10/12/1985-CC-Minutes-Emergency184. MINUTES: Emergency Called Meeting City Council October 12, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Freddy Inman, Carolyn Adkins, and Harvey W. Thomas Danny Spindle Steve Shutt and Mary Jo Stover 1. Mayor Armstrong called the emergency meeting to order. 2. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into Executive Session to discuss legal matters. 3. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open sessipn. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adopt a Resolution directing the Administration of the City of Sanger to continue the process of E.T.J. petitions already started August 12, 1985. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn the meeting. Harvey W.. Thomas gave the second. Vote d. unan . City Secretary