05/19/1986-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council May 19, 1986 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins Freddy Inman Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, Karen Sebastian, B. McMurray, Bud and Johnnie Hauptman, Burl Bourland, Dave Prewett, Bennie Parrent, and Laurie Callahan and Rev. E. L. McNeill 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. E. L. McNeill, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Sanger gave the invocation, and Mayor Nei Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 3. After discussion of the disbursements, motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve the disbursements. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input - None 5. Council discussed the proposed Food Service Ordinance. Mayor Armstrong asked questions with regards to Section III where the ordinance talks about the -City Health Officer doing the inspections. She asked Ms. Callahan, with the County Health Department, if that statement was referring to the county health officer or to the local city health officer. Ms. Callahan stated it was just the wording. Earlier in the ordinance it states the "regulatory authority." Mayor Armstrong requested the term be change to regulatory authority" for more clarity. The Mayor read aloud the following from Part B. Review of Plans. "Whenever a food establishment is constructed or extensively remodeled and whenever an existing structure is converted to use as a food establishment, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling, or conversion shall be submitted to the regulatory authority for review and approval before construction, remodeling or conversion is begun." The mayor stated that this would mean that plans would be submitted to the Denton City -County Health Department and since the city now has a building inspector, the only problem She could see would be when a client is waiting on the city or waiting on the county and can't get either one to make a decision, she asked just how would this be worked out? Discussion. Ms. Callahan made the recommendation that the plans be sub- mitted to the City of Sanger, that their agency be called and everything be worked out with the inspection department. Discussion. The following changes were recommended by Mayor Armstrong: Section III - A The term of City Health Officer be changed to read regulatory authority Section III - B (1) to be added ..... shall be submitted to the City of Sanger for review and approval by the regulatory authority before ..... Section III - B (2) to be added ..... be submitted to the City of Sanger and regulatory authority..... Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordinance No. 86-8 with the recommended changes. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS BY THE DENTON CITY -COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT; ADOPTING THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, RULES ON FOOD SERVICE SANITATION; IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DENTON CITY - COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS; ESTABLISH- ING FINES AND PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to approve Change Order No. 1 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $1,030.00. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Discussion. The purpose of the change order was to allow for additional wiring and conduit and weatherhead for the primary electrical service. Wendall Thomas requested that the contractor submit an itemized statement for the change order to the city. Voted unan. The city manager gave council a letter from Cole and Smithen Construction Co., Inc. which stated the following: After draining and cleaning the existing clarifier, we have inspected the condition of the clarifier and present the following recommendations for your consideration. 1. In reference to the proposal dated February 27, 1986, we would replace the existing clarifier drive assembly, sludge collector arms, scum skimmer, influent wall, spray system, and access bridge with new galvanized equipment for a total cost of $72,292.00. 2. To utilize the existing access bridge, -drive assembly, and torque tube and replace the influent well, sludge collector arms, scum skimmer, and scum box with new bare metal equipment for a total cost of $10,5110000 247. 3. To replace the existing wooden walk boards around the perimeter of the clarifier. 2" X 12 Redwood $776.00 2" X 12" Wolmainzed Lumber $655.00 4. In reference to the proposal dated February 271 1986, we would remove and replace the existing 10" Air Line for a total cost of $5,335.40. 5. To repair in place the joints in the existing 10" Air Line for a total cost of $3,800.00. Shutt requested guidance from council on this recommendation. He stated that a $20,000 contingency was built into this project. The contingency is set aside for potential change orders. Shutt stated that Item No. 1 and No. 4 were in comparison. Went on to say that Items 1, 3, and 4 were a combination, Items 2, 3, and 5 were a combination. Runs $15 to $16,000. Cheaper. Would give a life expectancy of 5 or 6 years. Discussion. Staff requested unofficial direction from council. Council gave their unofficial approval to the change. Item to be placed on next council agenda for official approval. 7. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve the final replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Council considered the request for water and sewer service to Indian Springs Phase II for Bennie Parrent. Mayor Armstrong stated that council had discussed the request in a recent workshop. She called on the city manager to present the request. Shutt stated the city had received a request to serve a 34 lot subdivision with water in consideration for a site for a lift station. He went on to say there had been some discussion between Parrent and Councilman Jenkins. He requested Jerry to state what was said in those discussions. Jenkins stated that the item had been kicked around for a number of weeks. From the start of the plat it was approved as an E.T.J. Subdivision with 34 lots, septic tanks, Bolivar Water, and County Cooper. for electric. That request was passed and is the only official plat that has been accepted. It came back before council as a 72 lot subdivison. Lots were 1/3 acre in size. Was not acceptable to the council and was turned down by a 5-0 vote. Motion was made on an alternate plan of approximately 1/2 acre lots and above, site for a lift station, park, and we were also talking annexation at the time, sewer and water. Motion was made to refer this request back to P. & Z. for further consideration. The motion was voted down 3-2 at that time. He went on to say that Mr. Parrent still ended up with the 34 lot E.T.J. subdivision. He then came back and requested water -- again a disagreement at that point. We had a workshop, still argued and discussed this thing, stated its getting to the point council needs to reconsider. Jenkins stated after talking with city staff, he felt that he possibly made a poor choice with the 54 lot subdivision. The site of the lift station is a critical issue for the future developments on the west side. Stated council needed to settle the issue of the lift station. Part of the proposal that Parrent had offered was the site of the lift station. Stated that he had basically agreed to go along with the original motion. Jenkins stated that "I would agree to change my vote and go along with the 54 lots, 1/2 acre in size, no curb and ,gutter, streets as proposed by Mr. Parrent and backed by Wendall Thomas. He said this was a conversation he had had with Parrent. Jenkins said Parrent said he would ask for annexation of the property. He stated if the city proceeded in the way they were going that Parrent was going to wind up getting water, possibly sewer, and the city would not have the benefits of the annexation, the building permits, taxes, and any other applicable fees that might be available. Jenkins requested to change his vote stating he would support the 54 lot subdivision. Discussion. a 248. The city manager stated according to Roberts Rules of Order that a person who votes against an issue may request that the item be brought back up. He suggested that the 72 lots be amended to 54 lots otherwise it would be necessary to go back before P. & Z. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins stated that council had not heard from Bennie Parrent. That he wanted the record to show that Parrent would accept the recommendations. Parrent stated that he would request annexation into the city on this subdivision (Indian Springs Phase II - 54 lots). Lot sizes as stated on plat, take city water and sewer, build a road as stated on plat, Benjoy Drive to be a 60' right-of-way; Eagle Drive, Papa Drive, and LaRue Drive to be a 50' right-of-way as plat shows. Only other things Parrent asked for was if in Block B, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 12 would not sewer that the city would permit him to put in septic tanks. Felt the only ones he might have trouble with would be Lots 6, 7, or 7, 8. Stated he had not gotten the flow on the Lift station, but with his naked eye those would be the only lots that might pose a problem. Everything in Block C back he stated he felt would sewer. Shutt stated there was a problem with the setbacks on corner lots at 15', should be 25'. Parrent stated no problem with that. They would be changed. Richard Brown requested Parrent to denote the width of the drainage easements on the plat. Agreed. Parrent stated his lots were 1/2 acre lots or larger. Discussion. Parrent stated he wanted to start to work tomorrow morning on this project. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to reconsider the motion made by Wendall Thomas on April 22nd to amend the 72 lot subdivision to a 54 lot subdivision. Wendall gave the second. Voting for were Jenkins, Thomas and Spindle. Voting against was Adkins. Motion carried 3-1. Mayor Armstrong advised council that the item was now back on the table for discussion. Richard Brown requested to know if this was a preliminary plat or a final plat. Shutt stated it was a final. Mayor Armstrong - This would be that the city accept the 72 lot plat as amended to be a 54 lot plat with the following corrections: (1) All setback lines will be 25' (2) All easements be defined by width. (3) Streets to be built to specifications on plat. (4) Annexation. Discussion. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas that the 72 lot subdivision be accepted as approved by Planning and Zoning with the following amendments: (1) Lots be lowered to 54 lots of approximately 1/2 acre or larger. (2) Subject to annexation into the city. (3) Streets be built according to the specifications on the plat. (4) Side yard setback lines be shown. (5) Park dedication to city be inserted. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voting for were': Thomas, Spindle, and Jenkins. Voting against was Adkins. Motion carried 3-1. Shutt requested for the record that the plat reference dated 4/22/86, Job No. 860159 be noted. It was further noted that the amended final plat with all required signatures affixed be delivered to the city secretary for filing. 249. 9. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following recommendation from the city manager to amend Paragraph 4 of Subsection B of the Impact Fee Ordinance. 1) Residential The rates as divided in paragraph 3, (750 water, 500 sewer, 250 electric) remain the same but that at the time of plating 1/2 of the collective applicable amount be paid by the developer or owner. Payment may be made in cash or by irrevocable letter of credit made out to the City of Sanger and renewable at the city's option. The other 1/2 of the Impact Fee would be collected at the time that a building permit is issued or a tap fee is collected whichever comes first. 2) Multiple Famil The Impact Fee for all apartments up to the .following physical limits two bedroom, one bath, would be computed by multiplying the total applicable Impact Fee for water and sewer by .7. Apartments to be constructed that are larger (i.e. 2 baths or three bedrooms either or both) would be the same as single residential. The Impact Fee for electrical shall remain the same and not be effected by the .7 factor. 3) Commercial and Institutional (private or public) The Impact Fee for all commercial and institutional shall be computed by size of meter and electrical demand, using a base of 7300 gallons per month for water and 534 KWB for electrical, both being the average use for both basic utilities in a residential use. The sewer Impact Fee would tie to the water use in the same manner as the basic sewer fee. 4) In the event that a residential or commercial unit is built that is total electric the Impact Fee for the electrical portion only shall be computed by taking the applicable base (i.e. $250 per lue X 1.5). 5) Funds There needs to be kept for records three funds for each utility and a sub -fund for each utility showing the interest earned on each fund. It should be stated in the ordinance that all interests earned in each fund may be used only for that particular utility improvement. 6) Miscellaneous It should be noted that this ordinance is for capacity as well as new mains and oversizing mains to deliver that capacity to the system and that line extension to serve new development shall not be eligible for payment under these funds. 7) Application In conclusion, I am recommending tha tthe Impact Fee amendment include the provision that subdivisions already approved or in the official process of being approved (i.e. having reached the City Planning Commission or the City Council at the final stage) be exempt from the developer 1/2 of this fee. Council and staff had a lengthy discussion on Item No. 2. The city manager defended each of his recommendations. Mayor Armstrong stated that she did not approve of Item No. 4. With reference to Item No. 5, Mayor Armstrong stated it should be stated in the ordinance that all interest earned in each fund may be used only for that particular utility improvement. Discussion regarding single lot subdivision in the original 250. town survey. It was the general concensus of the council that lots in the original town survey of the city be exempt from the impact fee. Mayor Armstrong stated that any lots other than single family should be subject to the impact fee. The city manager stated he would prefer to get the city attorney to draft the amending ordinance and it would be presented to council in ordinance form at the next meeting. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to instruct the city manager to prepare an amendment according to what he has recommended, striking No. 4. Wendall Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas to accept the reappointment of Jack Burkholder for a four year term and Francille Sullivan to fill the unexpired term of John Coker on the Utility Board. Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted unan. 11. City Manager's Report: (1) Continue to have problems with motor in lift station, back on tomorrow. (2) Sent out 80 to 90 notices on weeds and junk. (3) Talked with State Highway Department about mowing right-of-ways. (4) City Crews will be back on patching streets this week if it doesn't rain again. 12. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into Executive Session to consider (1) Personnel and (2) Legal Matters. 13. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into Open Session. No action to be taken from items discussed in Executive Session. 14. Other Such Matters: (1) Mayor Armstrong requested that the remainder of Church Street to loth Street be patched. (2) Mayor Armstrong advised council of the TML Mayors/Council- members meeting on June 13, 14, & 15 in Arlington, Texas. Encouraged council to attend if at all possible. (3) Jerry Jenkins requested to know status on Donnie Howard. It was stated that he is back on duty but is not allowed to drive the city vehicles. With no other business to come before the council, Wendall Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Danny Spindle ,. gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary ►i •ii