08/18/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council August 18, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Bridges, Swindle, Nesbitt and Spindle Others Present: John L. Sullivan, Lloyd Henderson, Rosalie Shuffield, Charles Arnett, Sue Jillson, Mike Kluck, Mr. & Mrs. Hey, Thomas Parret, Harold Easley, Donald Linn, Lee Bryant 1. Minutes of the August 1, 1980 meeting and August 5, 1980 special called meeting were approved with a correction to item No. 6 of August 41 1980 minutes. It should read 'Harold Easley was reappointed to P & Z along with Willard Bounds and Jimmy Frazier. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $10,459.83 for August 1980, were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Second by Spindle. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $5,219.07 were approved on a motion by Spindle. Second by Swindle. Voted unan. 4. Discuss Pro-Rata Ordinance - Lloyd informed Council of the specific problem with our Pro-Rata Ordinance. This ordinance requires property owners who purchase a vacant lot to pay a large sum of money to get the service. The purpose of the pro-rata charge was for the city to collect revenues for maintenance of the lines. Nesbitt stated that the pro-rata was unnecessary and not satisfying to its original intent. He proposed that Ordinance 1974-1 be modified whereas all portions referring to and outlining Y�fSR� f 7 pro-rata charges besd6leted. The balance of the ordinance outlining water and sewer main specifications and construc- tion the 100 foot distant rule and Article VI covering water and sewer connections and charges are to remain as written. Motion died from lack of a second. There was a thorough discussion concerning this matter. Mayor Cole recommended some guidelines for amending the present ordinance. This item was rescheduled for next council meeting. 5. Appointment of Hunter and Associates as Engineers for Sanitary Landfill - There we.riseveral people present to comment on what they assumed was the city's new landfill site. Mayor Cole briefly stated that the city had not at this time selected a location for the new landfill; however, when they do the city will have a public hearing on the matter. This particular item on the agenda meant that the city was appointing our engineers for the landfill study. Mayor Cole stated the specifications that had to be met before choosing a landfill site. 6. Discussion of city's responsibility in repairing property on easements - Charles Arnett, property owner in Sanger South, came to Council with the following problem. The city recently repaired a 6" water line and in doing so a portion of his driveway was torn apart. Since the water Leak was in the city's easement question arose as to whether the city was liable for repairing the damage. Mr. Arnett felt that the city should be responsible for repairing property that is adjacent to your home. Under our present policy the city is not obligated to repair anything that is built over an easement. Mr. Arnett stated that he could understand if the city had to tear up a tree, shrubs, or even your yard, but when it came to a driveway that was to great of an expense to the property owner. John L. Sullivan tried to clarify the situation. The city should have the right over that of a property owner in repairing utility lines. Driveways and sidewalks are obstructions to utility lines. This makes the city not Liable in any way to repair the damages done in repairs. Mayor Cole advised Mr. Arnett that when he brought his home in his property deed it fully should state how much of easement he has on the front and back of his property. If any home is built on a subdivision it is the builder's responsibility to advise the property owner of the easement on the property. There were several other property owners from Sanger South stating how they felt about the situation. Since the Council could not arrive at a decision this item was scheduled for the next council meeting. 7. Consider Ordinance regulating recreational vehicle parks - Several changes were made in this ordinance: (1) Application for license be filed with the City Secretary for submission to'lanning and Zoning Commission for approval. (2) The weight and length of the trailers was changed and there was a small change in the last paragraph. This item was scheduled for next council meeting. S. This was to amend our previous solid waste ordinance. llotion was made by Nesbitt and seconded by Spindle. Unan. 9. Discussion followed. on plans for City Hall building modifications. Lloyd thoroughly went over his plans on the remodeling of City Hall. ,1�To official action way taken on this matter but Council agreed to go with the exception of two modifications. Lloyd was requested to go ahead and take necessary steps to accept bids for the remodeling. U. Cooper made the motion to change the speed limit in Sanger South to 20 MPH. Swindle seconded. Voted unan. 11. Consider request for Redman Building Products for garbage pick-up and street closures - Redman Building Products, Inc. in negotiating for the Brougham property and has asked the city to make a committment on four (4) items prior to their purchase of the property: 1. Tie in to 8" main for a sprinkler system at their expense. 2. Construct an office building. 3. Use the landfill. 4. Close several streets and alleys. Council did not foresee any problems, however., they want the company to pay for use of the landfill. Ths company will own and operate their own dump truck. This refuse will consist of saw dust and wood blocks. Council agreed to charge $25.00 for each load dumped. 12. Report on CATV - Lloyd advised that CATV assured him that they will have the system in operation by Sept. 4. 13. Other Matters: a. Next council meeting falls on labor day, Sept. 1. Council agreed to change the next two meetings to Sept. 8, 1980 and Sept. 22, 1980. b. Lloyd advised Council of the Smoke Testing to be done later this week on the sewer lines. City will be keeping track of what they're doing daily. c. Harold Easley declined to be on the P & Z. Council will have to consider on reappointing someone at the next council meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:05. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council September 8, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John Swindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, (See Attached List) 1. The minutes of the August with a correction to Item No-. made by Nesbitt to amend the Ordinance to concur with the was approved July 21, 1980. 18, 1980 meeting were approved 8. Should read motion was City's present Solid Waste new fee rate schedule that Spindle second. Voted unan.