10/06/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council October 6, 1930 Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Bridges, Cooper and Swindle Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Royce Jones, Esta Ashcraft, Joe Higgs, Mildred Burgoon, Mrs. Jimmy Odom, Mary Forrest, Julie Jerome, Rhae Burden Hey, Mike Kluck, Bob Moorman, Norman Hobbs, Bob Gilmore, Fred H. Simmons, Margaret Simmons, Mitsy Simmons, Stephen E. Reese, Burness Ray Higgs 1. The minutes of the September 22, 1980 meeting -were approved as printed. 2. On a motion by Nesbitt disbursements in the amount of $15,051.28 were approved. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $:6,777.04. Bridges second. Voted unan. rdesbitt questioned Item No. 7 and 8 (Service for Benny Johnson and street lights - Gateway) Lloyd to find out why these keep appearing on the statements. 4. Motion was made by Cooper to approve the re -subdivision plat for Royce Jones. Bridges second Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the new Pro/P.ata Ordinance No. 80-11. He commended Lloyd for his work on this ordinance. Spindle second. oted unan. 6. Mayor Cole called for nominations from Council to fill the vacancy of John Swindle. Donn Nesbitt nominated Jce C. Higgs. Henry Cooper nominated Wendell Thomas. Secret ballots were cast_ Higgs received two (2) votes and Thomas received three (3). Wendell Thomas was elected by Council to fill .his vacancy. 7. Council discussed the ordinance establishing a police reserve force. The reserve would consist of six persons to assist the police department. Lloyd stated he had checked with Pilot Point and the Denton S. 0. and their men pay for their uniforms until they prove themselves and make sure they want to stay on the force, then the city reimburses. Badges would be paid by the city. Hospitalization was discussed. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve the ordinance establishing a police reserve force. Motion died for lack of a second. Council wants to study ordinance and insurance before approving. Item tabled until next meeting. 8. Bridges made the motion to appoint Rose Shuffield as municipal court clerk. Cooper second. Voted unan. 9. The following appointments were made to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee. This committee will provide strength for the city's grant proposal. Those appointed were: 1. Georgia Royal 5�- Marcillino Villanueva 2. Thomas Moore 6. Sue Cook 3. Danny McDaniel 7. J. A. Newton 4. Pat Bucklew 8. Alton Johnson Motion was made by Bridges to approve the appointments. Spindle second_ Voted unan. 10. Lloyd advised Council that he had talked with an architect firm as they instructed_ The John Olvera Associates, Inc. of Denton gave a letter outlining the scope of services they performed. Their fee for design services on City Hall would cost $1,520.00. Lloyd felt the city could get this done much cheaper by doing it Locally since the city knows what they want to do. Council to deliberate further. Item to be decided upon at the next meeting. 11. There is a great deal of interest among citizens toward making improvements in the city park. Mayor Cole appointed the following City Park Improvement Committee: Norma Odum Bobbie Robison Susan Clark Linda Swartz ` Motion was made by Bridges approve the park committee Eulalia McDaniel Beverly Howard Eunice Gray Lloyd Henderson - Liasion and seconded by Cooper to appointments. Voted unan. 12_. Landfill - Mayor Cole requested council action to allow for core sampling on the proposed landfill site at a cost of $3,787.50_ Southwest Laboratories would perform the operation to insure the potential site is suitable. Donn Nesbitt was quick to -disagree with having the core sampling done when a contract for the land has not been cons�nmatecl.. He said he didn't feel the city should spend this type of money for just core drilling. Mayor Cole stated the testing was necessary before the state could approve the licensing and the purchase of the land is subject to the approval by the state. Nesbitt went on to say that he knew of two other pieces of property that had been offered as a site. Mayor Cole ask which two. Nesbitt stated the Simmons tract and that county commissioner Switzer has 70 acres he is willing to sell the city. This seemed to be news to the Council. City Manager Henderson stated that some testing had been done on the Simmons property. Rock was encountered at a four foot W) depth. Also one landowner had withdrawn his property from consideration because of pressures from his neighbors. Councilman Bridges questioned the possibility of approving the core sampling pending conversation with Commissioner Switzer on his land. Mayor Cole felt Council action should wait until Switzer can be contacted. Mentioned that Council could call a special meeting for action on the core test if land option did not materialize. No action taken. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd informed .Council to be held in Dallas. will be host on Monday, Lewisville. Council is b Motion was made y Voted unan. ATTEST: Minutes: City Col October of the TML Conference Hunter & Associates October 13, in invited to attend. Bridges t o adjourn,. Spindle second. ncil 20, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Cooper, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas Absent: John L.''Sullivan Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, T'[ary Jo Stover, Sue Jillson, R. H. Dalenberg, Benny Parrent, Carlos TAT. Brown, Valerie Redmon, Mr. & Mrs. T. P. Parker, C. C. Chisam, Fred & Margaret Simmons, J. Frank Kerby, Rhae Burden Hey, Richard Muir, We D.Valentine 1. Mayor Cole administered the oath of office to newly appointed Councilman Harv�v T7. Thomas f_or Place 2. 2. The minutes of the October 6, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Regular disbursements were discussed along with two statements from Hunter & Associates for services dating; back to 1979. They totaled $2,437.99. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disbursements for $11,636.01 and the Hunter bills for $2,437.99. Spindle second. Voted unanimous, 4. Ordinance est; Council again disc reserves. In a 1� noted the annual The benefits prov: $ 5 , 000 li $10,000 $ 250 blishing a Police Reserve Force - ussed the insurance for the six tter from The Muir Agency it was ost Der Derson would be $22.60. ded for are as follows: t - Accident Medical - Accidental Death and Dismemberment - Dental Limit Disability - Beginning after eight(8) days. $50 per week - 104 weeks maximum