07/01/1985-CC-Minutes-Regular158. Voted unan. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn the meeting. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council July 1, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins, OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, B. McMurray, Pat Waddle, Jack.Burkholder, Mike Norman, C. G. McNeill, Johnnie Terrell, Jerry Don Linn, Ann Springer, John A. Anderson, Merwyn Tucker, Jeff McNeill, Herbert Arledge, C. H. Easley, John Fhore, Earl Schafer, Les Schafer, and Tom Spignor. 1. Mayor. Armstrong called the meeting to order and asked Lloyd Henderson to give the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the June 17, 1985 regular meeting and the June 24, 1985 Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 3. After Item No. 11 was clarified Jenkins made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $37,333.97. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-79 for John Anderson who was requesting a change in zoning on Tract 13, AB. 1241, H. Tierwester Survey from R-1 (Single Family) to R-3 (Multi -Family). Mr. Anderson stated that after talking with Mayor Armstrong that he had decided to request an R-2 zoning instead of the R-3. Discussion. No one spoke in opposition to the change in zoning. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Zoning Petition Z-79 for an R-2 (Two Family) class instead of an R-3 (Multi -Family) class. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Armstrong explained to all present that Mr. Ben Terry had been before council several times with a subdivision plat oI his property in southwest Sanger. She stated that several problems existed and that she had appointed a committee of three councilpersons to study the problem, work with Mr. Terry, and come back to council with a recommendation. Those on the committee are Jenkins, Inman, and Adkins. Freddy Inman spoke for the committee and stated that they had two proposals to consider. (1) Would require a double wide drive with a rear entry garage with crossdrain across Walnut Street. All existing ditches would have to be cleaned out. (2) Cut a street all the way through. Discussion.. Mayor Armstrong poled council and it was unanimous that the city recommend to Mr. Terry that a street be cut all the way through his property. The street construction would be asphalt. No curb and guttering would be required. Staff to advise Mr. Terry of the recommendation. 159 6. Mike Norman requested council's permission to begin construction of houses on two lots in the Sims Addition. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following request. "I would like permission to begin construction of two homes in Sims Addition at the corner of Marcia and Colonial Heights. This being Lot 1, Block 3A, and Lot 1, Block 3B. These homes will not be sold until sub -division is completed." Norman stated that he would like to add a third lot to this request - Lot 13, Block 3A. Motion was made by Thomas to grant the three building permits as requested by Mike Norman but that no permanent electricity can be attached to these homes until the subdivision has been approved and accepted by the city. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Item to appoint Chairperson for Sanger Centennial and Texas Sesquicentennial Celebration during 1986 was tabled. 8. Council discussed the possibility of going to the PUC with their request to amend the certified areas where the City of Sanger has annexed. Mayor Armstrong stated she personally felt the city needed to know Snider's opinion on this due to the time it will take to go through PUC process. Council asked Don Waddell about the time involved in getting a hearing before PUC. Waddell stated there would be three hearings. The third hearing would be before the commission. All would require an attorney to represent the city. Will cost some money for attorney fees. It was noted it would take several months from start to finish to go through PUC. Mayor Armstrong recommended this item be placed on continuance until council could talk with Craig Snider to see if he would be willing to wait. Agreed. 9. Mayor Armstrong stated that she was still receiving complaints from citizens regarding swimming pool drainage. She advised council that the city had sent out a letter advising the pool owners to drain their pools down the city streets and not across their neighbors property. She stated that she would like to consider the establishment of an ordinance with a penalty which would prohibit drainage. Something the city could enforce. She asked for councils input regarding this. Danny Spindle stated it was his personal feelings that it was a civil matter and that the city should stay out of civil matters. He reminded council that it was the same thing as Arnold Lynch had come before council with and he was told it was a civil matter. It was the general consensus that this type of problem is a civil matter. 10. Mayor Armstrong stated that a number of the council had requested that the impact fee ordinance be looked at again. She handed out the following information from the engineers report on the water and sewer portion of the ordinance. ASSUME DEVELOPMENT Single F. Residential 3.5 Lots at 70' lots Multi -Family Residential (MF2) 22 Units / Acre Duplex Residential 8 Units / Acre People per Service or Unit 2.8 CAPITAL EXPENSE COST Water: Well $440/Service Ground Storage Elevated Storage @ 2.8 people/Unit $300.00 $859 / Unit Lines Not Included 160. Sewer: Plant $350 / Service @ 2.8 people/unit Lift Station 200/Service @ 150 lot subdivision Total $550 / Unit Lines Not Included EXISTING CHARGES PER ORD. Single F. Residential Water Sewer TOTAL Duplex Residential Per Unit Each $750 500 $1,250 Each Per Acre @ 3.5/Acre $2,625 1,750 $4,375 @81/Acre Water $750 $6,000 Sewer 500 4,000 TOTAL $11250 $10,000 M. F. Residential Each @22/Acre Water $750 $16,500 Sewer 500 11,000 TOTAL $1,250 $27,500 Cost for S.F. @ 100% of S.F. 0-6 units/AC Cost for D @ 75% of S.F. 6-13 units/AC Cost for M.F. @.60% of S.F. Over 12 units/AC Per Unit 100% 75% 60% Water 600 450 360 Sewer 400 300 240 TOTAL 1000 750 600 Cost Per Acre 100% 60% MF Water $13,200 $ 7,920 Sewer 8,800 51280 TOTAL $22,000 $13,200 COST PER ACRE 100% 75% Duplex Water. 4800 3600 Sewer 3200 2400 TOTAL 8000 6000 Utility Actual Ord. Ord. Consider (Unit) (Unit) (Actual) Water $859 $750 87% $429 50% Sewer 550 500 90% 275 50% TOTAL $1409 $1250 88% Consider % Per Unit (Rounded Off) Water 644 75% 650 600 Sewer 412 75% 400 400 TOTAL 1056 75% 1050 1000 Consider $ Per Acre If $1,000 Per Unit Used Water 2100 Sewer 1400 TOTAL 3500 Inman stated that he would like to see a long term plan for a sinking fund. Whatever is collected go into an Impact Account that would not be used for anything else. Jenkins stated there was a definite need to get the fees down to a more realistic number. Council showed concern for the way fees are to be paid. Mayor Armstrong requested that Don Waddell do a similar kind of study on the Electric portion as the city engineer had done on the water and sewer and get back at the next meeting or following 161. meeting and make a recommendation. 11. 12. C. G. McNeill asked why the lines were not included. Council advised McNeill that the line extensions and lines within a subdivision had to be extended by the developer and were covered under another ordinance which the city was not changing. Mayor Armstrong advised the citizens present that a town that is just sitting there does not need an impact ordinance. A town Like Sanger is growing and if we cannot pay for services then we have stopped growth. The ordinance is for the new folks to help bear the expense of the new lines, wells, etc. that it takes for them to live in Sanger. She said that we don't want to bankrupt Sanger with the growth that could happen overnight. She stated she hoped that the citizens and developers understood that she and the council were not against growth, but that it should pay for itself. Item to be studied further and put back on the agenda at a Later date. Two bids were received on the Tractor/Backhoe for the utility department. The bids and amounts are as follows: (1) Dentex Ford, Inc. 1-New Ford 555B, diesel Tractor, loader, Backhoe, $281735.00 Delivery 6 0 - 9 0 days 1-New Belshe T-8 Tandem. axle, dual wheel, gooseneck trailer, with 20 ft. flatbed, 5 ft. dove tail, 20,000 lbs. carrying capacity. $5900. 7 days delivery. Total Bid (t34,635.00 (2) Case Power and Equipment (Submitted 1-bid plus Alternate) 1-New Case 580 Super DD, Tractor, Loader, Backhoe $33,598.11. Alternate Bid - $34,033.89 Trailer - $8,555.00 Total Bid $42,568.00 Both representatives spoke to council regarding warranties, extended services, delivery dates, differences in equipment, interest rates and lease/purchase plans. Spindle made. the motion to accept the low bid of $34,635.00 with Dentex Ford, Inc. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Item to discuss Signs and Billboards was tabled for further study. 13. Mr. Earl Schafer and Mr. Les Schafer requested that they be permitted to lay the sewer line they are constructing on their property along Keaton Road at a more shallow depth. Mr. Schafer asked council to allow him to raise his line one foot (1') which will allow him to miss a rock shelf. Lloyd stated that he had discussed this with the city engineers and they were in favor of raising one foot -that going north was no big problem. Discussion. It was noted there will be a gradual incline to get to the one foot rise in the line. Motion was made by Inman to give the one foot rise on the main sewer line according to city specifications and that 6 inches of sand be laid under the line. Jenkins gave the second. Voting for were: Jenkins, Spindle, Inman and Adkins. Voting against was Thomas. Motion carried 4-1. 14. Don Waddell requested that council consider lowering the apartment electric connection fees. Waddell recommended that apartment complex accounts pay only a $10.00 connect fee when a meter is placed in the complex name. 162. He further stated that the account will only be read out when a meter is changed to the complex account and the a p artment complex will continue to pay for the kilowatts used until the meter is changed to a renters name. The renter will have to put up a electrical deposit plus a $25.00 connect fee when the account is placed in his name. Waddell further went on to say that by letting the apartment complex pay the $10.00 connect fee the city can continue to receive revenue from the meter while the apartment is vacant whereby if the meter is disconnected the revenue would stop until the apartment is rented again. Waddell requested to change the name from Apartment Complex Connection Fee to Apartment Complex Service Fee. Motion was made by Inman to accept the recommendation that apartment complex accounts pay only a $10.00 connect fee when a meter is placed in the complex name and that the name be changed to apartment complex service fee. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Motion was made by Jenkins to appoint Georgia Royal to serve for another term on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Council discussed the proposed Denton County Coop Franchise Ordinance. Section 7, page 2, was changed to show (2%) instead of (4%) of the gross revenues, and Section 8, page 2 was amended as follows: .... (to be deleted) .... and shall continue in full force and effect until November 29, 19951 (to be added) .... and shall be reviewed annually. Council requested that this ordinance be sent to City Louis Nichols for his review before adopting . It was Attorney agreed. 17. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into Executive Session as per V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17 to discuss personnel and land purchases. 18. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. It was the decision of the city council that Mr. Bill Pittstick, with North Central Texas Council of Governments be a part of the city's search for a city manager. The city will be contacting a real estate person to pursue the acquisition of land for a water well site. The city discussed the possibility of a land swap, trade, or purchase of another tract of land recently purchased by another individual. 19. Citizen Input - None 20. Other such matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the recent generosity of Southwest Disposal which will be furnishing the city with eight (8) garbage receptacles with no cost to the city for emptying the cans. The city will purchase the cans which go inside the receptacles. A letter of thanks from the city to be sent. (b) Mayor Armstrong mentioned to council that a TML Report enclosed in the council packet consisted of the new legislation which would affect cities. She mentioned they had new regulations on signs and also read part of the junked vehicle legislation. (c) Wendall Thomas stated the city should send a thank you letter to the State Highway Department for the new stop signs at FM. 455 and the service roads. No accidents since they were erected. (d) Jenkins stated that J. C. Landers, Fire Marshall, needed a citation form to send to the property owners not in compliance with the weed ordinance. Lloyd stated that Chief Erwin could furnish this. 163. (e) Jenkins stated that he had talked with Arnold Lynch about the drainage issue with the Dairy Queen and that he had gotten a response. (f) Waddell stated that he had contacted all the swimming pool owners and had gotten a good response. Council requested that he get this in writing. With no other business to come before council Freddy Inman made the motion to adjourn. Wendall Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council July 15, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Freddy Inman and Wendall Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins (Danny Spindle came in at 8:20 p.m.) OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Mike Norman, Don Waddell, Mark McCrary, - B. McMurray, Bud Hauptman, Jack Bowman, Jerry Don Linn, Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, C. G. McNeill, Herbert Arledge, Prentice Preston, and Glen Noblin. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to orde r: and introduced the Reverend Glen Noblin with the First United Methodist Church. Reverend Noblin gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. After discussing several items on the disbursement list Thomas made the motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of $138,256.34. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following letter of request to erect an advertising sign board from Mark McCrary. It is as follows. "Please accept this letter as my request to be placed on the agenda of the July 15, 1985 City Council meeting. My purpose is to ask the City's permission to erect an advertising sign board on the property of WILSON LAND COMPANY. The sign will advertise the new Sheraton Hotel in Denton." Mayor Armstrong advised McCrary at this point in time the city is trying to draw up an ordinance. She stated that Jack Russell with Governmental Service Agency was working on it. It was noted that the city should have the ordinance and be able to take action on it within the next two to three weeks. Freddy Inman asked the size and construction of the sign. McCrary stated it would be a 10 X 40-400 square foot advertising billboard. It is 45 feet from bottom to top. There will be one pole which is a steel metal pole. The sign is engineered to meet the State of Texas specifications since it will be placed along the Interstate.