02/19/1986-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council Special Called Meeting February 19,1986 Freddy Inman the second. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, H. W. Thomas, Freddy Inman, and Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins and Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Travis Roberts, Thomas Strange, Rick Brown, B. McMurray, and Jack Burkholder 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong addressed the second item on the agenda to consider action concerning the .Sewer Line Proposal for the southwest area of the city. Shutt spoke about the letter he had written to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Southwest Sewer Project. 221. Shutt reviewed the contents of his letter with Council stating he would like to get some change of plans on the Southwest line in order to give some direction to the city engineers who were about ready to go to bid on Phase 5. He advised council that the city had experienced difficulty in acquiring the right-of- ways for the sewer project. Cost figures to acquire the right -of- ways would be around $35,000. The proposed project without the right-of-way cost would be $170,000 but could go as high as $200,000 if rock was encountered. Shutt stated the engineers had advised him the cost would be around $200,000 plus right-of- way cost for a total of $235,000. Council was reminded that Craig Snider had agreed to put approximately $65,000 into the project as an offset in lieu of his lift station and force main costs which would reduce the city's cost of the project to $170,000. Shutt presented an alternate plan which would utilize the original lift station and force main with some oversizing in the force main to an 8" main. The plan would call for connecting the force main into two existing sewer lines on Keaton Road and the service road which one is a 6" main and one is an 8" main. Shutt stated that he had been told by the city engineers that the cost to oversize the force main from a 6" to an 8" would not exceed $10,000. He went on to say there would be no lift station oversizing required due to the minimum requirements on size. Examples were given in LUE's. (living unit equivalents). He stated that any lift large enough to handle the Snider Addition would be large enought to handle up to 480 LUE's. Shutt said the Snider Addition would have 140 LUE's, the proposed elementary school 150 LUE's, and this.would still be less than the 480 LUE's and would carry the city for many years. Travis Roberts with Hunter & Associates gave council a review of the project. Gave the overall plans. Stated he recommended if council went with a lift station to serve the Snider Addition, that the lift station be sized to handle whatever Snider has and whatever the city anticipates within a five to ten year period. Roberts stated his only caution to council would be about the design of the lift station. That sometime in the future, the line could eliminate the lift station, build the lift station on a temporary basis, and oversize the force main from a 6" to an 8". Discussion. Talked about future needs of replacing south lift station. Shutt stated the alternate route would buy some time before tn.e city had to make a decision on the south lift station. More discussion. Shutt advised council that Benny Parrent was willing to give land for the lift station in his subdivision. Roberts said it would be an ideal spot to serve all the areas. Shutt stated the city would require Parrent to build to the lift station and the city would take the force main back up to the edge of his property. Engineer stated the city should build both (force main and gravity flow line) since it was off site of the property - $20,000 cost factor. Mayor Armstrong questioned the engineer stating, "We're talking about a whole lot less money. Is the only land that will not sewer by doing this, that would have sewered had we done it the other way, the two pieces of property that belong to Gentles' and Isbell?" Roberts - Yes, that and one small tract belonging to Powell. Discussion. Motion was made by Freddy Inman that the city postpone the Southwest Sewer System Proposal and go back to the original plan, with the pump station and oversized lines, back to the Snider Addition, coming back to the 6" main as recommended by staff. Seconded by Harvey Thomas. Voted unan. 3. Council gave consideration to Phase 5 of the sewer line project. Shutt stated the city with the exception of a couple of easement problems, was ready to go to bid on Phase 5. Mayor Armstrong asked if the easements were ready. Shutt - stated no, there are two of them that aren't. Shutt. stated he thought 222. he had Hollingsworth worked out. Mayor Armstrong asked if the path of the line had been changed. Shutt stated no, but there was a minor adjustment made and illustrated to council on the map. Travis Roberts spoke regarding Phase 5. He stated that Phase 5 started at the sewer treatment plant, comes up through Joe Falls property, crosses the road and runs parallel to the creek. Comes under the railroad overpass and since it can't cross under a structure (have to go to one side or the other) we ended up going under the north header bank. Stubbed out a pipe going north at a point so the city could serve the area. It comes up to Plum to intercept that line between the lots which has caused the city a lot of problems and from that point to Second Street and connects into the system at that point. This would intercept all the flow that's coming from the north and carry it into the system. Roberts stated what was talked about before was a different point of interception. Discussion. Shutt discussed infiltration on the 8" main (Nickerson Farm Line). Mayor Armstrong asked if it would help the Ward Addition by shutting off this line. Discussion. Inman stated that Phase 5 would not do anything to eliminate infiltration, but would eliminate pressure off the system and keep it from backing up. Mayor - But we're going to handle it better? Answer, yes. The Mayor had more questions regarding the Nickerson line. Stated all the infiltration coming out of Nickerson Farms line is where we're getting most of the infiltration, where it crosses the creek three times. She asked if the Nickerson Farm line could be shut off without causing any damage? Shutt stated yes. He stated what he planned to do would involve approximately 400 feet north of Utility Road. Stated he planned to go in and disconnect the sewer line. Stated city would open up a manhole and plug the downside of the manhole. The city would put in some restrictors in a couple of manholes down below where there is infiltration. The restrictors (when it floods) will shut down the line before it gets to 455. As sewage is added to the line the line would have to be improved and the restrictors removed. Mayor Armstrong wanted to know what would happen to the rain water when the restrictors were added. Shutt - It's going to stay up that line until its ready to be taken down below. Inman - It will come out a manhole and take off. Thomas - It will run over into the branch. Discussion. Travis Roberts spoke again about the Phase 5 project. He stated the existing right-of-ways would be used. No additional easements would be needed. Shutt stated he had worked out easements with Hollingsworth. The only one there was a problem with was Joe Falls. Jenkins asked what the hold out was for. Shutt stated he had not talked with Falls personally but had been told that Falls wanted some sort of tap of some type or be assured that he can go onto the sewer system: Roberts stated there would be no problem with that. Shutt stated the only thing to be made clear with Falls is that he understands he doesn't get all the free sewer taps in the world for his easement. Might get one or two for the house and that should be the limit. Mayor Armstrong suggested one large tap, Shutt advised against that stating that Falls could run a line out and put 15 to 20 houses on it. Shutt advised council to go condemnation if Falls couldn't go along with this. Mayor Armstrong commented what the city needed to do was draw up what we will give him and say this is it. Roberts suggested the city offer Falls a service to his residence. He stated if the area goes to a development that sewer cost would go into the price of the lots, but if Falls wants to put a single family residence in the area or any of his children want to use it for their own private use, it would be okay. Roberts recommended a maximum of three residential services. Mayor Armstrong advised staff to get it on paper and get it worked out with Falls. Shutt stated he would handle it. Shutt requested council to direct the engineers to go to bid on the project. Discussion. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to instruct the engineers to proceed with bidding on Phase 5 with the additions as discussed. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 223. With no other business to come before council, Harvey Thomas made the motion to adjourn. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council March 3, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Don Waddell, Jerry Don Linn, Richard Brown, Ralph Cole, Andy Wilson, Buddy Norville, B. McMurray, Burl Bourland, Gary Hammett, C. G. McNeill, Ralph Mord, and Keith Burdine 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and asked Buddy Norville to give the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the regular and special called meetings were approved as printed. 3. Staff was instructed to correct McMahan gasoline bill and split out by departments. After discussion of several items, Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $56,713.85. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 86-7 abandoning a 20 foot alley through Lots 5-8 and Lots 13-86, Block 7, Original Town Survey for Andy W. Wilson ETAL. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 86-7 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING CERTAIN EXCESS ALLEY EASEMENT IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS. 5. Council reconsidered prior action taken on Ordinance 85-23 and the resolution with regards to FLSA compliance. It was noted that on November 18, 1985 that council voted to postpone the effective date of the ordinance and resolution until new information regarding legislative action could be received regarding overtime to be paid by cities. The Mayor stated that Chief Erwin had asked that council reconsider this action since the President had not vetoed the act and that cities would still be required to pay overtime. The total due the police department would be $191.44. After applying the city's match for social security and retirement the total cost would be $221.85. Discussion. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that Ordinance No. 85-23 and the resolution be in effect and be retroactive to October 21, 1985. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Council discussed the preliminary plat of the Bourland Addition. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the changes recommended by Planning and Zoning.