11/04/2024-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 04, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY For deliberations regarding legal (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. - North Central Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 (MUD 1) RECONVENE INTO WORK SESSION Reconvene into the Work Session. Any action deemed necessary as a result of Executive Session will be taken during the Regular Session. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION The Regular Meeting will begin following the Work Session but not earlier than 7:00 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will 1 be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 1. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the October 21, 2024, meeting. 2. Consideration and possible action on an Interlocal Agreement for Library Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger. 3. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Oasis at Sanger Addition, being approximately 4.135 acres of land described as A0029A R. BEEBE, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, generally located north of McReynolds Road, and approximately 790 feet east of Lake Ridge Drive. 4. Consideration and possible action to purchase two new Ford F150 Patrol Trucks from Silsbee Ford utilizing TIPS Purchasing Cooperative with the costs not to exceed $147,000.00. 5. Consideration and possible action on the purchase of Dodge 5500 Chassis for the remount of Rescue 671 not to exceed $71,000.00. 6. Consideration and possible action to renew the annual mowing contract with D&D Commercial Landscape Management. 7. Consideration and possible action on an Interlocal Agreement for mutual access to OCLC Cloudlibrary digital resources to enable the sharing of electronic and digital library materials among participating libraries and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 8. Conduct a public hearing on Ordinance No. 11-20-24 to amend the Planned Development (PD 12-32-22) language for side yard windows adjacent a street for land described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57, AND TR 40 generally located along Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. ACTION ITEMS 9. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 11-20-24 to amend Planned Development (PD 12-32-22) language for side yard windows adjacent a street for land described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57, AND TR 40 generally located along 2 Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. 10. Consideration and possible action selecting a layout concept for Porter Park Phase II. 11. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 11-21-24 to amend the Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual referenced in the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 Building Regulations, Article 3.2100 Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual, Section 3.2101, (a) Design Criteria Manual. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Councilmember may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. 12. Financial reports August and September 2024 13. Disbursements report September 2024 14. Atmos Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 - September 25, 2024 15. Atmos Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 - October 24, 2024 EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY For deliberations regarding legal (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. - North Central Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 (MUD 1) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action deemed necessary as a result of Executive Session. 3 ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on October 30, 2024, at 3:00 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 4 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the October 21, 2024, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the meeting on October 21, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes 5 Item 1. City Council Minutes 10-21-2024 Page 1 of 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the work session to order at 6:02 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Police Lt. Justin Lewis, and Police Chief Tyson Cheek. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Sanger Parks Department Project Update. Halff & Associates provided a presentation and overview of the status and project findings regarding the Porter Park Pond rehabilitation project. Discussion ensued regarding the cost to continue filling the pond, the ARRP authorization to remove and relocate the muscles, the pecan tree roots, options moving forward with the project, and incorporating the project with Porter Park Phase II. Director Nolting provided a presentation and update regarding Porter Park Phase II and Railroad Park. 6 Item 1. City Council Minutes 10-21-2024 Page 2 of 5 Discussion ensued regarding connecting the parks, the Miracle League portion of the park and fundraising, and the process and status of the TCEQ application for any additional improvements at Railroad Park. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA No additional discussion. ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 7:10 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the regular meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton-Hemb, Electric Director Ronnie Grace, Municipal Court Administrator Christy Dyer, Police Lt. Justin Lewis, and Police Chief Tyson Cheek. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Chick gave the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Bilyeu. 7 Item 1. City Council Minutes 10-21-2024 Page 3 of 5 CITIZENS COMMENTS Amber Whitworth-Spigner, Sanger, thanked the City Council and Staff for their support in conducting the Farmers Market downtown and stated that they have seen an increase in those visiting the market. Grant Darden, representing Babe’s Chicken, stated the restaurant’s concerns regarding the quality of water issues they have experienced, including the number of times they have had to close the restaurant, and provided photos of the water collected. REPORTS 2. Presentation and overview of library department operations. No presentation. CONSENT AGENDA 3. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the September 30, 2024, meeting. 4. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the October 7, 2024, meeting. 5. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-15, appointing Municipal Court Clerk. 6. Consideration and possible action on the renewal agreement with DocuNav Solutions for Laserfiche and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and quote. 7. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2024-16, appointing the Planning & Zoning Commission to serve as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. 8. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance 10-19-24, Amending Chapter 13 Utilities, Article 13.1300 Installation Of Underground Electrical Service, Section 13.1301(a)(10) Installation Of Underground Electrical Service adding a distance requirement to regulate the distance between the power subsurface pedestal and the light pole. 9. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Stephen Town Crossing, being approximately 120.133 acres of land described as REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 29, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the west side of Sanger Circle Addition and west of Montecristo Lane and Bridle Path Lane. 8 Item 1. City Council Minutes 10-21-2024 Page 4 of 5 10. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of the Belz Road Retail Addition Phase 1, being 32.03 acres described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, and A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 57(PT), OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 6, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the west side of North Stemmons Frwy at the intersection of West Chapman Dr and North Stemmons Frwy. Items 3, 4, and 9 were removed for discussion and separate votes. Motion to approve Items 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. Motion to approve Item 3 made by Councilmember Gann, Seconded by Councilmember Dillon. Ayes: Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Abstain: Bilyeu Motion passed 3-0-1. Motion to approve Item 4 made by Councilmember Gann, Seconded by Councilmember Dillon Ayes: Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Abstain: Bilyeu Motion passed 3-0-1. Motion to approve Item 9 made by Councilmember Dillon, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Ayes: Bilyeu, Chick, Dillon, and Gann. Nays: None Motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS For deliberations regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee. Item A - City Manager Item B - City Attorney City Manager Noblitt requested that any discussion regarding his employment be discussed under Section 551.074 b in the public forum. 9 Item 1. City Council Minutes 10-21-2024 Page 5 of 5 Mayor Muir opened the discussion for Item A of the Executive Session at 7:33 p.m. City Manager Noblitt questioned why his position was listed on the agenda since, during the past discussion, he understood that he would communicate the position’s goals and objectives by individually contacting Councilmembers to finalize both. He stated it was not clear that his position would be placed on the agenda for additional discussion to come to a consensus based on the prior meeting. He then stated that his perception was that since he was contacted by the third-party attorney and asked if he would consider dropping his recent complaint, and chose not to drop the complaint, then his employment was placed on the next agenda for discussion. Additional discussion ensued regarding clarifying and communicating the goals and objectives to the City Manager. Mayor Muir moved to Section 551.074, Item 4 of Executive Session at 7:43 p.m. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Council reconvened into open session at 8:52 p.m. No action taken. ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 10 Item 1. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on an Interlocal Agreement for Library Services between Denton County and the City of Sanger. SUMMARY:  Denton County provides limited funding to municipal libraries that offer services free of charge to Denton County citizens, including those who live in unincorporated areas.  To be eligible for counting funding, libraries must meet basic criteria and submit required documents to the Denton County Library Advisory Board (DCLAB) to be included in the combined funding request to the county.  While Denton County approves the total amount for all eligible libraries, the amount each library receives is determined by DCLAB’s funding formula, based on its population. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: YES Amount: $19,153 GL Account: 001-00-4189 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Denton County. ATTACHMENTS:  2024-2025 Interlocal Agreement for Library Services between Denton County and City of Sanger.  Exhibit A Calculation Worksheet 11 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 1 of 6 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY COUNTY OF DENTON § INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between Denton County, Texas ("the COUNTY"), and the City of Sanger, Texas ("the MUNICIPALITY"), and has an effective date of October 1, 2024. WHEREAS, the COUNTY is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the MUNICIPALITY is a duly organized municipality in Denton County, Texas, engaged in the provision of library and related services for the benefit of the citizens of the MUNICIPALITY; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has requested, and the MUNICIPALITY has agreed to provide library services for all residents of the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and Chapter 323 of the Texas Local Government Code, regarding County Libraries. NOW, THEREFORE, the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as follows: I. The term of this Agreement shall be for the period from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025. II. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, the MUNICIPALITY shall provide library services for the residents of the COUNTY without regard to race, religion, color, age, disability or national origin. Upon proper proof of residence, by an individual in the COUNTY, the individual shall be entitled issuance of a library card, at no cost, to be used in connection with said library services. 12 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 2 of 6 The MUNICIPALITY shall develop and maintain through the Library one or more of the following programs of service: 1. Educational and reading incentive programs and materials for youth. 2. Functional literacy materials and/or tutoring programs for adults. 3. Job training/career development programs and/or materials for all ages. 4. Outreach services to eliminate barriers to library services. 5. Educational programs designed to enhance quality of life for adults. III. The COUNTY designates the County Judge to act on behalf of the COUNTY and serve as liaison officer for the COUNTY with and between the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY. The County Judge or his designated substitute shall insure the performance of all duties and obligations of the COUNTY herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of the COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The County Judge shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the COUNTY'S employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY. IV. The MUNICIPALITY shall designate to act on behalf of the MUNICIPALITY and to serve as liaison officer for the MUNICIPALITY with and between the MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of the MUNICIPALITY as herein stated and shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of the MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ________________________ shall provide management of the MUNICIPALITY'S employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of the MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY. The MUNICIPALITY shall provide the COUNTY with a copy of the annual report submitted to the Texas State Library and shall respond to the COUNTY'S annual questionnaire as documentation of the MUNICIPALITY’S expenditures and provision of service. 13 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 3 of 6 V. The MUNICIPALITY shall be solely responsible for all techniques, sequences, procedures and coordination of all work performed under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The MUNICIPALITY shall insure, dedicate and devote the full time and attention of those employees necessary for the proper execution and completion of the duties and obligations of the MUNICIPALITY as stated in this Agreement and shall give all attention required for proper supervision and direction of their employees. VI. The MUNICIPALITY agrees that its established library shall assume the functions of a county library within Denton County, Texas, and to provide a librarian who meets the requirements of the MUNICIPALITY’S job description. VII. The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY agree and acknowledge that each entity is not an agent of the other entity and that each entity is responsible for its own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds and for those of its agents or employees. This Agreement does not and shall not be construed to entitle either party or any of their respective employees, if applicable, to any benefit, privilege or other amenities of employment applicable to the other party. The MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that the MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall not represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents or representatives of the COUNTY. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the MUNICIPALITY agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the COUNTY from and against any and all claims and for all liability arising out of, resulting from or occurring in connection with the performance of the work hereunder, including but not limited to, any negligent act or omission of the MUNICIPALITY, its officers, agents or employees. The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY acknowledge and agree that the COUNTY does not waive any sovereign or governmental immunity available to the COUNTY under Texas law and does not waive any available defenses under Texas law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons or entities. 14 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 4 of 6 VIII. This Agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the MUNICIPALITY nor the COUNTY waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims by third parties. IX. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be delivered, in writing, by either the COUNTY or the MUNICIPALITY to the following addresses: The address of the COUNTY is: Denton County Judge 1 Courthouse Drive, Suite 3100 Denton, Texas 76208 Telephone: 940-349-2820 The address of the MUNICIPALITY is: Sanger Public Library c/o City of Sanger, Texas 501 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Attention: Laura Klenke Telephone: 940-458-3257 X. For the full performance of the services above stated, the COUNTY agrees to pay the MUNICIPALITY fees as described herein from current revenues available for such payment. The COUNTY shall pay the MUNICIPALITY fees in the amount of NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($9,200.00), based upon North Central Texas Council of Governments service population allocation figures provided to the COUNTY by the Library Advisory Board, payable annually to the MUNICIPALITY commencing on or about October 1, 2024. The Allocation chart setting forth said figures is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes as Exhibit “A.” In addition, the COUNTY agrees to pay the MUNICIPALITY an amount not to exceed TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in matching funds upon the following conditions: 1. The MUNICIPALITY shall attempt to secure funding from sources other than the COUNTY. 2. Upon receipt of additional funding, the MUNICIPALITY shall provide proof of the receipt of such funds to the Denton County Auditor on an annual basis. 3. The COUNTY shall match the MUNICIPALITY'S additional funding in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. 15 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 5 of 6 4. Payment by the COUNTY to the MUNICIPALITY shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of the COUNTY and payment shall be satisfied from current revenues of the COUNTY. All funding by the COUNTY to the MUNICIPALITY is subject to the condition that the MUNICIPALITY shall have in place technology protection measures (commonly referred to as “filters”) with respect to any computers used by the public that have Internet access which are designed to block access through such computers to visual depictions that are (1) obscene, as defined by Section 43.21 of the Texas Penal Code, or (2) contain pornography. The technology protection measures shall be in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The MUNICIPALITY hereby certifies that its libraries have either installed and are using the required technology protection measures during use of its computers that have Internet access by the public at the present time or will have such protection measures in place and operational by October 1, 2024. XI. This Agreement may be terminated, at any time, by either party by giving sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either party, the MUNICIPALITY shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to the termination date, together with reimbursable expenses then due and as authorized by this Agreement. In the event of such termination, should the MUNICIPALITY be overcompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to the termination date or be overcompensated for reimbursable expenses as authorized by this Agreement, the COUNTY shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this Agreement. XII. This Agreement represents the entire integrated Agreement between the MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or Agreements, either oral or written. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY. 16 Item 2. 2024-2025 ICA - Library Agreement – Sanger Public Library Page 6 of 6 XIII. The validity of this Agreement and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this Agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Denton County, Texas. XIV. In the event any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the fullest extent possible. XV. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary orders or resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. EXECUTED this __________ day of __________, 20____. DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS By: ____________________________ By: Andy Eads, County Judge Name: Denton County, Texas Title: ATTEST: ATTEST: By: By: Denton County Clerk City Secretary AUDITOR’S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that funds are available in the amount of $ to accomplish and pay the obligation of Denton County under this Agreement. Denton County Auditor 17 Item 2. PER CAPITA:0.338302$ MATCHING:10,000.00$ DENTON COUNTY POPULATION:1,036,720 POPULATION OF CITIES WITH LIBRARIES 385,918 REMAINING POPULATION 650,802 TOTAL CITY COUNTY PER CAPITA MATCHING TOTAL ROUNDED LIBRARY POP POP allocation ALLOCATION FUNDS AUBREY 63,184 23,520 39,664 21,375$ 10,000$ 31,375$ 31,400$ FLOWER MOUND 212,065 78,941 133,124 71,742$ -$ 71,742$ 71,800$ JUSTIN 17,886 6,658 11,228 6,051$ 10,000$ 16,051$ 16,100$ KRUM 17,652 6,571 11,081 5,972$ 10,000$ 15,972$ 16,000$ LEWISVILLE 365,363 136,006 229,357 123,603$ -$ 123,603$ 123,700$ LITTLE ELM 156,264 58,169 98,095 52,864$ 10,000$ 62,864$ 62,900$ PILOT POINT 16,164 6,017 10,147 5,468$ 10,000$ 15,468$ 15,500$ PONDER 8,196 3,051 5,145 2,773$ 10,000$ 12,773$ 12,800$ ROANOKE 27,205 10,127 17,078 9,203$ 10,000$ 19,203$ 19,300$ SANGER 27,054 10,071 16,983 9,153$ 10,000$ 19,153$ 19,200$ THE COLONY 125,687 46,787 78,900 42,520$ 10,000$ 52,520$ 52,600$ TOTAL 1,036,720 385,918 650,802 350,724$ 90,000$ 440,724$ 441,300$ Aubrey Population: Aubrey 9,187 Crossroads 1,997 Krugerville 1,978 Providence 10,358 Total 23,520 Ponder Population:2,851 Dish (Interlocal Agreement)200 Total 3,051 DENTON COUNTY LIBRARY'S FUNDING (FY 2025) 18 Item 2. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Oasis at Sanger Addition, being approximately 4.135 acres of land described as A0029A R. BEEBE, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 5, within the City of Sanger, generally located north of McReynolds Road, and approximately 790 feet east of Lake Ridge Drive. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 82 multi-family dwellings.  The property is under the Lake Ridge Estates Planned Development PD-05-06-18.  The development will have access from McReynolds Road.  The property will be served by City of Sanger Water, Sewer, and Electric.  This development is located in the City of Sanger.  Planning & Zoning recommended approval on 06-10-24. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Preliminary Plat Application Letter of Intent 19 Item 3. 179677 270804 60061 699345270814 270808 270812 768468768467 270798 270815 768466 270806 768465 726939 768469 768470 60054 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA Parcels 6/5/2024, 10:18:17 AM 0 0.03 0.060.01 mi 0 0.05 0.10.03 km 1:2,257 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 20 Item 3. 21 Item 3. 22 Item 3. 2785 Rockbrook Drive, Suite 105 Lewisville, Texas 75067 May 13, 2024 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Letter of Intent Preliminary Plat for the Oasis at Sanger Addition 4.135 Acres, McReynolds Road Sanger, Texas Dear Ramie: Please accept this Letter of Intent for the submittal of the Preliminary Plat for the Oasis at Sanger Addition. The property is approximately 4.135 acres owned by SKY110 Land Holdings I, LLC. This tract is located along McReynolds Road just east of the Lake Ridge subdivision and is currently open pastureland with no tree cover. The purpose of this plat is to preliminary plat the property for development of an apartment complex consisting of 82 units. This tract is part of the Lake Ridge PD Ordinance No. 05-06-18. We are the applicants for this submittal and Mr. Iqbal Mutabana is the owner. We request that the plat be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body. If you have any other questions or would like additional information regarding our submittal, please contact me at 972-393-9800 or Mr. Mutabana at 617-417-1014. Sincerely, MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC. Eugene Middleton, P.E. President MIDDLETON & ASSOCIATES, LLC CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND PLANNERS 23 Item 3. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Tyson Cheek, Chief of Police AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action to purchase two new Ford F150 Patrol Trucks from Silsbee Ford utilizing TIPS Purchasing Cooperative with the costs not to exceed $147,000.00. SUMMARY:  City Council approved the purchase of two new F-150s and two Chevy Tahoe police vehicles for FY 2024-2025.  While Patrol vehicles are still extremely difficult to locate due to supply problems nationwide, Silsbee Ford was able to acquire two 2024 F150 Responders in addition to the three we are already purchasing from them from the last fiscal year and at the same price point. This is 6 months sooner than we were able to purchase vehicles from last year’s fiscal budget.  This is another step in updating the fleet and allowing us to get much older vehicles out of service.  The cost on the quote attached includes the full conversion (lights and sirens etc) into a police ready vehicle by Defender Supply. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: YES Amount: $147.000.00 GL Account: 001-20-6106 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Quotes from Silsbee Ford. 24 Item 4. Prepared by: Phone: Email: Date: A.50,875.00$ B.Factory Options Code Bid Price Code Bid Price W1P 998 -$ 44G 18B 250.00$ 53A 1,325.00$ 67P 340.00$ 1,915.00$ (95.75)$ C.Unpublished Options $=37.6 % Bid Price Bid Price 19,863.00$ 19,863.00$ D.Floor Plan Interest (for in-stock and/or equipped vehicles):250.00$ E.Lot Insurance (for in-stock and/or equipped vehicles):-$ F.Contract Price Adjustment: G.Additional Delivery Charge:250 437.50$ H.Subtotal:73,244.75$ I.Quantity Ordered 2 x H =146,489.50$ J.Trade in:-$ K. L.Total Purchase Price 146,489.50$ REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY KEY FOBS Options EXTERIOR-WHITE UNITS ON ORDER ** DEFENDER INSTALL 38148 Total of C. Unpublished Options: "NO CONSOLE" 150A- EQUIPMENT GROUP Description Description Published Option Discount (5%) 10 SPEED TRANS AUTO TRAILER TOW PACKAGE 3.5L V6 ECOBOOST PRODUCT PRICING SUMMARY A. Base Price: SGAMBLIN.SILSBEEFLEET@GMAIL.COM 512.436.1313 SETH GAMBLIN TIPS USA 210907 Automobiles INTERIOR- PG MEDIUM EARTH GRAY BLACK PLATFORM RUNNING BOARDS Product Description: Total of B. Published Options: Bid Item: FORD F150 RESPONDER Description FORD 2024 RESPONDER 4X4 SHORT BED October 14, 2024 VENDOR- Silsbee Ford, 1211 Hwy 96 N., Silsbee TX 77656 CITY OF SANGER End User: Contact: Email: 25 Item 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Casey Welborn, Assistant Fire Chief AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the purchase of Dodge 5500 Chassis for the remount of Rescue 671 not to exceed $71,000.00. SUMMARY:  This new chassis will allow us to replace the existing truck for our Rescue.  This is to remount the existing Rescue Box to a new chassis.  We will be rewiring all electrical.  We will be repairing any dents, and paint defects. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $70,027.00 GL Account: 24-6106 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL ATTACHMENTS: Buy Board Quote 26 Item 5. 27 Item 5. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 04, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Director of Parks & Recreation AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action to renew the annual mowing contract with D&D Commercial Landscape Management. SUMMARY:  The City of Sanger contracted with D&D Commercial Landscape Management in April 2022.  The contract term is (1) year, effective from the award date. The City of Sanger and D&D Commercial Landscape shall have the option to renew this contract for an additional four (4) one- year periods.  The City of Sanger has (2) additional one-year renewals remaining. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: YES Amount: $149,088.05 GL Account: $153,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS:  City Council Communication  D&D Commercial Landscape Management 2025 mowing and landscape quote. 28 Item 6. 2025 BUDGET FORECAST / QUOTE DD LANDSCAPE PO BOX 741236 DALLAS TEXAS 75374 THIRD REVISION OFFICE 972-352-3402 FAX 214-369-4367 CUSTOMER City of Sanger QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE 3 Lawncare & Mulch $7,397.00 $24,029.00 10/18/2024 15 Riley Ranch Locations $919.00 $11,947.00 ADDRESS 15 14 day cycle ROW $2,219.75 $32,717.55 Sanger Texas 30 7 Day Cycle Parks $2,162.09 $53,172.00 PHONE 15 Water Sites $1,275.00 $19,125.00 940-368-2962 Brush Hog $2,632.50 $8,097.50 E-MAIL SUBTOTAL $149,088.05 rnolting@sangertexas.org TAX RATE 0.00% SALESPERSON SALES TAX Dave Myers OTHER ATTENTION TOTAL $149,088.05 Ryan Nolting PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 Sign Here to Accept Quote: Authorized Rep Date THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES THE CONDITIONS NOTED: *Please see spread sheet for breakdown * Porter Park : Removed 2.5 acres @ $71.44 per ( $180.40-$1035.88) *Railroad Park: Removed 6.6 acres @ $71.44 per ( $471.50 - $1091.60) 29 Item 6. 2025 Mowing Forecast January February March April May June July August September October November December PRICE CYCLES $149,088.05 Color Install on main st 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 $1,653.00 3 $4,959.00 Pre Post & Insect Control Downtown Park 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 $414.00 4 $1,656.00 Pre Post & Insect Control Porter Park 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 $1,012.00 4 $4,048.00 Pre Post & Insect Control Railroad Park 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 $1,012.00 4 $4,048.00 Mulch Downtown Park 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 $600.00 2 $1,200.00 Fertilize Downtown Park,Church,Playing Fields at Poter and Railroad 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 $2,706.00 3 $8,118.00 Riley Ranch Main House 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 $803.00 13 $10,439.00 Riley Ranch 2 Story House 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 $116.00 13 $1,508.00 KAMMIE PATTEN PARK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $38.58 0 $0.00 QUAIL RUN PARK 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $586.52 15 $8,797.84 135 Walkovers @ Bolivar St.0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $51.44 15 $771.55 Welcome to Sanger South Entrance 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $25.00 15 $375.06 Welcome me to Sanger North Entrance 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $52.15 15 $782.27 Indian Lane 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $128.59 15 $1,928.88 Railroad Ave.0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $57.15 15 $857.28 Locust St.0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $22.15 15 $332.20 East Willow St @ Jones 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $59.30 15 $889.43 McRenolds ROW ( Lake Ridge to 45mph sign )0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $32.80 15 $492.00 5th st (i35 to Exxon mow line street to fence)0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $62.34 15 $935.10 Sims st ( drain at Willow to end of guard rails and vacant lot )0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $25.00 15 $375.00 Duck Creek rd (ROWs from Keeton to 90 degree turn at west end)0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $110.00 15 $1,650.00 Porter Park Non Irrigated 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $968.73 15 $14,530.95 Cowling rd Bridge ( mow all 4 hillsides )0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $165.00 15 $2,475.00 Downtown Park 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $128.59 30 $3,857.70 City Hall ,Library, Police 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $32.15 30 $964.50 Switzer Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $307.19 0 $0.00 Porter Park 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $855.48 30 $25,664.40 Railroad Park 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $620.10 30 $18,603.00 Methodist Church 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 0 0 $53.58 30 $1,607.40 WELL 2 & 8 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 WATER OFFICE 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 WELL #6 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 LAKERIDGE LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $20.00 15 $300.00 MARION RD LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $20.00 15 $300.00 100 INDIAN LANE 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 UTILITY RD TANK 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 WALMART TANK 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $105.00 15 $1,575.00 WELL #9 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 WELL #5 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $125.00 15 $1,875.00 HOLD LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $20.00 15 $300.00 DUCK CREEK LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $40.00 15 $600.00 SOUTH BOTTOM LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $20.00 15 $300.00 COWLING RD LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $95.00 15 $1,425.00 QUAIL RUN LIFT 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $20.00 15 $300.00 NEW Water Treatment Plant 0 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 $570.00 15 $8,550.00 135 South City Limit to Belz Rd North 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $2,143.20 3 $6,429.60 Cowling rd East & West side 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $69.50 3 $208.50 Utility rd East & West side 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $44.40 3 $133.20 Lois rd South & North side 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $57.00 3 $171.00 Chisam rd South & North side 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $102.60 3 $307.80 Belz rd North and South side 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $103.10 3 $309.30 Marion from FM455 to city limit 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $28.50 3 $85.50 Metz rd from FM 455 to city limit 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $34.20 3 $102.60 HOUSTON ST DRAINAGE 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 $50.00 7 $350.00 ANNUAL PROJECTED COST 30 Item 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on an Interlocal Agreement for mutual access to OCLC Cloudlibrary digital resources to enable the sharing of electronic and digital library materials among participating libraries and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. SUMMARY:  Texas Cloudlink is a group of over 70 participating libraries who mutually share their electronic and digital library materials through OCLC’s Cloudlibrary product.  As of 10/21/24, there are 294,628 total sharable digital resources. 87,279 unique eBooks and 38,931 unique eAudio are available within the cloudlink Texas Group.  Membership to this group requires a commitment to spend at $10,000 or 10% (Whichever is lowest) of the library’s materials budget on Cloudlibrary content. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: YES Amount: 10% of total materials budget. GL Account: 001.42.5202 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: The agreement has been reviewed and approved by legal. Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Cloudlink Texas Group Interlocal Agreement.pdf ILA Cloudlink Interlocal Agreement Sanger Signature Page.docx 31 Item 7. Page 1 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL ACCESS TO CLOUDLIBRARY DIGITAL RESOURCES This Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and among the local governments which have executed it (“Parties”). The Parties, acting by and through their authorized officers execute this Agreement pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, known as the Interlocal Cooperation Act (the “Act”). WHEREAS, the Parties are local governments engaged in promotion of public health and welfare by providing easy access to the broad range of public library services to their citizens, including cloudLibrary digital resources operated by OCLC, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further expand public access to digital content by sharing their respective Cloud Resources, as hereinafter defined, among their respective libraries; and WHEREAS, the cloudLibrary cloudLink service allows libraries using the service to share their Cloud Resources with each other; and WHEREAS, the Act provides authorization for local governments to contract with one another to provide governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, provision of public library services are governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and WHEREAS, the governing body of each local government believes that the Agreement is necessary for the benefit of the public and that each party has the legal authority to provide governmental functions and services that are the subject of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties originally entered into the original Interlocal Agreement for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources in 2017 (the “Original Agreement”), which was then amended by the Parties in 2017 and 2018 (the “First and Second Amendments”); and WHEREAS, the Parties now wish to update the Original Agreement, as amended by the First and Second Amendments, by incorporating the First and Second Amendments as well as the additional amendments included herein, to create this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that this Agreement shall supersede and replace any existing agreement among the Parties regarding the subject matter set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 32 Item 7. Page 2 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources ARTICLE I Definitions Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases used in this Agreement shall have the following meaning: “Cloud Resources” shall mean all library content provided by the Parties for upload into the OCLC Inc. cloudLibrary for the mutual benefit, access and/or use of the Parties and their Libraries. “Coordinating Committee” shall mean the representatives selected to represent each Party from the participating Parties in this Agreement. “Library or Libraries” shall mean the library/ies and resources thereof of the Parties. “Local Government” shall have the meaning given in Section 791.003 of the Act, as amended. ARTICLE II Term 2.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of ten (10) years beginning on May 31, 2017, unless sooner terminated as provided herein (“Initial Term”). The Initial Term may be extended by written agreement of the Parties for one or more five (5) year renewal terms (each a “Renewal Term”); provided that any such renewal occurs not less than 30 days prior to the end of the then current term. ARTICLE III Responsibilities of the Parties 3.1 Access. Each Library shall allow cardholders of the other Libraries to access and check out its Cloud Resources through the cloudLink service under the terms and conditions of the cardholder’s Library, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement. 3.2 Policies and Procedures. The current policies and procedures of each Library shall remain in effect, with no coordination or standardization required, except that the following procedures shall be followed for shared Cloud Resources: a. Cloud Resources may only be placed on hold by cardholders of the Library which owns the Cloud Resource in question. b. Available Cloud Resources may be checked out by any cardholder of a participating Library. 33 Item 7. Page 3 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources c. The circulation period of the Cloud Resources are determined by the circulation policies of the cardholder’s Library and may vary among Libraries. d. Each Library shall track the number of items checked out from their respective Libraries and create an annual report by fiscal year of such data for review by the Coordinating Committee. These reports shall be provided to the Coordinating Committee annually by not later than January 1st. e. Each Library shall submit an annual report of expenditures on Cloud Resources in the preceding fiscal year as set by that Party to the Coordinating Committee annually by not later than January 1st. f. Each Library shall submit an annual report of their overall materials budget if their expenditure on Cloud Resources is less than $10,000 per fiscal year. This report shall be provided to the Coordinating Committee annually by not later than January 1st. 3.3 Liaison Designated. By this Agreement, each Party designates its director of library services or equivalent, as listed on each Party’s signature page hereto attached, to act on behalf of the Party to ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of the designee’s Party as herein stated, to serve as a liaison for the Party with and among the Parties, and, if necessary, to serve on the Coordinating Committee. 3.4 Participation Requirements. Each Library shall spend a minimum of $10,000 or 10% of its overall materials budget, whichever is less, on Cloud Resources during each fiscal year as set by that Party. Compliance with this section will not be required for any fiscal year during which a Party did not participate in this Agreement for the entire fiscal year. Compliance with this and other requirements will be determined by the Coordinating Committee on an annual basis, based on reports required by Article III. 3.5 Addition of Members. Any local government in the state of Texas which has contracted for the use of the cloudLibrary cloudLink service and agrees to abide by the terms of this Agreement may join this Agreement as a Party upon approval by a majority of all of the members of the Coordinating Committee. If approval is given, the new participating entity shall join the Parties by adopting and executing this Agreement through an action of the Party’s governing body. 3.6 Cost. Each Party will bear its own cost of performance under this Agreement. ARTICLE IV The Coordinating Committee 4.1 Coordinating Committee. 34 Item 7. Page 4 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources a. The Coordinating Committee membership shall be the designated liaisons from the following local governments: i. City of Lewisville ii. City of Burleson iii. City of Carrollton iv. City of Colleyville v. City of Coppell vi. City of Euless vii. Town of Flower Mound viii. City of McKinney ix. City of Sachse x. City of Southlake xi. Town of Little Elm xii. Bexar County b. The Coordinating Committee shall have only the duties specifically outlined in this Agreement. The Coordinating Committee shall have the authority to adopt its own rules of procedure that are consistent with Article III, Section 3.2 and in compliance with terms of this Agreement. c. A simple majority of all members of the Coordinating Committee shall constitute a quorum to perform. A quorum of the Coordinating Committee must participate in any decision made by the Coordinating Committee under this Agreement. d. The Coordinating Committee shall meet at least once every six (6) months. Meetings shall be held in person, by conference call, or by another live remote meeting access service. e. A simple majority vote of all members of the Coordinating Committee shall select a member to receive any reports and send any notices required under this Agreement. This individual’s name and contact information shall be provided to all Parties within thirty (30) days of the individual’s selection. f. A simple majority vote of the Coordinating Committee members present shall select a member to draft minutes outlining the items discussed and decisions made by the Coordinating Committee at any given meeting. The minutes shall be sent to the Coordinating Committee for approval within thirty (30) days of the meeting, and must be approved by a majority of all members of the Coordinating Committee within thirty (30) days of its distribution. The minutes may be distributed and approval of the minutes provided to the drafter via e-mail. These minutes shall be distributed to all Parties within ten (10) days of their approval. 35 Item 7. Page 5 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources g. The Parties understand and agree that the Coordinating Committee shall not be construed as a board or committee appointed by a governing body and shall not be required to comply with the provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. ARTICLE V Termination 5.1 This Agreement may be terminated as follows: a. Any Party may choose to terminate its participation in the Agreement with sixty (60) days’ written notice to each of the members of the Coordinating Committee at the notice address provided in this Agreement. The termination of a Party’s participation in this Agreement shall not affect the continuation of this Agreement in full force and effect with respect to the remaining Parties. b. A Party’s participation in the Agreement may be terminated for any reason, including failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all of the members of the Coordinating Committee to remove the Party. Upon termination under this section, the Coordinating Committee shall provide thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Party which has been removed following the Committee’s decision. The Coordinating Committee will contact OCLC, Inc. and notify them of the Party’s removal. c. In the event that the cloudLibrary cloudLink program is no longer available, this Agreement shall automatically terminate. 5.2 Upon termination, each Party will retain its rights, title and interest to all Cloud Resources purchased by the Party during its time as a Party to this Agreement. ARTICLE VI Liability and Immunity 6.1 Liability and Immunity. a. Handling of Claims. The Parties agree, to the extent authorized under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas and without waiving any immunity, right, protection, or defense therein, that each shall be individually responsible for any and all claims for damages, cost, and expenses to person or persons and property that may arise out of or be occasioned by the intentional or negligent act or omission of its respective 36 Item 7. Page 6 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources officials, agents, representatives, and employees in the performance of this Agreement, including but not limited to their acts of negligence or omission in the provision of public library services, including the cloud based services that are the subject to this Agreement. The Parties agree that each shall be liable only for damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs, related to or arising out of the intentional or negligent act or omission of their respective officials, agents, representatives, and employees in the performance of this Agreement. b. Joint Liability. In the event of joint or concurrent negligence of the Parties, responsibility, if any, shall be apportioned comparatively in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas without, however, waiving any governmental immunity, right, protection, or defense available to any party individually under Texas law. The provisions of this section are solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and are not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity. c. No Waiver of Immunity. It is expressly understood and agreed that in execution of this Agreement, no Party waives, nor shall be deemed to have waived, immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. By entering into this Agreement, the Parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein, and this Agreement shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. ARTICLE VII Miscellaneous 7.1 Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by any Party hereto without the prior written unanimous consent of the other parties. No assignment, delegation of duties or subcontract under this Agreement shall be effective without the prior written unanimous consent of all Parties hereto. 7.2 Governing Law. The validity of this Agreement and any of its terms and provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas; and venue for any action arising as a result of this Agreement shall be in the state co urt of Denton County, Texas, except when state law requires otherwise. 7.3 Legal Construction. In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions, and the Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been contained in this Agreement. 37 Item 7. Page 7 ILA for Mutual Access to CloudLibrary Digital Resources 7.4 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended by a simple majority vote of all members of the Coordinating Committee. 7.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter covered by this Agreement. 7.6 No Relationship Created. The Parties agree and acknowledge that no Party is an agent of any other Party under this Agreement and that each Party is responsible for its own acts, forbearance, negligence, and deeds, and for those of its agents or employees. The purposes for which each Party has entered into this Agreement are separate and distinct. It is not the intent of any of the Parties that a joint enterprise relationship is being entered into and the Parties hereto specifically disclaim such relationship. 7.7 Rights of Third Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to create, and the Parties do not intend to create, any rights in or for the benefit of third parties. 7.8 Force Majeure. In the event that any party shall be prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Agreement by any act of God, war, right, civil commotion, strikes, fires, flood or by the occurrence of any other event beyond the control of such party, then such party shall be excused from the performance of the obligations in this Agreement but only during such periods of Force Majeure. 7.9 Current Revenues. All costs or expenses incurred by any Party as result of this Agreement shall be paid from the current revenues available to the Party. 7.10 Recitals. The recitals of this Agreement are incorporated herein. 7.11 Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. If any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law or contrary to any rule or regulation having the force and effect of the law, the remaining portions of the Agreement shall be enforced as if the invalid provision had never been included. 7.12 Notice. All notices pertaining to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered (i) when received at a Party's address if hand delivered or sent via overnight delivery service by way of USPS, UPS, FedEx, or similar carrier, or (ii) on the third (3rd) business day after being deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the Parties at the respective notice addresses set forth below or at other addresses as may have been previously specified by written notice delivered in accordance with this Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGES ATTACHED] 38 Item 7. APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF PARTICIPATING ENTITY, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, this ___ day of ________________________, 2024. EXECUTED BY: ____________________________________________ John Noblitt, CITY MANAGER ATTEST: _____________________________________________ Kelly Edwards, CITY SECRETARY Liaison: Carolyn Booker Director of Library Services Notice to: Lewisville Public Library P.O. Box 299002 Lewisville, Texas 75029 Attn: Carolyn Booker 972-219-3571 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________________ CITY ATTORNEY 39 Item 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on Ordinance No. 11-20-24 to amend the Planned Development (PD 12-32-22) language for side yard windows adjacent a street for land described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57, AND TR 40 generally located along Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to amend the Planned Development to add language about the Exterior Façade Criteria: o In lieu of side yard walls on corner lots requiring windows and doors comprising of 25% of the wall space, a corner lot shall comply with the following: a. A side yard wall on a corner lot facing a street shall consist of at least two windows or doors totaling 25 square feet in aggregate area. b. On corner lots, side yard fencing facing residential streets and the adjacent gate return, shall be a stained 6-foot-tall cedar board-on-board fence with a decorative top cap and metal posts. Posts and hardware shall be on the internal side of the fence and not viewed from the public ROW. c. On corner lots, fencing facing a collector or arterial street shall be a 6-foot masonry wall with columns. d. On corner lots, front fencing or gates that face a primary street shall be set back from the front façade a minimum of 10 feet but no more than 15 feet. e. If a window of any size is not installed on the side of a house on a corner lot between the front build line and side yard fence return, shrubs of a minimum of 3 gallons in size shall be planted between front build line and fence return at a spacing of 4 feet on center. In addition, one 3-inch caliper eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), or other evergreen tree species approved by the Director of Development Services, shall be planted at the longitudinal midpoint between the front build line and fence return.  The development will consist of approximately 59.19 acres of single-family residential.  Single family will have 296 single family lots.  Staff mailed out 33 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had received no responses. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 40 Item 8. 56513 269712 58409269439 245456 976406 959093 155832 58038 56518 776595 56524 1013131 1009031100435075856 58025 57927 232699 232707 77796 232710 269431 232720 269435 245454 750741 232721 232698 233824 131208 232703 56536 113124 56452 84585 56479 775099 60301 56456 776082 773245 60371 970264 1030385 965729 59731 57233 776571 57279 1009032 116937 960020 1033424 1031486 114830 76746 216794 57236253746 1031487 60296 776551 84586 59743 112945 57195 755698 56489 59905 77077 1009038 711824 98590 711825 727457 727458 128323 128324 77987 727455 146191 128328 128321 1030366 146162 563299 128320 146148 727454 146200 128327 146181 244811 148526 244810146130 1030364 56374 128325 128334 98588 711826 81904 711827 128329 98586 128331 677065 128318 184931 203993 122797 122794 1022757 563636 56482 113125 563634 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, Texas Department of Transportation Parcels County 10/10/2024, 9:25:56 AM 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 41 Item 8. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 11-20-24 to amend Planned Development (PD 12-32-22) language for side yard windows adjacent a street for land described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57, AND TR 40 generally located along Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to amend the Planned Development to add language about the Exterior Façade Criteria. o In lieu of side yard walls on corner lots requiring windows and doors comprising of 25% of the wall space, a corner lot shall comply with the following: a. A side yard wall on a corner lot facing a street shall consist of at least two windows or doors totaling 25 square feet in aggregate area. b. On corner lots, side yard fencing facing residential streets and the adjacent gate return, shall be a stained 6-foot-tall cedar board-on-board fence with a decorative top cap and metal posts. Posts and hardware shall be on the internal side of the fence and not viewed from the public ROW. c. On corner lots, fencing facing a collector or arterial street shall be a 6-foot masonry wall with columns. d. On corner lots, front fencing or gates that face a primary street shall be set back from the front façade a minimum of 10 feet but no more than 15 feet. e. If a window of any size is not installed on the side of a house on a corner lot between the front build line and side yard fence return, shrubs of a minimum of 3 gallons in size shall be planted between front build line and fence return at a spacing of 4 feet on center. In addition, one 3-inch caliper eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), or other evergreen tree species approved by the Director of Development Services, shall be planted at the longitudinal midpoint between the front build line and fence return.  The development will consist of approximately 59.19 acres of single-family residential.  Single family will have 296 single family lots.  Staff mailed out 33 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had received no responses.  The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL on 10-28-24. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL 42 Item 9. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Ordinance No. 11-20-24 Exhibit A Application Letter of Intent Ordinance No. 12-32-22 Exterior Façade Criteria Manual 43 Item 9. 56513 269712 58409269439 245456 976406 959093 155832 58038 56518 776595 56524 1013131 1009031100435075856 58025 57927 232699 232707 77796 232710 269431 232720 269435 245454 750741 232721 232698 233824 131208 232703 56536 113124 56452 84585 56479 775099 60301 56456 776082 773245 60371 970264 1030385 965729 59731 57233 776571 57279 1009032 116937 960020 1033424 1031486 114830 76746 216794 57236253746 1031487 60296 776551 84586 59743 112945 57195 755698 56489 59905 77077 1009038 711824 98590 711825 727457 727458 128323 128324 77987 727455 146191 128328 128321 1030366 146162 563299 128320 146148 727454 146200 128327 146181 244811 148526 244810146130 1030364 56374 128325 128334 98588 711826 81904 711827 128329 98586 128331 677065 128318 184931 203993 122797 122794 1022757 563636 56482 113125 563634 Denton CAD Web Map © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA, Texas Department of Transportation Parcels County 10/10/2024, 9:25:56 AM 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Denton County Appraisal District, BIS Consulting - www.bisconsulting.com Disclaimer: This product is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of boundaries. 44 Item 9. Ordinance – 11-20-24 – Belz Road Retail Addition PD – Zoning Change Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 11-20-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP BY AMENDING (PD 12-32-22) THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CREATED BY ORDINANCE 12-32-22 TO AMEND THE LANGUAGE FOR SIDE YARD WINDOWS ADJACENT A STREET; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on October 28, 2024, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Zoning Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, all requests for amendment to the Zoning Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provision of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Planned Development (PD 12-32-22) created by Ordinance 12-32- 22 is hereby amended as follows; 1. The requirements for side yard windows adjacent a street further described in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. Except as specifically amended hereby, all provisions of PD 12-32-22 shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. 45 Item 9. Ordinance – 11-20-24 – Belz Road Retail Addition PD – Zoning Change Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 6. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 4th day of November, 2024. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 46 Item 9. 1 merchandise or food, but does not include uses specifically listed in this PD. General Retail Store, Other Than Listed – means a facility or area for the retail sale of general 8. natural gas. Gas Well Drilling and Production – means development, exploration, and production of 7. is not a facade. Facade – means any separate face of a building that encloses or covers usable space. A roof 6. individual households. individual lot or multiple dwelling units platted on one lot, for the purpose of lease to Build-to-Rent – Single family detached or attached dwelling unit, either platted on an 5. Boulevard – means a street divided by a median.4. Block face – means one side of a block between two streets.3. space, recreational facilities (such as a swimming pool and playground). one or more buildings and structures and that may include, but is not limited to, meeting Amenity Center – means an accessory use to a residential development that may consist of 2. to promote activities, such as picnic tables, shade structures, dog parks and playgrounds. Active Park – means a park intended to support activities and equipped with improvements 1. term is not listed below, the definition in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. Definitions. Terms used within this PD, including its exhibits, shall be defined as stated below. If a A. SECTION 2 – DEFINITIONS Any item not addressed in this PD will conform to the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances. parts of the Property are considered to be nonresidential zoning areas. Areas shown on the Master Site Plan as Residential are considered to be residential zoning areas, all other Code of Ordinances will need to be presented before Planning and Zoning and City Council for approval. land use area or changes that deviate from the planned development design standards or City of Sanger Planned Development (PD). Any land use changes exceeding the ten percent of the land area for each will become a part of the permanent file maintained by the Director of Development Services for this Development Services to ensure it is in compliance with this section, and the amended Master Site Plan area for each land use area. Any change to the Master Site Plan must be submitted to the Director of change the boundaries and area of any use area by up to a cumulative amount of ten percent of the land this section, and with the use chart for each general use area as set forth in Exhibit B. The developer may Park/Open Space on the Master Site Plan attached as Exhibit A, as it may be amended in accordance with Use of the Property shall comply with the general use areas shown as Residential, Non-Residential, and SECTION 1 – PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AND PURPOSE 11-20-24 City of Sanger Exhibit A 47 Item 9. 2 9. Height – means the vertical distance measured from grade to the highest point of a structure (including a sign). 10. Land Use Category – means one of the following land use categories identified on the permitted use table attached as Exhibit B. 11. Large Scale Retail – means a single use retail building that complies with the requirements in Section 6.B of this PD. 12. Masonry – means stone or brick laid up unit by unit and set in mortar, or stucco panels. 13. Multifamily – means a building used or designed as a residence for three or more families or households living independently of each other on the same lot. 14. Non-residential building or non-residential development - means a building or a lot containing one or more uses that are not single family or multifamily. 15. Non-residential use – means a use that is not exclusively single family or multifamily. 16. Open Space – means property that is one of the following: a public park, a private park accessible to residents living on the Property, or an undeveloped space open to the sky and accessible by the public and located on private property, such as native mitigation areas or trails, except for development allowed in open space in this PD. 17. Parkway – means the area between a sidewalk and the back of curb. 18. PD – means this Planned Development District. 19. Personal Services – means a facility or area for the sale of personal services, such as a spa or salon, a tailor, a florist, or a pet grooming shop. 20. Pocket Park – means a park that is less than one acre in size. 21. Property – means the property depicted on the attached Exhibit C and described by metes and bounds on the attached Exhibit D. 22. Residential Building or Residential Development – means a building or a lot with single family or multifamily use. 23. Residential Use - means single family homes detached or attached for sale and for lease, or multifamily use. 24. Single Family Detached – means a single-family dwelling on a separate lot that fronts on a street, a place, or a court, that is not attached to another dwelling unit. 48 Item 9. 3 25. Single Family Attached – means a single-family dwelling unit that is attached to another dwelling unit such as a townhome or cottage style residence in groups of two and six dwelling units making up one building. 26. Temporary Use – means of limited duration; not permanent; and/or means a facility or area used as a temporary field construction office, storage of construction equipment and materials associated with an active permit to demolish or construct. SECTION 3 – SPECIAL REGULATIONS A. Any phasing information or development schedule shown on a plat or in documents accompanying a plat shall be informational only and subject to change by the Owner. B. This PD will adhere to the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10: Subdivision Regulations. C. A preliminary plat shall be recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council if the following standards have been met: 1. The plat conforms to the Master Site Plan. 2. The plat conforms to the Planned Development Regulations. 3. The plan conforms to the Subdivision Regulations (Chapter 10). SECTION 4 – PERMITTED USES A. PRINCIPAL USES. 1. See Permitted Uses Table Exhibit B. Permitted Use Acreage Single-Family +/- 29.9 Build-to-Rent +/- 28.29 Multifamily +/- 33.04 Non-Residential +/- 25.03 Storage +/- 3.07 B. ACCESSORY USES. 1. Accessory outside storage on a single-family lot. 2. Accessory swimming pool, private. 3. Amenity Center. 4. Detached Garages. 5. Carports. 6. Accessory storage units for multifamily purposes. 7. Maintenance building. 49 Item 9. 4 SECTION 5 – RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Swimming pools and accessory outside storage units shall have a minimum five-foot setback from rear and side property lines, however, the setback applies only to the swimming pool or structure, and not to associated decking or paving around the pool or structure. 2. TABLE 5.1 Residential Building Setback and Area Requirements Single Family Detached 40’ Lots Single Family Detached 50’ Lots Single Family Detached 70’ Lots Multifamily Unit Count or DUA 200 Lots 84 Lots 12 Lots 20 DUA or 612 units Min. Lot Area 4,400 SF 5,500 SF 7,700 SF N/A Min. Lot Width 40’ 50’ 70’ N/A Min. Lot Depth 110’ 110’ 110’ N/A Min. Front Setback 20’ 20’ 20’ 20’ Min. Side Setback 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ Side Street Setback 10’ 10’ 10’ N/A Min. Rear Setback 10’ / 5’ for rear garages 10’ / 5’ for rear garages 10’ / 5’ for rear garages 10’ Min. Dwelling Size 1300 SF 1500 SF 2000 SF 700 SF Max. Lot Coverage 60% 60% 60% 75% Max. Structure Height 2 Stories / 40’ 2 Stories / 40’ 2 Stories / 40’ 3 Stories / 54’ B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Design Features for Single Family Residential Buildings a. Except as otherwise provided below, all Single Family Residential attached or detached buildings will comply with the City of Sanger Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual Points System – dated October 7, 2019. i. Material percentages are calculated from the finished floor to the top plate at the upper floor. ii. Single-family attached dwelling units are permitted to be platted with multifamily lots, not individually. iii. Single-family attached dwelling units are not required to appear as a single unit. iv. Single-family attached buildings will follow adopted International Building Code (IBC) for fire rated walls. 50 Item 9. 5 v. Repeated elevations for single family attached homes on multifamily platted lots are permitted. vi. Rear-facing garages served from an alley shall be located a maximum of 5 feet from the rear property line. Additional on-street parking shall be provided in designated areas. vii. In lieu of side yard walls on corner lots requiring windows and doors comprising of 25% of the wall space, a corner lot shall comply with the following: 1. A side yard wall on a corner lot facing a street shall consist of at least two windows or doors totaling 25 square feet in aggregate area. 2. On corner lots, side yard fencing facing residential streets and the adjacent gate return, shall be a stained 6-foot-tall cedar board-on- board fence with a decorative top cap and metal posts. Posts and hardware shall be on the internal side of the fence and not viewed from the public ROW. 3. On corner lots, fencing facing a collector or arterial street shall be a 6-foot masonry wall with columns. 4. On corner lots, front fencing or gates that face a primary street shall be set back from the front façade a minimum of 10 feet but no more than 15 feet. 5. If a window of any size is not installed on the side of a house on a corner lot between the front build line and side yard fence return, shrubs of a minimum of 3 gallons in size shall be planted between front build line and fence return at a spacing of 4 feet on center. In addition, one 3-inch caliper eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), or other evergreen tree species approved by the Director of Development Services, shall be planted at the longitudinal midpoint between the front build line and fence return. viii. In the 2019 Exterior Facade Design Criteria Manual – Residential Development 1. Single Family and Duplex Development - #8 Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below…Horizontal banding (rowlocks/ soldier course across front facade) will replace (l) Window Grids score of 3 points. 2. Design Features for Multifamily Buildings a. Except as otherwise provided below, all multifamily buildings will comply with the City of Sanger Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual Points System – dated October 7, 2019. 51 Item 9. 6 i. Each multifamily development phase shall provide three of the following amenities: a. Swimming pool b. Fitness center c. Clubhouse with 1,000 square feet of community gathering space d. Covered Picnic Area e. Dog Park of at least 2,000 square feet in area f. One regulation size pickle ball court, or g. An alternative amenity approved by the Director of Development Services ii. Material percentages are calculated from the finished floor to the top plate at the upper floor. iii. Covered parking structures shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the main multifamily structures. Exposed steel or timber support columns shall be permitted. SECTION 6 – NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TABLE 5.2 Non-Residential Requirements Requirement Non-Residential Min. Lot Area None Min. Front Setback 25’ Min. Side Setback 0’ Min. Rear Setback 20’ Max. Lot Coverage 50% Min. Street Corner Setback 20’ Max. Structure Height 60’ B. NON-RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Design Features for Non-Residential Buildings a. All buildings must include at least four of the following architectural design elements: i. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; ii. Arcades; iii. Display windows; iv. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building façade; v. Articulated ground floor levels or base; vi. Articulated cornice line; 52 Item 9. 7 vii. A combination of no more than two buildings materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and viii. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency. a. Each commercial and retail floor on a primary façade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary façade windows shall include two of the following: i. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. ii. Trellis iii. Shed roof awning iv. Bay windows v. Bow window vi. Transom windows vii. Arched windows viii. Gable windows ix. Oval or round windows x. Shutters xi. Decorative stone or brick band xii. Projecting trim casings or surrounds xiii. Projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade, or xiv. Other features as approved by the Director of Development Services. b. This provision does not apply to office use development. 3. Façade Finish All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of 3” caliper trees that are planted one every 30 feet on center along the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. 4. Articulation Standards Any primary façade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variation in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation 53 Item 9. 8 i. A building façade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than five times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with façade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all façade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total façade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation ii. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than five times its height without a change in elevation of at least 10 percent of such height. iii. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 10 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total façade length. 5. Building Entrance Standards a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single-use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. 6. Canopy Standards The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principal building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 7. Drive-Thru Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure and will meet the City’s stacking and parking requirements, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 8. Overhead Doors a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential 54 Item 9. 9 lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following exceptions: i. An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. ii. A roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. iii. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives 9. Loading Docks a. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 40 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. c. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. 10. Exterior Colors All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: a. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. b. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. c. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintains sufficient visual continuity. SECTION 7 – OTHER GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. LANDSCAPING 1. Residential Single Family Detached Landscape Requirements. Except as otherwise provided below, landscape requirements shall comply with Section 48, Landscape Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. 55 Item 9. 10 a. Each single-family residence shall have an irrigation system in the front yard and street corner side yard. b. Each single-family lot shall have a minimum of two shade trees planted that are at least three caliper inches. One must be in front yard. c. All required trees shall be selected from an approved tree list at Site Plan approval. d. Each home lot shall have a minimum of ten (10) shrubs placed in the front yard. Individual shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) gallons in size when planted. 2. Multifamily, Townhome, Cottage, and Non-residential Uses Landscaped Requirements. All landscape requirements shall comply with Sections 48.4 and 48.5, Landscape Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. B. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS The development entrances from major roadways shall provide a monument sign with lighting and one additional of the following additional landscaping elements: a. Textured or decorative pavement. b. Enhanced landscaping and/or planting beds with irrigation. c. Other landscaping elements as approved by the Director of Development Services. C. OPEN SPACE 1. The residential portions shall be developed with privately maintained open space located throughout the PD, exclusive of the open space and/or landscaped areas provided on the individual residential lots. a. Multifamily Phase I – 5 acres minimum b. Multifamily Phase II – 5 acres minimum c. Single Family - 13 acres minimum 2. Common areas shall include floodplain, ponds, detention areas, and small open spaces shown on the Preliminary Master Plan Exhibit A. Small Open Spaces shall be connected with sidewalks to be a comprehensive pedestrian system. 3. A pedestrian circulation system shall be provided that affords connectivity to the entire community and the perimeter of the Property. The pedestrian system shall include concrete trails that are a minimum of six feet in width. The pedestrian circulation system may be located on private property with a pedestrian access easement or within the right- of-way. The pedestrian circulation system shall include such items as benches, landscaping, signage, lighting, bike racks, water fountains, trash cans, and pet waste stations. 4. All open space areas and landscaping materials shall be installed in compliance with a Conceptual Landscape Plan and approved concurrently with Detailed Site Plan for each development phase. 5. All landscaping materials shall be maintained in a healthy, living, and growing state, and be irrigated by an automatic irrigation system. Any landscaping that is removed must be 56 Item 9. 11 replaced with the same or comparable species and caliper plant, as when it was originally installed; provided, however, the Director of Development Services may approve an alternate species of plant upon a finding that the species originally planted has been subjected to disease or other condition that prohibits the ability of the original species to survive long term. The property owner’s association shall maintain or cause to be maintained all landscaping materials and irrigation system located in open spaces, landscaped medians, and other common areas. 6. Parks and open space areas shall be designated on approved plats for the Property. D. SCREENING/FENCING 1. Single Family Detached Residential Lot Fencing a. Fencing shall be connected to the side of the house on the lot. b. Fencing shall be constructed of wood, brick, or decorative metal. c. Fencing shall be a minimum of six feet in height and a maximum of eight feet in height. d. Fencing along streets shall be located parallel to the curb. e. Fencing shall be constructed so that the side of the fence containing the structural supports is not visible from any public right-of-way. f. All fences constructed of wood must be stained and have metal posts anchored with concrete for structural support. 2. Screen Fencing a. A minimum six-foot tall masonry and/or board-on-board wood with cap screen fence shall be provided between residential and non-residential uses. b. A minimum of six-foot tall masonry screen fence shall be provided along the perimeter of the storage facility outlined on the Master Site Plan. 3. Trash Storage Areas Outdoor trash storage areas visible from a public street must be screened on three sides by a solid wall at least eight feet in height of material that is consistent with the exterior building material of the main building that the storage area serves. Decorative metal opaque gates shall be used to access such trash collection areas. 4. Other 57 Item 9. 12 All mechanical, heating, and air conditioning equipment (e.g., rooftop or ground equipment) shall be screened from a ground level view six feet from a public right-of-way with landscaping. E. SIGNS 1. All signs shall be consistent with the architectural style of the associated building within the development. 2. Residential signs shall comply with City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Section 3.1408. 3. Non-Residential Signage a. All Business signs will generally comply with City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Section 3.1407 with the following exceptions: i. The total area per face of a sign shall not exceed 2 square feet of face area for each linear foot of building fascia length. ii. Pole signs along Interstate Highway 35 will be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) feet in height. iii. Two Non-Premises Signs shall be a permitted per area between 100 acres and 249 acres. iv. Pole signs shall be a maximum of 32 square feet and 8 feet in height unless adjacent to Interstate Highway 35 where 100 square feet and 16 feet in height is allowed. v. Pylon signs along Interstate Highway 35 will be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) feet in height with an allowable area of 1,200 square feet on each side of sign. b. Anchor Tenant Signage i. One large primary sign may be placed on each façade that faces a public right of way. ii. Each primary sign will allow for at least 72 inches for letter and logo height and a secondary sign with a maximum of 36 inches for letters or logos. iii. Separate signage shall be allowed on the anchor façade for businesses that are operating within the anchor space (i.e., coffee shop or bank branch) 4. No signs will be allowed in the right-of-way. 5. All balloon and inflatable signage shall be limited to temporary use i.e. grand openings and special events. Temporary use being defined as: i. Max. 10-14 days at a time ii. Once every six months per business on a rolling calendar year F. PARKING 58 Item 9. 13 1. General Provisions. a. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, required parking must be off- street parking. Head-in and parallel spaces located on streets are permitted and count toward required parking. b. Unless otherwise stated, all parking spaces may be enclosed or unenclosed. 2. Minimum Parking Requirements. See Exhibit B: General Permitted Uses for the minimum parking requirements for each principal use. 59 Item 9. 60 Item 9. 61 Item 9. LETTER OF INTENT Malouf Interests, Inc. Old Parkland - Freedom Place 4143 Maple Ave., Suite 325 Dallas, TX 75219 October 4, 2024 Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Amend City of Sanger Ordinance 12-32-22 Ms. Hammonds: Malouf Interests, Inc. respectfully requests to make the following amendments to City of Sanger Ordinance 12-32-22 related to Section 5.B.1.a – Residential Development Standards/Design Features for Single Family Residential Buildings. “Except as otherwise provided below, all Single Family Residential attached or detached buildings will comply with the City of Sanger Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual Points System – dated October 7, 2019…add” vii. Side facades facing a street may provide two window openings with the planting of an additional tree in the side yard. viii. In the 2019 Exterior Facade Design Criteria Manual – Residential Development 1. Single Family and Duplex Development - #8 Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below…add the following options:  Decorative garage door hardware - 2 points  Horizontal banding (rowlocks/ soldier course across front facade) - 2 points The purpose of the request is to provide the single-family home builder, which as unknown and the time of original PD, enough flexibility to meet design requirements in accordance with modern home design and appearances. Sincerely, Malouf Interests, Inc. 62 Item 9. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 12-32-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, REGARDING AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF APPROXIMATELY 131.82 ACRES OF LAND DESCRIBED AS A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57 AND TR 40 FROM AGRICULTURAL (A) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD); PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the "City") is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 12, 2022, duly covered and conducted public hearing for the purpose of assessing a request for amendment to the Zoning Map, recommending approval for the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, all requests for amendment to the Zoning Map were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; and WHEREAS, the following provisions of proper legal notice requirements, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, were made in the time and manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Zoning Map from Agricultural (A) to Planned Development (PD) is hereby granted for the property generally located along I-35 and Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive and described in Exhibit A-E. SECTION 2. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be time and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. Ordinance — 12-32-22 — I-35 and Chapman Drive - PD Page 1 of 2 63 Item 9. SECTION I It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19th day of December, 2022. ATTEST: Kelly Edw ds, City Secretary SANG % AweU — gee a age a edge TEX M11W\\ Ordinance—12-32-22 — I-35 and Chapman Drive - PD APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor VED TO Coleman, RM: Page 2 of 2 64 Item 9. City of Sanger SECTION 1—PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY AND PURPOSE Use of the Property shall comply with the general use areas shown as Residential, Non -Residential, and Park/Open Space on the Master Site Plan attached as Exhibit A, as it may be amended in accordance with this section, and with the use chart for each general use area as set forth in Exhibit B. The developer may change the boundaries and area of any use area by up to a cumulative amount of ten percent of the land area for each land use area. Any change to the Master Site Plan must be submitted to the Director of Development Services to ensure it is in compliance with this section, and the amended Master Site Plan will become a part of the permanent file maintained by the Director of Development Services for this Planned Development (PD). Any land use changes exceeding the ten percent of the land area for each land use area or changes that deviate from the planned development design standards or City of Sanger Code of Ordinances will need to be presented before Planning and Zoning and City Council for approval. Areas shown on the Master Site Plan as Residential are considered to be residential zoning areas, all other parts of the Property are considered to be nonresidential zoning areas. Any item not addressed in this PD will conform to the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances. SECTION 2 —DEFINITIONS A. Definitions. Terms used within this PD, including its exhibits, shall be defined as stated below. If a term is not listed below, the definition in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. 1. Active Park — means a park intended to support activities and equipped with improvements to promote activities, such as picnic tables, shade structures, dog parks and playgrounds. 2. Amenity Center —means an accessory use to a residential development that may consist of one or more buildings and structures and that may include, but is not limited to, meeting space, recreational facilities (such as a swimming pool and playground). 3. Block face —means one side of a block between two streets. 4. Boulevard — means a street divided by a median. 5. Build -to -Rent —Single family detached or attached dwelling unit, either platted on an individual lot or multiple dwelling units platted on one lot, for the purpose of lease to individual households. 6. Facade —means any separate face of a building that encloses or covers usable space. A roof is not a facade. 7. Gas Well Drilling and Production —means development, exploration, and production of natural gas. 8. General Retail Store Other Than Listed — means a facility or area for the retail sale of general merchandise or food, but does not include uses specifically listed in this PD. 1 65 Item 9. 9. Height — means the vertical distance measured from grade to the highest point of a structure including a sign). 10. Land Use Category —means one of the following land use categories identified on the permitted use table attached as Exhibit B. 11. Large Scale Retail — means a single use retail building that complies with the requirements in Section 6.13 of this PD. 12. Masonry —means stone or brick laid up unit by unit and set in mortar, or stucco panels. 13. Multifamily— means a building used or designed as a residence for three or more families or households living independently of each other on the same lot. 14. Non-residential building ornon-residential development - means a building or a lot containing one or more uses that are not single family or multifamily. 15. Non-residential use — means a use that is not exclusively single family or multifamily. 16. Open Space —means property that is one of the following: a public park, a private park accessible to residents living on the Property, or an undeveloped space open to the sky and accessible by the public and located on private property, such as native mitigation areas or trails, except for development allowed in open space in this PD. 17. Parkway —means the area between a sidewalk and the back of curb. 18. PD —means this Planned Development District. 19. Personal Services — means a facility or area for the sale of personal services, such as a spa or salon, a tailor, a florist, or a pet grooming shop. 20. Pocket Park — means a park that is less than one acre in size. 21. Property —means the property depicted on the attached Exhibit C and described by metes and bounds on the attached Exhibit D. 22. Residential Building or Residential Development — means a building or a lot with single family or multifamily use. 23. Residential Use -means single family homes detached or attached for sale and for lease, or multifamily use. 24. Single Family Detached —means asingle-family dwelling on a separate lot that fronts on a street, a place, or a court, that is not attached to another dwelling unit. 2 66 Item 9. 25. Single Family Attached — means a single-family dwelling unit that is attached to another dwelling unit such as a townhome or cottage style residence in groups of two and six dwelling units making up one building. 26. Temporary Use — means of limited duration; not permanent; and/or means a facility or area used as a temporary field construction office, storage of construction equipment and materials associated with an active permit to demolish or construct. SECTION 3 —SPECIAL REGULATIONS A. Any phasing information or development schedule shown on a plat or in documents accompanying a plat shall be informational only and subject to change by the Owner. B. This PD will adhere to the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Chapter 10: Subdivision Regulations. C. A preliminary plat shall be recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council if the following standards have been met: 1. The plat conforms to the Master Site Plan. 2. The plat conforms to the Planned Development Regulations. 3. The plan conforms to the Subdivision Regulations (Chapter 10). SECTION 4 —PERMITTED USES A. PRINCIPAL USES. 1. See Permitted Uses Table Exhibit B. Permitted Use Acreage Single -Family J- 29.9 Build -to -Rent 28.29 Multifamily 33.04 Non -Residential 25.03 Storage 3.07 B. ACCESSORY USES. 1. Accessory outside storage on asingle-family lot. 2. Accessory swimming pool, private. 3. Amenity Center. 4. Detached Garages, 5. Carports. 6. Accessory storage units for multifamily purposes. 70 Maintenance building. 67 Item 9. SECTION 5 — RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Swimming pools and accessory outside storage unitas a ave a minimum five-foot setback from rear and side property lines, however, the setback applies only to the swimming pool or structure, and not to associated decking or paving around the pool or structure. 2. TABLE 5.1 Residential Building Setback and Area Requirements Single Family Single Family Single Family Multifamily Detached 40' Lots Detached 50' Lots Detached 70' Lots 20 DUA or 612 Unit Count or DUA 200 Lots 84 Lots 12 Lots units Min. Lot Area 4,400 SF 51500 SF 71700 SF N/A Min. Lot Width 40' 50' 70' N/A Min, Lot Depth 110, 110, 110, N/A Min. Front Setback 20' 20' 20' 20' Min. Side Setback 5' 5' 5' S' Side Street Setback 10, 10, 10, N/A 10' / 5' for rear 10' / 5' for rear 10' / S' for rear 10, Min. Rear Setback garages garages garages Min. Dwelling Size 1300 SF 1500 SF 2000 SF 700 SF Max. Lot Coverage 60% 60% 60% 75% Max. Structure 2 Stories / 40' 2 Stories / 40' 2 Stories / 40' 3 Stories / 54' Height B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Design Features for Single Family Residential Buildings a. Except as otherwise provided below, all Single Family Residential attached or detached buildings will comply with the City of Sanger Exterior Facade Design Criteria Manual Points System — dated October 7, 2019. Material percentages are calculated from the finished floor to the top plate at the upper floor. Single-family attached dwelling units are permitted to be platted with multifamily lots, not individually. Single-family attached dwelling units are not required to appear as a single unit. iv. Single-family attached buildings will follow adopted International Building Code (IBC) for fire rated walls. 68 Item 9. v. Repeated elevations for single family attached homes on multifamily platted lots are permitted. vi. Rear -facing garages served from an alley shall be located a maximum of 5 feet from the rear property line. Additional on -street parking shall be provided in designated areas. 2. Design Features for Multifamily Buildings a. Except as otherwise provided below, all multifamily buildings will comply with the City of Sanger Exterior Fagade Design Criteria Manual Points System — dated October 7, 2019. i. Each multifamily development phase shall provide three of the following amenities: a. Swimming pool b. Fitness center c. Clubhouse with 1,000 square feet of community gathering space d. Covered Picnic Area e. Dog Park of at least 2,000 square feet in area f. One regulation size pickle ball court, or g. An alternative amenity approved by the Director of Development Services ii. Material percentages are calculated from the finished floor to the top plate at the upper floor. iii. Covered parking structures shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with the main multifamily structures. Exposed steel or timber support columns shall be permitted. SECTION 6 —NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TABLE 5.2 Non -Residential Requirements Requirement Non -Residential Min. Lot Area None Min. Front Setback 25' Min. Side Setback 0' Min. Rear Setback 20' Max. Lot Coverage 50% Min, Street Corner Setback 20' Max. Structure Height 60' 5 69 Item 9. B. NON-RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Design Features for Non -Residential Buildings a. All buildings must include at least four of the following architectural design elements: i. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; ii. Arcades; iii. Display windows; iv. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building facade; VI Articulated ground floor levels or base; vi. Articulated cornice line; vii. A combination of no more than two buildings materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and viii. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency. a. Each commercial and retail floor on a primary facade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary fagade windows shall include two of the following: i. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. ii. Trellis His Shed roof awning iv. Bay windows v. Bow window vi. Transom windows vii. Arched windows viii. Gable windows ix. Oval or round windows x. Shutters xi. Decorative stone or brick band xii. Projecting trim casings or surrounds xiii. Projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent fagade, or xiv. Other features as approved by the Director of Development Services. b. This provision does not apply to office use development. 3. FaGade Finish 0 70 Item 9. All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of 3" caliper trees that are planted one every 30 feet on center along the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. 4. Articulation Standards Any primary facade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variation in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation i. A building facade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than five times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with fagade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all fa§ade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total fagade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation ii. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than five times its height without a change in elevation of at least 10 percent of such height. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 10 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total fagade length. 5. Building Entrance Standards a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single -use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. 6. Canopy Standards The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principal building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. 71 Item 9. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 7. Drive-Thru Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure and will meet the City's stacking and parking requirements, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 8. Overhead Doors a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following exceptions: An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives 9. Loading Docks a. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 40 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. c. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. 10. Exterior Colo All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: a. A minimum of 80% of all bung elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non -reflective earth tone colors. b. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features 72 Item 9. including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. c. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building's elevation maintains sufficient visual continuity. SECTION 7 —OTHER GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. LANDSCAPING 1. Residential Single Family Detached Landscape Requirements. Except as otherwise provided below, landscape requirements shall comply with Section 48, Landscape Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. a. Each single-family residence shall have an irrigation system in the front yard and street corner side yard. b. Each single-family lot shall have a minimum of two shade trees planted that are at least three caliper inches. One must be in front yard. c. All required trees shall be selected from an approved tree list at Site Plan approval. d. Each home lot shall have a minimum of ten (10) shrubs placed in the front yard. Individual shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) gallons in size when planted. 2. Multifamily, Townhome Cottage and Non-residential Uses Landscaped Requirements. All landscape requirements shall comply with Sections 48.4 and 48.5, Landscape Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. B. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS The development entrances from major roadways shall provide a monument sign with lighting and one additional of the following additional landscaping elements: a. Textured or decorative pavement. b. Enhanced landscaping and/or planting beds with irrigation. c. Other landscaping elements as approved by the Director of Development Services, C. OPEN SPACE 1. The residential portions shall be developed with privately maintained open space located throughout the PD, exclusive of the open space and/or landscaped areas provided on the individual residential lots. a. Multifamily Phase 1-5 acres minimum b. Multifamily Phase II — 5 acres minimum c. Single Family - 13 acres minimum 2. Common areas shall include floodplain, ponds, detention areas, and small open spaces shown on the Preliminary Master Plan Exhibit A. Small Open Spaces shall be connected with sidewalks to be a comprehensive pedestrian system. 73 Item 9. 3. A pedestrian circulation system shall be provided that affords connectivity to the entire community and the perimeter of the Property. The pedestrian system shall include concrete trails that are a minimum of six feet in width. The pedestrian circulation system may be located on private property with a pedestrian access easement or within the right- of-way. The pedestrian circulation system shall include such items as benches, landscaping, signage, lighting, bike racks, water fountains, trash cans, and pet waste stations. 4. All open space areas and landscaping materials shall be installed in compliance with a Conceptual Landscape Plan and approved concurrently with Detailed Site Plan for each development phase. 5. All landscaping materials shall be maintained in a healthy, living, and growing state, and be irrigated by an automatic irrigation system. Any landscaping that is removed must be replaced with the same or comparable species and caliper plant, as when it was originally installed; provided, however, the Director of Development Services may approve an alternate species of plant upon a finding that the species originally planted has been subjected to disease or other condition that prohibits the ability of the original species to survive long term. The property owner's association shall maintain or cause to be maintained all landscaping materials and irrigation system located in open spaces, landscaped medians, and other common areas. 6. Parks and open space areas shall be designated on approved plats for the Property. D. SCREENING/FENCING 1. Single Family Detached Residential Lot Fencing a. Fencing shall be connected to the side of the house on the lot. b. Fencing shall be constructed of wood, brick, or decorative metal. c. Fencing shall be a minimum of six feet in height and a maximum of eight feet in height. d. Fencing along streets shall be located parallel to the curb. e. Fencing shall be constructed so that the side of the fence containing the structural supports is not visible from any public right-of-way. f. All fences constructed of wood must be stained and have metal posts anchored with concrete for structural support. 2. Screen Fencing a. A minimum six-foot tall masonry and/or board -on -board wood with cap screen fence shall be provided between residential and non-residential uses. 74 Item 9. b. A minimum of six-foot tall masonry screen fence shall be provided along the perimeter of the storage facility outlined on the Master Site Plan. 3. Trash Storage Areas Outdoor trash storage areas visible from a public street must be screened on three sides by a solid wall at least eight feet in height of material that is consistent with the exterior building material of the main building that the storage area serves. Decorative metal opaque gates shall be used to access such trash collection areas. 4. Other All mechanical, heating, and air conditioning equipment (e.g., rooftop or ground equipment) shall be screened from a ground level view six feet from a public right-of-way with landscaping. E. SIGNS 1. All signs shall be consistent with the architectural style of the associated building within the development. 2. Residential signs shall comply with City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Section 3.1408. 3. Non -Residential Signa e a. All Business signs will generally comply with City of Sanger Code of Ordinances Section 3.1407 with the following exceptions: i. The total area per face of a sign shall not exceed 2 square feet of face area for each linear foot of building fascia length. ii. Pole signs along Interstate Highway 35 will be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) feet in height. Two Non -Premises Signs shall be a permitted per area between 100 acres and 249 acres. iv. Pole signs shall be a maximum of 32 square feet and 8 feet in height unless adjacent to Interstate Highway 35 where 100 square feet and 16 feet in height is allowed. v. Pylon signs along Interstate Highway 35 will be limited to a maximum of one hundred (100) feet in height with an allowable area of 1,200 square feet on each side of sign. b. Anchor Tenant Signage One large primary sign may be placed on each facade that faces a public right of way. 11 75 Item 9. ii. Each primary sign will allow for at least 72 inches for letter and logo height and a secondary sign with a maximum of 36 inches for letters or logos. Separate signage shall be allowed on the anchor fagade for businesses that are operating within the anchor space (i.e., coffee shop or bank branch) 4. No signs will be allowed in the right-of-way. 5. All balloon and inflatable signage shall be limited to temporary use i.e. grand openings and special events. Temporary use being defined as: i. Max. 10-14 days at a time ii. Once every six months per business on a rolling calendar year F. PARKING 1. General Provisions. a. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, required parking must be off- street parking. Head -in and parallel spaces located on streets are permitted and count toward required parking. b. Unless otherwise stated, all parking spaces may be enclosed or unenclosed. 2. Minimum Parking Requirements. See Exhibit B: General Permitted Uses for the minimum parking requirements for each principal use. 12 76 Item 9. EXHIBIT "B" PERMITED USES CHART Legend: P = Permitted C = Conditional SUP = Special Use Permit PERMITED USES RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENT' OFFICE Offices P 3:1,000 SF RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENT Country Club with Golf Course P P 1:300 SF Nightclub P 1:100 SF Park, Playground, or Golf Course P P P Golf course 9.8 per hole; otherwise none Private Club, Lodge, or Fraternal Organization P 1:200 SF Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor P SUP Theater —1 per 4 seats; Bowling Alley — 6 per lane; Pool Halls and Other Commercial Amusements (Indoor) —1:100 SF; Racquetball Court-4 per court; Health Club —1:200 SF RESIDENTIAL AND LODGING Multi -Family P 1.60 per dwelling unit Single Family (attached or detached) P 12 per dwelling unit RETAIL AND PERSONAL SERVICE USES Bar P 1:75 SF Antique Shop P 2:1,000 SF Car wash P 1:150 SF Catering Service P 3:1,000 SF Daycare P 1 per 8 students General Personal Services (Cleaning, Laundry) P 3:1,000 SF General Personal Services (Copy Center) P 3:1,000 SF Custom and Craft Work P 1:400 SF Farmers Market P 1:1,000 SF of site area Gasoline Sales P 1:250 SF with a minimum of 4 spaces General Retail Store , other than listed P 3:1,000 SF (1:400 SF for furniture sales) Large Scale Retail P 3:1,000 SF (1:400 SF for furniture sales) Nursery, Garden Shop, or Pant Sales P 3:1,000 SF for indoor portion; 1:600 SF for outdoor portion Open Air Vending P None Personal Services P 3:1,000 SF Restaurant P 1:150 SF Veterinary Clinic C 1:400 SF TEMPORARY Temporary Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant P P P None Temporary Construction Field Office P P P None Temporary Construction Storage Yard P P P None Temporary Outdoors Sales P None UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION Electric Utility Substation P I P I lNone Radio, TV station , Recording Studio P 1:400 SF Utility Lines, Towers or Metering Station P P P INone Wireless Telecommunication Facilities P P INone WHOLESALE AND STORAGE Storage Facility P 1:31000 SF OTHER Gas Well Drilling and Production SUP I None Fractional parking requirements shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Unless otherwise stated, references to square footage are to floor area. 77 Item 9. yy svxai ` uagwS E6 T4ZT' ON lavalSHV 7{ a ` A3AH( TS TI3. LSAMEA L MIN19H 9 210 MO " AhM JO SHTTJV LCOVL ONIRR 3 ' IVI ZI I IL1I0 2I JNF' S IIt 0 9 9 4 9 zaW 9 9 o a tom' i=\ 11111111111111111 . </ 111111, J 2 LLaF JW J g 3 z t J lit O] 9® s i IfiII LH ONINOZ m4a Ii40i . 2 o J_ C J_ C N LL a 2aF N 78 Item 9. EXHIBIT D METES & BOUNDS Being a 131.82 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1214 in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being all of a called 50 acre tract of land described in the deed to PAC Group, LTD., recorded in Volume 4880, Page 2632 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas and being a portion of a called 61.598 acre tract of land described in the deed to PAC Group, LTD., recorded in Volume 4759, Page 632 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas and being a portion of a called 26.385 acre tract of land described in the deed to John Porter Auto Sales, Inc., recorded in Volume 1330, Page 277 of the Real Property records of Denton County, Texas anA being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a mag nail found at the Northeast corner of said 50 acre tract and the common Northwest corner of a called 2.501 acre tract of land described in the deed to Daniel Raymond Wolfe and Brianna Lynn Wolfe, recorded in Document Number 2021-21494 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas and being in Belz Road; THENCE South 01°00'05" West, with the East line of said 50 acre tract and the common West line of said 2.501 acre tract, passing at a distance of 655.80 feet a 3/8" iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 2.501 acre tract and the common Northwest corner of a called 10.42 acre tract of land described in the deed to M & G sanger Real Estate, LLC., recorded in Document Number 2019-27076 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, continuing on said course and with the East line of said 50 acre tract and the common West line of said 10.42 acre tract, passing at a distance of 1017.17 feet a 1/2" iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 10.42 acre tract and the common Northwest corner of a called M.96 acre tract of land described in the deed to Holt Texas, LTD., recorded in Document Number 2013- 71958 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, continuing on said course and with the East line of said 50 acre tract and the common West line of said 30.96 acre tract a total distance of 1561.92 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southeast corner of said 50 acre tract and the common Northeast corner of said 61.598 acre tract; THENCE South 00°48'52" West, with the East line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common West line of said 30.96 acre tract, a distance of 563.24 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 30.96 acre tract and the common Northwest corner of said 26.385 acre tract; THENCE South 88°37'28" East, with the North line of said 26.385 acre tract and the common South line of said 61.598 acre tract, passing a capped 5/8" iron rod stamped "TXDOT ROW MON" found at a distance of 1122.76 feet and continuing on said course a total distance of 1186.11 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of said 26.385 acre tract and the common Southeast corner of said 61.598 acre tract and being in the West Right -of -Way line of Interstate Highway I-3S/ U.S. Highway 77/North Stemmons Street (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 08°17'12" West, with the East line of said John Porter Auto Sales tract and the common West right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway I-35 East, a distance of 57.19 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of a called 0.3585 acre tract of land described as parcel 145 in the deed to the State of Texas, recorded in Document Number 2020472411 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas; 79 Item 9. THENCE North 89°3841 West, with the North line of said parcel 145, passing a capped 5/8" iron rod stamped "TXDOT ROW MON" found at the Northwest corner of said parcel 145 at a distance of 63.47 feet and continuing with the North line of the remainder of a tract of land described in the deed to Stephen L. Martin & Gary L. Martin, recorded in Document Number 96-0044292 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas and continuing on said course a total distance of 87.41 feet to a 2" metal post found at the Northwest corner of said Martin Tract; THENCE South 08°57'38" West, with the West line of said Martin tract, a distance of 247.92 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southwest corner of said Martin tract and the common Northwest corner of the remainder of a tract of land described as "TRACT II" in the deed to Hazel Martin, recorded in Volume 2163, Page 47 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 18°48'25" West, with the West line of said "TRACT II", a distance of 198.82 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said "TRACT II"; THENCE South 81°33'29" East, with the South line of said "TRACT II", passing a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "TXDOT ROW MON" found at the Southwest corner of a called 0.0135 acre tract of land described as parcel 144 in the deed to the State of Texas, recorded in Document Number 2020-74514 of the Official Records of Denton County Texas at a distance of 41.31 feet and continuing on said course and with the South line of said parcel 144 a total distance of 83.58 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southeast corner of said parcel 144 and in the East line of said 26.385 acre tract and the common West right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway I-35; THENCE with the East line of said 26.385 acre tract and the common West right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway 1-35 the following courses and distances; South 19°40'28" West, a distance of 47.78 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set; With a curve to the right having a radius of 5554.65 feet, a delta angle of 05°36'59", a chord bearing of S 16°3459 W, a chord length of 544.26 feet, and an arc length of 544.48 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of a called 0.1483 acre tract of land described as parcel 131 in the deed to the State of Texas, recorded in Document Number 2020-44894 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 70°40'52" West, with the North line of said parcel 131, passing a capped 5/8" iron rod stamped "TXDOT ROW MON" found at the Northwest corner of said parcel 131 at a distance of 36.78 feet and continuing on said course and with the North line of Lot 1, Block A of Foodmaker Addition an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Cabinet P, Page 105 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas and the North line of an Access Driveway, Utility & Signage Easement -Annex "4", recorded in Document Number 98-R0061221 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, a total distance of 233.60 feet to a called 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northwest corner of said Access Driveway, Utility &Signage Easement -Annex "41'; THENCE South 20°0513" West, with the West line of said Access Driveway, Utility &Signage Easement - Annex "4", a distance of 30.70 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of Potter Addition an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Cabinet U, Page 76 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas; 80 Item 9. THENCE North 69°5447 West, with the North line of said Potter Addition, a distance of 55.48 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set; THENCE North 88°3629 West, with the North line of said Potter Addition, passing a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "ISBEL ENGR" found at the Northwest corner of Potter Addition and the common Northeast corner of Isbell Addition an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Cabinet Y, Page 669 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas at a distance of 194.58 feet and continuing on said course and with the North line of said Isbell Addition a total distance of 419.32 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northwest corner of said Isbell Addition and in the East line of Sanger Exchange West -Section One an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Cabinet E, Page 280 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 01°13'S2" East, with the East line of said Sanger Exchange West -Section One, a distance A 9.80 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of said Sanger Exchange West -Section One; THENCE North 88°21'17" West, with the North line of said Sanger Exchange West -Section One, a distance of 221.87 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northwest corner of said Sanger Exchange West -Section One and being in the West line of said 26.385 acre tract and in the common East line of said 61.598 acre tract; THENCE South 01026123" West, with the East line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common West line of said Sanger Exchange West, Section One, a distance of 180.60 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped EAGLE SURVEYING" set in the North line of O'Reilly Addition an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Document Number 2020-71 of the Plat records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE North 88048142" West, with the North line of said O'Reilly Addition, a distance of 77.60 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found at the Northwest corner of said O'Reilly Addition; THENCE South 01°24'37" West, a distance of 178.63 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set in the South line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common North line of Farm to Market Road 455; THENCE North 88°49'25" West, with the South line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common North line of said Farm to Market Road 4551 a distance of 1307.41 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southwest corner of said 61.598 acre tract; THENCE North 00°58'47" East, with the West line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common East line of a called 95 acre tract of land described in the deed to Jackson Jay Marshall, recorded in Document Number 2013433569 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, a distance of 724.59 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southwest corner of a called 1.86 acre tract of land described in the deed to John W. Porter, recorded in Document number 96-R0026290 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 89°01'13" East, with the South line of said 1.86 acre tract, a distance of 270.00 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southeast corner of said 1.86 acre tract; THENCE North 00°58'47" East, with the East line of said 1.86 acre tract, a distance of 300.00 feet to a capped 1/211 iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of said 1.86 acre tract; 81 Item 9. THENCE North 89°0113 West, with the North line of said 1.86 acre tract, a distance of 270.00 feet to a 100-D nail found at the Northwest corner of said 1.86 acre tract and being in the West line of said 61.598 acre tract and the common East line of said 95 acre tract; THENCE North 00°584, East, with the West line of said 61.598 acre tract, a distance of 98.65 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "KAZ" found at the Southwest corner of a called 2.00 acre tract of land described in the deed to the City of Sanger, recorded in Document Number 2015446437 of the Official Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 88°56'S7" East, with the South line of said 2.00 acre tract, a distance of 269.84 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Southeast corner of said 2.00 acre tract; THENCE North 01°03'03" East, with the East line of said 2.00 acre tract, a distance of 322.56 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northeast corner of said 2.00 acre tract; THENCE North 88°56'S7" West, with the North line of said 2.00 acre tract, a distance of 270.24 feet to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" set at the Northwest corner of said 2.00 acre tract and being in the West line of said 61.598 acre tract; THENCE North 00°58'47" East, with the West line of said 61.598 acre tract and the West line of said 50 acre tract and the common East line of Meadow Land Addition an addition to the City of Sanger, recorded in Cabinet F, Page 80 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, a distance of 2048.28 feet to a %" iron rod found at the Northwest corner of said 50 acre tract and being in Belz Road; THENCE South 88032148" East, with the North line of said SO acre tract, a distance of 1394.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 131.82 acres of land more or less. 82 Item 9. svxai xaomvs anolvrn CW4 HI mW h 1; an3x a ieum\> s' aw \ unws erorn n - zzozWo oadwoa' auA¢ aauvam m c ot zcWcVa era iaa oxirnrner Nra ue muoa 83 Item 9. DRC MEDIA COMPANY NEWS & ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS One company delivers it all. 3555 Duchess Drive P.O. Box 369 Denton, TX 76202 940-387-381 1 Publication(s): Denton Record -Chronicle PROOF OF PUBLICATION Being duly sworn (s)he is the Publisher/authorized designee of Denton Record -Chronicle, in City of Denton/surrounding areas in Denton County, Newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year preceding the date of the attached notice, and that the said notice was published in said newspaper Denton Record -Chronicle on the following dates below: 12/24/2022 12/25/2022 C signature of Authorized Designee) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of December, 2022 by J Ce C LL)1 PLc printed name of Designee) Witness my hand and official seal: signature name of Designee) Notary Public, Denton County, PATRICIA LAGA I Notary Public State of Texas ID it 13027960 6 Comm. Expires 03-0.5m2021 BANGER CITY OF P O BOX 1729 SANGER TX 76266 Ad Number: 49726 Price: $64.50 84 Item 9. Ad Copy. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 12-32-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, REGARDING AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF APPROXIMATELY 131.82 ACRES OF LAND DESCRIBED AS All 241A TIERWESTER, TR 56, TR 57 AND TR 40 FROM AGRICULTURAL (A) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD); PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE FOR VIOLATIONS; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in The Code of Ordinances, Section 1.109 General Penalty for Violations of Code. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19th day of December, 2022. dre 12/24/2022 & 12/25/2022 85 Item 9. EXTERIOR FAÇADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL CITY OF SANGER OCTOBER 7, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX 76266 86 Item 9. 1 | P a g e Contents PURPOSE: ...................................................................................................................................... 2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ............................................................................................... 2 1. Single-Family and Duplex Development: ........................................................................... 2 2. Multifamily Development .................................................................................................... 5 NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ...................................................................................... 9 87 Item 9. 2 | P a g e PURPOSE: The purpose of this manual is to establish exterior façade architectural design criteria for residential development, commercial, and industrial development in the City of Sanger, TX. The exterior façade architectural design criteria established in this manual helps maintain visual interest and historical architectural integrity that defines Sanger’s unique character. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Residential development within the City of Sanger include detached single-family development, attached single-family development (townhomes), duplex development (two-family residential), and multifamily development within the city of Sanger. 1. Single-Family and Duplex Development: Applicability: These standards apply to all single family and duplex development in SF (Single Family Residential 1 – 10) Districts, TH (Townhome Residential) District, 2-F (Two-Family Residential) Duplex District, R (Residential District 1 – 4) Districts, and RO (Residential Office) District, as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows residential development. All single-family dwelling and duplex units must comply with the following standards: 1. All single family residential dwelling units (detached and attached/townhomes) shall be located on individual lots. Attached single-family (townhomes) as well as duplex units shall be separated by a fire-rated wall. 2. Duplex buildings must be designed to appear as a single unit. Any previously platted duplex lots will be exempt from this requirement as of the date of adoption of this manual. 3. Have attached garages with minimum 400 square feet. Any garage facing a public street may not extend more than 10 feet beyond the house front. On non-typical lots where site constraints are present, a variance to the maximum 10 feet garage extension beyond house front may be approved by the Director of Development Services or through an alternative façade permit application by City Council. 4. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. 5. Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flushed with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. 6. Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk. 88 Item 9. 3 | P a g e 7. Any house elevation shall not be repeated on a group of three lots most directly across the street, nor shall it be repeated on two adjacent lots in either direction on the same side of the street. 8. Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Porch: A covered, unenclosed area projecting at least 4 feet out from the front façade of a single family detached dwelling, or two-family dwelling. A porch must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A porch that covers at least 50% of the length of the front façade of the dwelling scores 4 points. A porch that covers at least 25% but less than 50% of the length of the front façade scores 3 points. b. Dormer: A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. c. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non-masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non-masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as per the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials d. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. e. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. f. Hidden Garage: A hidden garage is an enclosed parking space with a garage door that does not face the same street as the front façade. A hidden garage scores 3 points. 89 Item 9. 4 | P a g e g. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. h. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. i. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. j. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. k. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. l. Window Grids: Window grids are permanently-attached materials that visually divide the windows of the front façade into smaller transparent areas from the public right-of- way. Window grids score 3 points. m. Window Shutters: A pair of panels, often louvered, fixed outside a window. Window shutters scores 2 points. n. Expanded Dwelling Size: A dwelling size that measure at least 150% of the minimum dwelling unit size required by zoning ordinance scores 4 points. o. Bay Windows: A bay window is a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room. A front façade with one or more bay window scores 2 points. p. Portico: A covered walkway leading to the front door of a building. A portico must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A portico scores 2 points. q. Pent Roof or Pent Roof Returns: A pent roof is a small, self-supporting, single slope roof attached to a building. A pent roof return is a pent roof attached to the façade at the bottom of the gable. The use of a pent roof or pent roof return scores 2 points. 90 Item 9. 5 | P a g e 9. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the city council. 10. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 2. Multifamily Development Applicability: These standards apply to all multifamily development in MF (Multi-Family Residential District – 1 & 2) Districts. All multifamily development must comply with the following standards: 1. All multifamily development shall provide amenities conforming to the following regulations: Table 2.1 Amenities for Multi-Family and Mixed Use Structures Number of Dwelling Units Minimum Number of Amenities 0-49 1 50-99 2 100-149 3 150-199 4 200-249 5 250 or more 6 a. The following items shall be classified as acceptable amenities. Providing two or more of the same amenity shall not count as multiple required amenities unless specifically stated: i. Swimming pool (minimum 500 square foot surface area) with cooling deck (minimum ten feet wide in all areas) ii. Jacuzzi or hot tub area (minimum eight person); iii. Covered picnic area to contain no fewer than 2 tables with seating and 2 grills; iv. Ramada(s), arbor(s), and/or trellis(es) covering at least 500 square feet of recreation space. v. Community garden or orchard with irrigation (minimum 800 square feet); vi. Tot play lot (minimum 4,000 square feet area); vii. A splash pad (water play amenity for children) which is a minimum of 1,000 square feet in area; 91 Item 9. 6 | P a g e viii. A dog park which is at least 5,000 square feet in area which satisfies the following requirements: 1. The dog park is enclosed by a minimum five-foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence; 2. No side of the enclosure shall be shorter than 50 feet in length; 3. One dog water station with at least one water fountain and pet bowl; 4. One dog waste station which shall include a bag dispenser and waste receptacle must be installed along the perimeter of the enclosure for every 2,500 square feet of the associated dog park; ix. One regulation size volleyball, basketball, tennis, or other similarly related playing court. Each court shall count as one amenity; x. Fitness center and/or weight room (minimum 500 square feet); xi. Golf putting green (minimum 1000 square feet); xii. Other amenities as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council as part of the platting process. 2. All multifamily development shall be required to provide the following elements: a. All ground floor entries shall be covered with distinct architectural detail such as: portico, arcade, awning, or other similar shading elements. b. Fronts and street sides of the building visible from the public right-of-way shall include changes in relief such as columns, cornices, bases, and fenestrations on at least 15% of each exterior building façade. c. At a minimum, elevations that are 50 feet or longer in horizontal length shall be interrupted by at least two offsets (projection or recess) from the primary façade plane of at least 2 feet. This requirement may be suspended or reduced in limited cases by the Director of Development Services if a proposed building features sufficient architectural interest and composition to make this requirement unnecessary. d. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. e. Windows shall appear as holes that are punched through walls rather than an appendage to the wall. This shall be accomplished through the use of recessed windows, awnings, sills, drip caps, projecting trim casings or surrounds, projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. f. All enclosed parking, if provided, shall be of similar and conforming architectural design and materials as the main multifamily structures. 92 Item 9. 7 | P a g e g. Minimum 4’ sidewalks are required from all parking and public areas to entryways of all units. h. Steel or timber support columns for covered parking structures shall be covered with material matching the main multifamily building. i. All off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets by one or more of the following: i. A combination of low masonry walls and earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; ii. Earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; iii. A six-foot tall brick masonry, stone masonry, or other architectural masonry finish; or iv. A six-foot tall primed and painted tubular steel or wrought iron fence with masonry columns spaced 20 feet on centers, with structural supports placed every ten linear feet, and with sufficient evergreen landscaping to creat e a screening effect; v. multifamily residential building(s) that the off-street parking is serving; or vi. Another alternate screening device as approved by the Director of Development Services. j. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. k. All mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment is either: i. Located at ground level and completely screened by a masonry or wood screening wall that is at least six feet tall; or ii. Roof-mounted and is screened from public view. 3. Each multifamily development shall earn a score of at least 12 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Dormer: A dormer us a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. 93 Item 9. 8 | P a g e b. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non-masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non-masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building structure may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as shown in the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials c. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten (10) additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. d. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. e. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. f. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. g. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. h. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. i. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different 94 Item 9. 9 | P a g e from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. j. Private Balcony or Porch: A private balcony or porch that is at least 50 square feet in area in provided in each unit. Balconies shall be designed so that visual and auditory intrusions on private outdoor space of other units or adjacent developments are minimized. Private balcony or porch scores 3 points. k. Solar Orientation and Passive Cooling: Buildings are encouraged to be aligned on an east-west axis so that the long side of the building faces north and south while the short ends face east to west. When the long side face south or west, windows located along those sides are encouraged to be externally shaded through the use of extended overhangs, building projections, window recesses, or similar structural means to assist in minimizing summer solar admission and improving passive cooling. Conformance with solar orientation and passive cooling criteria scores 3 points. 4. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the City Council. 5. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owners of properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Applicability: These standards apply to all commercial, office, retail, and industrial development in A (Agricultural) District, B (Business District – 1 & 2) Districts, B-3 (Central Business District), I-1 (Industrial District), I-2 (Heavy Industrial District), as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows commercial, office, retail, and industrial uses. All nonresidential development shall meet the following standards: 1. Architectural Elements: All buildings shall be designed to incorporate at least 4 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet shall include at least 5 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 100,000 square feet shall include at least 6 architectural elements from the list below: a. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; b. Arcades; 95 Item 9. 10 | P a g e c. Display windows: d. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building façade; e. Articulated ground floor levels or base; f. Articulated cornice line; g. A combination of no more than two building materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and h. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency: Each commercial and retail floor on a primary façade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary façade windows shall include two of the following: a. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. b. Trellis c. Shed roof awning d. Bay windows e. Bow window f. Transom windows g. Arched windows h. Gable windows i. Oval or round windows j. Shutters k. Decorative stone or brick band l. Projecting trim casings or surrounds m. Projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. This provision does not apply to office use and industrial development. 3. Façade Finish: All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of trees are planted on the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. A double row of trees shall be in a 15 foot wide landscape edge, where each tree is 15 feet apart and shall be an evergreen canopy tree. This provision only applies to facades that are not visible from public streets. This provision does not apply to “out” buildings or pad sites. 4. Articulation Standards: Any primary façade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variations in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation: 96 Item 9. 11 | P a g e i. A building façade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than three times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with façade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all façade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total façade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation: i. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than three times its height without a change in elevation of at least 15 percent of such height. ii. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 20 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total façade length. 5. Building Entrance Standards: a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single-use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. 6. Canopy Standards: The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principle building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 6. Drive-Thru: Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 7. Overhead Doors: a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following exceptions: i. An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. 97 Item 9. 12 | P a g e ii. A roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. iii. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives. 8. Loading Docks: a. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. c. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. 9. Exterior Colors: All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: a. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. b. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. c. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. 98 Item 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action selecting a layout concept for Porter Park Phase II. SUMMARY:  October 16, City Council approved an RFQ for Conceptual Design for Porter Sports Park Phase II. The Project is located on City of Sanger property totaling approximately 50 acres east of Interstate Highway 35 and west of Cowling Road on the northern banks of Duck Creek. It is connected to Sanger Sports Parks to the west via right of way under the IH-35 overpass at Duck Creek. The proposed program is based on the Miracle League Field serving as the centerpiece & destination park for Phase II, and the recommendations identified in The Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  The Sanger Development Corporation (4B) has allocated funding for the conceptual design services.  May 16, HALFF and Staff met with stakeholders to discuss needs for Porter Park Phase II.  June 18, HALFF and Staff held a Public Engagement Meeting to discuss needs for Porter Park Phase II.  The Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies the completion of Porter Park Phase II. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $80,000 GL Account: 76-6117 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS:  Porter Park Phase II (Option 1)  Porter Park Phase II (Option 2) 99 Item 10. 100 Item 10. 101 Item 10. Porter Park – Phase 2 | 11 MA S T E R P L A N – OP T I O N S CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: November 4, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 11-21-24 to amend the Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual referenced in the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 Building Regulations, Article 3.2100 Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual, Section 3.2101, (a) Design Criteria Manual. SUMMARY:  Staff and Council has recently received request for variances or PD amendments for the 25% door and window requirement on yards adjacent a street.  Council has approved some additional landscape and updated fencing in lieu of this requirement.  Staff is proposing the following language be added to the Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual to allow the choice of the 25% requirement or the following: o In lieu of side yard walls on corner lots requiring windows and doors comprising of 25% of the wall space, a corner lot shall comply with the following: a. A side yard wall on a corner lot facing a street shall consist of at least two windows or doors totaling 25 square feet in aggregate area. b. On corner lots, side yard fencing facing residential streets and the adjacent gate return, shall be a stained 6-foot-tall cedar board-on-board fence with a decorative top cap and metal posts. Posts and hardware shall be on the internal side of the fence and not viewed from the public ROW. c. On corner lots, fencing facing a collector or arterial street shall be a 6-foot masonry wall with columns. d. On corner lots, front fencing or gates that face a primary street shall be set back from the front façade a minimum of 10 feet but no more than 15 feet. e. If a window of any size is not installed on the side of a house on a corner lot between the front build line and side yard fence return, shrubs of a minimum of 3 gallons in size shall be planted between front build line and fence return at a spacing of 4 feet on center. In addition, one 3-inch caliper eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), or other evergreen tree species approved by the Director of Development Services, shall be planted at the longitudinal midpoint between the front build line and fence return.  This is the language that has been used in the PD amendments.  Using this language provides consistency with what has already been approved. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A 102 Item 11. RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 11-21-24 Exhibit A Existing Exterior Facade Design Criteria Manual 103 Item 11. Ordinance – Amending Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual – Side Yard Windows Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 11-21-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING EXTERIOR FAÇADE DESIGN CRITERIA REFERENCED IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 3 BUILDING REGULATIONS, ARTICLE 3.2100 EXTERIOR FAÇADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL, SECTION 3.2101.(a) DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 10-29-19 adopting the Exterior Façade Criteria Manual on Oct. 07, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual Exhibit A referenced in Chapter 3 Building Regulations, Article 3.2100 Exterior Façade Criteria Manual, Section 13.1301.(a) Design criteria manual is amended as follows: 1. The requirements for the side yard window adjacent a street further described in Exhibit A. SECTION 2. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. 104 Item 11. Ordinance – Amending Exterior Façade Design Criteria Manual – Side Yard Windows Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other City Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the City which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 4th day of November, 2024. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 105 Item 11. EXTERIOR FAÇADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL CITY OF SANGER OCTOBER 7, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX 76266 106 Item 11. 1 | P a g e Contents PURPOSE: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: .......................................................................................................................... 2 Single-Family and Duplex Development: ............................................................................................ 2 Multifamily Development:............................................................................................................................... 6 NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ............................................................................................................ 10 107 Item 11. 2 | P a g e PURPOSE: The purpose of this manual is to establish exterior façade architectural design criteria for residential development, commercial, and industrial development in the City of Sanger, TX. The exterior façade architectural design criteria established in this manual helps maintain visual interest and historical architectural integrity that defines Sanger’s unique character. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Residential development within the City of Sanger include detached single-family development, attached single-family development (townhomes), duplex development (two-family residential), and multifamily development within the city of Sanger. Single-Family and Duplex Development: Applicability: These standards apply to all single family and duplex development in SF (Single Family Residential 1 – 10) Districts, TH (Townhome Residential) District, 2-F (Two- Family Residential) Duplex District, R (Residential District 1 – 4) Districts, and RO (Residential Office) District, as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows residential development. All single-family dwelling and duplex units must comply with the following standards: 1. All single family residential dwelling units (detached and attached/townhomes) shall be located on individual lots. Attached single- family (townhomes) as well as duplex units shall be separated by a fire-rated wall. 2. Duplex buildings must be designed to appear as a single unit. Any previously platted duplex lots will be exempt from this requirement as of the date of adoption of this manual. 3. Have attached garages with minimum 400 square feet. Any garage facing a public street may not extend more than 10 feet beyond the house front. On non-typical lots where site constraints are present, a variance to the maximum 10 feet garage extension beyond house front may be approved by the Director of Development Services or through an alternative façade permit application by City Council. 4. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. In lieu of side yard walls on corner lots requiring windows and doors comprising of 25% of the wall space, a corner lot shall comply with the following: 108 Item 11. 3 | P a g e a. A side yard wall on a corner lot facing a street shall consist of at least two windows or doors totaling 25 square feet in aggregate area. b. On corner lots, side yard fencing facing residential streets and the adjacent gate return, shall be a stained 6-foot-tall cedar board-on- board fence with a decorative top cap and metal posts. Posts and hardware shall be on the internal side of the fence and not viewed from the public ROW. c. On corner lots, fencing facing a collector or arterial street shall be a 6-foot masonry wall with columns. d. On corner lots, front fencing or gates that face a primary street shall be set back from the front façade a minimum of 10 feet but no more than 15 feet. e. If a window of any size is not installed on the side of a house on a corner lot between the front build line and side yard fence return, shrubs of a minimum of 3 gallons in size shall be planted between front build line and fence return at a spacing of 4 feet on center. In addition, one 3-inch caliper eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), or other evergreen tree species approved by the Director of Development Services, shall be planted at the longitudinal midpoint between the front build line and fence return. 5. Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flushed with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. 6. Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk. 7. Any house elevation shall not be repeated on a group of three lots most directly across the street, nor shall it be repeated on two adjacent lots in either direction on the same side of the street. 8. Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Porch: A covered, unenclosed area projecting at least 4 feet out from the front façade of a single family detached dwelling, or two-family dwelling. A porch must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A porch that covers at least 50% of the length of the front façade of the dwelling scores 4 points. A porch that covers at least 25% but less than 50% of the length of the front façade scores 3 points. b. Dormer: A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. 109 Item 11. 4 | P a g e c. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non-masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non- masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as per the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials d. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. e. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. f. Hidden Garage: A hidden garage is an enclosed parking space with a garage door that does not face the same street as the front façade. A hidden garage scores 3 points. g. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. h. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. i. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. j. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. 110 Item 11. 5 | P a g e k. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. l. Window Grids: Window grids are permanently-attached materials that visually divide the windows of the front façade into smaller transparent areas from the public right-of- way. Window grids score 3 points. m. Window Shutters: A pair of panels, often louvered, fixed outside a window, may be decorative and not functional. Window shutters scores 2 points. n. Expanded Dwelling Size: A dwelling size that measure at least 150% of the minimum dwelling unit size required by zoning ordinance scores 4 points. o. Bay Windows: A bay window is a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room. A front façade with one or more bay window scores 2 points. p. Portico: A covered walkway leading to the front door of a building. A portico must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A portico scores 2 points. q. Pent Roof or Pent Roof Returns: A pent roof is a small, self-supporting, single slope roof attached to a building. A pent roof return is a pent roof attached to the façade at the bottom of the gable. The use of a pent roof or pent roof return scores 2 points. 9. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the city council. 10. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 111 Item 11. 6 | P a g e Multifamily Development: Applicability: These standards apply to all multifamily development in MF (Multi- Family Residential District – 1 & 2) Districts. All multifamily development must comply with the following standards: 1. All multifamily development shall provide amenities conforming to the following regulations: Table 2.1 Amenities for Multi-Family and Mixed Use Structures Number of Dwelling Units Minimum Number of Amenities 0-49 1 50-99 2 100-149 3 150-199 4 200-249 5 250 or more 6 a. The following items shall be classified as acceptable amenities. Providing two or more of the same amenity shall not count as multiple required amenities unless specifically stated: i. Swimming pool (minimum 500 square foot surface area) with cooling deck (minimum ten feet wide in all areas) ii. Jacuzzi or hot tub area (minimum eight person); iii. Covered picnic area to contain no fewer than 2 tables with seating and 2 grills; iv. Ramada(s), arbor(s), and/or trellis(es) covering at least 500 square feet of recreation space. v. Community garden or orchard with irrigation (minimum 800 square feet); vi. Tot play lot (minimum 4,000 square feet area); vii. A splash pad (water play amenity for children) which is a minimum of 1,000 square feet in area; viii. A dog park which is at least 5,000 square feet in area which satisfies the following requirements: 1. The dog park is enclosed by a minimum five-foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence; 2. No side of the enclosure shall be shorter than 50 feet in length; 3. One dog water station with at least one water fountain and pet bowl; 4. One dog waste station which shall include a bag dispenser and waste receptacle must be installed along the perimeter of the enclosure for every 2,500 square feet of the associated dog park; 112 Item 11. 7 | P a g e ix. One regulation size volleyball, basketball, tennis, or other similarly related playing court. Each court shall count as one amenity; x. Fitness center and/or weight room (minimum 500 square feet); xi. Golf putting green (minimum 1000 square feet); xii. Other amenities as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council as part of the platting process. 2. All multifamily development shall be required to provide the following elements: a. All ground floor entries shall be covered with distinct architectural detail such as: portico, arcade, awning, or other similar shading elements. b. Fronts and street sides of the building visible from the public right-of- way shall include changes in relief such as columns, cornices, bases, and fenestrations on at least 15% of each exterior building façade. c. At a minimum, elevations that are 50 feet or longer in horizontal length shall be interrupted by at least two offsets (projection or recess) from the primary façade plane of at least 2 feet. This requirement may be suspended or reduced in limited cases by the Director of Development Services if a proposed building features sufficient architectural interest and composition to make this requirement unnecessary. d. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. e. Windows shall appear as holes that are punched through walls rather than an appendage to the wall. This shall be accomplished through the use of recessed windows, awnings, sills, drip caps, projecting trim casings or surrounds, projecting muntin or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. f. All enclosed parking, if provided, shall be of similar and conforming architectural design and materials as the main multifamily structures. g. Minimum 4’ sidewalks are required from all parking and public areas to entryways of all units. h. Steel or timber support columns for covered parking structures shall be covered with material matching the main multifamily building. 113 Item 11. 8 | P a g e i. All off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets by one or more of the following: i. A combination of low masonry walls and earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; ii. Earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; iii. A six-foot tall brick masonry, stone masonry, or other architectural masonry finish; or iv. A six-foot tall primed and painted tubular steel or wrought iron fence with masonry columns spaced 20 feet on centers, with structural supports placed every ten linear feet, and with sufficient evergreen landscaping to create a screening effect; v. multifamily residential building(s) that the off-street parking is serving; or vi. Another alternate screening device as approved by the Director of Development Services. j. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. k. All mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment is either: i. Located at ground level and completely screened by a masonry or wood screening wall that is at least six feet tall; or ii. Roof-mounted and is screened from public view. 3. Each multifamily development shall earn a score of at least 12 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Dormer: A dormer us a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. b. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non- masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The 114 Item 11. 9 | P a g e materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non-masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building structure may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as shown in the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials c. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten (10) additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. d. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. e. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. f. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. g. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. h. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. i. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. 115 Item 11. 10 | P a g e j. Private Balcony or Porch: A private balcony or porch that is at least 50 square feet in area in provided in each unit. Balconies shall be designed so that visual and auditory intrusions on private outdoor space of other units or adjacent developments are minimized. Private balcony or porch scores 3 points. k. Solar Orientation and Passive Cooling: Buildings are encouraged to be aligned on an east-west axis so that the long side of the building faces north and south while the short ends face east to west. When the long side face south or west, windows located along those sides are encouraged to be externally shaded through the use of extended overhangs, building projections, window recesses, or similar structural means to assist in minimizing summer solar admission and improving passive cooling. Conformance with solar orientation and passive cooling criteria scores 3 points. 4. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the City Council. 5. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owners of properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Applicability: These standards apply to all commercial, office, retail, and industrial development in A (Agricultural) District, B (Business District – 1 & 2) Districts, B-3 (Central Business District), I-1 (Industrial District), I-2 (Heavy Industrial District), as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows commercial, office, retail, and industrial uses. All nonresidential development shall meet the following standards: 1. Architectural Elements: All buildings shall be designed to incorporate at least 4 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet shall include at least 5 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 100,000 square feet shall include at least 6 architectural elements from the list below: a. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; b. Arcades; c. Display windows: 116 Item 11. 11 | P a g e d. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building façade; e. Articulated ground floor levels or base; f. Articulated cornice line; g. A combination of no more than two building materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and h. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency: Each commercial and retail floor on a primary façade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary façade windows shall include two of the following: a. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. b. Trellis c. Shed roof awning d. Bay windows e. Bow window f. Transom windows g. Arched windows h. Gable windows i. Oval or round windows j. Shutters k. Decorative stone or brick band l. Projecting trim casings or surrounds m. Projecting muntin or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. This provision does not apply to office use and industrial development. 3. Façade Finish: All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of trees are planted on the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. A double row of trees shall be in a 15 foot wide landscape edge, where each tree is 15 feet apart and shall be an evergreen canopy tree. This provision only applies to facades that are not visible from public streets. This provision does not apply to “out” buildings or pad sites. 4. Articulation Standards: Any primary façade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variations in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation: 117 Item 11. 12 | P a g e i. A building façade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than three times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with façade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all façade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total façade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation: i. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than three times its height without a change in elevation of at least 15 percent of such height. ii. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 20 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total façade length. 5. Building Entrance Standards: a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single-use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. 6. Canopy Standards: The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principle building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 7. Drive-Thru: Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 8. Overhead Doors: a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following 118 Item 11. 13 | P a g e exceptions: i. An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. ii. A roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. iii. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives. 9. Loading Docks: c. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. d. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. e. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. 10. Exterior Colors: All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: f. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. g. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. h. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. 119 Item 11. EXTERIOR FAÇADE DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL CITY OF SANGER OCTOBER 7, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX 76266 120 Item 11. 1 | P a g e Contents PURPOSE: ...................................................................................................................................... 2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ............................................................................................... 2 1. Single-Family and Duplex Development: ........................................................................... 2 2. Multifamily Development .................................................................................................... 5 NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: ...................................................................................... 9 121 Item 11. 2 | P a g e PURPOSE: The purpose of this manual is to establish exterior façade architectural design criteria for residential development, commercial, and industrial development in the City of Sanger, TX. The exterior façade architectural design criteria established in this manual helps maintain visual interest and historical architectural integrity that defines Sanger’s unique character. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Residential development within the City of Sanger include detached single-family development, attached single-family development (townhomes), duplex development (two-family residential), and multifamily development within the city of Sanger. 1. Single-Family and Duplex Development: Applicability: These standards apply to all single family and duplex development in SF (Single Family Residential 1 – 10) Districts, TH (Townhome Residential) District, 2-F (Two-Family Residential) Duplex District, R (Residential District 1 – 4) Districts, and RO (Residential Office) District, as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows residential development. All single-family dwelling and duplex units must comply with the following standards: 1. All single family residential dwelling units (detached and attached/townhomes) shall be located on individual lots. Attached single-family (townhomes) as well as duplex units shall be separated by a fire-rated wall. 2. Duplex buildings must be designed to appear as a single unit. Any previously platted duplex lots will be exempt from this requirement as of the date of adoption of this manual. 3. Have attached garages with minimum 400 square feet. Any garage facing a public street may not extend more than 10 feet beyond the house front. On non-typical lots where site constraints are present, a variance to the maximum 10 feet garage extension beyond house front may be approved by the Director of Development Services or through an alternative façade permit application by City Council. 4. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. 5. Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flushed with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. 6. Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk. 122 Item 11. 3 | P a g e 7. Any house elevation shall not be repeated on a group of three lots most directly across the street, nor shall it be repeated on two adjacent lots in either direction on the same side of the street. 8. Earn a score of at least 15 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Porch: A covered, unenclosed area projecting at least 4 feet out from the front façade of a single family detached dwelling, or two-family dwelling. A porch must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A porch that covers at least 50% of the length of the front façade of the dwelling scores 4 points. A porch that covers at least 25% but less than 50% of the length of the front façade scores 3 points. b. Dormer: A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. c. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non-masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balanc e of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non-masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as per the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials d. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. e. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. f. Hidden Garage: A hidden garage is an enclosed parking space with a garage door that does not face the same street as the front façade. A hidden garage scores 3 points. 123 Item 11. 4 | P a g e g. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. h. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. i. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. j. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. k. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. l. Window Grids: Window grids are permanently-attached materials that visually divide the windows of the front façade into smaller transparent areas from the public right-of- way. Window grids score 3 points. m. Window Shutters: A pair of panels, often louvered, fixed outside a window. Window shutters scores 2 points. n. Expanded Dwelling Size: A dwelling size that measure at least 150% of the minimum dwelling unit size required by zoning ordinance scores 4 points. o. Bay Windows: A bay window is a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building and forming a bay in a room. A front façade with one or more bay window scores 2 points. p. Portico: A covered walkway leading to the front door of a building. A portico must be covered and roofed with materials similar to the balance of the structure. A portico scores 2 points. q. Pent Roof or Pent Roof Returns: A pent roof is a small, self-supporting, single slope roof attached to a building. A pent roof return is a pent roof attached to the façade at the bottom of the gable. The use of a pent roof or pent roof return scores 2 points. 124 Item 11. 5 | P a g e 9. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the city council. 10. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 2. Multifamily Development Applicability: These standards apply to all multifamily development in MF (Multi-Family Residential District – 1 & 2) Districts. All multifamily development must comply with the following standards: 1. All multifamily development shall provide amenities conforming to the following regulations: Table 2.1 Amenities for Multi-Family and Mixed Use Structures Number of Dwelling Units Minimum Number of Amenities 0-49 1 50-99 2 100-149 3 150-199 4 200-249 5 250 or more 6 a. The following items shall be classified as acceptable amenities. Providing two or more of the same amenity shall not count as multiple required amenities unless specifically stated: i. Swimming pool (minimum 500 square foot surface area) with cooling deck (minimum ten feet wide in all areas) ii. Jacuzzi or hot tub area (minimum eight person); iii. Covered picnic area to contain no fewer than 2 tables with seating and 2 grills; iv. Ramada(s), arbor(s), and/or trellis(es) covering at least 500 square feet of recreation space. v. Community garden or orchard with irrigation (minimum 800 square feet); vi. Tot play lot (minimum 4,000 square feet area); vii. A splash pad (water play amenity for children) which is a minimum of 1,000 square feet in area; 125 Item 11. 6 | P a g e viii. A dog park which is at least 5,000 square feet in area which satisfies the following requirements: 1. The dog park is enclosed by a minimum five-foot tall vinyl coated chain link fence; 2. No side of the enclosure shall be shorter than 50 feet in length; 3. One dog water station with at least one water fountain and pet bowl; 4. One dog waste station which shall include a bag dispenser and waste receptacle must be installed along the perimeter of the enclosure for every 2,500 square feet of the associated dog park; ix. One regulation size volleyball, basketball, tennis, or other similarly related playing court. Each court shall count as one amenity; x. Fitness center and/or weight room (minimum 500 square feet); xi. Golf putting green (minimum 1000 square feet); xii. Other amenities as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council as part of the platting process. 2. All multifamily development shall be required to provide the following elements: a. All ground floor entries shall be covered with distinct architectural detail such as: portico, arcade, awning, or other similar shading elements. b. Fronts and street sides of the building visible from the public right-of-way shall include changes in relief such as columns, cornices, bases, and fenestrations on at least 15% of each exterior building façade. c. At a minimum, elevations that are 50 feet or longer in horizontal length shall be interrupted by at least two offsets (projection or recess) from the primary façade plane of at least 2 feet. This requirement may be suspended or reduced in limited cases by the Director of Development Services if a proposed building features sufficient architectural interest and composition to make this requirement unnecessary. d. All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows and doors. e. Windows shall appear as holes that are punched through walls rather than an appendage to the wall. This shall be accomplished through the use of recessed windows, awnings, sills, drip caps, projecting trim casings or surrounds, projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. f. All enclosed parking, if provided, shall be of similar and conforming architectural design and materials as the main multifamily structures. 126 Item 11. 7 | P a g e g. Minimum 4’ sidewalks are required from all parking and public areas to entryways of all units. h. Steel or timber support columns for covered parking structures shall be covered with material matching the main multifamily building. i. All off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets by one or more of the following: i. A combination of low masonry walls and earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; ii. Earthen berms reaching a minimum of six feet tall; iii. A six-foot tall brick masonry, stone masonry, or other architectural masonry finish; or iv. A six-foot tall primed and painted tubular steel or wrought iron fence with masonry columns spaced 20 feet on centers, with structural supports placed every ten linear feet, and with sufficient evergreen landscaping to create a screening effect; v. multifamily residential building(s) that the off-street parking is serving; or vi. Another alternate screening device as approved by the Director of Development Services. j. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. k. All mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment is either: i. Located at ground level and completely screened by a masonry or wood screening wall that is at least six feet tall; or ii. Roof-mounted and is screened from public view. 3. Each multifamily development shall earn a score of at least 12 points based on the scoring criteria listed below: a. Dormer: A dormer us a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of sloping roof surface, clad in the same material as the exterior walls below the roofline and containing a window. A dormer within the front façade scores 4 points. 127 Item 11. 8 | P a g e b. Multiple Materials: The use of a combination of masonry and non-masonry materials in the exterior of a building façade. For example, an exterior wall with brick veneer from the ground up to the bottom of the windows, with wood siding up the balance of the walls to the eaves. The materials should be visibly different from each other from the public right of way. Each non-masonry material must cover at least 20% of the façade. One building structure may not have more than 5 different building materials. The total score earned will be based on the percentage of masonry as shown in the table below: 5 points 100% masonry 0% other materials 4 points 75% masonry 25% other materials 3 points 50% masonry 50% other materials 2 points 25% masonry 75% other materials 1 points 0% masonry 100% other materials c. Major Offsets to Front Façade: A façade with a major offset is one with a section at least 10 feet wide set back at least ten (10) additional feet from the balance of the façade. A major offset scores 4 points. d. Stone or Brick Accents: Stone or brick accents is the application of stone or brick masonry on a non-masonry exterior to draw attention to an architectural element. Such elements include but are not limited to corners, doors, windows, a front deck, or the columns supporting a front porch. The accents should equal at least 5% of the front façade. The use of stone or brick accents scores 4 points. e. Steep Roof Pitch: A steep roof has a pitch of at least 7:12. A steep roof pitch scores 3 points. f. Gabled Accents: A small triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof along the front façade of a residence. A gabled accent scores 3 points. A gabled dormer is considered a dormer and not a gabled accent. g. Cross Gabled: A residence is cross-gabled when it has multiple gables aligned on perpendicular axes, intersection in a cross at the highest point on the roof. A cross gabled roof scores 3 points. h. Multi-Angled Roof: A multi-angled roof has one or more sections equaling at least 1/3 the total roof width with a pitch at least 1:12 different than the balance of the roof. A multi-angled roof scores 3 points. i. Roof Accent: A roof accent is a functional element in the structural or mechanical system of the building located above the top of the first floor that is visibly different 128 Item 11. 9 | P a g e from the balance of the roof because of color or material. A roof with one or more accents score 3 points. j. Private Balcony or Porch: A private balcony or porch that is at least 50 square feet in area in provided in each unit. Balconies shall be designed so that visual and auditory intrusions on private outdoor space of other units or adjacent developments are minimized. Private balcony or porch scores 3 points. k. Solar Orientation and Passive Cooling: Buildings are encouraged to be aligned on an east-west axis so that the long side of the building faces north and south while the short ends face east to west. When the long side face south or west, windows located along those sides are encouraged to be externally shaded through the use of extended overhangs, building projections, window recesses, or similar structural means to assist in minimizing summer solar admission and improving passive cooling. Conformance with solar orientation and passive cooling criteria scores 3 points. 4. Interpretations of the scoring criteria as applied to proposed new construction or re- construction shall be made by the Director of Development Services. Appeals of any and all interpretations shall be considered by the City Council. 5. Buildings that do not meet the minimum criteria mentioned in this section may be considered for approval by City Council through an architectural alternative permit application after conducting a public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owners of properties within two hundred feet (200’) of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Applicability: These standards apply to all commercial, office, retail, and industrial development in A (Agricultural) District, B (Business District – 1 & 2) Districts, B-3 (Central Business District), I-1 (Industrial District), I-2 (Heavy Industrial District), as well as planned developments or any other existing and newly created zoning district that allows commercial, office, retail, and industrial uses. All nonresidential development shall meet the following standards: 1. Architectural Elements: All buildings shall be designed to incorporate at least 4 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet shall include at least 5 architectural elements from the list below. Building or multitenant buildings over 100,000 square feet shall include at least 6 architectural elements from the list below: a. Canopies, awnings, or porticos; b. Arcades; 129 Item 11. 10 | P a g e c. Display windows: d. Architectural details (such as tile work and moldings) integrated into the building façade; e. Articulated ground floor levels or base; f. Articulated cornice line; g. A combination of no more than two building materials constituting a minimum of 60% of the total exterior walls, differentiated by texture, or material, and may be a combination of primary and secondary masonry materials; and h. Other architectural features as approved by the Director of Development Services. 2. Transparency: Each commercial and retail floor on a primary façade shall contain at least 50% doors and windows. 25% of primary façade windows shall include two of the following: a. Veranda, Terrace, porch or balcony (accessible for single units) minimum 4 feet deep. b. Trellis c. Shed roof awning d. Bay windows e. Bow window f. Transom windows g. Arched windows h. Gable windows i. Oval or round windows j. Shutters k. Decorative stone or brick band l. Projecting trim casings or surrounds m. Projecting muntins or mullions and/or other elements which cause the formation of shadows on the window and the adjacent façade. This provision does not apply to office use and industrial development. 3. Façade Finish: All nonresidential buildings shall be architecturally finished on all four sides with same materials, color, detailing, and features, except the rear if two rows of trees are planted on the perimeter behind the building. In this case, the architectural finish must match the remainder of the building in color only. A double row of trees shall be in a 15 foot wide landscape edge, where each tree is 15 feet apart and shall be an evergreen canopy tree. This provision only applies to facades that are not visible from public streets. This provision does not apply to “out” buildings or pad sites. 4. Articulation Standards: Any primary façade shall include projections or recesses and vertical variations in the roof line in accordance with the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements set forth below: a. Horizontal Articulation: 130 Item 11. 11 | P a g e i. A building façade greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, may not extend for a distance greater than three times its average height without a perpendicular offset of at least ten percent of such building height. ii. For building with façade length greater than 50 feet, the total length of all façade walls in a single plane may not exceed 60 percent of the total façade length without an offset of at least ten percent of the building height. b. Vertical Articulation: i. For buildings greater than 50 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal wall may not extend for a distance greater than three times its height without a change in elevation of at least 15 percent of such height. ii. The total length of all vertical elevation changes in the roofline shall be no less than 20 percent and no more than 40 percent of the total façade length. 5. Building Entrance Standards: a. Any front building entrance shall be set back at least 15 feet from the drive aisle. b. Single-use or multitenant buildings over 50,000 square feet in size shall provide clearly defined, highly visible customer or employee entrances with the integration of awnings or similar architectural features. 6. Canopy Standards: The following provisions shall apply to canopies associated with an ATM canopy, gas station canopy, drive-thru canopy, carport, and other similar auto oriented canopies: a. Canopies shall be constructed of roof buildings material consistent with that of the principle building. b. Canopy columns shall be finished with material and color matching the main building. c. In no case shall the canopy height exceed 20 feet unless approved by the Director of Development Services. 6. Drive-Thru: Drive-thru facilities shall be located to the side or rear of the structure, unless site constraints limit such orientation, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 7. Overhead Doors: a. Overhead doors shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Overhead doors shall be oriented to the side or rear of the structure and not front or face a public right-of-way or public street with the following exceptions: i. An automotive use with a maximum of 4 single, service bays may orient toward a public street only when structural awnings of at least 4 feet are provided over the extent of the overhead doors, or equivalent structural projections are provided in front of the overhead doors to reduce the visual impact of the service bays from the street. 131 Item 11. 12 | P a g e ii. A roll up, garage type door installed in a restaurant or bar may be permitted to face a public street if it is architecturally integrated into the building and provides a pedestrian connection with a covered outdoor patio area. iii. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve alternatives. 8. Loading Docks: a. Loading docks shall not be located closer than 50 feet to a conforming residential lot. b. Loading docks shall be oriented to the side or rear of buildings, and oriented to not front the public right-of-way, not be visible or face a public street, main drive aisle, or patron parking lot. c. When physical site constraints prevent such orientation, the Director of Development Services may consider and approve an alternative. 9. Exterior Colors: All nonresidential buildings shall meet the following exterior color requirements: a. A minimum of 80% of all building elevations shall be finished with complimentary neutral, cream, or deep, rich, non-reflective earth tone colors. b. No more than 20% of any building elevation may be finished with bright, pure tone primary or secondary colors. These colors shall be limited to use on accent features including, but not limited to window and door frames, moldings, cornices, canopies, and awnings. c. These percentages may be modified upon approval of the Director of Development Services in special cases if the building’s elevation maintain sufficient visual continuity. 132 Item 11. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MONTHLY FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING AUGUST 31, 2024 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT 133 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Financial Report General Fund ..................................................................................................................... 4 Enterprise Fund .................................................................................................................. 7 Internal Service Fund ....................................................................................................... 10 Debt Service Fund ........................................................................................................... 12 Enterprise Debt Service Fund .......................................................................................... 14 Capital Projects Fund ....................................................................................................... 16 Enterprise Capital Projects Fund ...................................................................................... 18 4A Fund ........................................................................................................................... 20 4B Fund ........................................................................................................................... 22 Cash and Investment Report Total Cash and Investments............................................................................................. 24 General Fund ................................................................................................................... 26 Enterprise Fund ................................................................................................................ 27 Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds ......................................................................... 28 4A and 4B Funds ............................................................................................................. 29 Certification ...................................................................................................................... 30 134 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 3 | Page INTRODUCTION This is the financial report for the period ending August 31, 2024. Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1, 2022, through August 31, 2024 (92% of the fiscal year). GENERAL FUND  The General Fund has collected 102.2% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 96.2% of the annual budget  All expenditure categories are within projections. ENTERPRISE FUND  The Enterprise Fund has collected 94.9% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 82.7% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND  The Internal Service Fund has collected 79.0% of projected transfers from the General and Enterprise Funds.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 79.3% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. This unaudited report is designed for internal use and does not include all the funds and accounts in the City of Sanger’s operations. For a complete report, refer to the City of Sanger Annual Financial Report, available at https://www.sangertexas.org/177/Financial-Transparency 135 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 4 | Page GENERAL FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 7,100,392$ 7,115,848$ 100.2%(15,456)$ Sales & Beverage Taxes 1,768,000 1,524,646 86.2%243,354 Franchise Fees 1,060,095 976,035 92.1%84,060 Solid Waste 1,364,000 1,095,511 80.3%268,489 Licenses & Permits 309,500 389,237 125.8%(79,737) Fines & Forfeitures 170,315 152,777 89.7%17,538 Department Revenues 820,260 1,279,908 156.0%(459,648) Interest 200,000 405,715 202.9%(205,715) Miscellaneous 119,000 270,635 227.4%(151,635) Transfers 146,535 134,324 91.7%12,211 Total Revenues 13,058,097$ 13,344,636$ 102.2%(286,539)$ Expenditures Police 2,869,256$ 2,309,655$ 114,463$ 84.5%445,138$ Fire 3,364,405 2,584,478 350,324 87.2%429,603 Municipal Court 267,799 223,636 - 83.5%44,163 Development Services 841,870 655,153 (74,756) 68.9%261,473 Streets 933,823 504,708 (22,912) 51.6%452,027 Parks & Recreation 1,149,073 716,965 84,119 69.7%347,989 Library 406,403 331,340 (960) 81.3%76,023 Solid Waste 1,250,000 1,040,428 - 83.2%209,572 Transfers 2,020,325 3,792,428 - 187.7%(1,772,103) Total Expenditures 13,102,954$ 12,158,791$ 450,278$ 96.2%493,885$ Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (44,857)$ 1,185,845$ (450,278)$ (780,424)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 18,327,498 18,327,498 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 18,282,641$ 19,513,343$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 General Fund 136 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 5 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Transfers Solid Waste Franchise Fees Sales & Beverage Taxes Property Taxes General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Solid Waste Library Parks Streets Dev Svc Court Fire Police General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 19% Transfers 1% Solid Waste 8% Franchise Fees 7% Sales & Beverage Taxes 12% Property Taxes 53% General Fund Revenues Transfers 30% Solid Waste 8% Library 3% Parks 6%Streets 4% Dev Svc 5% Court 2% Fire 23% Police 19% General Fund Expenditures 137 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 6 | Page $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 SALES TAX REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 138 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 7 | Page ENTERPRISE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water 2,565,619$ 2,593,569$ 101.1%(27,950)$ Wastewater 2,955,440 2,736,250 92.6%219,190 Electric 8,434,353 8,161,818 96.8%272,535 Penalties & Fees 210,000 203,244 96.8%6,756 Interest 75,000 93,073 124.1%(18,073) Miscellaneous 119,000 82,235 69.1%36,765 Transfers - 977,000 0.0%(977,000) Use of Fund Balance 1,279,913 - 0 1,279,913 Total Revenues 15,639,325$ 14,847,189$ 94.9%792,136$ Expenditures Water 2,024,126$ 1,809,957$ (6,288)$ 89.1%220,457 Wastewater 1,057,715 1,022,659 (43,439) 92.6%78,495 Electric 7,869,587 5,648,799 467,068 77.7%1,753,720 Customer Service 419,300 359,860 96 85.8%59,344 Transfers 4,287,487 3,692,109 - 86.1%595,378 Total Expenditures 15,658,215 12,533,384 417,437 82.7%2,707,394 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (18,890)$ 2,313,805$ (417,437)$ (1,915,258)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 21,054,762 21,054,762 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 21,054,762$ 23,368,567$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 139 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 8 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Customer Service Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 9% Electric 55% Wastewater 18% Water 18% Enterprise Fund Revenues Transfers 28% Customer Service 3% Electric 47% Wastewater 8%Water 14% Enterprise Fund Expenditures 140 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 9 | Page $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 WASTE WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 ELECTRIC REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 141 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 10 | Page INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Transfer from Enterprise Fund 1,852,815$ 1,460,326$ 78.8%392,489$ Transfer from General Fund 1,852,815 1,460,326 78.8%392,489$ Transfer from 4A 15,000 15,000 100.0%-$ Transfer from 4B 15,000 15,000 100.0%- Total Revenues 3,735,630 2,950,652 79.0%784,978 Operating Expenditures City Council 59,950$ 37,290$ 5,601$ 71.5%17,059$ Administration 457,090 342,858 (1,153) 74.8%115,385 City Secretary 235,480 169,829 (776) 71.8%66,427 Legal 319,010 291,519 - 91.4%27,491 Public Works 346,570 273,741 36,880 89.6%35,949 Finance 497,950 416,176 (9,885) 81.6%91,659 Human Resources 316,740 259,178 2,245 82.5%55,317 Marketing 496,809 414,917 (3,285) 82.9%85,177 Facilities 353,290 324,305 (22,941) 85.3%51,926 Non-Departmental 665,300 420,839 14,641 65.5%229,820 Total Expenditures 3,748,189 2,950,652 21,327 79.3%776,210 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (12,559)$ -$ (21,327)$ 8,768$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 100,205 100,205 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 87,646$ 100,205$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Internal Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 142 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 11 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfer from 4B Transfer from 4A Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Enterprise Fund Internal Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Non-Dept Facilities Marketing Human Resources Finance Public Works Legal City Secretary Administration City Council Internal Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Non-Dept 15% Facilities 10% Marketing 14% Human Resources 9% Finance 14% Public Works 10% Legal 10% City Secretary 6% Administration 11%City Council 1% Internal Service Fund Expenditures Transfer from 4B 15,000 Transfer from 4A 15,000 Transfer from General Fund 1,460,326 Transfer from Enterprise Fund 1,460,326 Internal Service Fund Revenues 143 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 12 | Page DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 1,664,441$ 1,632,616$ 98.1%31,825$ Interest 25,000 17,623 70.5%7,377 Transfers 180,000 180,000 100.0%- Total Revenues 1,869,441$ 1,830,239$ 97.9%39,202$ Operating Expenditures Debt Service 1,849,247 1,849,745 - 100.0%(498) Transfers 51,535 47,240 - 91.7%4,295 Total Expenditures 1,900,782 1,896,985 - 99.8%3,797 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (31,341)$ (66,746)$ -$ 35,405$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 402,464 402,464 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 371,123$ 335,718$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 144 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 13 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Interest Property Taxes Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Debt Service Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 10% Interest 1% Property Taxes 89% Debt Service Fund Revenues Transfers 2% Debt Service 98% Debt Service Fund Expenditures 145 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 14 | Page ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 25,000$ 29,553$ 0.0%(4,553) Transfers 2,339,672 2,144,699 91.7%194,973 Total Revenues 2,364,672 2,174,252 1.2%190,420 Operating Expenditures Debt Service 2,364,672 2,364,422 - 100%250 Transfers - 977,000 - 0.0%(977,000) Total Expenditures 2,364,672 3,341,422 - 141.3%(976,750) Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (1,167,170)$ -$ 1,167,170$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 1,291,409$ 124,239$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 146 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 15 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Interest Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Debt Service Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 99% Interest 1% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues Debt Service 100% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures 147 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 16 | Page CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 50,000$ 61,827$ 123.7%(11,827) Transfers 167,510 153,551 91.7%13,959 Use of Bond Funds 3,000,000 - 0.0%3,000,000 Total Revenues 3,217,510 215,378 6.7%3,002,132 Operating Expenditures 2023-24 Street Rehab 362,401 - - 0.0%362,401 Street/Utility Maintenance Program 425,000 138,585 (34,942) 24.4%321,357 Marion Road - Arterial 750,000 - - 0.0%750,000 I-35 Aesthetics 2,500,000 42,500 (10,500) 1.3%2,468,000 Total Streets Projects 4,037,401 181,085 (45,442) 3.4%3,901,758 Porter Park Phase II 300,000 - - 0.0%300,000 Senior Center Improvements 500,000 - - 0.0%500,000 Total Parks Projects 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Riley Property Purchase - 7,676 - 0.0%(7,676) Building Improvements - 394,611 (387,780) 0.0%(6,831) Joint Public Safety Facility 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Total Nondepartmental Projects 800,000 402,287 (387,780) 1.8%785,493 Total Expenditures 5,637,401 583,372 (433,222) 2.7%5,487,251 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (2,419,891)$ (367,994)$ 433,222$ (2,485,119)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,511,638 4,511,638 August 31, 2024 2,091,747$ 4,143,644$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 148 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 17 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Interest Transfers Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Total Nondepartmental Projects Total Parks Projects Total Streets Projects Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget Series1 Series2 Total Nondepartmental Projects 10% Total Parks Projects 0% Total Streets Projects 90% Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Interest 29% Transfers 71% Use of Bond Funds 0% Capital Projects Fund Revenues 149 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 18 | Page ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water Taps 350,000$ 132,950$ 38.0%217,050$ Sewer Taps 400,000 185,050 46.3%214,950 Interest 150,000 258,125 172.1%(108,125) State Reimbursements 3,500,000 - 0.0%3,500,000 Use of Bond Proceeds 8,270,903 - 0.0%8,270,903 Transfers - 2,178,551 0.0%(2,178,551) Total Revenues 12,670,903$ 2,754,676$ 1.5%9,916,227$ Operating Expenditures Water: System Improvements 1,200,000 661,467 (668,833) -0.6%1,207,366 Water: FM 455 Relocation - 5,966 (5,966) 0.0%- Water: I-35 Relocation 3,597,732 1,399,780 2,107,392 97.5%90,560 Automated Metering System 3,200,000 2,421,677 (2,242,999) 5.6%3,021,322 Total Water Projects 7,997,732 4,488,890 (810,406) 46.0%4,319,248 Sewer: System Improvements 335,000 - - 0.0%335,000 Sewer: FM 455 Relocation - 5,966 (5,966) 0.0%- Sewer: I-35 Relocation 2,825,178 1,399,780 2,107,392 124.1%(681,994) Sewer: Keaton Road Sewer 320,000 - - 0.0%320,000 Sewer: MUD12 Feasibility Stury - 18,083 7,174 0.0%(25,257) Sewer: Riley Property Purchase - 24,082 83,717 0.0%(107,799) Sewer: Fifth Street Rehab 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Total Sewer Projects 3,830,178 1,447,911 2,192,317 95.0%189,950 Electric: System Improvements 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Electric: FM 455 Relocation - 136,180 (120,095) 0.0%(16,085) Electric: I-35 Relocation 3,500,000 4,530,280 381,733 140.3%(1,412,013) Total Electric Projects 3,850,000 4,666,460 261,638 128.0%(1,078,098) Total Expenditures 15,677,910 10,603,261 1,643,549 78.1%3,431,100 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (3,007,007)$ (7,848,585)$ (1,643,549)$ 6,485,127$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 (1,715,598)$ (6,557,176)$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 150 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 19 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Use of Bond Proceeds Interest Income Sewer Taps Water Taps Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Use of Bond Proceeds 79% Interest Income 9% Sewer Taps 7% Water Taps 5% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues Total Water Projects 30% Total Sewer Projects 30% Total Electric Projects 40% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Total Water Projects Total Sewer Projects Total Electric Projects Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 151 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 20 | Page 4A FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 755,259$ 86.3%119,741$ Interest 40,000 116,960 292.4%(76,960) Total Revenues 915,000$ 872,219$ 95.3%42,781$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 174,625$ 97,352$ 4,625$ 58.4%72,648$ Transfers 15,000 15,000 - 100.0%- Total Expenditures 189,625 112,352 4,625 61.7%72,648 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 725,375$ 759,867$ (4,625)$ (29,867)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,479,156 4,479,156 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 5,204,531$ 5,239,023$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4A Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 152 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 21 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4A Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4A Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 87% Interest 13% 4A Fund Revenues Economic Development 87% Transfers 13% 4A Fund Expenditures 153 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 22 | Page 4B FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 755,259$ 86.3%119,741$ Interest 35,000 57,985 165.7%(22,985) Total Revenues 910,000$ 813,244$ 89.4%96,756$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 362,625$ 254,899$ (57,658)$ 54.4%165,384$ Transfers 195,000 195,000 - 100.0%- Total Expenditures 557,625 449,899 (57,658) 70.3%165,384 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 352,375$ 363,345$ 57,658$ (68,628)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 2,817,046 2,817,046 Fund Balance - August 31, 2024 3,169,421$ 3,180,391$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4B Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) August 31, 2024 154 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 23 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4B Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4B Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 93% Interest 7% 4B Fund Revenues Economic Development 50% Transfers 50% 4B Fund Expenditures 155 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 24 | Page CASH AND INVESTMENTS REPORT Name General Enterprise Debt Service Capital Projects Total UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations 18,816,442$ 3,647,427$ -$ -$ 22,463,869$ Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,103,598 1,096,341 - - 2,199,939 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 19,920,040$ 4,743,768$ -$ -$ 24,663,808$ RESTRICTED Debt Service -$ 345,225$ 2,065,057$ -$ 2,410,282$ Water Deposits - 486,039 - - 486,039 Equipment Replacement 1,293,613 154,354 - - 1,447,967 Electric Storm Recovery - 1,275,696 - - 1,275,696 A R P Funds Cash 129 129 Hotel Occupancy Tax 282,105 - - - 282,105 Grant Funds 125,988 - - - 125,988 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB)5,671 - - - 5,671 Library 101,587 - - - 101,587 Parkland Dedication 107,186 - - - 107,186 Roadway Impact 1,564,565 - - - 1,564,565 Court Security 19,804 - - - 19,804 Court Technology 1,898 - - - 1,898 Child Safety Fee 86,636 - - - 86,636 Forfeited Property 3,600 - - - 3,600 Donations 41,153 - - - 41,153 TOTAL RESTRICTED 3,633,935$ 2,261,314$ 2,065,057$ -$ 7,960,306$ CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ 2,331,648$ 2,331,648$ Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 10,444,773 10,444,773 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 12,776,421$ 12,776,421$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 23,553,975$ 7,005,082$ 2,065,057$ 12,776,421$ 45,400,535$ These totals do not include the 4A Corporation and 4B Corporation, which are presented on page 29. August 31, 2024 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 156 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 25 | Page Cash for Operations 91% Contingency Reserves for Operations 9% Unrestricted General Capital Projects 18% Enterprise Capital Projects 82% Capital Projects Debt Service 35% Water Deposits 7% Equipment Replacement 21% Electric Storm Recovery 18% Other 19% Restricted Total Unrestricted $24,663,808 Total Restricted $7,960,306 Total Capital Projects $12,776,421 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS 157 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 26 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05%18,734,902$ 18,449,834$ Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20%3,931 4,610 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20%137,024 132,342 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 0.05%237,087 229,656 OPERATING ACCOUNTS 19,112,944$ 18,816,442$ GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20%651,563$ 652,502$ GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2025 0.55%225,015 226,838 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2025 0.45%223,512 224,258 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 1,100,090$ 1,103,598$ *GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20%199,194$ 200,167$ *GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2025 0.45%67,168$ 67,393$ *General Storm Recovery Pooled Cash 201-00-1000 0.05%1,023,255 1,026,053 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES 1,289,617$ 1,293,613$ *A R P Funds Cash 001-00-1034 139$ 129$ *Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 281,336 282,105 *Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 4,893 4,906 *Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 120,738 121,068 *Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 14 *Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,656 5,671 *Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 47,294 47,424 *Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2025 0.45%53,983 54,163 *Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 106,893 107,186 *Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 1,563,291 1,564,565 *Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 19,489 19,804 *Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 1,681 1,898 *Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 86,400 86,636 *Forfeited Property Fund 480-00-1000 3,590 3,600 *Police Donations 620-00-1000 283 284 *Fire Donations 624-00-1000 19,024 19,176 *Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 14,137 14,176 *Library Donations 642-00-1000 7,496 7,517 OTHER 2,336,337$ 2,340,322$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 23,838,988$ 23,553,975$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 20,213,034$ 19,920,040$ *Restricted Funds GENERAL FUND August 31, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 158 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 27 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%3,338,465$ 3,647,427$ OPERATING ACCOUNTS 3,338,465$ 3,647,427$ *Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%187,577$ 186,039$ *Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2025 0.45%300,000 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNTS 487,577$ 486,039$ *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20%344,278 345,225 BOND FUNDS 344,278$ 345,225$ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20%649,953$ 650,889$ EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2025 0.45%332,572 333,678 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2024 0.45%111,414 111,774 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 1,093,939$ 1,096,341$ *EF Storm Recovery MM 208-00-1033 0.20%1,273,862$ 1,275,696$ *EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20%153,574 154,354 OTHER 1,427,436$ 1,430,050$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 6,691,695$ 7,005,082$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 4,432,404$ 4,743,768$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE FUND August 31, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 159 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 28 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05%274,040$ 272,783$ *DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20%62,742 62,935 TOTAL RESTRICTED 336,782$ 335,718$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 009-00-1000 0.05%1,530,681$ 1,729,339$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 1,530,681$ 1,729,339$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05%2,198,191$ 2,208,490$ *2023C Tax Bond Proceeds 004-00-1014 0.05%122,820$ 123,158$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 2,321,011$ 2,331,648$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05%333,742 349,062 *2023B Bond Proceeds 840-00-1014 0.20%1,769,241 1,774,111 *Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20%1,677,500$ 1,679,916$ *Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Tap Fees 840-00-1037 0.20%2,568,801$ 2,587,123$ *Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20%3,228,729 3,252,619 *2021 CO MM 840-00-1039 0.20%3,896,405$ 801,942$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 13,474,418$ 10,444,773$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS August 31, 2024 ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND 160 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 29 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05%3,109,628$ 3,179,545$ *Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05%332,985 333,027 *4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20%2,059,922 2,065,156 *Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 11/2/2024 0.25%99,195 99,449 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 5,601,730$ 5,677,177$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05%2,216,338$ 2,239,985$ *Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05%208,212 208,785 *4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2025 0.45%22,963 23,040 *4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2024 0.45%2,270 22,856 *4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2025 0.45%22,807 22,883 *4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2025 0.45%22,874 22,950 *4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2025 0.45%22,878 22,954 *4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2024 0.45%22,858 22,935 *4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 11/14/2024 0.45%22,876 22,952 *4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2024 0.45%22,934 23,010 *4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2024 0.45%22,783 22,859 *4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2025 0.45%55,215 22,590 *4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2025 0.45%22,594 22,669 *4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2025 0.45%22,473 22,548 *4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2024 0.45%22,432 22,507 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2,732,507$ 2,745,523$ *Restricted Funds 4B FUND 4A & 4B FUNDS August 31, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS General 161 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 30 | Page Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest Clayton Gray John Noblitt Finance Director City Manager a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS August 31, 2024 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: 162 Item 12. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MONTHLY FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT 163 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Financial Report General Fund ..................................................................................................................... 4 Enterprise Fund .................................................................................................................. 7 Internal Service Fund ....................................................................................................... 10 Debt Service Fund ........................................................................................................... 12 Enterprise Debt Service Fund .......................................................................................... 14 Capital Projects Fund ....................................................................................................... 16 Enterprise Capital Projects Fund ...................................................................................... 18 4A Fund ........................................................................................................................... 20 4B Fund ........................................................................................................................... 22 Cash and Investment Report Total Cash and Investments............................................................................................. 24 General Fund ................................................................................................................... 26 Enterprise Fund ................................................................................................................ 27 Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds ......................................................................... 28 4A and 4B Funds ............................................................................................................. 29 Certification ...................................................................................................................... 30 164 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 3 | Page INTRODUCTION This is the financial report for the period ending September 30, 2024. Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2024 (100% of the fiscal year). GENERAL FUND  The General Fund has collected 106.3% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 103.5% of the annual budget  All expenditure categories are within projections. ENTERPRISE FUND  The Enterprise Fund has collected 104.2% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 91.4% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND  The Internal Service Fund has collected 86.3% of projected transfers from the General and Enterprise Funds.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 86.5% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. COMMENTS  By the end of the month, all funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the 2021 Certificates of Obligation had been expended. The final cash balance in the accounts (ARP-$119 and 2021 CO-$347) as of September 30th were transferred out on October 1st and First United Bank closed these two accounts. This unaudited report is designed for internal use and does not include all the funds and accounts in the City of Sanger’s operations. For a complete report, refer to the City of Sanger Annual Financial Report, available at https://www.sangertexas.org/177/Financial-Transparency 165 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 4 | Page GENERAL FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 7,100,392$ 7,134,960$ 100.5%(34,568)$ Sales & Beverage Taxes 1,768,000 1,666,994 94.3%101,006 Franchise Fees 1,060,095 1,039,666 98.1%20,429 Solid Waste 1,364,000 1,195,423 87.6%168,577 Licenses & Permits 309,500 403,679 130.4%(94,179) Fines & Forfeitures 170,315 163,424 96.0%6,891 Department Revenues 820,260 1,369,075 166.9%(548,815) Interest 200,000 457,684 228.8%(257,684) Miscellaneous 119,000 303,707 255.2%(184,707) Transfers 146,535 146,535 100.0%- Total Revenues 13,058,097$ 13,881,147$ 106.3%(823,050)$ Expenditures Police 2,869,256$ 2,507,536$ 93,943$ 90.7%267,777$ Fire 3,364,405 2,790,249 424,362 95.5%149,794 Municipal Court 267,799 244,471 - 91.3%23,328 Development Services 841,870 722,402 (73,101) 77.1%192,569 Streets 933,823 547,739 (412) 58.6%386,496 Parks & Recreation 1,149,073 796,477 56,104 74.2%296,492 Library 406,403 367,260 441 90.5%38,702 Solid Waste 1,250,000 1,134,840 - 90.8%115,160 Transfers 2,020,325 3,943,704 - 195.2%(1,923,379) Total Expenditures 13,102,954$ 13,054,678$ 501,337$ 103.5%(453,061)$ Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (44,857)$ 826,469$ (501,337)$ (369,989)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 18,327,498 18,327,498 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 18,282,641$ 19,153,967$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 General Fund 166 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 5 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Transfers Solid Waste Franchise Fees Sales & Beverage Taxes Property Taxes General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Solid Waste Library Parks Streets Dev Svc Court Fire Police General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 19% Transfers 1% Solid Waste 9% Franchise Fees 8% Sales & Beverage Taxes 12% Property Taxes 51% General Fund Revenues Transfers 29% Solid Waste 8% Library 3% Parks 6%Streets 4% Dev Svc 5% Court 2% Fire 24% Police 19% General Fund Expenditures 167 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 6 | Page $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 SALES TAX REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 168 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 7 | Page ENTERPRISE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water 2,565,619$ 2,866,881$ 111.7%(301,262)$ Wastewater 2,955,440 3,008,310 101.8%(52,870) Electric 8,434,353 9,013,433 106.9%(579,080) Penalties & Fees 210,000 225,513 107.4%(15,513) Interest 75,000 108,291 144.4%(33,291) Miscellaneous 119,000 91,729 77.1%27,271 Transfers - 977,000 0.0%(977,000) Use of Fund Balance 1,279,913 - 0 1,279,913 Total Revenues 15,639,325$ 16,291,157$ 104.2%(651,832)$ Expenditures Water 2,024,126$ 1,959,624$ 125,589$ 103.0%(61,087) Wastewater 1,057,715 1,083,733 (43,440) 98.4%17,422 Electric 7,869,587 6,220,704 532,688 85.8%1,116,195 Customer Service 419,300 379,770 15,000 94.1%24,530 Transfers 4,287,487 4,032,316 - 94.0%255,171 Total Expenditures 15,658,215 13,676,147 629,837 91.4%1,352,231 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (18,890)$ 2,615,010$ (629,837)$ (2,004,063)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 21,054,762 21,054,762 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 21,054,762$ 23,669,772$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 169 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 8 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Customer Service Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 9% Electric 55% Wastewater 18% Water 18% Enterprise Fund Revenues Transfers 28% Customer Service 3% Electric 47% Wastewater 7%Water 15% Enterprise Fund Expenditures 170 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 9 | Page $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 $3,000,000 $3,250,000 $3,500,000 WASTE WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 ELECTRIC REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 171 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 10 | Page INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Transfer from Enterprise Fund 1,852,815$ 1,597,644$ 86.2%255,171$ Transfer from General Fund 1,852,815 1,597,643 86.2%255,172$ Transfer from 4A 15,000 15,000 100.0%-$ Transfer from 4B 15,000 15,000 100.0%- Total Revenues 3,735,630 3,225,287 86.3%510,343 Operating Expenditures City Council 59,950$ 44,692$ 5,601$ 83.9%9,657$ Administration 457,090 366,296 (1,153) 79.9%91,947 City Secretary 235,480 185,903 6,424 81.7%43,153 Legal 319,010 323,369 - 101.4%(4,359) Public Works 346,570 292,530 35,265 94.6%18,775 Finance 497,950 464,380 (3,385) 92.6%36,955 Human Resources 316,740 279,219 320 88.3%37,201 Marketing 496,809 463,987 (4,710) 92.4%37,532 Facilities 353,290 352,407 (22,330) 93.4%23,213 Non-Departmental 665,300 452,504 - 68.0%212,796 Total Expenditures 3,748,189 3,225,287 16,032 86.5%506,870 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (12,559)$ -$ (16,032)$ 3,473$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 100,205 100,205 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 87,646$ 100,205$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Internal Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 172 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 11 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfer from 4B Transfer from 4A Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Enterprise Fund Internal Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Non-Dept Facilities Marketing Human Resources Finance Public Works Legal City Secretary Administration City Council Internal Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Non-Dept 14% Facilities 10% Marketing 14% Human Resources 9% Finance 14% Public Works 10% Legal 10% City Secretary 6% Administration 11%City Council 2% Internal Service Fund Expenditures Transfer from 4B 15,000 Transfer from 4A 15,000 Transfer from General Fund 1,597,643 Transfer from Enterprise Fund 1,597,644 Internal Service Fund Revenues 173 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 12 | Page DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 1,664,441$ 1,636,488$ 98.3%27,953$ Interest 25,000 18,519 74.1%6,481 Transfers 180,000 180,000 100.0%- Total Revenues 1,869,441$ 1,835,007$ 98.2%34,434$ Operating Expenditures Debt Service 1,849,247 1,849,745 - 100.0%(498) Transfers 51,535 51,535 - 100.0%- Total Expenditures 1,900,782 1,901,280 - 100.0%(498) Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (31,341)$ (66,273)$ -$ 34,932$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 402,464 402,464 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 371,123$ 336,191$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 174 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 13 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Interest Property Taxes Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Debt Service Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 10% Interest 1% Property Taxes 89% Debt Service Fund Revenues Transfers 3% Debt Service 97% Debt Service Fund Expenditures 175 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 14 | Page ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 25,000$ 34,174$ 0.0%(9,174) Transfers 2,339,672 2,339,672 100.0%- Total Revenues 2,364,672 2,373,846 1.4%(9,174) Operating Expenditures Debt Service 2,364,672 2,364,422 - 100%250 Transfers - 977,000 - 0.0%(977,000) Total Expenditures 2,364,672 3,341,422 - 141.3%(976,750) Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (967,576)$ -$ 967,576$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 1,291,409$ 323,833$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 176 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 15 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Interest Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Debt Service Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 99% Interest 1% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues Debt Service 100% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures 177 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 16 | Page CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 50,000$ 68,056$ 136.1%(18,056) Transfers 167,510 167,510 100.0%- Use of Bond Funds 3,000,000 - 0.0%3,000,000 Total Revenues 3,217,510 235,566 7.3%2,981,944 Operating Expenditures 2023-24 Street Rehab 362,401 391,601 402,139 219.0%(431,339) Street/Utility Maintenance Program 425,000 145,350 (41,707) 24.4%321,357 Marion Road - Arterial 750,000 - - 0.0%750,000 I-35 Aesthetics 2,500,000 42,500 (10,500) 1.3%2,468,000 Total Streets Projects 4,037,401 579,451 349,932 23.0%3,108,018 Porter Park Phase II 300,000 - - 0.0%300,000 Senior Center Improvements 500,000 - - 0.0%500,000 Total Parks Projects 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Riley Property Purchase - 7,676 - 0.0%(7,676) Building Improvements - 394,611 (387,780) 0.0%(6,831) Joint Public Safety Facility 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Total Nondepartmental Projects 800,000 402,287 (387,780) 1.8%785,493 Total Expenditures 5,637,401 981,738 (37,848) 16.7%4,693,511 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (2,419,891)$ (746,172)$ 37,848$ (1,711,567)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,511,638 4,511,638 September 30, 2024 2,091,747$ 3,765,466$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 178 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 17 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Interest Transfers Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Total Nondepartmental Projects Total Parks Projects Total Streets Projects Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget Series1 Series2 Total Nondepartmental Projects 2% Total Parks Projects 0% Total Streets Projects 98% Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Interest 29% Transfers 71% Use of Bond Funds 0% Capital Projects Fund Revenues 179 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 18 | Page ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water Taps 350,000$ 137,450$ 39.3%212,550$ Sewer Taps 400,000 191,050 47.8%208,950 Interest 150,000 281,876 187.9%(131,876) State Reimbursements 3,500,000 - 0.0%3,500,000 Use of Bond Proceeds 8,270,903 - 0.0%8,270,903 Transfers - 2,178,551 0.0%(2,178,551) Total Revenues 12,670,903$ 2,788,927$ 1.5%9,881,976$ Operating Expenditures Water: System Improvements 1,200,000 661,467 (668,833) -0.6%1,207,366 Water: FM 455 Relocation - 5,966 (5,966) 0.0%- Water: I-35 Relocation 3,597,732 1,845,717 1,661,456 97.5%90,559 Automated Metering System 3,200,000 2,466,759 (2,288,081) 5.6%3,021,322 Total Water Projects 7,997,732 4,979,909 (1,301,424) 46.0%4,319,247 Sewer: System Improvements 335,000 - - 0.0%335,000 Sewer: FM 455 Relocation - 5,966 (5,966) 0.0%- Sewer: I-35 Relocation 2,825,178 1,845,717 1,661,456 124.1%(681,995) Sewer: Keaton Road Sewer 320,000 - - 0.0%320,000 Sewer: MUD12 Feasibility Stury - 18,083 7,174 0.0%(25,257) Sewer: Riley Property Purchase - 24,082 83,717 0.0%(107,799) Sewer: Fifth Street Rehab 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Total Sewer Projects 3,830,178 1,893,848 1,746,381 95.0%189,949 Electric: System Improvements 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Electric: FM 455 Relocation - 136,180 (120,095) 0.0%(16,085) Electric: I-35 Relocation 3,500,000 4,531,480 380,533 140.3%(1,412,013) Total Electric Projects 3,850,000 4,667,660 260,438 128.0%(1,078,098) Total Expenditures 15,677,910 11,541,417 705,395 78.1%3,431,098 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (3,007,007)$ (8,752,490)$ (705,395)$ 6,450,878$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 (1,715,598)$ (7,461,081)$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 180 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 19 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Use of Bond Proceeds Interest Income Sewer Taps Water Taps Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Use of Bond Proceeds 78% Interest Income 10% Sewer Taps 7% Water Taps 5% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues Total Water Projects 30% Total Sewer Projects 30% Total Electric Projects 40% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Total Water Projects Total Sewer Projects Total Electric Projects Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 181 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 20 | Page 4A FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 825,750$ 94.4%49,250$ Interest 40,000 130,999 327.5%(90,999) Total Revenues 915,000$ 956,749$ 104.6%(41,749)$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 174,625$ 106,097$ 8,375$ 65.6%60,153$ Transfers 15,000 15,000 - 100.0%- Total Expenditures 189,625 121,097 8,375 68.3%60,153 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 725,375$ 835,652$ (8,375)$ (101,902)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,479,156 4,479,156 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 5,204,531$ 5,314,808$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4A Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 182 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 21 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4A Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4A Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 86% Interest 14% 4A Fund Revenues Economic Development 88% Transfers 12% 4A Fund Expenditures 183 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 22 | Page 4B FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 825,750$ 94.4%49,250$ Interest 35,000 65,516 187.2%(30,516) Total Revenues 910,000$ 891,266$ 97.9%18,734$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 362,625$ 273,080$ (54,998)$ 60.1%144,543$ Transfers 195,000 195,000 - 100.0%- Total Expenditures 557,625 468,080 (54,998) 74.1%144,543 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 352,375$ 423,186$ 54,998$ (125,809)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 2,817,046 2,817,046 Fund Balance - September 30, 2024 3,169,421$ 3,240,232$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4B Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) September 30, 2024 184 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 23 | Page 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4B Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4B Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 93% Interest 7% 4B Fund Revenues Economic Development 53% Transfers 47% 4B Fund Expenditures 185 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 24 | Page CASH AND INVESTMENTS REPORT Name General Enterprise Debt Service Capital Projects Total UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations 18,723,377$ 4,113,032$ -$ -$ 22,836,409$ Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,105,256 1,098,730 - - 2,203,986 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 19,828,633$ 5,211,762$ -$ -$ 25,040,395$ RESTRICTED Debt Service -$ 346,145$ 2,265,125$ -$ 2,611,270$ Water Deposits - 488,656 - - 488,656 Equipment Replacement 1,297,537 155,122 - - 1,452,659 Electric Storm Recovery - 1,277,474 - - 1,277,474 A R P Funds Cash 119 119 Hotel Occupancy Tax 283,614 - - - 283,614 Grant Funds 143,826 - - - 143,826 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB)5,687 - - - 5,687 Library 101,893 - - - 101,893 Parkland Dedication 107,472 - - - 107,472 Roadway Impact 1,571,746 - - - 1,571,746 Court Security 20,061 - - - 20,061 Court Technology 2,070 - - - 2,070 Child Safety Fee 86,867 - - - 86,867 Forfeited Property 3,610 - - - 3,610 Donations 43,764 - - - 43,764 TOTAL RESTRICTED 3,668,266$ 2,267,397$ 2,265,125$ -$ 8,200,788$ CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ 1,934,947$ 1,934,947$ Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 9,346,144 9,346,144 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 11,281,091$ 11,281,091$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 23,496,899$ 7,479,159$ 2,265,125$ 11,281,091$ 44,522,274$ These totals do not include the 4A Corporation and 4B Corporation, which are presented on page 29. September 30, 2024 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 186 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 25 | Page Cash for Operations 91% Contingency Reserves for Operations 9% Unrestricted General Capital Projects 17% Enterprise Capital Projects 83% Capital Projects Debt Service 37% Water Deposits 7% Equipment Replacement 20% Electric Storm Recovery 18% Other 18% Restricted Total Unrestricted $25,040,395 Total Restricted $8,200,788 Total Capital Projects $11,281,091 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS 187 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 26 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05%18,449,834$ 18,285,398$ Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20%4,610 5,289 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20%132,342 141,641 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 0.05%229,656 291,049 OPERATING ACCOUNTS 18,816,442$ 18,723,377$ GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20%652,502$ 653,411$ GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2025 0.55%226,838 226,838 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2025 0.45%224,258 225,007 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 1,103,598$ 1,105,256$ *GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20%200,167$ 201,125$ *GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2025 0.45%67,393$ 67,618$ *General Storm Recovery Pooled Cash 201-00-1000 0.05%1,026,053 1,028,794 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES 1,293,613$ 1,297,537$ *A R P Funds Cash 001-00-1034 129$ 119$ *Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 282,105 283,614 *Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 4,906 4,920 *Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 121,068 136,392 *Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 2,514 *Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,671 5,687 *Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 47,424 47,550 *Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2025 0.45%54,163 54,343 *Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 107,186 107,472 *Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 1,564,565 1,571,746 *Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 19,804 20,061 *Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 1,898 2,070 *Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 86,636 86,867 *Forfeited Property Fund 480-00-1000 3,600 3,610 *Police Donations 620-00-1000 284 285 *Fire Donations 624-00-1000 19,176 21,728 *Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 14,176 14,214 *Library Donations 642-00-1000 7,517 7,537 OTHER 2,340,322$ 2,370,729$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 23,553,975$ 23,496,899$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 19,920,040$ 19,828,633$ *Restricted Funds GENERAL FUND September 30, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 188 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 27 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%3,647,427$ 4,113,032$ OPERATING ACCOUNTS 3,647,427$ 4,113,032$ *Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%186,039$ 187,690$ *Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2025 0.45%300,000 300,966 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNTS 486,039$ 488,656$ *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20%345,225 346,145 BOND FUNDS 345,225$ 346,145$ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20%650,889$ 651,796$ EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2025 0.45%333,678 334,787 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2024 0.45%111,774 112,147 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 1,096,341$ 1,098,730$ *EF Storm Recovery MM 208-00-1033 0.20%1,275,696$ 1,277,474$ *EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20%154,354 155,122 OTHER 1,430,050$ 1,432,596$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 7,005,082$ 7,479,159$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 4,743,768$ 5,211,762$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE FUND September 30, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 189 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 28 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05%272,783$ 273,089$ *DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20%62,935 63,103 TOTAL RESTRICTED 335,718$ 336,192$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 009-00-1000 0.05%1,729,339$ 1,928,933$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 1,729,339$ 1,928,933$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05%2,208,490$ 1,811,461$ *2023C Tax Bond Proceeds 004-00-1014 0.05%123,158$ 123,486$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 2,331,648$ 1,934,947$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05%349,062 18,923 *2023B Bond Proceeds 840-00-1014 0.20%1,774,111 1,778,837 *Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20%1,679,916$ 1,682,257$ *Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Tap Fees 840-00-1037 0.20%2,587,123$ 2,598,507$ *Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20%3,252,619 3,267,273 *2021 CO MM 840-00-1039 0.20%801,942$ 347$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 10,444,773$ 9,346,144$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS September 30, 2024 ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND 190 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 29 | Page Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05%3,179,545$ 3,251,180$ *Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05%333,027 333,068 *4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20%2,065,156 2,070,404 *Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 11/2/2024 0.25%99,449 99,703 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 5,677,177$ 5,754,355$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05%2,239,985$ 2,304,514$ *Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05%208,785 209,341 *4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2025 0.45%23,040 23,117 *4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2024 0.45%22,856 22,933 *4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2025 0.45%22,883 22,959 *4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2025 0.45%22,950 23,027 *4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2025 0.45%22,954 23,030 *4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2024 0.45%22,935 23,011 *4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 11/14/2024 0.45%22,952 23,029 *4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2024 0.45%23,010 23,087 *4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2024 0.45%22,859 22,935 *4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2025 0.45%22,590 22,665 *4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2025 0.45%22,669 22,745 *4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2025 0.45%22,548 22,623 *4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2024 0.45%22,507 22,582 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2,745,523$ 2,811,598$ *Restricted Funds 4B FUND 4A & 4B FUNDS September 30, 2024 CASH AND INVESTMENTS General 191 Item 12. City of Sanger M onthly Financial & Investment Report 30 | Page Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest Clayton Gray John Noblitt Finance Director City Manager a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS September 30, 2024 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: 192 Item 12. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: * ALL BANKS DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 9/26/2024 086450 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 1 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: * TOTALS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 193 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXA I-COBRA 09.2024 COBRA - SEPT 2024 R 9/05/2024 716.60 000814 I-SEPT 2024 SEPT 24 HEALTH/DENTAL PREMIUM R 9/05/2024 72,307.59 000814 73,024.19 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-9.01.24-9.30.24 VISION/LIFE/ADD/VOL/STD SEP 24 R 9/05/2024 3,589.95 000815 3,589.95 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-152890 LEADERS LIFE INS SEPT 24 R 9/19/2024 73.66 000816 73.66 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 3 76,687.80 0.00 76,687.80 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: EMP BTOTALS: 3 76,687.80 0.00 76,687.80 BANK: EMP B TOTALS: 3 76,687.80 0.00 76,687.80 194 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 09.06.202 CHILD SUPPORT D 9/06/2024 92.31 000768 I-CRWPY 09.06.202 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 9/06/2024 192.46 000768 I-CSRPY 09.06.202 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 9/06/2024 276.92 000768 I-CWMPY 09.06.202 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 9/06/2024 300.00 000768 861.69 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 09.06.202 FEDERAL W/H D 9/06/2024 23,791.06 000769 I-T3 PY 09.06.202 FICA PAYABLE D 9/06/2024 32,858.68 000769 I-T4 PY 09.06.202 FICA PAYABLE D 9/06/2024 7,684.74 000769 64,334.48 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 09.20.202 CHILD SUPPORT D 9/20/2024 92.31 000771 I-CRWPY 09.20.202 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 9/20/2024 192.46 000771 I-CSRPY 09.20.202 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 9/20/2024 276.92 000771 I-CWMPY 09.20.202 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 9/20/2024 300.00 000771 861.69 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 09.20.202 FEDERAL W/H D 9/20/2024 20,968.72 000772 I-T3 PY 09.20.202 FICA PAYABLE D 9/20/2024 30,807.58 000772 I-T4 PY 09.20.202 FICA PAYABLE D 9/20/2024 7,205.00 000772 58,981.30 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-SEPT 24 COS UB 07/22/24 - 08/20/24 D 9/19/2024 35,419.97 000775 35,419.97 00100 TMRS C-RETPY08.31.2024 TMRS D 9/19/2024 35.16CR 000776 I-RETPY 08.23.24 TMRS D 9/19/2024 42.09 000776 I-RETPY08.09.2024 TMRS D 9/19/2024 48,889.33 000776 I-RETPY08.23.2024 TMRS D 9/19/2024 51,022.45 000776 99,918.71 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-09.20.2024 REFILL POSTAGE METER D 9/20/2024 300.00 000777 300.00 30600 TASC I-FSCPY 09.06.202 FLEX D 9/06/2024 6.25 000778 I-FSMPY 09.06.202 FLEX D 9/06/2024 1,306.56 000778 1,312.81 30600 TASC D-TASC 09.20.2024 TASC EOY ROUNDING D 9/20/2024 1.00 000779 I-FSCPY 09.20.202 FLEX D 9/20/2024 6.25 000779 I-FSMPY 09.20.202 FLEX D 9/20/2024 1,306.56 000779 1,313.81 195 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 09.06.202 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 9/06/2024 1,586.60 000898 1,586.60 04230 GRACE, RONNIE I-PER DIEM 09.03.24 GRACE, RONNIE E 9/05/2024 75.00 000899 75.00 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-T4C-0002220 MATERIALS AGGREGATION - 6 MOS. E 9/05/2024 210.00 000900 210.00 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21510117 JUL 24 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 9/05/2024 12,914.92 000901 12,914.92 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-5730 ANIMAL CONTROL E 9/05/2024 7,160.00 000902 7,160.00 34490 HALFF ASSOC INC I-10125297 PROF SVC RENDERED THRU 7/31/24 E 9/05/2024 16,262.79 000903 16,262.79 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. I-11YC-7XNW-6C6N STUFFED BEAR-TEDDY BEAR PROGR E 9/05/2024 20.15 000904 I-13DV-KHG3-C3PG NAPKIN HOLDER/COMMAND HOOKS E 9/05/2024 39.65 000904 I-13JD-PKD9-4YDG GIVE AWAYS NATIONAL NIGHT OUT E 9/05/2024 299.99 000904 I-1C3H-WNJ4-1CC4 COFFEE MATE/K CUPS/EXT CORD E 9/05/2024 264.12 000904 I-1P11-6X9L-1PFW CREAMER/BATTERIES/HP 910 INK E 9/05/2024 220.03 000904 I-1Y44-DC7K-7LVL EMERGENCY LIGHT FOR TANKER E 9/05/2024 26.72 000904 870.66 31970 STONEKING, DAVID I-85 GIS SERVICES E 9/11/2024 860.00 000905 860.00 36460 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES I-061322300-0724 I-35 UTILITY RELOCATION E 9/11/2024 17,322.39 000906 I-061322300-0724 B AMENDMENT SCOPE OF SRVCS E 9/11/2024 11,182.35 000906 I-061322303-0724 ROADWAY IMPACT STUDY E 9/11/2024 4,500.00 000906 33,004.74 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2812 WTR LEAK MARION/LAKEPARK E 9/11/2024 17,801.00 000907 17,801.00 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-1K91-QJTM-443N RETURN HILLBILLY ELEGY E 9/11/2024 7.45CR 000908 I-1G7V-GQC6-HJK3 LIQUID I.V. HYDRATION E 9/11/2024 75.92 000908 I-1GKM-FKLP-FPR7 PC FOR CAMERA SYSTEM - C.H. E 9/11/2024 519.00 000908 I-1HPV-PDW7-CXL9 HEADSET FOR CORIN E 9/11/2024 14.99 000908 I-1MHM-XCPF-64YW EMERGENCY KITS SUPPLIES E 9/11/2024 398.83 000908 I-1P33-7YM1-6H3Y SIGN HOLDER/ORGANIZER/DOOR LVR E 9/11/2024 66.69 000908 I-1RMV-RKGF-3FJR RPLCMNT IPOD BATTRY FOR CID E 9/11/2024 31.96 000908 I-1YQR-3KYD-3PRQ 2" PACKING TAPE - EVIDENCE E 9/11/2024 24.89 000908 1,124.83 196 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 40190 CHEEK, TYSON L I-PER DIEM 08.18.24 PER DIEM 08/18-23/24 E 9/11/2024 150.00 000909 I-TR 08.07.2024 TEXAS RANGER STAFF TICKETS E 9/11/2024 975.00 000909 1,125.00 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 09.20.202 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 9/20/2024 1,586.60 000910 1,586.60 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-51804-RI-001 AUGUST 2024 E 9/19/2024 11,952.57 000911 11,952.57 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W272409 AUG 2024 WATER PURCHASE E 9/19/2024 37,332.60 000912 37,332.60 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-LAB-0076736 TESTING E 9/19/2024 801.00 000913 801.00 23760 KEEPITSAFE, LLC. - LIVEVAULT I-INVLUS-44147 SERVER BACKUP SRVC - CITY HALL E 9/19/2024 1,505.58 000914 1,505.58 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000074106 REG SUPPORT SRVCS AUG 24 E 9/19/2024 750.00 000915 I-000000074107 ERCOT TRANS OP AUG 24 E 9/19/2024 2,262.50 000915 3,012.50 27150 IBARRA, FELIPE D I-REIMBURSE 09/04/24 DUMP TRUCK INSPECTION E 9/19/2024 40.00 000916 40.00 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-61065 2024 CLEANING CONTRACT E 9/19/2024 3,778.00 000917 3,778.00 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2815 5TH/AUSTIN WTR LEAK E 9/19/2024 15,134.00 000918 I-2815 B TXDOT REQUIREMENTS E 9/19/2024 5,756.00 000918 20,890.00 37880 BRIGHTSPEED I-09.10.2024 PHONE 09/10/24 - 10/09/24 E 9/19/2024 299.36 000919 299.36 37890 PRUETT, STEVEN T I-PER DIEM 09/04/24 PER DIEM 09/04-06/24 E 9/19/2024 75.00 000920 75.00 38930 COLUMN SOFTWARE, PBC I-FE201722-0049 PUBLICATION NOTICES E 9/19/2024 61.98 000921 61.98 39880 ZAVALA, HEIDI M I-PER DIEM 09/10/24 PER DIEM 09/10-13/24 E 9/19/2024 100.00 000922 100.00 197 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 40050 WSC ENERGY II I-EW381305318150 AUG 24 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 9/19/2024 479,445.84 000923 479,445.84 40420 ZAVALA, ROBERTO C I-PER DIEM 09/05/24 PER DIEM 09/05/2024 E 9/19/2024 25.00 000924 25.00 40790 PARSONS, DAVID K I-REIMBURSE 09.04.24 REIMBURSE FOR MEDICATIONS E 9/19/2024 262.53 000925 262.53 09780 MIDWEST TAPE I-506037471 ADVANCE DIGITAL PAYMENT HOOPLA E 9/26/2024 1,200.00 000926 1,200.00 33600 SHEPARD, BRANDON H I-DPLYMNT 08.17.24 DEPLOYMENT 08/17-31/2024 E 9/26/2024 700.00 000927 700.00 34490 HALFF ASSOC INC I-10126545 PROFESSIONAL SRVCS - 08/31/24 E 9/26/2024 16,590.25 000928 I-10126677 PORTER PARK POND SCOPE E 9/26/2024 2,058.12 000928 18,648.37 36610 LEWIS, JACOB I-DPLYMNT 08.17.24 DEPLOYMENT 08/17-31/2024 E 9/26/2024 700.00 000929 700.00 36980 ION WAVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I-INV122299 EPROCUREMENT SOFTWARE E 9/26/2024 10,505.00 000930 10,505.00 37340 ALLEN, DELEESE I-PER DIEM 09/10/24 PER DIEM 09/10/2024 E 9/26/2024 25.00 000931 I-PER DIEM 09/16/24 PER DIEM 09/16-17/24 E 9/26/2024 50.00 000931 75.00 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-1316-X7NQ-M1HR RETURN 2 ELECTRONICS CASES E 9/26/2024 34.49CR 000932 C-13NG-FVKJ-7MXK RETURN BATTERIES/CREAMER E 9/26/2024 141.14CR 000932 C-1M9X-XVVY-JP4Y RETURN PRINTER INK E 9/26/2024 78.89CR 000932 I-164R-C3FL-YX71 LABEL MKR/NOTEPADS/MRKRS/PENS E 9/26/2024 275.78 000932 I-16DC-CWDW-PTVF KITCHEN BREAD BOX E 9/26/2024 36.99 000932 I-1714-J4CN-W6T4 CPU HARDWARE TO USE ON DPLYMNT E 9/26/2024 316.92 000932 I-17F4-YMDP-3THM TRAYS/PAPER/TOTES/MATS/CANVAS E 9/26/2024 413.85 000932 I-17GM-MKFG-HYRH TABLE CLOTH E 9/26/2024 19.75 000932 I-17QR-YCRH-W7GR DESK ORGANIZERS E 9/26/2024 35.82 000932 I-1D1H-WMPY-9FXY DIGITAL NOTEBOOK & COVER E 9/26/2024 372.65 000932 I-1DPT-LPF6-Y67L POSTER FRAME/CLIPBOARDS E 9/26/2024 250.39 000932 I-1HJH-36C7-MLPC USB C ADPTR/FLASH DRIVE E 9/26/2024 27.88 000932 I-1HMV-QPWJ-HVHP INK/BATTERIES/CREAMER E 9/26/2024 214.66 000932 I-1JR3-X1GL-NJCL 3 PK SCREEN PROTECTOR E 9/26/2024 43.60 000932 I-1K3F-HHWL-N416 DECORATIVE BOWL/MINTS E 9/26/2024 48.31 000932 I-1K4X-D11Q-C1MH METAL DETECTOR E 9/26/2024 452.99 000932 I-1KGC-3GLY-4GKG FRIENDSHIP BRACELET PROGRAM E 9/26/2024 29.36 000932 I-1KNF-LNFX-GG3F ASSRTMT CNDY/FRUIT DROPS/CRCKR E 9/26/2024 103.58 000932 198 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1LDV-NPP9-4MF4 FILING CABINET E 9/26/2024 179.89 000932 I-1MFK-VHXT-LMYT 6-SHELVING UNIT E 9/26/2024 69.99 000932 I-1MXC-X43M-7TMF TABLET STAND/DOLLY/ADPTR/CASE E 9/26/2024 96.76 000932 I-1Q9G-61DD-9FVX STORAGE TOTES E 9/26/2024 51.78 000932 I-1TNK-LC6J-LKMK FABULOSO CLEANER E 9/26/2024 53.64 000932 I-1XCY-LMK4-31NH WIRELESS KEYBOARD E 9/26/2024 29.74 000932 2,869.81 38930 COLUMN SOFTWARE, PBC I-FE201722-0051 PH FEE SCHEDULE E 9/26/2024 26.56 000933 I-FE201722-0052 ORD 08-13-24 E 9/26/2024 82.00 000933 I-FE201722-0053 SEPT VARIANCES E 9/26/2024 56.48 000933 I-FE201722-0054 PH BATCH PLANT E 9/26/2024 40.64 000933 I-FE201722-0055 PUBLISH - 4B GROCERY E 9/26/2024 38.00 000933 I-FE201722-0056 PUBLISH ORD 09-15-24 E 9/26/2024 67.92 000933 311.60 40420 ZAVALA, ROBERTO C I-PER DIEM 09.16.24 PER DIEM 09/16-17/2024 E 9/26/2024 50.00 000934 50.00 40900 ARTISAN SIGNWORKS I-INV-10393 OBS MESH BANNER E 9/26/2024 1,622.56 000935 1,622.56 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 09.06.202 DONATIONS R 9/06/2024 5.00 086334 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 09.06.202 FOUNDATION-ISD R 9/06/2024 2.50 086335 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 09.06.202 HSA R 9/06/2024 1,393.60 086336 1,393.60 28710 AFFORD IT TIRES SANGER LLC I-0002078 2 TIRES FOR COMMAND 670 R 9/05/2024 700.00 086337 700.00 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-51489896 ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC R 9/05/2024 267.00 086338 267.00 30650 BAKER & TAYLOR, LLC I-LS24070202 BK LSNG 8/1/24 - 7/31/25 R 9/05/2024 3,537.00 086339 3,537.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85448335 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 9/05/2024 405.64 086340 405.64 22050 CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER FOR I-06.17.2024 FAIR SHARE FUNDING R 9/05/2024 20,520.00 086341 20,520.00 199 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 40740 COMPBASE, INC. I-I2578 ONBOARD SOFTWARE R 9/05/2024 3,450.00 086342 3,450.00 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-AUGUST 2024 JULY 24 ELECTRIC R 9/05/2024 3,909.22 086343 3,909.22 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS, INC. I-127643 2 NAMEPLATES R 9/05/2024 51.09 086344 51.09 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-SEPT 2024 SEPT 2024 LTD R 9/05/2024 1,476.49 086345 1,476.49 22740 DENTON COUNTY I-09/01/2024 SEPT 24 911 DISPATCH AGRMT R 9/05/2024 6,735.00 086346 6,735.00 35470 DURAN PHOTOGRAPHY I-2136 CM & MAYOR VIDEOS 23-24 R 9/05/2024 550.00 086347 I-2137 CM & MAYOR VIDEOS 23-24 R 9/05/2024 475.00 086347 1,025.00 36860 EXTRA PACKAGING LLC I-131022 DUMPSTER LINERS FOR WWTP R 9/05/2024 1,780.25 086348 1,780.25 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1487200 3/4 - 1 WTR SHUTOFF TOOL R 9/05/2024 796.06 086349 796.06 18790 FUELMAN I-NP67043613 FUEL 08/26/24 - 09/01/24 R 9/05/2024 3,017.96 086350 3,017.96 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-8-2724-1 OIL/FILTER/LABOR UNIT#13 R 9/05/2024 77.00 086351 77.00 17060 LEAD ll EXCELLENCE I-09152024SFD CE'S FOR JULY, AUGUST & SEPT R 9/05/2024 648.00 086352 648.00 16970 LONGHORN, INC. I-S4655370.001 SPRINKLER SUPPLIES R 9/05/2024 155.51 086353 155.51 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-2467 CONCRETE PROJECTS 2024 R 9/05/2024 2,800.00 086354 I-2468 CONCRETE PROJECTS 2024 R 9/05/2024 2,200.00 086354 I-2469 CONCRETE PROJECTS 2024 R 9/05/2024 3,000.00 086354 I-2471 CONCRETE PROJECTS 2024 R 9/05/2024 2,800.00 086354 I-2479 CONCRETE PROJECTS 2024 R 9/05/2024 9,088.50 086354 19,888.50 200 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 40010 MCDORMAN SIGNS & ADVERTISING I I-5734 CRATE FOR SHIPPING R 9/05/2024 400.00 086355 I-5738 CUT OUT TRAIN DISPLAY R 9/05/2024 1,500.00 086355 I-5739 DESIGN/ARTWORK SETUP R 9/05/2024 1,200.00 086355 3,100.00 36990 NORTEX COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY I-10936904 INTERNET & PHONE SEPT 24 R 9/05/2024 5,531.78 086356 5,531.78 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-176409 2 GAL ANTIFREEZE 16-58 R 9/05/2024 39.98 086357 I-1959-176413 2 BATTERIES/BATTERY FEE R 9/05/2024 278.90 086357 I-1959-177017 BATTERY/CORE/FEE R 9/05/2024 240.49 086357 I-1959-177925 BOOSTER CABLES R 9/05/2024 59.99 086357 I-1959-178163 BOOSTER CBL & JUMPSTART R 9/05/2024 233.98 4.68CR 086357 I-1959-178203 2 GAL ANTIFREEZE/FREON R 9/05/2024 50.97 086357 I-1959-178218 FREON 14-58 R 9/05/2024 10.99 086357 I-1959-180037 1 QT MOTOR OIL - 2 (UNIT #17) R 9/05/2024 14.98 0.30CR 086357 925.30 12820 RICOH USA, INC I-108538006 EQPMNT LSE 09/12/24-10/11/24 R 9/05/2024 914.00 086358 914.00 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-08.01.2024 HYDRATION DRINKS R 9/05/2024 370.45 086359 I-08.06.2024 HYDRATION DRINKS R 9/05/2024 119.47 086359 I-8.21.2024 OFFICE SNACKS R 9/05/2024 149.61 086359 639.53 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-3978 TWO TONE SPORT SMOKE LE R 9/05/2024 18.99 086360 I-4074 PVC/COUPLER/CEMENT/PRIMER R 9/05/2024 67.96 086360 I-4079 2-DUR BATT LTHM 2450 - 1PK R 9/05/2024 15.18 086360 I-4082 CLAMP & BUSHINGS R 9/05/2024 18.58 086360 I-4090 COUPLE FLEX R 9/05/2024 71.94 086360 I-4096 PRIMER/CEMENT/GLOVES R 9/05/2024 29.98 086360 I-4098 KNIFE / BOARDS R 9/05/2024 38.94 086360 261.57 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-22887 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 9/05/2024 30.00 086361 30.00 38860 TEXAS STATE UTILITIES, LLC I-13921 RELOCATE EXISTING POLE R 9/05/2024 6,000.00 086362 I-13922 LABOR TO SET NEW POLE R 9/05/2024 4,132.34 086362 10,132.34 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900105600 MATS - CITY HALL R 9/05/2024 17.36 086363 I-2900105601 UNIFORMS R 9/05/2024 82.64 086363 I-2900105602 UNIFORMS R 9/05/2024 20.72 086363 I-2900105603 UNIFORMS R 9/05/2024 18.42 086363 I-2900105604 MATS - P.W. R 9/05/2024 11.81 086363 150.95 201 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 38160 WILSON MCCLAIN PLUMBING I-1186288 FAULTY CARTRIDGE PORTER PARK R 9/05/2024 177.47 086364 I-1186323 INSTALL WTR FNTN SWITZER PRK R 9/05/2024 1,651.73 086364 I-1186334 REPLACE WTR FNTNS PORTER PRK R 9/05/2024 362.50 086364 2,191.70 1 BRADLEY, LEESA I-000202409030258 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 129.52 086365 129.52 1 FIG TREE HOMES I-000202409030265 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 769.07 086366 769.07 1 FIG TREE HOMES I-000202409030266 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 666.40 086367 666.40 1 GRAHAM, WILLIAM I-000202409030260 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 243.83 086368 243.83 1 LABRUM, HAILEE I-000202409030259 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 86.37 086369 86.37 1 PATTERSON, ROBERT I-000202409030261 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 10.82 086370 10.82 1 REESE, TOM I-000202409030267 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 236.88 086371 236.88 1 SANDOVAL, RODOLFO I-000202409030262 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 29.41 086372 29.41 1 SARDINAS, CLAUDIA I-000202409030263 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 24.15 086373 24.15 1 SPEED FAB CRETE I-000202409030264 US REFUND R 9/05/2024 131.71 086374 131.71 06210 ALERT-ALL CORP I-224080597 PUBLIC ED SUPPLY FOR SCHOOLS R 9/11/2024 2,366.50 086375 2,366.50 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1464014.001 CLAMPS, GASKETS R 9/11/2024 857.32 086376 I-S1464488.001 RUBBER COUPLINGS R 9/11/2024 192.24 086376 I-S1465213.001 RUBBER SADDLE/GASKETS/PIPE R 9/11/2024 768.00 086376 1,817.56 202 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201853 NEWTORK MAINTENANCE SEPT 24 R 9/11/2024 11,333.50 086377 11,333.50 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85458392 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 9/11/2024 554.27 086378 I-85460043 CASE TRACTION SPLINT R 9/11/2024 37.99 086378 I-85460044 GAUZE R 9/11/2024 8.69 086378 I-85462922 BURN SHEET/SHARPS CONTAINER/IV R 9/11/2024 229.57 086378 I-85462923 GLUTOSE/ARS NEEDLE DECOMPRESS R 9/11/2024 59.70 086378 890.22 23790 TERRY WEST I-4378 ATTIC DOOR INSTALL R 9/11/2024 800.00 086379 800.00 33030 COMMERCIAL TOOL & EQUIPMENT SE I-26607 REPAIR TO SKIDSTEER R 9/11/2024 500.04 086380 500.04 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10767411041 MOBILE PRECISION WRKSTN 3581 R 9/11/2024 1,105.18 086381 1,105.18 00850 DENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE I-08244016 NOPH ON TAX INCREASE - CGRAY R 9/11/2024 2,439.75 086382 2,439.75 33890 EDP BEST PRACTICES, LLC I-062-2024-09-03 GROCER RESEARCH R 9/11/2024 3,300.00 086383 3,300.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1507985 2X 5' CABLE ASSEMBLY R 9/11/2024 98.00 086384 I-1512380 2X 3/4" - 1" SHUTOFF TOOL R 9/11/2024 796.06 086384 894.06 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2024-3592 QUAIL RUN EASEMENT CLEARING R 9/11/2024 2,977.00 086385 I-2024-3595 MOW/TRIM 800 BLK STEMMONS R 9/11/2024 85.00 086385 3,062.00 38450 FREEMAN IRRIGATION I-94 REPAIR 2" VALVE PORTER PRK R 9/11/2024 540.00 086386 I-95 SYSTEM CHECK OUT DOWNTOWN PRK R 9/11/2024 842.00 086386 I-96 REPAIR LEAK IN POT DOWNTON PRK R 9/11/2024 197.00 086386 I-97 REPAIR VLV BX LEAK RAILROADPRK R 9/11/2024 551.00 086386 2,130.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP67090885 FUEL 09/02/24 - 09/08/24 R 9/11/2024 2,234.57 086387 2,234.57 01070 GALLS INC. C-028322140 RETURN PANTS WALLENBERG R 9/11/2024 84.99CR 086388 I-028710656 CLIP-ON TIE 773 R 9/11/2024 11.01 086388 I-028749876 SHIRT/EMBLEM/TROUSER 773 R 9/11/2024 260.01 086388 186.03 203 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-82924-2532 TIRE REPAIR DMASON R 9/11/2024 15.00 086389 I-9324-1 TIRE REPAIR - LR UN19 R 9/11/2024 15.00 086389 I-9424-02 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES UN02 R 9/11/2024 40.00 086389 70.00 20860 KSA ENGINEERS I-ARIV1010133 PROJECT 102943 R 9/11/2024 6,632.50 086390 I-ARIV1010142 PROJECT 103153 R 9/11/2024 2,633.40 086390 I-ARIV1010147 PROJECT 103323 - WINPOINTE DEV R 9/11/2024 750.00 086390 10,015.90 40010 MCDORMAN SIGNS & ADVERTISING I I-5735 9X MOSQUITO FOGGING SIGNS R 9/11/2024 252.00 086391 252.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-179800 1QT PWR STRNG FLUID R 9/11/2024 10.99 086392 10.99 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-378890760001 CUPS/PLATES - COUNCIL MTGS R 9/11/2024 13.82 086393 I-379263186001 COPY PAPER/DOORSTOP R 9/11/2024 57.97 086393 I-379566670001 ADDRESS STAMP R 9/11/2024 24.99 086393 I-380922881001 CUPS/COPY PAPER R 9/11/2024 55.84 086393 152.62 34010 PLAYGROUND SOLUTIONS I-240175 CENTERLINE PIPWALL BARRIER R 9/11/2024 1,313.89 086394 1,313.89 36840 REPUBLIC SERVICES #615 I-0615-002123424 BRUSH COLLECTION SRVCS R 9/11/2024 4,508.76 086395 4,508.76 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-WM 08.29.24 RETIREMENT GIFT CARD R 9/11/2024 100.00 086396 100.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-323 LUNCH W/ COMM. LEADERS R 9/11/2024 1,000.00 086397 1,000.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-4083 PLRS/CLNR/BALL VLVE/PVC CMNT R 9/11/2024 56.55 086398 I-4121 MRKNG FLGS/PLRS/MRKNG PNT R 9/11/2024 137.89 086398 I-4122 LEVELR FLOOR R 9/11/2024 39.99 086398 I-4130 56X FIELD MARKR WHIT 50# R 9/11/2024 839.44 086398 I-4135 5 FASTENERS - RESCUE TOOLS R 9/11/2024 21.05 086398 1,094.92 38920 SLIM JIM'S LOCKSMITH SVC I-4481 SRVC CALL NEW LOCKS R 9/11/2024 200.00 086399 200.00 204 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 18620 STERICYCLE I-8008107681 MEDICAL WASTE R 9/11/2024 278.40 086400 278.40 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2893 EMBROIDERED POLOS R 9/11/2024 150.00 086401 150.00 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-NW128424 FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR SPRUETT R 9/11/2024 275.00 086402 275.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1573119-01 UTILITY RD WAREHOUSE SPLY R 9/11/2024 616.00 086403 I-1573479-02 INSERTS/CONNECTORS R 9/11/2024 1,728.00 086403 I-1578043-00 MISC SUPPLIES R 9/11/2024 2,373.03 086403 4,717.03 38910 TEXAS SECTION AWWA I-200018677 CSTMR SRVC WRKSHP 2024 CFULLER R 9/11/2024 199.00 086404 199.00 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-41317755 INSTALL R410A 300 JONES ST R 9/11/2024 133.75 086405 I-41336057 INSTALL CAPACITOR 403 N 7TH R 9/11/2024 193.47 086405 327.22 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900106665 MATS - CITY HALL R 9/11/2024 17.36 086406 I-2900106666 UNIFORMS R 9/11/2024 30.84 086406 I-2900106667 UNIFORMS R 9/11/2024 20.72 086406 I-2900106668 UNIFORMS R 9/11/2024 18.42 086406 I-2900106669 MATS - P.W. R 9/11/2024 11.81 086406 99.15 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00452808 SCREWCAP VIALS R 9/11/2024 90.70 086407 90.70 03440 VERMEER TEXAS-LOUISIANA I-PO368918 4" MCAMXBARB R 9/11/2024 29.72 086408 29.72 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 09.20.202 DONATIONS R 9/20/2024 5.00 086409 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 09.20.202 FOUNDATION-ISD R 9/20/2024 2.50 086410 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 09.20.202 HSA R 9/20/2024 1,393.60 086411 1,393.60 205 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00200 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO. I-1148585 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/19/2024 50.00 086412 I-1148640 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/19/2024 25.00 086412 75.00 28710 AFFORD IT TIRES SANGER LLC I-0002082 4X 285-70-17 PRINX A/T MARSHAL R 9/19/2024 800.00 086413 800.00 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-51498818 FIX HYDRAULIC LEAK 32-58 R 9/19/2024 2,269.79 086414 2,269.79 40620 ANA SITE CONSTRUCTION I-4 I-35 UTILITY RELOCATION R 9/19/2024 835,457.40 086415 835,457.40 37370 AQUA METRIC SALES COMPANY I-INV0103735 WATER/ELECTRIC METER SYST R 9/19/2024 45,082.29 086416 45,082.29 31670 BOOT BARN I-08.30.2024 BOOT ALLOWANCE JNIXON R 9/19/2024 179.99 086417 I-INV00396726 7X WORK PANTS LMCMANUS R 9/19/2024 280.00 086417 459.99 40690 BROWN & HOFMEISTER, L.L.P. I-0625-001-49908 LEGAL SRVCS - 08/31/2024 R 9/19/2024 8,687.50 086418 8,687.50 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-RI 24038655 BACKUP INSPECTION 10 R 9/19/2024 730.76 086419 I-RI 24038656 SFR NEW REVIEW 44 MOCKINGBIRD R 9/19/2024 150.00 086419 I-RI 24038657 SFR NEW REVIEW 18 GROUSE R 9/19/2024 150.00 086419 I-RI 24038658 SFR NEW REVIEW 212 OAK ST R 9/19/2024 150.00 086419 1,180.76 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-44129 PUMP 1 TESTING UTILITY RD R 9/19/2024 200.00 086420 200.00 28810 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEM, INC I-JC1006829 GENERATORS R 9/19/2024 226,403.00 086421 226,403.00 28180 D&D COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-36931 2024 MOWING SEASON R 9/19/2024 15,227.34 086422 15,227.34 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS, INC. I-127702 WINDOW ENVELOPE #10 R 9/19/2024 488.90 086423 488.90 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP2403958 AUG 2024 LATE/STMT/OTHER R 9/19/2024 3,502.07 086424 3,502.07 206 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00740 DCAD I-10205 2024 DCAD LOCAL SUPPORT R 9/19/2024 14,640.58 086425 14,640.58 34360 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABOR I-24080111 CBOD/TSS/NH3N/TRIP CHRG AUG 24 R 9/19/2024 1,544.00 086426 1,544.00 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENIN I-24785 4X PRE-EMP BACKGROUND CHECK R 9/19/2024 112.00 086427 112.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP67111503 FUEL 09/09/24 - 09/15/24 R 9/19/2024 2,833.94 086428 2,833.94 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-91024-12 ROTATE/BALANCE TIRES UN12 R 9/19/2024 40.00 086429 I-9924-14 OIL CHANGE UN14 R 9/19/2024 77.00 086429 I-9924-2 FIX FLAT TIRE UN02 R 9/19/2024 15.00 086429 132.00 1 JOHN SPRINGER I-REFUND 09.09.24 RFND 24SAN-0408 R 9/19/2024 50.00 086430 50.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-291865 JULY WARRANT COLLECTION R 9/19/2024 418.53 086431 I-291866 JULY WARRANT COLLECTION R 9/19/2024 94.80 086431 513.33 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-182692 RETURN GREASE FITTINGS R 9/19/2024 6.99CR 086432 I-1959-180260 2X 1GAL ANTIFREZ R 9/19/2024 31.98 086432 I-1959-182452 1QT MOTOR OIL UN05 R 9/19/2024 11.99 086432 I-1959-182575 GREASE FTG/GREASE/CARWSH R 9/19/2024 61.02 086432 98.00 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-383779512001 CARDSTOCK/CLIPBOARD/BADGES R 9/19/2024 110.73 086433 110.73 33820 POWER-D UTILITY SERVICES, LLC I-2412 COMMISSION ATO 08/19/24 R 9/19/2024 1,200.00 086434 I-2412 B I-35 ELECTRIC RELOCATION R 9/19/2024 1,200.00 086434 2,400.00 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-60007514 BOOSTER PUMP CNTRL VALVE R 9/19/2024 11,427.42 086435 I-60007515 FIELD SERVICE REPAIR R 9/19/2024 2,057.00 086435 13,484.42 37620 RANDY'S OF SANGER, LLC. I-5525 OIL CHANGE LP1466507 R 9/19/2024 39.98 086436 39.98 207 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 25970 REPUBLIC METER INC I-24-0460 KAMSTRUP 2 INCH METER R 9/19/2024 1,690.00 086437 1,690.00 36840 REPUBLIC SERVICES #615 I-0615-002123701 SLUDGE PICKUP AUG 24 R 9/19/2024 8,910.88 086438 8,910.88 36840 REPUBLIC SERVICES #615 I-0615-002128270 SOLID WASTE AUGUST 2024 R 9/19/2024 90,039.54 086439 90,039.54 28590 REYNOLDS ASPHALT & CONSTRUCTIO I-24067E01 STREET REHAB 2024 R 9/19/2024 391,600.52 086440 391,600.52 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-154761 SMALL ACETYLENE CYLINDERS R 9/19/2024 32.00 086441 I-154763 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 9/19/2024 8.00 086441 40.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1578043-02 MISC SUPPLIES R 9/19/2024 1,062.72 086442 I-3133456-00 MISC TOOLS FOR AGALLION R 9/19/2024 964.00 086442 2,026.72 06930 TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES I-INVLC019764 1ST AID CPR STUDENT GUIDES R 9/19/2024 81.00 086443 81.00 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-24-14867 MESSAGE FEES AUGUST 2024 R 9/19/2024 336.95 086444 336.95 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900107773 MATS-CITY HALL R 9/19/2024 17.36 086445 I-2900107775 UNIFORMS R 9/19/2024 30.84 086445 I-2900107776 UNIFORMS R 9/19/2024 20.72 086445 I-2900107777 UNIFORMS R 9/19/2024 18.42 086445 I-2900107778 MATS - P.W. R 9/19/2024 11.81 086445 99.15 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00469017 LATEX GLOVES R 9/19/2024 108.20 086446 108.20 09550 WATER TECH, INC. I-147756 12X CHLORINE CYLINDERS R 9/19/2024 2,460.00 086447 2,460.00 40810 ZODIAC POOLS & OUTDOOR LIVING I-1021 POOL SRVC SEPT 2024 R 9/19/2024 175.00 086448 175.00 00200 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO. I-1146285 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 75.00 086449 I-1146286 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146288 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146289 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146290 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 208 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1146291 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146292 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146293 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146294 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146295 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146296 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146297 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 75.00 086449 I-1146298 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1146299 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 55.00 086449 I-1148744 PEST CONTROL SERVICES R 9/26/2024 40.00 086449 850.00 09600 AFLAC C-359387 AFLAC ROUNDING R 9/26/2024 0.05CR 086451 I-AFKPY 09.06.202 INSURANCE R 9/26/2024 173.34 086451 I-AFKPY 09.20.202 INSURANCE R 9/26/2024 173.34 086451 I-AFLPY 09.06.202 INSURANCE R 9/26/2024 570.60 086451 I-AFLPY 09.20.202 INSURANCE R 9/26/2024 570.60 086451 1,487.83 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-51495499 REPLACE BUCKET FOR 52-58 R 9/26/2024 5,249.09 086452 5,249.09 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-09152024 CELL PHONE 08/08/24 - 09/07/24 R 9/26/2024 2,186.80 086453 2,186.80 01550 ATMOS ENERGY I-09/12/24 GAS 08/02/24 - 09/03/24 R 9/26/2024 1,247.04 086454 1,247.04 40110 BOUNCE N MORE, LLC I-60118 BALLOON ARTIST R 9/26/2024 730.00 086455 730.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85478656 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 9/26/2024 1,937.00 086456 I-85478657 MIDAZOLAM R 9/26/2024 28.25 086456 1,965.25 03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE I-0612624 ALIGNMENT FOR MEDIC 672 R 9/26/2024 124.00 086457 124.00 39710 CLARKADAMSON, LLC I-0013 ANNUAL CONSULTING FEE R 9/26/2024 2,375.00 086458 2,375.00 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-31484 ICE MACHINE RENTAL R 9/26/2024 626.00 086459 626.00 209 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 40860 COWSER TIRE & SERVICE I-1-625151 TIRES FOR MEDIC 672 R 9/26/2024 2,187.90 086460 2,187.90 13300 DENTON SAND & GRAVEL I-33803 MATERIAL - PORTER PARK BALLFLD R 9/26/2024 216.00 086461 216.00 35470 DURAN PHOTOGRAPHY I-2127 266 EXPRESS PODCAST R 9/26/2024 400.00 086462 I-2141 SMILEBLISS ORTHODONTICS INTVW R 9/26/2024 900.00 086462 I-2142 VINTAGE VARIETY INTVW R 9/26/2024 900.00 086462 I-2143 DOWNTOWN ON-SITE PHOTOGRAPHY R 9/26/2024 200.00 086462 2,400.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP67140844 FUEL 09/16/24 - 09/22/24 R 9/26/2024 2,407.03 086463 2,407.03 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-91224-1 OIL CHANGE JHENDERSON RAM 2500 R 9/26/2024 85.00 086464 85.00 40770 IMPERIAL SUPPLIES LLC I-I001B58236 MARKING FLAGS R 9/26/2024 100.64 086465 100.64 40870 JEFF DANIELSON CONSTRUCTION I-1032 FIX MANHOLE - DUCK CREEK R 9/26/2024 1,500.00 086466 1,500.00 40880 KARL KLEMENT CHRYSLER DODGE JE I-CHCS39011 REPAIRS FOR RESCUE 671 R 9/26/2024 1,860.34 086467 1,860.34 20860 KSA ENGINEERS I-ARIV1010511 PROJECT 103153 R 9/26/2024 18,889.60 086468 18,889.60 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-12062 FULL PAGE AD 5 WKS AUG 24 R 9/26/2024 750.00 086469 750.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-292093 UB COLLECTION FEES R 9/26/2024 38.94 086470 38.94 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-59143213 EMS VENDING MACHINE OCT 24 R 9/26/2024 348.42 086471 348.42 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-378119868001 BATTERY BACKUP R 9/26/2024 52.95 086472 I-380824381001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC CH R 9/26/2024 43.75 086472 I-380827297001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC PW R 9/26/2024 37.50 086472 I-380830809001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC MC R 9/26/2024 17.50 086472 I-380836101001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC PD R 9/26/2024 28.00 086472 I-380839662001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC WW R 9/26/2024 19.00 086472 I-380844062001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC STREETS R 9/26/2024 7.00 086472 I-382814512001 AUG 24 WTR SRVC FD R 9/26/2024 75.25 086472 I-384360628001 FOLDERS R 9/26/2024 16.86 086472 297.81 210 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 12820 RICOH USA, INC I-5070052123 SRVC CONTRACT SEPT 2024 R 9/26/2024 451.00 086473 451.00 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-7955 REPAIR HYD HOSE/FILL W OIL R 9/26/2024 1,191.62 086474 1,191.62 26200 SOIL EXPRESS, LTD I-17438 ECOKID EXPRESS INSTALL R 9/26/2024 8,969.67 086475 8,969.67 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2892 EMBROIDER LOGOS R 9/26/2024 45.00 086476 I-2914 SONGWRITER T-SHIRTS R 9/26/2024 570.00 086476 615.00 40890 SUMMIT CHEMICAL COMPANY I-021129 MOSQUITO DUNKS R 9/26/2024 91.68 086477 91.68 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1574068-03 TRANSFORMER & MATERIALS R 9/26/2024 8.37 086478 I-1578043-03 MISC SUPPLIES R 9/26/2024 432.20 086478 440.57 34110 TELEFLEX LLC I-9508920832 EZ-IO NEEDLES R 9/26/2024 562.50 086479 562.50 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-476725 UB ONLINE SEPT 2024 R 9/26/2024 110.00 086480 110.00 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-41492344 DRAIN CLEANING 403 N 7TH ST R 9/26/2024 180.00 086481 180.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900108743 MATS - CITY HALL R 9/26/2024 17.62 086482 I-2900108744 UNIFORMS R 9/26/2024 31.60 086482 I-2900108745 UNIFORMS R 9/26/2024 21.03 086482 I-2900108746 UNIFORMS R 9/26/2024 18.70 086482 I-2900108747 MATS - PUBLIC WORKS R 9/26/2024 11.99 086482 100.94 40800 UNIFIRST FIRST AID CORP I-J450046 FIRST AID SUPPLIES R 9/26/2024 2,136.04 086483 2,136.04 1 AUI PARTNERS LLC I-000202409230277 US REFUND R 9/26/2024 739.13 086484 739.13 1 BJELDE, DAVID I-000202409230278 US REFUND R 9/26/2024 181.63 086485 181.63 211 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 CROSSMAR INVESTMENTS I-000202409230276 US REFUND R 9/26/2024 989.45 086486 989.45 1 HENDRICKS, RHONDA I-000202409230274 US REFUND R 9/26/2024 97.30 086487 97.30 1 WRIGHT, WILLIAM I-000202409230275 US REFUND R 9/26/2024 18.01 086488 18.01 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 154 1,893,555.15 4.98CR 1,893,550.17 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 9 263,304.46 0.00 263,304.46 EFT: 38 690,846.44 0.00 690,846.44 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 201 2,847,706.05 4.98CR 2,847,701.07 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 201 2,847,706.05 4.98CR 2,847,701.07 REPORT TOTALS: 204 2,924,393.85 4.98CR 2,924,388.87 212 Item 13. 10/09/2024 5:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 21 SELECTION CRITERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENDOR SET: 99-AP VENDOR SET VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 9/01/2024 THRU 9/30/2024 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 999,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G/L: NO UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 213 Item 13. 11 Atmos Energy Corporation 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800 Dallas, TX 75240 P 214-206-2568 F 214-206-2126 Christopher.Felan@atmosenergy.com September 25, 2024 City Official Re: Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 Enclosed is Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's Statement of Rider GCR applicable for the October 2024 billing periods. This Statement details the gas cost component of the residential, commercial, and industrial sales rates for customers within your city. This filing is for informative purposes only and no action is required on your city's part. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Chris Felan Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs Atmos Energy, Mid-Tex Division Attachment Chris Felan Vice President Rates & Regulatory Affairs 214 Item 14. Part (a) - Mid-Tex Commodity Costs Line (a)(b) 1 Estimated Gas Cost per Unit:$0.12123 2 Estimated City Gate Deliveries:69,929,340 3 Estimated Gas Cost:$8,477,534 4 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas %2.5932% 5 Estimated Lost and Unaccounted for Gas $219,839 6 Total Estimated City Gate Gas Cost:$8,697,373 7 Estimated Sales Volume:52,710,650 8 Estimated Gas Cost Factor - (EGCF)0.16500 9 Reconciliation Factor - (RF): 0.00000 10 Taxes (TXS):0.00000 11 Adjustment - (ADJ):0.00000 Btu Factor Per MMBtu 12 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) (Taxable)0.16500 per Ccf 0.1005 $1.6418 13 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 per Ccf 0.1005 $1.1741 Part (b) - Pipeline Services Costs Line (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Rate I - Industrial Service Rate R - Residential Rate C - Commercial Rate T - Transportation 1 Fixed Costs 14 Fixed Costs Allocation Factors [Set by GUD 10170]100.0000%64.3027%30.5476%5.1497% 15 a. Current Month Fixed Costs of Pipeline Services $59,876,512 38,502,214 18,290,837 3,083,461 16 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 17 Net Fixed Costs $59,876,512 $38,502,214 $18,290,837 $3,083,461 Commodity Costs 18 a. Estimated Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,438,694 3,393,850 1,649,981 394,863 19 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 20 Net Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,438,694 $3,393,850 $1,649,981 $394,863 21 Total Estimated Pipeline Costs (Line 16 + Line 19)$65,315,206 $41,896,064 $19,940,818 $3,478,324 22 Estimated Billed Volumes 72,079,340 Ccf 47,529,050 Ccf 4,926,148 MMBtu 23 Pipeline Cost Factor (PCF) [Line 20 / Line 21] (Taxable)0.58120 Ccf 0.41960 Ccf $0.7061 MMBtu 24 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) [Line 12] (Taxable)0.16500 Ccf 0.16500 Ccf $1.6418 MMBtu 25 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 Ccf 0.11800 Ccf $1.1741 MMBtu 26 Rider GCR 0.86420 Ccf 0.70260 Ccf Rate I - $3.5220 MMBtu 27 Rate T -$0.7061 MMBtu 1 Industrial Service and Transportation are reported in MMBtu. An MMBtu conversion factor of .1005 is used to convert from Ccf. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION STATEMENT OF RIDER GCR October, 2024 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GAS UTILITIES DOCKET NO. 10170 215 Item 14. 11 Atmos Energy Corporation 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800 Dallas, TX 75240 P 214-206-2568 F 214-206-2126 Christopher.Felan@atmosenergy.com October 24, 2024 City Official Re: Rider GCR - Rate Filing under Docket No. 10170 Enclosed is Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division's Statement of Rider GCR applicable for the November 2024 billing periods. This Statement details the gas cost component of the residential, commercial, and industrial sales rates for customers within your city. This filing is for informative purposes only and no action is required on your city's part. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Chris Felan Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs Atmos Energy, Mid-Tex Division Attachment Chris Felan Vice President Rates & Regulatory Affairs 216 Item 15. Part (a) - Mid-Tex Commodity Costs Line (a)(b) 1 Estimated Gas Cost per Unit:$0.14621 2 Estimated City Gate Deliveries:131,818,970 3 Estimated Gas Cost:$19,273,252 4 Lost and Unaccounted For Gas %2.5932% 5 Estimated Lost and Unaccounted for Gas $499,794 6 Total Estimated City Gate Gas Cost:$19,773,046 7 Estimated Sales Volume:94,154,530 8 Estimated Gas Cost Factor - (EGCF)0.21000 9 Reconciliation Factor - (RF): (0.00206) 10 Taxes (TXS):0.00000 11 Adjustment - (ADJ):0.00000 Btu Factor Per MMBtu 12 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) (Taxable)0.20794 per Ccf 0.1005 $2.0691 13 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 per Ccf 0.1005 $1.1741 Part (b) - Pipeline Services Costs Line (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Rate I - Industrial Service Rate R - Residential Rate C - Commercial Rate T - Transportation 1 Fixed Costs 14 Fixed Costs Allocation Factors [Set by GUD 10170]100.0000%64.3027%30.5476%5.1497% 15 a. Current Month Fixed Costs of Pipeline Services $61,501,873 39,547,365 18,787,346 3,167,162 16 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 17 Net Fixed Costs $61,501,873 $39,547,365 $18,787,346 $3,167,162 Commodity Costs 18 a. Estimated Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,438,194 3,393,465 1,649,866 394,863 19 b. Plus: Second Prior Month Recovery Adjustment $0 $0 $0 $0 20 Net Commodity Cost of Pipeline Services $5,438,194 $3,393,465 $1,649,866 $394,863 21 Total Estimated Pipeline Costs (Line 16 + Line 19)$66,940,067 $42,940,830 $20,437,212 $3,562,025 22 Estimated Billed Volumes 71,951,020 Ccf 47,431,520 Ccf 4,926,148 MMBtu 23 Pipeline Cost Factor (PCF) [Line 20 / Line 21] (Taxable)0.59680 Ccf 0.43090 Ccf $0.7231 MMBtu 24 Gas Cost Recovery Factor - (GCRF) [Line 12] (Taxable)0.20794 Ccf 0.20794 Ccf $2.0691 MMBtu 25 Customer Rate Relief - (CRR) (Non-Taxable)0.11800 Ccf 0.11800 Ccf $1.1741 MMBtu 26 Rider GCR 0.92274 Ccf 0.75684 Ccf Rate I - $3.9663 MMBtu 27 Rate T -$0.7231 MMBtu 1 Industrial Service and Transportation are reported in MMBtu. An MMBtu conversion factor of .1005 is used to convert from Ccf. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION STATEMENT OF RIDER GCR November, 2024 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GAS UTILITIES DOCKET NO. 10170 217 Item 15.