04/07/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular230. MINUTES: City Council April 7, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, Burl Bourland, Jeff McNeill, Benny Bridges, James Blanton, Benny Erwin, Ricky Perry, Fred Hill, Don Hill, J. C. Gustafson, Fred.Simmons and Thomas Stange with Hunter Associates, David Arnold, Keith Burdick, and B. McMurray. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invoca- tion, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong conducted the official canvass of the ballots cast during the city official's election held on April 5, 1986. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the order declaring the results of the election. A total of 205 valid and legal votes were cast and each of the candidates received the following: For Mayor Nel Armstrong Votes Received 179 Councilman: Place 2 Harvey W. Thomas Votes Received 188 Place 4 Carolyn Adkins Votes Received 181 Freddy Inman made the motion to adopt the resolution and order declaring the results of the April 5, 1986 election held for the purpose of electing the Mayor and two council - persons. Harvey W. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. The minutes of the March 17, 1986 and March 24, 1986 meetings were approved as printed. 4. Council called staff s attention to the fact that disbursement item number 36 had been listed on the last disbursement sheet and payment approved. Council requested that item number 53 be checked out. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins that disbursements be paid in the amount of $137,854.99. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Harvey W.. Thomas to approve the final subdivision plat of the Bourland Addition for Burl Bourland. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Armstrong advised council that P & Z had taken action on the preliminary replat of Indian Springs Phase II on the 25th day of March and they had approved it with the stipulation that the deed restrictions be removed from the Bridges and McMahan properties. Copies of the Bridges' deed restrictions and Parrent's present restrictions were given to Council for comparison. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated she didn't believe at this time that Council would want to release all the restrictions from the property. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated since P. & Z. had made the motion to remove the restrictions (even though this might not have been their real intentions) that she wanted Council to be aware that they would not be approving as recommended by the P. & Z. and why. Parrent stated that he and Bridges had agreed upon the differences in the plat. Parrent stated the two things Bridges was worried about was the change from 1700 square feet to 1500 square feet which he agreed to change back to 1700 square feet and he wanted to be able to subdivide his Land if he wanted to. Parrent stated he had agreed to these changes. Parrent further stated that he could not take all the restrictions off the property because if he did trailer houses or pigpens could be placed on the property and ruin his subdivision. Bridges stated Parrent had agreed to this but he had asked Parrent for it in writing. Parrent assured Bridges when the final plat came through that he would have the agreement in writing. Parrent stated there was no reason to change the plat at this time because if the replat was not approved that he would use the original approved plat. Rick Brown called council's attention to the fact that the intent also was to include the following in the motion. (1) Drainage easement width to be shown. (2) All corner lots except Lots 1 & 2, Blk. E, should show a 25 foot setback. (3) Show a l5 foot easement on Lot 1, Block B. (4) That no mesh wire be allowed in the streets or driveway approaches. Brown advised council that this was agreed upon by P. & Z. but that it just didn't get into the motion. Parrent stated these changes would be on the final plat. Streets, curb and guttering, street surfaces, and inspections were discussed. Council requested that the city manager bring them his comments on his recommendation for or against curb and guttering and why. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to table action on Item Number 6. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Discussion. Freddy Inman stated he would like to schedule a meeting on April 8th at 7:30 a.m. on the property with the city manager, Rick Brown, and anyone else that would like to attend. Mayor Armstrong stated she didn't want to table the matter and forget it for two weeks and go through this entire argument again. She said she wanted some decision made so that Mr. Parrent would know what council wanted and if council had any questions to get Parrent to answer them. Voted unan. ?. Since the annexation for Benny Parrent's property is contingent upon the approval of the replat this item was tabled on a motion by Jerry Jenkins. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Jenkins requested to know for sure if Parrent's land was contiguous with the city. Staff to find out. 8. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z1-86 on Lot 4, Block 45, Original Town Survey (601 N. Second St.) from R-1 (Single Family) to R-2 (Two Family) for James Blanton. Mayor Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to speak first. Jim Blanton stated he was in favor and would be glad to answer any questions council might have. Mayor Armstrong called for those in opposition of the petition to speak. None spoke in opposition to the petition. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny Spindle. to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve Lot 4, Block 45, Original Town Survey from R-1 (Single Family) to R-2 (Two Family). Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Mayor Armstrong called attention to the letter from Texas Waste Management stating that they had purchased Southwest Disposal Company on March 1, 1986 and were asking that the City assign the contract between Southwest and the City over to them. Mayor Armstrong advised council that Texas Waste Management was asking for two things. (1) the Assign- ment and, (2) for two day pickups instead of four. 232. Fred Hill with Southwest Disposal assured the Mayor and Council that they had not left town and that services would be back to normal soon. He stated they wanted to put the City on a one day service instead of a split service. Stated they planned to run an article in the paper announcing the procedure for the change. He stated there would be no degrade in the services provided and that earlier services would be provided. Mr. J. C. Gustafson, General Manager with Texas Waste Manage- ment, introduced himself and stated that equipment had been upgraded. He stated the company, effective the 28th of April, would like to change the scheduling and come into Sanger on Monday and Thursday rather than the whole week. Times for beginning pickup was discussed - 7:30 was most favorable. He stated they would pickup commercial containers on a schedule of what their demands were. Stated more containers were planned for the commercial customer. Gustafson, mentioned the fact that the city manager had discussed clean-up week with them. He stated they planned to provide the city with 2-30 yard open tops and provide for a residential truck all day Friday and Saturday. Mayor Armstrong requested staff to be sure and get an article in the paper to remind the citizens about the special pickups. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins requested to know about holiday pickups. Gustafson stated they worked every holiday except Christmas. Shutt requested an agreement between the City and Texas Waste Management that on the Christmas Holiday, the pickup be made the day after Christmas due to the trash accumulation that this particular holiday normally generates. Mr. Gustafson stated this would be agreeable. The City Secretary requested to know the load capacity of the new trucks which would affect the landfill charges. She was advised the trucks were 25 and 32 cubic yard trucks. Discussion. The city manager asked Ricky Perry if the City would be generating more county trash (referenced to a previous agreement to allow for some outside city dumping). He was told this would be eliminated. The trucks now come in empty and leave empty. Motion was made by Freddy Inman that the City accept the assumption agreement with Texas Waste Management. Harvey W. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong requested to skip over Item No. 10 and to disregard it. 11. Since the Public Library has become a part of the City, Mayor Armstrong informed council that a Library Board needed to be appointed. The following names were considered: Eunice Gray Connie Mask Francis Abelson Motion was made by Harvey of those mentioned. Jerry unan. Ralph and Judy Cole Mrs. Millard Smith Harold Easley (unable to contact -with stipulation that he would serve) Thomas to approve the appointments Jenkins gave the second. Voted 12. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session to discuss personnel and land. 13. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to instruct the city manager to start Eminent Domain proceedings on the Joe Falls and Ruby Kerby properties. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan . 233. 14. Due to the fact that all easements for the east outfall sewer line project have not been signed and there is a problem with two owners, Mayor Armstrong stated she was asking council to postpone the awarding of the bid. The city has 60 days for the bids to be firm but need to delay and work out easement problems. Fred Simmons with Hunter Associates stated they concurred in the recommendation to postpone the bids until the easements were secured. Simmons further stated that the bid contract did allow for an extension of time and he suggested the city could get the right -of -entry to make access and try and get the project started. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city manager had requested that the bidders and their bids be included in the minutes. They are as follows: Atkins Bros. Equip. Co. $190,765.00 Dickerson Const. Co. Inc. 197,815.00 Lightning Const. Co. Inc. 212,950.00 Cullum Const. Co. Inc. 246,940.00 Triple H. Const. Co. 254,438.07 Midwest Bridge Corp. 278,287.50 Texas Diggers Inc. 287,108.00 B & B Consultants 347,650.00 E. L. Dalton & Co. Inc. 460,224.00 Stimson Contracting Co. 604,640.00 Mayor Armstrong noted that the low bidder was Atkins Bros. Equipment Company for a total bid of $190,765.00. She stated that Hunter & Associates had checked the company out and found their qua'l;' 1 fications and background to be qualified and responsible to perform the work on the project. Hunter Associates further recommends an award for this work be made to Atkins Bros. subject to the city acquiring the appropriate right-of-way. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to table Item No. 14 to award the bid on the east outfall sanitary sewer line project. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Citizen Input - Mayor Armstrong introduced candidate for county commissioners office Mr. Don Hill. 16. City Manager's Report - (a) Advised council of the two contracts from engineers on the east and west outfall lines. Shutt stated he wanted council to allow him to study the contracts and call other engineers and then ask for the Mayor's signature. Stated since the west outfall will not be done he would try and get the city out of the engineering expense but felt the city would probably owe them something. Agreed. (b) Shutt informed council that Don Waddell had found a truck at Hilz-Snider for a cost of $3550. The purchase is already in the budget. 350 - V8 with approximately 69,000 miles. (c) Shutt informed council that Benny Erwin had requested to purchase 3 pagers at $260 each for his department. He stated they would be paid for from the money received from the auction. Erwin spoke to council and answered questions. Council approved the purchase. (d) Shutt stated that the Water Department wanted to purchase a small microwave with their auction funds. (e) Benny Erwin asked council to allow him to purchase a handheld radar gun. Would also use auction money to pay for it. Mayor Armstrong asked Erwin what he wanted the handheld radar gun for. Erwin stated.he wanted it for the evening shift. It would be moved from vehicle to vehicle. Purchase was approved. 234. 17. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the TML Region 8 meeting on the 28th. (b) Mayor Armstrong stated she wanted it in the minutes and in the paper to publicly thank Jackie Echols, the Park Board, and the F.H.A. girls who did the easter egg hunt at city park. She stated it was a huge success. (c) The Mayor informed council that Kammie Patten was working toward getting the signatures for use of land across the tracks for a park. (d) City Manager stated he had received an invitation to attend a function in Dallas on Community Development. Trammell Crow to be the speaker. Stated his wife would attend and he planned to pay for her cost but would the city be willing to pay the fee for him of $20.00. It was agreed. With no other business to come before the council, Freddy Inman made a motion to adjourn. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor