03/24/1986-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting March 24, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, and Don Waddell 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into Executive Session according to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17 to consider land acquisition. 3. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. Mayor Armstrong requested Council to consider a motion setting April 7, (1986) as the deadline for easements to be signed. (Reference: Easements on the East Outfall Sewer Line). Harvey Thomas made a motion to set April 7, 1986, as the dead- line for all easements to be signed. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong stated a motion was needed instructing the city staff, if the Kerby's have not signed the easements by March 31st (1986), that a letter be written informing them that April 7th has been set as a deadline and that at that point the city will consider legal proceedings. Carolyn Adkins made the motion instructing the city staff if the Kerby's have not signed the easements by March 31st that a letter will be written informing them that April 7th has been set as a deadline and that at that point in time the city will consider legal proceedings. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong advised council that a motion was needed instructing staff to write a letter to Joe Falls making an offer to him of 2-T connections for the easement which will save him the construction cost (which the city manager is to find out the approximate amount) and that council would need an answer by April 7th because the city has set that date as the deadline before any legal proceedings would be started. 228. 4. 5. Motion was made by Freddy Inman that the city staff write a letter to Joe Falls making him an offer of 2-T connections for his easement and that council would need an answer by April 7th since this is the deadline before legal proceedings would be started. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong stated to bring to the meeting for the city manager. manager get started on City Manager's Report: that she had received and meant a budget preparation schedule She requested that the city the city's budget. (a) Informed council that he had received 3 bid proposals from heavy equipment operators in the area. Stated he planned to use them in rotation if that was agreeable. Shutt stated he wanted to create a bidders list and when the city used an outside contractor, the city should use someone on the list. Council agreed. (b) Shutt advised council that city crews had assisted the county with some road work out on Keaton Road. He stated approximately 2-blocks of road had been patched. Street crews had put out two (2) truck loads of hot asphalt. (c) It was stated that Don Waddell's city car had some serious problems and is dangerous to drive. Staff recommended Waddell be allowed to look for a good used full size pickup. Hilz-Snider and Ron Sanders' were suggested dealers to check with. (d) Shutt stated that he needed some direction from council regarding the street program. Which streets council wanted to do and what type surface treatment they wanted to put on the streets. Mayor Armstrong recommended a workshop to work out plans. Mayor Armstrong stated the city needed to come up with a plan that council could vote on and then make it public. She stated that it might take awhile to complete the plan but that it would be done. She further stated that she would fight against any measure to do downtown before the residential streets were done. Discussion. City staff was asked to talk with Jim Jenkins and schedule a workshop. (e) The city manager advised council that his sons would be coming in for spring -break and he requested that he be allowed to come in a couple of hours each morning and then leave. Mayor Armstrong asked if this would be charged against vacation time. Shutt stated it would. Council agreed to the time off. (f) Council was advised of a meeting with the City of Denton on Tuesday, April lst at 2:00 p.m. to begin discussions and negotiations regarding what areas the City of Sanger might have and what areas the City of Denton might have with respect to the E.T.J. areas. (g) Don Waddell gave a report on his meeting with Brazos on the Substation. He stated that Brazos had come up with three (3) proposals. (1) They wanted to redo the downtown substations which would cost $650,000 and convert to 7200 volts. Waddell stated he strongly objected to this. (2) To convert Keaton Sub. and put 4-bays in it where there is only one (1) now at a cost of $575,000 their cost and leave at 6900 KV. (3) Redo Keaton Sub., put in 4-bays and 1-spare bay and lines out. to the substation. Cost to Brazos will 229. be $800,000. Waddell stated that Brazos could not give the city the lines but could sell it to us for a small fee. Waddell stated he offered them $1.00 for it. He stated Brazos should have the city a letter before the next council meeting with a contract on this. Will not cost the city anything on the substation. He further stated that Brazos would put in a clause in the contract stating that the contract could be re -negotiated three years prior to its expiration (it's a ten (10) year contract) or three years after. Clause states that the city can purchase this substation at anytime they would like at the depreciated value. Discussion. (h) Mayor Armstrong wanted to know about the RMI bills. Waddell advised council there would be a total of three bills totaling approximately $200.00 and these were actual expenses incurred and would be the final billing. (i) Mayor Armstrong mentioned that the Green Thumb Program had given the city another slot for an individual to work on the parks, pick up along the streets, etc. Requested if council knew anyone who would be interested and that would qualify should come by City Hall and make application. (j) Carolyn Adkins stated she had received a copy of the Transporation Booklet and invited council to review. (k) Mayor Armstrong stated that the Lake Ray Roberts Committee had met with Judge Cole and Commissioner Bill Switzer and stated they were both cooperative and suggested ways of pressure to get the Corp. of Engineers to build the park. (1) Shutt stated the Denton County Dallas Area Surface Water Study is in the beginning stage and the City of Dallas is under state pressure to put on a program regarding surface water. They must act as the responsible custodian for water rights. Study is how to handle water in the Denton Area. It's going to effect rural water supplies and small cities. Shutt stated that a list of engineers was being compiled. Shutt spoke against the use of the engineers located in the Dallas area. He recommended the firm of Freeze/Nichols out of Ft. Worth. Shutt advised council to find a way to legiti- mately discourage the use of a Dallas firm. Shutt explained the disadvantage stating that a Dallas firm could not be as objective as someone neutral to the area. Dallas firms would not see the needs of the smaller cities. Discussion. With no further business to come before council, Freddy Inman made a motion to adjourn. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor