07/07/1986-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting July 7, 1986 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas and Carolyn Adkins Stephen Shutt., Mary Jo Stover, Lee Lawrence, Daisy Palmer, Carl Sadau, B. McMurray, Prentice Preston, Herbert Arledge, Richard Muir, Bennie Parrent, Betty Jenkins, Joe and Esta Ashcraft, Joe Falls, Dan Almon, Tim Fisher, Roy Lemons, Richard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topper, Jim Coulston, and Rev. Gerald Bridges. —.- 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Rev.. Gerald Bridges with the Sanger Baptist Church gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the. flag. 2. The minutes of the June 16th regular meeting and June 23rd special called meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Jenkins to approve the disbursements in the amount of $73,494.82. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Citizen Input — Betty Jenkins, Committee informed council that due to high winds. She stated Chairperson of the fire works there were many the Sesquicentennial display fell short more fireworks 264. to shoot off plus the grand fanali and she requested council to set a date when the man with display could return to finish the show. He requested that a date be set rather than have to refund the money. She stated she wanted council to think about the date and let her know if they wanted a summer fireworks display, a labor day weekend display or whatever and get back with her. Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who worked very diligently and very hard on the city's 100th Celebration and stated that she had a plaque for the two Chairpersons for each division (Sesquicentennial and Centennial) for the celebration. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the written statement on the plaque to Mrs. Betty Jenkins. It read as follows. "The City of Sanger acknowledges with grateful appreciation the fine contribution of talent, initiative, and leadership made by Mrs. Betty Jenkins in recognition of service from the City of Sanger and for a job well done as Chairperson of the Texas Sesquicentennial, Sanger City Council, July 5, 1986." Mayor Armstrong stated that the plaques were to have been presented on Saturday evening but plans fell short. The Mayor stated that Mrs. Jenkins had worked long hours since Last October and that she was extremely pleased with the celebration. In response Mrs. Jenkins stated she wanted to thank the City Manager, the City Council, the Mayor, and the Superin- tendent. She stated, "My hats off to all of you, and thank you very much." Mayor Armstrong presented the second plaque to Mrs. Esta Ashcraft, Chairperson of the Centennial Committee. The plaque read as follows. "The City of Sanger acknowledges with grateful appreciation the fine contribution of talent, initiative, and leadership made by Mrs. Esta Ashcraft in recognition of service from the City of Sanger for a job well done as Chairperson of the Sanger Centennial Committee. Sanger City Council. July 5, 1986." Mrs. Ashcraft acknowledged the plaque and stated the highlight of the celebration was the cooperative spirit of everyone. The Mayor reaffirmed that it was an exciting and busy week. That she was however somewhat disappointed that more citizens did not get involved but for those who did had a good time. The Mayor thanked the city crews who worked to get the city in shape, working overtime, and she acknowledged the float decoration where Mary Jo and Bob Stover, Wanda and Jerry Lester were involved and noted appreciation to Rick Brown, his son, and to Stanley Day in setting the float up and to the police and firemen who helped out, also to Carolyn Adkins who served on the Sesquicentennial Committee and thanked Danny Spindle for allowing Debbie to help in his behalf. The Mayor gave grateful thanks to all, that it was a weekend of history and that it had been videoed and would be stored in the city files. 5. Council considered the insurance proposal from the Texas_ Municipal League. Ms. Daisy Palmer, T.M.L. Representative, was present to speak and answer questions regarding the proposal. She informed council thatthe city had been given an extension on the proposal until July 15th. After that time the proposal would have to be redone. Richard Muir was present and discussed the coverage the city has with his company. Mayor Armstrong informed the audience that the main reason the city had to consider another source for coverage was that the company Richard represented could no longer write the city's liability co v erage. 265. After a lengthy discussion and review of the proposal, it was noted that the total premium amounted to approximately 445,099.00. Discussion. The T.M.L. proposal was not tabled but leftopen for the next city council special meeting. No action was taken at this meetin g. g. 6. Council discussed the issuance of Certificates of Obligation for street improvements with Dan Almon financial advisor with Sneider, Burnett, and Hickman of Dallas. The Mayor stated she and the city staff had met with Mr. Almon last week to discuss ways to come up with the money to do the city's street program. She gave council a copy of information regarding amounts, interest rates and payout schedule and cost for the street improvements. She stated that sometime ago the City Manager had given council the cost to do the street project. At that time he estimated $500,000 and then later said it would probably take $600,000, but if the council wanted to do a really complete job it would take $700,000. These figures were figures Mr. Almon used to base his calculations on. Almon stated this was the synopsis of the discussion. That it verified the cost.on the $5, $6, and $700,000 estimate. The amounts he stated varied from $76,203 to $106,685. Almon stated the eleventh year concept is based on the fact that the city would benefit greatly by paying interest only for the first year and still have payments for 10 years. The nine year payout was discussed. It was noted that sales tax revenue could be used to pay the first year's interest. The city's landfill note will be paid off in the next fiscal year and an approximate $45,000 would be available. It was noted that the city is currently _ levying 12 for debt service. Almon stated that the city's assessed value would be going up to $60 million. Council would not have to be concerned about what the 12 could raise until the year after next. By continuing to levy the same amount of tax the city would have sufficient revenue.for the requirements necessary. He suggested the city take the amount of sales tax revenue on hand and deposit it to an Interest and Sinking Fund then the first year's obligation would already be satisfied. It would in essence be pre - funded. Discussion. Almon requested council to consider redesignating the sales tax to pay for debt service. Mayor Armstrong stated that No. 1 the city had to do something about the streets. No. 2 if the city takes a bond issue to the citizens the city will not be able to do anything about the streets this year. Time element involved - 60 days. Discussion. Almon explained junior lien bonds to council. Stated city can put a junior lien on the revenue system and sell bonds for cash. Discussion. Almon stated the law required council to adopt an order. giving authorization of intention to issue Certificates of Obligations. This has to be published twice. 14 days prior to the date council can adopt the order. Almon stated with the publication requirements, 30 days to delivery, and the rest of July to issue the securities, get them rated, he -= stated it was imperative that council take.action tonight. Could call a special meeting on July 28th and thats about as quick as this could be done. Mayor Armstrong stated that we could go with this program and not raise anyone's taxes this year. She stated she felt it was the only solution to the problem the city had at this time. Motion was made by Harvey Thomas to approve the proposal for $700,000, to pay interest only for the first year, and go with the 9 year payout schedule. Danny Spindle gave the second. Discussion. Almon explained the no arbitrage statement. It was agreed that any funds in excess of the bid 266. would be used on street signs. Voted unan. The Mayor instructed the City Secretary to post an agenda for an Emergency Council Meeting for Tuesday, July 8, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. 7. Mayor Armstrong declared the first public hearing on the planning grant open for consideration. The mayor introduced Lee Lawrence with Governmental Service Agency who is assisting the City in the presentation of the grant application to the State. Lawrence stated the City of Sanger had applied for a Planning Grant sometime ago at which time a second public hearing was not held and the application was sent back. The procedures require the city to hold this public hearing plus another and that after the second public hearing the city would pass a resolution supporting the application. He gave council information which basically described how these applications scored. He went through this briefly giving the selection criteria. Lawrence stated that planning strategy and products was a big scoring item and a very critical area. He stated their main job is putting the application together, that GSA's main job is to see that the city gets as many of the 225 points as possible. Stated they would work very closely with the city manager in trying to put that information together in the best possible way to try and maximize the points. Council discussed the matrix handout with Lawrence. Lawrence recommended to council, since they had expressed an interest in the housing, that they submit the base fee item (which includes: mapping, housing, land use and population). He stated he had checked the Water Study Distribution and Supply, the Drainage Study, the Capital Improvements Program ite, the Other Utility Studies, which includes electricity, and either streets or thoroughfares study. Same price involved. Mayor Armstrong asked about economic development. She stated the city certainly could use all the help they could get in that area. Discussion. It was noted that the grant amount maximum was $25,000. Lawrence stated the ones he had marked and mentioned on the matrix to council came to approximately $21,000. He stated GSA would advise council that they should look in terms of the grant money itself not seeking more than the $20,000. The reason he stated was that it is a very popular program, lots of applicants, fairly small amount of money and the State tries to spread it around. GSA feels like if the city ask for the maximum amount, particularly as small as the community is, that it might come across as a negative consideration. Discussion. Lawrence stated the city would be scored on the basis of its local commitment. He recommended something on the order of 20% or more. He stated he used a 25% figure on the items he had recommended and it came out slightly over $5,000. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong pointed out ways that this funding could be budgeted. She stated she would like to see the city go with the Base Fee, the Water Study, the Drainage Study, the Capital Improvements, the Other Utilities, the Central Business District, and the Economic Development. Cost would be $24,100, with the city's part of $5,000. Council agreed. Lawrence stated he would take council's recommendations into consideration and put the resolution together with those numbers in mind. Mayor Armstrong asked if there was .any other comments to be made. Lawrence stated council needed to set the date for the second public hearing. Council set the date for a Special Called Meeting on July 14, 1986, at 70.00 P.M. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 8. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open for consideration on the annexation of the Indian Springs Phase II Subdivision for Bennie Parrent. 267. Joe Topper requested to know if the city would be assuming the maintenance on Rising Star Lane (Street in Indian Springs Phase I) once this property has been annexed. Topper stated there was no maintenance at the present time on Rising Star. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Topper that the city would maintain Phase II. Topper asked about the designated park area, if the city would be furnishing the equipment (slides, swings, etc.). It was stated that the city would be providing this type equip- mnet but it would not be immediately. Topper asked who was responsible for getting the water to Indian Springs Phase II. He was told the developer was. Topper stated that right now there was a stubout 7 feet inside his property line. Discussion. Right-of=ways, and easements were discussed. Tim Fisher of Metroplex Engineering gave an opinion that the easements were not from the center of the road. Curvature of the road was discussed. It was noted that the problem seemed to be a difference of opinion between engineering firms. Mrs. Ann Topper stated she wanted. to clarify who was responsible for maintaining Rising Star Lane. She was advised that the county was responsible. She requested to know if the city had looked into the washout problem that was mentioned at the last hearing. The City Manager apologized to Mrs. Topper stating that he had just neglected to get this done but would see that it was looked at. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 9. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adopt Ordinance No. 86-14 annexing the Indian Springs Subdivision into the city. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 86-14 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS; BEING TRACT NO. 1 BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING LOT THREE, BLOCK A, OF THE INDIAN SPRINGS ESTATES AN ADDITION TO THE COUNTY OF DENTON, AND TRACT NO. 2 BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 (FLOODPLAIN AREA DESIGNATED FOR PARK) AND TRACT NO. 3 BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE R. PRATHER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1024, AND THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF A TRACT SHOWN BY DEED TO BENNIE PARRENT; CLASSIFYING THE SAME AS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10. Council considered Ordinance No. 86-15 amending the extra- territorial Jurisdiction .Ordinance No. 85-26. Jerry Jenkins stated that he was unable to get the information finished. Discussion. The City Secretary was instructed to place this item on the agenda for the Special Called Meeting of July 14th. 11. Council considered the final subdivision plat of the replat of Lot 46, Block 23, Hampton Second Addition for Herbert Arledge. Mayor Armstrong stated that P & Z had approved the plat as it was presented. She stated that Richard Brown and Kenneth Howard however, had gotten together after the meeting and had changed the setback from 25 foot to 20 foot. She asked Brown why they had decided to change the setbacks after the meeting. Brown stated he should have caught it in time for Planning and Zoning and didn't. In the older parts of town where there is existing homes and they don't have the 25 foot setbacks and you line them up, when you try and.line the houses up it changes the plat and letters are then required to the title companies. Discussion. It was mentioned there was no proposed use showing on the. plat. Impact fees were discussed. The City Secretary stated she felt Mr. Arledge would owe on two lots as required by the city's ordinance. Mayor Armstrong stated when council had passed the impact fee that when the property was divided into two lots they wouldn't owe anything but if they divided into three they would owe for one. The city secretary stated this was only in the Original Town Survey. dThe mayor said council meant the old part of town. The city manager stated that both were technically right. Council did say "old town survey." He stated it was discovered that the subdivision (Hampton) is not literally in the old town survey. Jerry Jenkins stated that he had asked for clarification that night on where the boundaries were. The city secretary stated that she had stated she had a map that defined the Original Town Survey. Mayor Armstrong stated that it was intent that the old part of town would be treated the same. She.stated what is the old part of town not the new subdivisions. The secretary advised council they needed to define those areas which they were referring to as old town. She stated at the present the ordinance reads "Original Town Survey" which does not include the Hampton Addition or other subdivisions council may wish to include. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong to get with city staff and define the areas to be excluded and present it back to council. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the final subdivision replat of Lot 46, Block 23, Hampton Second Addition subject to the proposed use being stated on the plat and subject to payment of all fees. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Herbert Arledge asked what kind of fee did he owe. Council stated he would owe for one impact fee plus plat fee if it had not been paid. 12. Richard Brown called council's attention to the statement made on the Double Twin plat which reads "Planned unit develop- ment site plan to be submitted prior to construction." It was noted the school was aware of this requirement. Brown further stated this plat was for the recognition.of the division of the property. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the final subdivision plat of the Double Twin Addition Phase I for Sanger I.S.D. Voted unan. 13. Council considered the preliminary subdivision plat of the Ranger Creek Addition for Joe Falls. Mayor Armstrong stated that P. & Z. had asked for several items to be corrected on the plat and most of the corrections were said to have been made. Those items requested for change are as follows: (1) Item #3 under NOTE: is to be changed to read as follows: Variance requested for Lots 15 and 16 of Block B (2) The 20 ft. Drainage Utility and Access Easements shall read as follows: 20 ft. Drainage Utility and Pedestrian Right-of-way which shall be a separated parsel of land specifically designated as right-of-way which shall.have a minimum of 6 ft. sidewalk area for pedestrian travel. (3) The street with the name of Quail Ridge shall be changed. (conflicts with subdivision with same name) (4) The spacing of the manholes on Quail Ridge are in excess of 400 feet, this must be corrected. (5) The 13.67 acre proposed greenbelt and public park shall be developed and maintained by the developer for a period of 2 year after the completion of any part or phase of the subdivision. Richard Brown discussed each of the.reques.ted changes with the City council. All items not corrected at this time will be corrected on the final plat. Falls stated depending on economics and marketing he would be doing the subdivision in Phases, begin- ning with Phase I. The park area was discussed. Richard Brown stated it had been requested that the park area be done in phases. As the developer does his subdivision in phases. Brown stated if the city can get this done it will beadvantageous to the city. It would be economically beneficial to the city. At the end of two years then that phase would be taken over by the city. Mayor Armstrong asked Brown what he meant by developing. Brown stated to clear it out and get the area dressed up for a park. 269. Doesn't mean to put park equipment in the area. It would need mowing and cleaning up. Stated this would help the city crews. Falls response was, as far as Phase I was concerned Brown was talking about a very small area. He stated he would enter into an agreement with the city and as the property is phased and taken out of agricultural use it would be turned over to the city, but in the meantime he stated he would graze it, mow it, fence it and have it ready to make use of it when the poeple were actually there, then it would be the city's to take care of. He stated he would take care of it up to that point. Stated the majority of the area was grass. That he would keep it in good condition. i Council discussed other properties owned by Mr. Falls, Freddy Inman requested to know from Falls how he planned to sewer and get water to the property. Mayor Armstrong asked Falls if he planned to annex to the city. Richard Brown noted the place of sewer tie in on the map (to east outfall line). Falls stated he did plan to annex to the city. Future plans for development and construction of water facilities were discussed. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to approve the preliminary plat of the Ranger Creek Addition with the noted changes as stated. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Council considered the Impact Fee for the Sanger I.S.D. Mayor Armstrong stated that at an earlier meeting the city manager had advised council that the school would be required to pay the impact fee and at that time she stated she had argued with the city manager and that she wanted to state her case and then council could give their opinion. Mayor Armstrong stated she felt the school was a very important part of the city. The school was what made the city grow. Being in the real estate business dealing with people, that 90 to 95% who come to Sanger to buy, one of the first questions they ask is about the schools and to see the schools. So the schools are what sells the town. As a result of this she felt the school was an arm of the city. Not under the city's direction but a part of the city. She did not feel she should do something to inflict harm upon her own arm. She stated she did not feel the city should charge the school an impact fee. Another thing the mayor brought out was that the city had talked with the school about working up a recreation program where the city would use their facility in the summer- time to furnish recreation to the young people of Sanger. She stated the school and city needed to work together. She stated at the meeting in Round Rock the first thing they told those in attendance was if the city was going to get industry, that the schools, the Chamber of Commerce, and the city had to go hand in hand. They had to work together as a family. When the schools planned their bond issue the city was still uncertain about what they were going to do about the impact fee. Any- thing the city charges the schools will come away from them. Other area towns were noted and she stated that they did not charge their schools for permit fees, inspection fees, etc. Some do however have a capital recovery fee. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to waive the impact fee for the Sanger I.S.D. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. Discussion. Staff had questions regarding inspection fees etc. Mayor Armstrong stated since these items were not on the agenda they would be discussed at a later date. 15. Jerry Don Linn requested council to consider charging for the limbs and brush pickup in the city. Linn read several contradictory statements from different city ordinances regard- ing limbs and brush pickup. After some discussion a motion was made by Freddy Inman that Jerry Jenkins meet with Jerry Don Linn and work out the problem of the limb and brush pickup 270. and present a proposal to the city council at the next meeting. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Council again discussed the City -County Health Department's Budget request. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had talked with Dr. Chapman regarding the city setting up their own clinic. She stated that Dr. Chapman said he would be interested but would like to know if Denton had a schedule of charges. The only problem he could see would be that his cost of the medicine would be more than he could charge if he used their fees. Discussion. The mayor stated the city needed to get a list of the fees that the Denton Clinic charges if the clien}s can pay and how they determine eligibility. The city manager stated that the county could not refuse anyone. Discussion. Motion was made by Danny Spindle that the city not enter into contract with the City -County Health Department but request by resolution from the county the basis of the legal justifi- cation on which the double taxation is charged and what specific services the City of Sanger would gain that they are not already paying for. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 17. Mayor Armstrong stated she had not had time to talk to anyone about appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Asked for council's help. Item to be placed on next regular council meeting agenda. 18. Motion was made by Freddy Inman that Mary Jo be appointed to serve as the city's representative on the Steering Committee to study the feasibility of tax collections by the Denton County Appraisal District. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 19. Council received a request from Maston A. Wright, C.P.A. to perform the city's 1985/86 municipal and revenue sharing audits. The mayor advised council they had talked last year about changing auditors, not because T ony had not been doing a good job, but because the auditing company needs to be changed occasionally. Discussion. Council suggested that staff ask Judy Webster if she would like to consider giving the city a quote on the audit. Staff was further instructed to call the school to see who did their audit. 20. City Manager's Report - The City Manager stated in view of the lateness of the meeting that he would hold his report until later. 21. Other Such Matters: (a) Mayor Armstrong reminded council to be sure and attend the Special Called Meeting on the 8th at 5:00 p.m. (b) Freddy Inman requested a committee of the council to get with the city manager to do a study on what streets can be done and how the city can get the most for its money. Paving companies to be consulted. (c) Mayor Armstrong asked the city .manager if he had received a letter from the State regarding his request. Stated he would get a letter off to the State. IAdkins questioned placement of the pedestrian walkway on Bolivar Street and I-35. Shutt to get information. (d) Mayor Armstrong asked what stage was staff with the city's . budget. Shutt stated he was working on revenues right now and that he would be presenting the utility portion to the Utility Board at their next meeting. With no other business to come before council, Freddy Inman made the motion to adjourn. Harvey Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 271. City Secretary MINUTES: Emergency Meeting .City Council July 8, 1986 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Mayor Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins Danny Spindle and Harvey W. Thomas Steve Shutt, Mary Jo Stover, Roy Lemons 1. Mayor Armstrong called the emergency meeting to order. 2. Council considered the adoption of the Order directing the giving of notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation for street improvements. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins to adopt the resolution author- izing the publication of notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $700,000 for the purpose of paying, in whole or in part, the city's contractual obligations for im- proving the City's streets, and for paying legal, fiscal and en- gineering fees in connection with the project. Freddy Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to Jerry Jenkins gave the second. Voted City Secretary adjourn the emergency meeting. unan. Mayor