01/06/1986-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council January 6, 1986 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Danny Spindle, Carolyn Adkins Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, B. McMurray, Don Waddell, Richard Muir, Rev. Glen Noblin, Buddy Norville, Fay Marshall, Bill Marshall, Don Holson, Joann Holson, Benny Parrent, Carmen Bourland, Burl Bourland, E. M. Hupp, Joe Falls, Richard Brown, C. G. McNeill, Bud and Johnnie Hauptmann, and Milton Babb 1. Mayor Armstrong called. the meeting to order. Rev. Glen Noblin with the First United Methodist Church gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the American Flag. 2. Minutes of the December 16, 1986 meeting were approved with one correction. Item #13 to read as follows: Motion was made by Danny Spindle to amend his motion stating that he motioned to accept Mrs. Shipley's resignation and appoint Rose Shuffield as Municipal Judge with an increase in salary from $100 to $125 per month for 24 hour on call availability. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Disbursements were discussed. Councilman Inman requested that items be more explanatory. Motion was made by Inman to approve.disbursements in the amount of $55,668.90. Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the final plat of the replat of Lots 6b and 7b, Block 15, Burgess Addition for Fay Marshall. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Armstrong requested the City Manager to speak regard- ing the Resolution accepting Bishop College HUD -TA Project. Shutt stated that about three months ago that he had received a letter from Bishop College stating that they had received a grant whereby they could assist cities with technical assistance. Shutt stated that the grant was not a grant to build or raise edifices but was a grant to do studies free of charge. It would assist the city in applying for grants etc. Mayor Armstrong stated that four (4) cities had been funded and Sanger was fortunate to be one of the four selected for assistance. She stated a committee of the following persons had been appointed and would be meeting Wednesday night with Mr. Love Johnson, Director of the project. Jim Coulson Horace McGuffin 011ie Paramore Margaret Long Stephen Shutt Nel Armstrong Mayor Armstrong has asked two other persons to serve and they have given tentative approval. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following Resolution: WHEREAS, the Sanger City Council is committed to improving the community and .economic development activities of the city through improvements in city staff capabilities, city infrastructure, and city policies, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has been selected for a special technical assistance program for community and economic development activities by the Bishop College HUD -TA Project of Dallas, Texas which is funded by the U. S. Depart- ment and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.; and WHEREAS, the Bishop College HUD -TA Project will provide technical assistance and advice to the city council and city staff at no direct costs for their services; and 201. WHEREAS, the purpose of this technical assistance project is to improve the city's ability to plan secure, implement, and evaluate community and economic development activites for its residents and businesses, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into agreement with the Bishop College HUD -TA Project for professional techni- cal assistance services on community and economic development activities. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to provide all indirect costs deemed appropriate for the technical assistance project such as space and photocopying. Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage to October 31, 1986 in accordance with the provisions of the City of Sanger regulations and it is accordingly so resolved. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to adopt the resolution accepting Bishop College HUD -TA Project. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 6. The item to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 86-1 Setting the Date, Time, and Place of hearings on proposed annexation for Burl Bourland was Tabled. It was noted that Mr. Bourland had requested the annexation but does not own the property. Bourland was advised that no action could be taken until the owner of the property signed the petition for annexation. He was further advised to prepare a statement at the bottom of the request (since the closing will be January 23rd at which time he will become owner) to state that he too request annexation. 7. Jerry Jenkins put up the E.T.J. map in order to show council where the properties were located that were being considered under the new ordinance. He stated that a total of 1305 additional acres would now be included. Freddy Inman stated that he would like to know prior to a council meeting the names of those petitioning to come into the city's E.T.J. and any special provisions that were made. Jerry Jenkins assured Inman that no special provisions were made with any of the property owners petitioning to come into the city's E.T.J. Inman stated if there should ever be that council wanted to know. Discussion. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to adopt Ordinance No. 86-2 amending Ordinance No. 85-26 providing for the inclusion of additional petitions to the -City of Sanger extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 86-2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 85-26 OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL PETITIONED EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8. Ordinance No. 86-3 was discussed. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordinance No. 86-3. Prohibiting parking on State Highway as drawn with the addition of the following to Section 5. ..... passage and after appproved by the State of Texas ..... and publication as required by law. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 86-3 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING VEHICLE PARKING ON THE EAST AND WEST ACCESS ROADS OF INTERSTATE (I-35), STEMMONS FREEWAY IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BANGER, COUNTY OF 202. DENTON, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, A PENALTY CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT. 9. RMI Presentation of Substation Study was tabled. Representative did not show up for the meeting. 10. Shutt stated that he was looking toward the possibility of a building inspection department. He instructed council that no action was to be taken regarding this at this meet- ing. Materials were handed out to the council which Shutt asked them to study, review, and make any necessary changes that they felt were needed. He stated that the develop- ment of an inspection department would be a drastic change but that he would like to go ahead and estimate the position on a part time basis for the remainder of this fiscal year. He stated he would be requesting council to consider the Uniform Building Code instead of the Standard Code which had already been approved. He informed council that fees would be increased considerably enabling the city to pay for the process. Council requested that the Utility Board receive copies of the information and any ordinances drawn up. Council tabled the item for further study. 