01/29/1986-CC-Minutes-EmergencyMINUTES: Emergency Called Meeting City Council & Utility Board January 29, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, Carolyn Adkins, C. G. McNeill, John Coker, and John Henry OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Don Waddell, Mike Simmons and Glenn Reddick 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to. order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session to discuss legal matters. 3. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Freddy Inman made a motion that we withdraw from PUC without prejudice and instruct our legal counsel to do so. Carolyn Adkins seconded. Motion carried. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Spindle seconded. Motion carried. City Secretary