06/03/1985-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Secretary 148. Mayor MINUTES: City Council June 3, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Mike Norman, C. G. McNeill, Jack Burkholder, M. LaRue, B. J. Thogmartin, Beverly Howard, Herbert Arledge, Francis Simons, Richard Barret, Jerry Don Linn, and Fay Marshall. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. She gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. After discussion of several items motion was made by Inman to approve the disbursements in the amount of $30,759.44. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Adkins to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and approve the preliminary single lot subdivision plat on lots 41A & 41B, Blk. 23, Hampton, for Carroll Howard. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Jenkins to accept the Planning and Zoning's recommendation and approve the preliminary single lot subdivision on Lots 6A and 7A, Block 15, Burgess Addition for Fay Marshall. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mr. Bud Hauptman represented the owners of the Sanger I-35 preliminary replat. He stated the owners would like to realign the water line and easement which cuts across the property diagonally. They propose to run the line at the back of the property. Line sizes and pressure was discussed. Mr. Hauptman stated that they would have an engineer do an evaluation which they would present at the time the final plat is considered. Motion was made by Inman to accept P. & Z.'s recommendation and approve the preliminary replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park for Al Camp and Joe Burrus. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the preliminary subdivision plat on Choctaw Ridge, Phase II for Don Holson. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Council received a copy of the deed restrictions for the Sims Addition. Council requested to know who .the Architectural Control Committee in Item 6 of the restrictions referred to. Norman stated that he, his wife, and Leann Roberts made up the three members. Thomas suggested that Norman add a clause which would not allow residents to work on cars out in the street in the subdivision. Jenkins asked Bud Hauptman to explain their intent on the drainage. Hauptman stated that the concrete drainage ditch would not physically connect with the box culvert but would align with it. He stated it would not interrupt the bar ditch flow. Jenkins asked the size of the flume. Hauptman stated that they had not finaled it out. 149. Lloyd stated he had some concern on Lot 4, of Block 3A,• and asked rdcrman. if he could b zild a house on that lot. Norman stated that he was worlcing with ar.. archi_tect and they could. build a two-s-cory house t .at would work on that lot.. Lloyd askod : ormar if he read tal'xe . wiih J. M. Sims about ctivir_:x the 72' easement. Norman .stated he had and Sim's will give the easement. Norman stated he .ad riot been able to talk with Mr. Sam Williams (out of town). Norm . :. stated if Williams would not grant the easement that he would give the additional from his property. Lloyd advised. council that a clean out box would be placed at the Sims r roperty line on Lot .11, B]_oc] 3A. Discussion. •?enkins asked Hauptman what t]-;.e reason was .for tl.^io 20' setback. Hauptman stated to allow them to aet the street in. Discussion. Motion was made by Inman to approve the final flat, the deed restrictions and tl.^.e =ariance request of the Sims Addition for Mike Norman. Thomas gave tree second. Voting for were: Inman, Thomas, and Adkins. Voting against was: Jerkins. Motion carried 3-l. 9. The final plat of Block 9, Hampton Addition for Ben Terry was tabled . 10. Mayor P.rmstrong stated. that members of the Council anal the Utility Board had met with officials from Lone Star Gas in a workshop. The Utility Board recommended 3.520. Lone Star Gas was requesting 5.73 . The 3.52 . increase would allow Lone Star $14,703 in additional revenue. Motion was made by Thomas to accept the Utility Board's recommendatior: and adopt Ordinance D?o. 85-10 gr_antina a 3.52o increase. Jenkins gave the second. Voting f_or_ was: Thomas and Jenkins . Voting ac air st was : Irmar: and Adkins. Since the vote caas tied Mayor Armstrong cast her vote in favor of the motion. D?otion carried 3-2. ORDINANCE NO. 85-10 AN ORDII`3ANCE 'a'IXIL G FND DTER1` INING THE GENE'Fa.T_• SERVICE RATx'-a., T ? BE Ci'ARGL D FOR iA.T ES OF I`IATUR.AL G.AS TO RF'SIDT NTIAL AND COT J'f ,F.CI -?., CON; UTI"RS IN r'E?u CITY OF S.?1NGER, DEr1TOr? COUNTY, T.c;XAS;, P=:O`JIDING FOR THE M.TT;i`7ER IN %THIGH SUCH R .TE N.LAY BE CT.ANGuD, ? DJUSTED, AND TrRF'D.DED; PRO°JIDING FOR A SCHEDT7LE O.r SERV_T_CF CHAR` ES, PROVIDING FOD A. COST OF SERVICE ADJUST iEI:T FACTOR. ? .1`dD PP.OVIDIrTG FOR THE RECOVERY OF ANY CURRENT AND UNRECOVERED PRIOR RATE CASE EXPENSE. 11. Mayor Armstr_orYg romindec. council. that they ha.d. not discussed the franchise with the coop nor had the coop beer_ contacted in any way. She asked council if they thought that the coop should be contacted before passing the franchise ordinance. Thomas stated that i couldn't see a problem with na.ssi_nq it but the city could postpone enforcing it. Herbert Ar.ledc. e asked if 4 °> was the maximum that co .zld be charged. No one seemed to know for sure. Lloyd stated that .Don +Taddcl7_ had gotten the ordinance f_r_om Mike Simmons and he I=e.7_t thel= Zad put the may>imur: on it. Discussion. Carrali McTdF.ill asked Ci1nC7_1 'LC) 'L.t11nk about 2.00 meters at an aT ey_age of $100 eac? which would bring in $s300 per month and in his opinion would e a good. trading tool. Thomas ma .ze moti.or. to adopt t.h.e franchise ordinance. . _ .. I: iscussion. . dkir..s stated the city needed to set. an effec ive date. Di : cl. ssion. Motion a=as mad v ] y Ir:;nan that tl-ie city advise the Coo* th.a.t tl e city h .t lookeu at the Frar. chis Ordinance as presented by the Utility Boards and the city co anci)_ aa-rees by common conser_t vritY tl e terms of the franchise but y would postpone action until the committee which meets with Denton County Coop on June loth has an opportunity to discuss the fran- chise agreement with the. administrators of Denton County Coop. ? d.kins gave the second. Discussion. Thomas informed council that he had a zaotion or. the floor but would withdraw it. Inman's motion was voted unanimous. 