11. P4ayor Armstrong advised council of how difficult it has been recently to get liability insurance coverage. At the present time the city is without General Liability Insurance but the city has applied through the Texas Municipal League for a quote and hopefully coverage. The city was recently informed that the carrier of the Public Officials Liability would be cancelling coverage a t the expiration which is January 26th. However, Richard Muir advised the city that the company would renew coverage but at lower liability limits for a much higher premium rate. The present carrier is offering to renew with a limit of $1,000,000 for an annual premium of $4,400. The city's present policy is for $2,000,000 with an annual premium of $1,478. Richard Muir stated that he had requested a quote from another company which he hopes to have within the next 10 days. Council stated that they would call a special meeting if it was needed otherwise they would still have time to consider renewing coverage at the higher rate. It was noted that TML would also be quoting the Public Officials Liability. 12. Citizen Input - Benny Parrent requested to know what the city was doing regarding his Indian Springs Subdivision. Shutt replied that "As far as we can tell no final was ever brought through on Phase II." It must go through the process with the city. Parrent was asked if he had paid any fees in order to submit the plats. He stated that he had paid no fees. Parrent was asked if he had submitted the plats with a milar. Parrent did not know what a milar was therefore Shutt told him if he didn't know what a milar was that he had not submitted the necessary paper work. Shutt advised Parrent that it was not his obligation to carry Parrents subdivision through the process but it was his. Mayor Armstrong advised Parrent to check with city staff to see what was needed in order to get the Subdivision Phase II processed. Parrent requested to know what zoning would be placed on the subdivision. It was stated Single Family. Citizen Input - Mr. Joe Falls was next to speak before council. Falls began by giving council a background stating for a long period time he had plans to develop some of his property and include it within the city and asked the city to annex it and provide services for it. He stated the reason that he was here at this particular time was because the school bond issue had failed. He stated he wanted to opt with council and discuss another site that would meet 203. the schools needs which has all city utilities and satisfactory road access. This would lower the develop- ment cost. He stated that his preference would be that they look carefully at the site area they are contracting for a new high school of 60 or so acres. Falls stated there was another site involving the city located on E. Willow St. The city owns 3 or 4 acres that joins his property. If the city would make this property available Falls would add an additional 10 acres or more of his property for a site. He stated together he and the city could make this property available to the school board for their consideration. Property location and access was discussed. Mayor Armstrong requested to know if Mr. Falls was discuss- ing.this site for an Elementary School. Falls stated he was. The Mayor wanted to know if he had approached the school board regarding this possibility? Falls stated that he had not. Mayor Armstrong stated that No. 1, she felt that the city could not make any decision regarding this and No. 2, she wanted to know if the school was at all interested. Jerry Jenkins wanted to know what sort of time frame was Falls looking at. Falls stated this spring. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. Falls for coming and presenting this information to the city council and that it would be considered. Citizen Input - Mayor Armstrong introduced Mr. Milton Babb, candidate for county commissioners office to council. 13. City Manager's Report: None 14. Other Such Matters: (a) Council reminded of -the TML Region 8 quarterly meeting to be held in Cranbury, Texas on January 23rd. Reservations to be in by the 16th. (b) Mayor Armstrong reminded council of the Flag raising ceremony to be held on January 18th at 10:00 a.m. (c) Mayor Armstrong read aloud a note of appreciation from the Chamber of Commerce to the city on how nice the city park looked this year at Christmas time. (d) Read aloud a Christmas Card from Rev. Gerald Bridges of the Sanger First Baptist Church. (e) Freddy Inman requested to receive On -Call list prior to council meetings. (f) City Manager was reminded to get repairs made on Keaton Road as agreed. 15. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters. 16. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. No action to be taken. 17. Council considered the final plat of Don Holson's Choctaw Ridge Phase II. Shutt stated that by law, the city has to act under the terms of its subdivision ordinance. The city could grant variances that would make it no less stringent which he stated he would encourage the city to do, however, the problem of deferring is (1) that it involves State Law and (2) if we didn't have the problem the county would allow the commissioners to grant variances. Sooner or later, the subdivisions that are on the city's border will come into the city and the taxpayers will have to pay for maintaining those streets. Shutt recommended that subdivisions outside the city be required to have some kind of impervious street base with a specified 204. time to put them in or at least some kind of leverage to enforce it be done at some point in the future. Mayor Armstrong stated there was only one thing the city required that the county did not and that would be fire plugs. Shutt stated, and curb and guttering. Mayor Armstrong stated that she was talking about if the city granted a variance. Benny Parrent stated you couldn't put a fire plug on the Bolivar Water System. Water pressure and water line sizes were discussed. Don Holson stated impervious street covering isn't a problem. The problem is how you go about it and when you do it thats a problem. Mayor Armstrong stated that she and the city manager had discussed the problem and they felt that streets constructed in a subdivision in the beginning would be ruined by the time the subdivision came into being. Mayor Armstrong suggested that the City of Sanger get a bond or letter of credit stating at such time when the subdivision is finished or lots sold, or houses built, the streets would be paved.or when it comes into the city they would be paved or before the city accepts the subdivision. Discussion. Shutt suggested an irrevocable renewable letter of credit and have it renewable at the city's option for two or three years and at some point in time, the city would cause that street to have impervious cover with the money set aside by the letter of credit. Discussion. Nel stated that the plat had all the necessary requirements. She suggested the city approve the plat subject to the city manager and herself meeting with the Holson's and drawing up the papers for a trust fund or whatever is necessary for the blacktopping at some date in the future. Discussion. Mr. Bud Hauptmann posed the question of whose responsibility was it to maintain the streets within a subdivision in the E.T.J. Discussion by Shutt. It was noted that the county was obligated to maintain the streets and roads. Shutt stated that the city has the authority of approving plats in its E.T.J. but is not saddled with the problem of maintenance. Discussion. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to give final approval of Choctaw Ridge Phase II plat subject to an agreement being worked out with the Holsons regarding the blacktopping of the streets. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Jenkins to adjourn the meeting. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting January 20, 1986 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, J. C. Landers, B. McMurray, Glen M. Reddick, Benny Parrent, Richard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gray, Buddy Norville, Don Waddell, and J. C. Landers