06/23/1986-CC-Minutes-Special259. MINUTES: Special Called Meeting June 23, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman and Harvey W. Thomas MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Stephen Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Richard Brown, Jerry Don Linn and Travis Roberts 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The city manager advised council that all of the city's mowing equipment was inoperative and the city desperately needed a new piece of equipment in order to get all the mowing done before the upcoming celebration. The city manager pre- sented several proposals which included the following: JOHN DEERE PRICE I. John Deere Model #750, 2 Wheel Drive 18 Hp. PTO Includes John Deere Model GroominMower John Deere Model (rear mount) g (3 Cylinder) #160 60M " idmount #403 48" Rotary Cutter II. John Deere 650-2 Wheel Drive 14.5 PTO HP Includes: John Deere Midmount 60" Grooming Mower John Deere Model 403 48" Rotary Mower $6925.00 (2 Cylinder) 6680.00 Kubota (Denton) B5200E $4961. RC 48-62F Midmount 1000. 48" Brush Hog Continental 500. (3 Cylinder) 6461.00 Kubota (Ft. Worth) B5200E PTO 11.5 hp. 13 hp. 3998.* B6200E PTO 12.5 hphp. 15 hp. 4517. B7200E PTO 14.0 . 17 hp. 4875. (3 Cylinder) Mowers: RC48-62 Mower Midmount 995.* RC60-72 Mower Midmount 1236. Brush Hog Rhino SE4 (Chain Guards) 48" 583. Continental Mower 42" 439. Continental Mower 48" 444.* 4WD For B5200E Add 302. 4WD For B7200E Add 239_ 260. FORD TWD (Denton) 1210 Tractor 2 Mowers 48" 6345. The city manager recommended a lease -purchase from Kubota (Ft. Worth) because of the savings in price. Discussion. Freddy Inman requested to know what kind of maintenance program the city planned to do. He stated, "that's got to be the reason we don't have anything today, cause we have never yet and we've asked for it for several years and we've never yet set up a maintenance program or anything except possibly the police vehicles." Jerry Linn stated he disagreed with Inman. That maintenance is not the problem. Discussion. Sealed bearings discussed. Mayor Armstrong suggested whoever the city purchases the mower from be required to show the city staff what kind of maintenance needs to be done and how often to be done. Linn stated all equipment was being serviced, that the problem comes from having to hire "Jo Blow" over here cause we can't keep nobody because of the low pay. Discussion. Inman stated one day a month maintenance would be more, 12 times a year, than is being done now. More discussion. Shutt called for direction from council. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins that the city purchase the Kubota (Ft. Worth) 7200 tractor on a lease -purchase agreement in the amount of $4875.00. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voting for were: Jenkins, Spindle, and Thomas. Voting against was: Inman. Motion carried 3-1. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to purchase the Kubota (Ft. Worth) RC 48-62 mower midmount for $995.00 and the brush hog Rhino SE4 (Chain Guards) 48" for $583.00 on a lease purchase. Danny Spindle gave the second. Discussion. Shutt asked council if eight (8) quarterly payments would be suitable. Interest rate 7.9% - 8.4%. Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to get the motion out of the way and then discuss the lease purchase. Voting for were Jenkins, Spindle, and Thomas. Voting against was Inman. Motion carried 3-1. Total price came to $6453. Council instructed staff to pay 1/3 down and balance over two years on quarterly payments. Down payment to be taken out of General Fund Equipment Replacement Fund. Council will decide at budget time where to take the balance from. Jerry Jenkins instructed Jerry Linn to use the equipment for the use it was intended for. 3. Council gave consideration to the Community Development Grant Application. Mayor Armstrong handed out to council a list of grants that were approved for 1985 for this region. 46 grants were considered. She felt it would be of interest to council to see those that were approved and what they were approved for. She went over previous action by council when the city held the first public hearing. She advised council that they had talked about using a target area to include the east part of town over to 5th Street. She advised council that they needed to decide tonight if they wanted to go strictly for a water grant or go for a neighborhood revitalization or whatever. 6 out of 11 grants were submitted by Governmental Service Agency. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the needs determination of an application. She stated the need had to address a potential emergency, health or safety hazard which could be verified by Letter from a governmental agency other than the applicant's jurisdiction. Letters of support must site violation of state law, code regulation, document of significant change in the operations of the agency, view the problem addressed by the applicant such as alterations in the routes of or interruption of services of governmental vehicles, school buses, etc. 261. Mayor Armstrong called on Travis Roberts. Roberts stated that his firm would assist council in whatever way needed. It was noted that the application deadline was June 30th. Spindle asked about Streets. Mayor Armstrong stated that neighbor- hood revitalization had streets included. Discussion. Water was discussed. Mayor Armstrong stated she didn't feel the city's water problems were critical enough. Said that the city would lose 50 points right off the bat. The city needs water for growth but she stated the city water is not critical. She asked Roberts what the city's water situation was. Roberts discussed the city's water well, daily demands, health department requirements and peak demand. Roberts stated the city was short some on the peak demand. Water storage was discussed. Jerry Linn stated that the city had passed inspection, however, the inspector asked him why the city didn't spend a little money and go ahead and become an "Approved Water Supply." It was noted that no state agency would give the city a letter saying the city was in dire need when they just gave us approval. You have to show need in your grant application. Cost to con- struct ground storage and overhead tank was discussed. A well at 200 gallons per minute, Roberts estimated at 95,000. With a pump, a ground storage tank with one day storage with well running 24 hours a day, a 300,000 gallon tank would cost $120,000. Pump station $38,000. Site fencing $4500 (6 ft. chain link fence). Chlorinator would cost $4800. Total cost of $260,000. Does not include transmission line to the well. Needs to be 1/2 mile from any other well. Well sites were discussed. (Cooper & Falls) Discussion. It was noted that the grant would be for a total of $300,000. City must show need and benefit to low income families. The city's minimum portion would be 12% or $36,000.00. Points were discussed. Jerry Jenkins asked what other options the city could apply for. Council went over the approved grant copies which Mayor Armstrong had handed out. Streets were discussed. Housing rehab was discussed along with drainage. Target area was discussed. Travis Roberts stated if the city wanted to go with the water they would need to emphasize the potential that the school would serve not only this but the surrounding area. Show its going to help the existing area. He stated he didn't think of this but city should advise Lee Lawrence if we go with water and say the city is building a sewer line around east side of town, we're doing that on our own (in kind) and the city needs some help to sewer the high school and the surrounding areas. Thomas asked what Roberts ideas were in regards to applying for sewer funds. Shutt stated the city could show more dire need by going sewer. Stated there was lots of infiltration in system Lines. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong suggested the city staff call Lee Lawrence the morning of June 24th. Ask him what he feels the city's chances would be in going with sewer, using the $300,000 to replace lines and use the bond money the city now has. Staff was requested to check with Dan Almon regarding what the bond funds could be used for. Steve can call Lee Lawrence and Travis can get necessary figures together. Houses across railroad tracks with no sewer were discussed. After discussion, Roberts stated he felt the sewer system was more critical than the water system. Mayor Armstrong reminded council of the special called meeting for Thursday, June 26th at which time council will conduct the public hearing on the proposed 1986 Community Development Program. Mayor Armstrong decaled the special called meeting adjourned. Workshop on Street Program was cancelled until 1ater. 262. City Secretary