AN ORDINAi.TCE Ai1EI`1DiiIG CHAPTER 9 , SECTION 5A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ENTITLED JUNK VEHICLES DEFINED AND SECTION 5B ENTITLED JUNK VEHICLES DEEMED 'PUBLIC NUISANCE; EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABIl',ITY CLAUSE; FROVIDIN,FOR .PN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 17, Mayor Armstrong asked. Don Waddell to speak to council regarding the Proposed. Agreement with Brazos to maintain and clean tl�e oil circ��it breakers . Wad.del:l advised council that five (5) power oil circuit breakers at the power plant needed maintenance and cleaning every two years. Waddell stated this had not been done in three 146. years. He stated if the city had a major electrical problem that we could lose the substation. Brazos estimated a cost of 1368.00 to do the following. 1. Replace all oil with new insulating oil. The replace- ment oil will be furnished by Brazos. 2. Inspect all OCB main current carrying contacts and dress (or replace) as required. Replacement contacts to be furnished by Sanger. 3. Mechanically inspect each OCB for broken or worn parts. Replacement items will be furnished by Sanger. 4. Replace DASH -POT tripping device oil. New, special oil will be furnished by Brazos. 5. Electrically test the circui t breakers and, associated power cables and current transformers as follows. A. Dielectric test at 2500 D.C. B. Electrically trip test each circuit breaker with secondary A.C. current. 6. Clean and lubricate each circuit breaker's trip/close mechanism. 7. Prepare test reports for each circuit breaker maintained and/or repaired. Waddell stated that the city could save $500. by using the breakers that the city has which would bring the cost to Brazos to around $1000. He informed council that this was a very dangerous job but the city crew would observe and learn what Brazos did in order for them to be able to take the task over in the future. Motion was made by Inman to accept the contract with Brazos to do maintenance and repair on five (5) oil circuit breakers at the powerplant. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 18. Lloyd explained to council that the legislature did not get out of committee so there would be no change in getting the Craig Snider property dually certified. He stated the next stop would be to sit down with the Denton Coop and see if the city could work out a gentleman's agreement to serve the area with electricity. He stated the city had no bargaining power. If the coop says no and the city goes to the PUC then he stated, "we have done all we could to work out the problem." Lloyd stated he felt that Mike Simmons was our insurance, that the council needed to decide if Mr. Simmons would represent the city in the meeting with the coop and what date they wish to set the meeting. Motion was made by Inman that the city retain Mike Simmons at hmeeting $85.00 er hour to represent the city in te p with the coop and that staff proceed with setting a meeting date. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 19. Final plat of the Snider Estates was tabled. 20. Lloyd informed council that the city had a growing effect with billboards. The city has no ordinance on billboards but does require a building permit. He stated that Jerry Jenkins was working on a billboard ordinance. The city received a request for a billboard permit from Mr. Stuart Hertgodt. Hertgodt requested the procedure for constructing a billboard with the city. Lloyd advised Hertgodt since the city was in the process of considering the enactment of a sign and billboard ordinance that the permit would be brought up at the council meeting. Mr. Stuart Hertgodt spoke to council on the issue. He gave a background on ultra advertising. He stated two things should happen. #1 - Comply with local ordinance. #2 - Be able to conduct business where other business are allowed. Mr. Hertgodt discussed Dallas and the problems they had encountered and stated that Denton had been working on a sign ordinance for three years. Discussion. Standard r. 147. sizes of signs, construction, heights, location and zoning was discussed. Lloyd asked Hertgodt if he should build a sign in the city what or how would it benefit the city. Hertgodt stated it would only benefit the advertising business. It was noted by the city manager that these advertise- ments usually pointed to business in other areas or cities. Lloyd informed council that Hertgodt filled out a permit but did not designate a site. Jenkins asked him if he had a place or if this permit was a blanket request? Jenkins stated his sign ordinance restricted by zoning, streets, and spacing. He stated he personally did not want any action taken on the permit at this time. Hertgodt stated that the city needs a fairly restrictive ordinance and that he would be glad to assist in any way he could. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong suggested the item be tabled and that Jenkins and Hertgodt get together to exchange ideas and bring back at a later date for council approval. Motion was made by Jenkins to table the request for a billboard building permit for Mr. Stuart Hertgodt until an ordinance could be worked out. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 21. Citizen Input: (a) C. G. McNeill stated that the audience needed more information on council items that were being presented. (b) Bob Roberts requested a speed limit sign on Keaton Rd. 22. Other Such Matters: (a) It was noted that the Kenny Shaw's on Diane Dr. had requested the city to help with correcting their drainage problem. Bob Roberts stated it had been f corrected all it could. (b) Thomas wanted to know when the State Highway Dept. would be constructing the Stop Signs at 455 and Service Roads. Staff to check. (c) Inman stated the weed ordinance needed to be enforced. (d) Mayor Armstrong read a "thank you note" from the H. W. Thomas family. (e) Mayor Armstrong stated the city needed to do something about the limb problems. She stated the city needed to set a policy and get something done. (f) The mayor stated she had received another swimming pool complaint. It was noted that the pool letters had been mailed. (g) Staff was instructed to send letters to outgoing and remaining P & Z members advising of the upcoming meetings and workshops they are expected to attend. A workshop was set for June 10, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. to be held at the Community Center. This workshop will be held for the City Council, P & Z, and Utility Board members. (h) Mayor Armstrong appointed Freddy Inman and Carolyn Adkins to work with Ben Terry on his plat and place on next council agenda. (i) Staff was instructed to schedule a workshop meeting with B. J. Thogmartin with Lone Star Gas. Two members of the council and utility board to meet with Thogmartin. Motion was made by Jenkins to adjourn the meeting. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary 148. Mayor