06/16/1986-CC-Minutes-Regular256. MINUTES: City Council June 16, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins and Wendall Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, Robert Dillard, Benny Erwin, C. G. McNeill, Johnny Looper, B. McMurray, Betty Jenkins, Rev. Dickie Amyx, Herbert Arledge, Joe and Ann Topper, and Beverly 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev. Dickie Amyx gave the invocation. The mayor led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the June 2, 1986 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $111,826.69 were approved on a motion by Freddy Inman. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Attorney Robert Dillard requested council to discuss the East Outfall Sewer Project in executive session. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. 5. Citizen Input - None 6. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on the annexation request of Bennie Parrent. She called for those in favor to speak. None spoke. She opened the floor for the opposition. Johnny Looper stated he did not oppose the request but had questions regarding the area. He asked the question is Phase I going to be in on the annexation? Response: No, only Lot 3. Looper: On Lot 3 will the restrictions continue as on Lot 1? Shutt: The restrictions in the subdivision do not effect annexation. The restric-�td-ons are not enforceable by the governmental entity. Discussion. Looper: Is Craig Snider not responsible for repairing Duck Creek Road back in shape where he tore it up? Richard Brown stated he had talked with Snider and he still had to lay another sewer line but Snider is planning on putting the road back in shape. Looper: Is the city responsible for maintaining Rising Star Lane entrance? The water is being forced into a small culvert causing flooding. Council to look into the matter to see whose responsibility it is. With no other questions, Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 7. Council considered the final plat of Choctaw Ridge Estates Phase III for Don Holson. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to approve the final plat. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Council considered the preliminary subdivision plat of the replat of Lot 46, Block 23, Hampton's Second Addition for. Herbert Arledge. Planning and Zoning approved the plat subject to the plat meeting the requirements of the City's subdivision ordinance. It wasnoted that some items had been omitted and Mr. Arledge had been advised of the deficiencies. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins that the preliminary plat be approved and changes made before final plat is made. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 257. 9. Council considered the preliminary subdivision plat of Double Twin Addition Phase I for Sanger I.S.D. Mayor Armstrong stated that P & Z had approved this plat for the purpose of sale and recording of the property. Richard Brown stated this was not actually a plat but a recognition of the sale of the land. That the school will have to go through the subdivision process and they are aware of this. They must submit a site plan. Motion was made by Danny Spindle that the plat of Double Twin Addition Phase I be approved as a recognition of the sale of the land. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong recommended the item to consider the Impact Fee for Sanger I.S.D. be postponed until the next regular meeting. Agreed. 11. Mrs. Betty Jenkins gave a report from the Sesquicentennial Committee. Mrs. Jenkins described the planned activities for the celebration week. Mrs. Jenkins requested the use of the city park during the celebration and wanted to know if the committee would be charged for the utilities used. She requested approval to use Bolivar Road (FM 455) to be renamed as a memorial for an outstanding citizen. She asked if she would need approval of the Fire Works Display to be held at the football field. Council discussed the charge for utilities. It was agreed that the committee would not be charged for utilities but that others requiring electric service be charged $2.00 per day. Mrs. Jenkins stated that the. committee had purchased the six flags that Texas had served under and stated they would Like to mount the flags on the gazebo for the celebration. They plan to paint the gazebo. Mrs. Jenkins gave the city the official sanction from the State to be framed and hung at city hall. The fire works display was discussed. Fire Marshall is aware and will be on hand. He sees no problem with having it at the football field. Another location could be used if winds are high. Fire trucks to be on hand. Street "marking off" was discussed with the Chief of Police. 12. With regards to changing the street name, Mayor Armstrong informed council according to state law a city could change the name of a street as long as they didn't change it. You can add a name. Can put up sign designating the name. No post office address would have to be changed. Discussion. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to give the Sesquicentennial Committee permission to add an additional name to Bolivar Road (FM 455). Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Consideration on the insurance proposal from T.M.L. was post- poned until the July 7 t h meeting. Council requested that a TML representative be requested to attend the meeting along with Richard Muir. 14. mayor Armstrong advised council of parking problems at the Sullivan Senior Center. Discussion. Chief Erwin suggested parking in the back of the center and also along and in front of the city yard. Other suggestions were made. It was also noted there was a parking problem at city hall. Discussion. It was agreed to purchase a sign for "head -in parking" south of the Senior Center along the Hollingsworth property, and Chief Erwin was instructed to ask Hollingsworth if they would park their trucks over by the city. Council authorized the city to stripe Bolivar Street in front of Wilson Lumber Co. and A. D. Barton's lawn mower repair shop for head -in parking. 15. Mayor Armstrong advised council that the term of three members of the P & Z would expire 6-30-86; Joe Waide, Bill Enlow, and 258. Fred Yeatts have expiring terms. She stated that Waide had requested not to be reappoirit:ie-d• She talked with Fred Yeatts and he agreed to serve another term. She stated she was appointing Fred Yeatts for another term. Mayor Armstrong postponed the appointment of the two remaining places and asked council for suggestions for the other two members. 16. City Manager's Report: (a) Discussed cosmetic improvements for the downtown area in conjunction with the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Approximate cost would be $3,000. Mayor Armstrong stated the city might have to forego this because of low funds. She stated she had hoped the city would be into the Street Program by now so this could have been done. (b) Shutt stated that he had gone over the streets with a contractor today. Major project. Cost would run from $10,000 to $20,000 per mile depending on the condition of the street. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong suggested a workshop for Monday, June 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Agreed. 17. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session to discuss personnel. 18. May.or Armstrong reconvened the meeting into open session. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to instruct the City Manager to firm up certain po sitions in the electrical department. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 19. Other Such Matters: (a) Joe Falls spoke to council regarding his new subdivision and plans for the future. He distributed copies of his plat for council's review. Falls stated he wanted. to acquaint council with what he was planning to do in order for them to be ahead and be able to coordinate and make a better community. Discussion. Falls discussed the possibility of a 13 acre city park for the use of all the citizens of Sanger not just those in the subdivision. This could be given "in Kind". He discussed water, water well sites, etc. Stated elevation would work. Falls stated he would be willing to go half- way -- that his ideas could have real advantages to the city. Falls stated that Sanger was growing and ready to grow east. Would like to work out some proposals and get with council. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. Falls for sharing his plans with council. (b) Mayor Armstrong reminded council of the meeting with the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce on Friday, June 20th. Lunch to be furnished. No expense involved. Encouraged all members to attend. With no other business to made the motion to adjourn second. Voted unan. City Secretary come before the council, Danny. Spindle the meeting. Freddy Inman gave the