03/17/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular225. MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 17, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, B. McMurray, Buddy Norville Don Waddell, and Fred Simmons 1. Mayor Armstronc* called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the American Flag. 2. The minutes of the March 3, 1986 meeting were approved as printed. 3. After discussion of the disbursements, Harvey Thomas made the motion to approve same in the amount of $152,245.07. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong stated before she opened the public hearing that she had received word that Mr. Blanton would be unable to attend the meeting and from the administrative comments to council there had been several questions that needed to be answered. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city manager had suggested that council might want to either refer the petition back to P. & Z. and furnish them some additional information, or council table action on it, or could go ahead and act on the petition. Shutt requested that the item be referred back to Planning and Zoning to allow them to act on clear cut facts which he felt the commission did not have at the time they took action to deny the request. Jenkins asked why the P. & Z. were not given this information. Shutt stated that he was not at the meeting. Discussion. Shutt stated that what was supposed to be a routine matter turned out to be something other than routine. Mayor Armstrong stated that she didn't think that P. & Z. were aware of the fact that the new sewer line and sewer work would correct the problems in this area. Discussion. Carolyn Adkins made the motion that Zoning Petition Z1-86 be returned to P. & Z. for reconsideration. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had asked that the item to designate clean-up week had been requested to be placed on the agenda before she knew that the Chamber of Commerce had set a clean-up day. She stated that in the past, the city had designated clean-up week. She stated she felt the date the Chamber had set was a little late (May 17th) and she stated she had discussed this with Betty Jenkins and she stated what- ever the city wanted to do they would work with us. Discussion. Freddy Inman stated he felt clean-up week should be set within the next 30 days. The Mayor said she and the City Manager had discussed clean-up week and she would like it set for the first week in April which is the week after Easter, but Steve had asked for it to be set for the second week in April starting with April 7th. Council agreed to the week of April 7th. Mayor Armstrong stated she would issue a proclamation designating clean-up week. Free dump permits, hauling off brush and limbs, and junked vehicles was discussed. Freddy Inman stated that last year city staff had problems issuing free dump permits. The City Manager suggested that • no free permits be issued but that the landfill be open and citizens wishing to dump would have to prove residency before they would be allowed to use the landfill. Jerry Jenkins asked the question, "If junked vehicle. violations would come under Rick Brown's realm or the Police Department?" Shutt stated if vehicles were in the streets, it would be the Police Department and if they were on private property, they 226. would come under Rick Brown's department. 6. The Assumption Agreement with Texas Waste Management for sanitation services to be mailed to the city was not received for the Monday night council meeting. Mayor Armstrong asked council if they wanted to table the matter? The City Manager stated he would like to make one comment about this. "When you buy out a company you assume this company's assets, liabilities, and its obligations. We would be safe to assume that they do have the contract. They have it just as it's written. They are providing the services." He stated he had asked them to come in with a letter of intent about the service. They were notified and said they would do that. He stated he did not know why they had not done that, but he stated he thought it would be appropriate just to put in the minutes something in the way of a motion that it is council's understanding that Texas Waste Management has assumed the obligation and he stated he would like this to go on record. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that the City of Sanger go on record officially stating that it is the city's understanding that Texas Waste Management has purchased the Southwest Disposal Services and the City of Sanger is taking the position that Texas Waste Management has assumed the contract as it is written. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Mayor Armstrong appointed the following committee members to serve with previously appointed Chairperson John Coker on the Lake Ray Roberts Park Project. They are as follows: Betty Jenkins, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Craig Snider, Herbert Arledge and Mayor Armstrong as exofficio member of the committee. The Mayor stated that John Coker had already talked with the County Judge, Ben Campbell, former Governor Bill Clements and he is laying the ground work for this project. 8. Citizen Input - None 9. City Manager's Report: (a) The City Manager briefed council on the recent 12" water main which broke at the water tower site on Acker Street. Shutt explained the problem and cause and advised council that city crews had worked all night and are still working. He stated the city was experiencing small breaks all over town. (b) Shutt advised council that the sewer problem at Y-Not Paper Company had been worked out. Y-Not has agreed to share. the cost with the city to relocate the line running under their building. Cost to be between $10,000 and $12,000. Shutt stated that by taking that section of line out would relieve a lot of pressure off the downtown system. Discussion. 10. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session accord- ing to V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17 to discuss land acqui(zition. 11. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. There was no action to be taken resulting from the executive session. 12. Other such matters: (a) Freddy Inman discussed street signs. Mayor Armstrong asked Danny Spindle if the police reserve would consider listing all the street signs that need replacing as a project. Spindle stated he would check and see. Another suggestion was to use the Boy Scouts to help with this. Discussion. (b) Council received a copy of the Revenue Report for January. (c) Jerry Jenkins wanted to know what preparation the City Manager had gotten done toward the budget. Shutt stated none but intends to start soon. (d) A letter from Star Cable was read aloud updating council on their progress to do repairs and make installations. 227. (e) Council received an invitation from Joey Robinson inviting them to participate in a Sesquicentennial Talent Show to be held on April 10 & 15. (f) Mayor Armstrong reminded council of the basketball game between the Chamber of Commerce scheduled for April lst at the Middle School. with no other business to come before council, Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mid MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting March 24, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, and Don Waddell 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into Executive Session according to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17 to consider -land acquisition. 3. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. Mayor Armstrong requested Council to consider a motion setting April 7, (1986) as the deadline for easements to be signed. (Reference: Easements on the East Outfall Sewer Line). Harvey Thomas made a motion to set April 7, 1986, as the dead- line for all easements to be signed. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong stated a motion was needed instructing the city staff, if the Kerby's have not signed the easements by March 31st (1986), that a letter be written informing them that April 7th has been set as a deadline and that at that point the city will consider legal proceedings.O Carolyn Adkins made the motion instructing the city staff if the Kerby's have not signed the easements by March 31st that a letter will be written informing them that April 7th has been set as a deadline and that at that point in time the city will consider legal proceedings. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong advised council that a motion was needed instructing staff to write a letter to Joe Falls making an offer to him of 2-T connections for the easement which will save him the construction cost (which the city manager is to find out the approximate amount) and that council would need an answer by April 7th because the city has set that date as the deadline before any legal proceedings would be started.