150. 12. Mayor Armstrong stated that the Impact Fee Ordinance was an ordinance that would require a developer to pay for utilities on each lot in a subdivision and had been recommended to council by the Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong called for discussion. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that two (2) problem areas existed with the ordinance. Section 16 -A(2) was changed from. (2) There shall be no Community Impact Fee for water, wastewater, or electric services for currently platted and developed lots at the time of enactment of this ordinance provided that such exempt customer shall be required to connect to the city water, wastewater and/or electric system within three (3) months period, the exemption provided for herein shall lapse and connections requested thereafter shall be made only upon payment of the Community Impact Fee. to: (2) There shall be no Community Impact Fee for water, wastewater, or electric services for currently platted and developed lots at the time of enact- ment of this ordinance. and Section 16-B(5) was changed from: (5) If property was subdivided prior to the effective date hereof, and all or a portion of said property is subsequently re -subdivided, these fees shall be assessed to the re -subdivided property if the re -subdivision requires any increase in the number of L.U.E.s or B.U.E.s to serve such re -subdivision, to the extent of such increase. to: (5) If property was subdivided prior to the effective date hereof no impact fees shall be required however, if all or a portion of said property is subsequently re -subdivided, these fees shall be assessed to the re -subdivided property if the re -subdivision requires any increase in the number of L.U.E.s or B.U.E.s to serve such re -subdivision, to the extent of such increase. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt Ordinance No. 85-11 establishing Impact Fees, with corrections. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Motion was made by Jenkins to approve the contract with Maston Wright, C.P.A. to perform the '84-'85 City Audit and to allow Wright to do some interim work as stated in his letter. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Several questions arose with regard to the Sewer Rate Ordinance. Projected revenues for a total of $122,973.60 was questioned. Motion was made by Inman to table the sewer rate ordinance until Lloyd could visit with Dave Prewitt and get some answers regarding the rate increase. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Council discussed the purchase of a new tractor with backhoe with Jerry Don Linn. It was noted that specifications would be drawn up and bids let on the equipment. Inman asked if the city had gotten figures on the trade-in. Linn stated that he didn't want to trade the old equipment in but wanted to use it to save wear and tear on the new equipment. Inman stated the old equipment would not be worth keeping if it was going to cost the city a lot of money on repairs. Discussion. Motion was made by Adkins to let bids for a tractor with backhoe and that the bids be drawn up with and without a trade-in. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 151. Motion was made by Adkins that the City use the funds at the time the tractor is purchased from Savings Account No. 189175 (Sanger Electric Capital Improvements Fund) and to discontinue the deposits to this fund after the purchase of the equipment. The balance of the amount due on the tractor will be taken out of the Utility Equipment Replacement Fund #160002. Deposits to be continued on this savings account. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Richard Barrett represented the o .aner ire the request to remove the blanket easement.% on the property known as the Westside Industrial Park. Barrett distributed an Ordinance to each ccuncilporson and stated that their attorney had talked with the city's attorney in Dallas and that an Ordinance would be required. Motion was made by Inman that the city adopt the ordinance dropping the blanket easement on Lot 3, Block 1. Thomas gave the second. Discussion. It was brought to council's attention that the ordinance had not been included on the agenda and that no action should be taken on the ordinance. Inman withdrew his motion and Thomas withdrew his second. Inman made a motion that the city council write a letter to the title company stating that they would pass the ordinance at their next council meeting giving approval of the easement request. Thomas gave the second. Noted unan. 17. CitizE.nlr put -• i7one 18. Other Such xiatters: (a) Weeds need cutting and mosquitoes need fogging. ( ;) Place on i _ext council agenda to increase mowing fees . (c) Council requested staff to write Santa Fe regarding Signal at U1I.11ow St. (d) Catzncil received the resignation of Planning and Zoning Commissioner John Anderson. Mayor Armstrong noted that Billye Hollingsworth, Tommy Kincaid, and Eileen Brittian hac. stated that they would be willing to serve. (e) It was noted that Dennis Hewlett's 30 day period to abate h.is problem arras up . I-t was further noted that his ditch had been mowed and filled. (f) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the meeting she and Lloyd attended in Arlington on Planning and Zoning. Stated it was very good and urge others to attend. She also encouraged Council to be thinking of names to replace those members who will not be serving on the P . & Z . Comrai s s ion . Motion was made by Inman to adjourn. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: Special Called City Council Mooting June 12, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins.