08/05/1985-CC-Minutes-Regular169. MINUTES: City Council August 5, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Mike Norman, George Culp, Nancy Culp, Eugene Huff, Stanford Hauptman, Merwyn Tucker, Jeff McNeill, C. G. McNeill, Jack Burkholder, Jim Coulston, Gerald Bridges, Ben Terry, Jane Terry, Terry Garland, B. McMurray, and Don Waddell. 1. 2. 3. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. Motion was made by Jenkins to approve disbursements in the amount of $38,666.70. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Inman to approve the final subdivision replat of Sims Addition for Mike Norman. Jenkins gave the second. Voted'unan . 5. Recommendation from the Sullivan Senior Center Committee for Rules and Regulations for the Center was tabled for further study by council. 6. Jenkins discussed the proposed Sign and Billboard Ordinance No. 85-16 with council. Jenkins recommended the following changes: Page 3 of 7 From; Billboard Type To: Billboard Type From: Agriculture To: Agriculture Page 5 of 7 500 Feet Apart 1000 Feet Apart 200 Feet Apart (1) per Farm Add: to Item No. (10)-sign to be removed within three (3) days after the sale by persons) holding the sale Motion was made by Jenkins to adopt Ordinance No. 85-16 providing for the regulations of signs with the recommended changes. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 85-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, TO ADD SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3, ENTITLED SIGN REGULATIONS, PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. 7. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 85-17 amending the Personnel Policy. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 85-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, TO ADD SECTION III-L, CHAPTER 7, APPENDIX A, ENTITLED TENURE, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 170. 8. Motion was made by Jenkins to table Ordinance No. 85-18 amending the electrical code Ordinance for further study. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Council discussed the requested changes by the Denton County Coop regarding the newly passed Franchise Ordinance. The coop would like the date in Section 7, page 2, changed from March 15, 1986 to April 1, 1986 since all their franchises come due on the April 1 date and it would help their account- ing procedures. They are further requesting that the word "calendar" be added to the following statement....(2% of the gross revenues received by Grantee during the preceding calendar year.... The Coop further wanted to know since the Ordinance was passed on July 15th if the first year payment would be for a full 12 months in 1985 or for the 62 months that were left. Discussion. Motion was made by Inman to approve the changes as requested by the Denton County Coop subject to the approval by the city attorney. It was noted that the first year payment would be for a full 12 month period. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open to consider the proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds. There were no comments or recommendations from the citizens present at the hearing. Mayor Armstrong went over the proposed Revenue Sharing budget with the audience explaining the income to be received and the expenditures the city was proposing. With no further comments, Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing. 11. Mayor Armstrong advised the citizens that the municipal budget was not completed and the hearing would be rescheduled in the near future. 12. Merwyn Tucker spoke on behalf of the Fire Department in their request for a vehicle maintenance program. Tucker stated that the department wanted to start a maintenance program on all their vehicles to keep the trucks serviced, washed, greased, oiled, and tuned up. Tucker stated this could be done on a weekly basis or a monthly basis. Mayor Armstrong asked Tucker how much this would cost the city. Tucker stated that they had not done a cost study. Mayor Armstrong informed council that she had talked with Jim Coulston about the possibility of sharing the cost between the school and the city and hiring a full time person to do repairs and maintenance. She stated that the school is looking for a maintenance person but they don't have enough work for a full time mechanic nor does the city and if the city and school could work together it might be feasible for both. Discussion. Jenkins stated that he liked Tucker's idea but liked the possibility of working with the school. Council requested that a cost study on labor only be done on the city vehicles. Item to be con- sidered at a later date. 13. Inman stated he and Spindle had talked with Jerry Don Linn and since the city would be keeping the old tractor it was decided that the city did not need the new trailer. By eliminating the trailer the city would save around $5,900. Inman stated they had talked with Dentex Ford and he said there would be no problem to drop the trailer from the bid. Motion was made by Spindle to drop the purchase of the new trailer. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Mayor Armstrong discussed the problem the city was having with the limb and brush pickup. She stated that the city crew had to maintain water, sewer, and streets. .She said picking up brush was something the city tries to do on Wednesdays but if the crew gets called out on a water leak or sewer problem the brush is not picked up. She said it was a serious problem and it is filling the city's landfill. The state will not allow the city to burn. She stated that 171. one city manager she had visited with said that it cost his city around $15,000 per year to haul and pickup brush. He sent out a questionaire asking the citizens how they would rather pay for the service and if they wanted to continue the service. 80% wanted the service continued and a varied response to how it would be paid came in. Their city also purchased a wood chipper. Sanger might want to consider this. Someone suggested the possibility of leasing a chipper or contracting with another city to do the work. Alternatives to be checked out. 15. The addition of three reserve officers to the police department was tabled due to the absence of Chief Erwin. 16. Mayor Armstrong stated that "Service may be discontinued, upon due written notice to customers having past due bills on the 27th day of the month." A reconnect fee is assessed to all customers whose service has been discontinued. City policy has been "if you have not paid your bill by 5*00 p.m. on a workday, service will not be restored until 8:00 a.m. on the following workday." At the present time the city does not cut-off any services on Friday even when the 27th falls on a Friday. She further quoted PUC regulations even though the city is not governed by PUC. "Disconnection on holidays or weekends. Unless a dangerous condition exists, or unless the customer requests disconnection, service shall not be disconnected on a day, or on a day immediately preceding a day, when personnel of the utility are not available to the public for the purpose of making collections and reconnecting service. She reminded council of the situation on July 29th when a customer had been turned off for non-payment and wanted to be reconnected after hours. The customer stated that the city had turned on after hours in the past. It was noted that Brazos personnel was allowed to collect and turn on after hours but when the city took over the system the employees were not bonded therefore were not allowed to collect any money and it was city policy that no turn-ons be made after hours. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city policy needed to be clarified and that the citizens needed to be made aware of the policy of no reconnects after hours. Motion was made by Thomas to go by city policy with electric and water turn ons and that no reconnects be made after 5:00 p.m. for customers who have been disconnected for non-payment. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. Staff was instructed to add a statement to the delinquent notice regarding the turn -on policy of the city. 17. Superintendent Jim Coulston presented a request for a variance on behalf of the Sanger I.S.D. Coulston stated that the I.S.D. had purchased a total of eight protable buildings. Four of the portables would be used at the Middle School and four would be used at the Elementary. Plenty of space exist to house the four at the Elementary School but the four at the Middle School would not be in compliance to city code. The portables are to be used for an approximate two year period. Coulston stated the I.S.D. is working toward a lease for the property (back lot) belonging to '.ferry Bohm. The building would extend over the Bohm property line but would be an approximate 60' from the Bohm's house. A diagram of the size of the portables and the placement on the -property was illustrated by a drawing pre- pared by the I.S.D. It was noted that Planning and Zoning had approved the school's request for an approximate 11' variance on the 25' setback requirement and to allow for the placement across a property Line since the portables would be placed there on a temporary basis. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the variance request of the Sanger I.S.D. as voted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 172. 18. 19. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following recommendation from the Utility Board: "This letter is to express our feelings toward Portable Buildings. If they have been wired following the National Electrical Code, and our electrical inspector inspects them and approves them for service there should be no need to remove any of the exterior walls or interior walls, and service should be provided." Motion was made by Inman to accept the recommendation of the Utility Board. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Citizen Input: (a) Mr. Gene Huff, owner representative of the Triple A Mobile Home Park spoke to council with regards to the letter he had received for non-compliance to city code. Huff stated that they were trying hard to get the park into compliance. He stated that several of the trailers were still not under -skirted but that he had given notice to those owners and would evict as of September 1. Huff explained that he had curbside refuse pickup instead of the dumpsters. Stated that he had sold 200 of the trailers but retained the titles as was customary on mobile homes. No rented trailers. Discussion. Freddy Inman offered to get with Mr. Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Culp, Managers of the park and go over the problems. (b) Gerald Bridges, local pastor, requested council to reconsider the cut-off policy and try to work with those citizens that are in a financial bind. Council informed Mr. Bridges that the city did assist those that asked for assistance before cut-off date. (c) Mr. Terry stated that he came to the meeting thinking that he was to be on the agenda. Mayor Armstrong apologized to the Terrys stating that all the council had not been made aware of what the committee had discussed and proposed to the Terrys. Mayor Armstrong stated that she, Carolyn Adkins, and Jerry Jenkins had met with the Terrys, looked at the situation, and tried to come up with a workable solution. She stated she felt that the city had put Mr. Terry at a disadvantage. The committee had recommended to Terry that he extend Walnut Street past the two back lots. They discussed the drainage problem and it was proposed that Terry pay for the drainage work on his property and the city would be responsible for the drainage from Terry's property south to Austin Street. Terry's drainage would be in conjunction with the city's and would be done at the same time. She further stated that the city's engineer would be asked to come and advise the city on the drainage. Garbage pickup was discussed. It was noted that the garbage truck is having to back down this portion of Walnut Street and this proposal would be adding an additional lot length to the existing problem. Terry stated that he planned to have double wide driveways but they would not be used for the garbage truck to make their turnaround. Discussion. Terry requested what direction he needed to go. It was noted that the item would be placed on the next city council agenda for consideration. 20. Other such matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the Region 8, Quarterly meeting, Wednesday, August 21, 1985, to be held at "Cowboy City" located northwest of Fort Worth on State Highway 199. Encouraged all of council to attend. (b) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the importance of the E.T.J. meeting scheduled for August 12, at 7:00 p.m. 173. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City of Denton had the power to annex property and to increase its E.T.J. almost at will. She said they also plan to increase their area of jurisdiction to the north in order to gain control on the south and west sides of Lake Ray Roberts. At the same time, they will restrict the growth of Sanger to the east and south by claiming any property that is not included in Sanger's E.T.J. Mayor Armstrong stated that she wanted to protect the area citizens by making them aware of what is going on and give them an opportunity to make a choice. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn the meeting. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council August 19, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Don Waddell, Benny Erwin, C. G. McNeill, Jeff McNeill, Merwyn Tucker, Jerry Don Linn, Prentice Preston, Gary Hammett, B. McMurray, Donald Tuttle, M. LaRue, Mr. & Mrs. George Culp, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Terry, and Mark McCrary 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Carolyn Adkins gave the invocation and the Mayor led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the August 5, 1985 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Inman to approve the disbursements in the amount of $134,631.69. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the preliminary subdivision plat of Meadow Lands Addition for Gary Hammett. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Thomas to accept the recommendation of Chief Benny Erwin and approve Danny Ray Brown, Judy Annette McDaniels, and Donnie Harold Howard as reserve officers. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Motion was made by Jenkins to accept the Rules and Regulations for the Sullivan Senior Center as recommended by the Sullivan Senior Center Committee. The Rules and Regulations are as follows: 1. Those 60 years of age and older are considered Senior Citizens. They may bring a guest to the Center. 2. Span will operate the Center a part of five days each week, at present it is from 9:30 to 1:30, Mondays through Fridays. 3. Proposed that Sullivan Senior Center be open an additional time, Monday through Friday, 1:30 to 4:30. A member of the board serving as host, and responsible for the Center.