09/22/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: September 22, 1980 City Council Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Others Present: Bridges and Spindle Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John I Lindon Carr, Lynn Mullin, Scott Felton, Miller, Monty Perry, Rodney Smith, Sue Jack Armstrong, Tamara L. Taylor, Rhae W. D. Valentine, and Michael Walsh . Sullivan, David Jillson, Burden Hey, 1. The minutes of the September 81 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion to approve disbursements for $6,342.77 was made by Donn Nesbitt. Bridges second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements. were not available. Item passed over. 4. Donn Nesbitt made- the motion to approve the variance for construction of a garage (beyond the required setback line) for Marland Knight on Diane Drive. All electrical wiring placed underground to be in conduit. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. Council discussed the resubdivision plat for Royce Jones. Although Planning and Zoning.had given approval of the plat, there was some question regarding the location of the house and lot now owned by Mr. 1 Jones. It appeared that this may have been excluded from the plat. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to table the item until clarifi- cation regarding the house and lot can be made. Donn Nesbitt second. Voted unan. 6. City policy on regarding driveways and sidewalks on easements damaged by the city - City Attorney John L. Sullivan read aloud the following policy statement for council consideration: It is the policy of this city council that the city will at its sole discretion, repair sidewalks and driveways over easements in the same material as prior construction, but no guarantee or warranty as to workmanship will be provided to the landowner, and the city shall not be liable in damages.in any manner therefor. Landowners should be aware, and are presumed to know, that public streets and utility easements are owned and controlled by the city. Should the landowner desire guarantee as to workmanship for such repairs, such landowner should contract with a private contractor for cost to the city. Although the city assumes responsibility for filling excavations made by the city to repair water or sewer leaks, or replace utility mains or lines, the city does not thereby, directly or indirectly, incur or assume any liability or responsibility to the landowner for damages to the property over, or adjacent to the easement, or to any person who owns improvements constructed over easements. Landowners who construct or plant objects or improvements over a city street or utility easement are solely, exclusively, and totally responsible for those improvements, and their repair. It is the policy of this city council that this discretionary repair policy is restricted to sidewalks and driveways and that no repairs shall be made to any other obstructions placed over easements. Council discussed the policy. Councilman Nesbitt wanted to study the policy more before voting on it. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to accept the policy as presented. Danny Spindle second. Voting for were Bridges, Spindle, and Cooper. Nesbitt abstained. Motion carried 3-0. Lloyd recommended that council consider an electric jack hammer, generator and the city. This equipment would enable cleaner cuts in pavement and sidewalks Prices given were as follows: Electric Drive Generator Tools Total New 1155. 755. 200. $ 21100 the purchase of related tools for the city to make and do less damage. Used 872.94 575.65 .00 $ 1 Motion was made by Councilman Cooper to purchase a new jack hammer and related equipment. Bridges second. Unan. 7. Pro/Rata Ordinance - City Manager Henderson questioned the 100 foot rule in the ordinance as to "Why the city should pay for the first 100 feet? Discussion. Mayor Cole felt this was a logical point. Motion was made by Spindle that the 100 foot rule be stricken from the ordinance. Cooper second. Voted unan. 8. CATV Progress Report - Lynn Mullin with CATV gave the first report. They have completed the tower and earth station. CATV will begin the market east from the railroad hacks and go west to 7th Street. Their office location is at 802 No. 5th. Mayor Cole wanted to know when CATV would start selling subscriptions and Mr. Mullin stated it would be next week. CATV plans to use a door-to-door hanger type packed and place them in sections throughout the city. Councilman Nesbitt wanted to know if all the cable was in place and the answer was no, not all of it. J City Manager brought out the fact that CATV's deadline was September 4, 1980 and that the entire system was to be substantially completed by this date. Lloyd felt the city was getting the run around and wanted Mr. Mullin to give specifics on completion. Mullin stated he felt if they got the green light from Sanger Electric they could possibly be complete in 30 days. Councilman. Bridges w�:s-not at all satisfied with the answer council received and was willing to say "lets scrap the whole thing if not completed within 30 days" and then changed his mind and made a motion• to cancel the franchise if not completed within a fifteen day period. Discussion followed. Scott Felton spoke. Stated he was sympathetic with the city. The city has heard a lot of broken promises. He stated that 90% of all the strain is up. Cable is 20% complete and the headin, disc, and tower is complete. He stated he felt the cable t.v. could promise an assurance of completion if given 30 days, and apologized for the delays. Mayor Cole asked if CATV had adequate financing to complete the project or if they had adequate resources. CATV representatives felt that they did. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Cooper that CATV be allowed 30 days from September 22, 1980 to complete the system or the franchise with the City of Sanger will be cancelled. Councilman Bridges second. Voted unan. 9. The firemen and staff appreciation function is still under consideration. 10. Council Vacancy - It was agreed by council that each member that wanted to could submit a name at the next me::�ting to be voted on. Council should make sure that those names submitted are willing to serve. 11. Executive session passed over. Item not ready for council consideration. 12. City Hall Specifications - Lloyd requested leeway to interview three or four Interior Decorators from Denton to make the necessary changes at city hall. He informed council of the hourly charge of $25.00 and it would take approximately eight to ten hours to prepare specifications for bidding. Discussion. Mayor Cole and Councilman Nesbitt felt more inclined toward hiring an architect. Lloyd to contact Jane Cornell and get prices and information. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd talked with Jack Russell and the city qualifies for a UDAG grant to help bring industry into the city. A meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee is being scheduled. (b.) Don Jones with Denton Plastics is looking to relocate his business and is considering the Brougham property. He would like to know if the city would be willing to negotiate a rate for a heavy electrical user. Their approximate usage per month would be $4,641.00. Lindon felt this would be an opportunity for the Chamber to bring industry into the city. Mayor Cole stated the city would be glad to meet anytime but couldn't see how the city is 40% higher than Texas Electric which now serves the company. (c.) Councilman Donn Nesbitt read aloud the following note of appreciation: I would like to say a few words. Not as a member of the city council, but on behalf of directors and members of the Sanger area Chamber of Commerce. We extend to the City of Sanger, the elected officials, and the entire staff our appreciation for your cooperation in making this year's Sellabration a great success. Thanks to "Our Fearless Leader", Mayor Ralph Cole, for his bravery in sitting in the dunking booth. Many citizens did their best to dunk Ralph and I understand he spent many pleasant momentsin the cool water. When our city manager (with shirt, tie and sunglasses) took his turn in the booth the business really picked up. You could hear people shouting, "water, sewer, you ruined my driveway, garbage pick-up," and other items as they plunked down their fifty cent pieces. Lloyd really took a beating. --- In all seriousness, the Chamber of Commerce would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Billy Barclay and his crew for the many hours -- that they spent helping prepare for this event. Our po li.ce force is the best, not only in North Texas, but throughout the entire state. Sid and John were on hand all day and available for anything that we requested. We did have a successful day and we of the Chamber of Commerce cannot find the appropriate words to express our appreciation to you the elected officials and your staff for your cooperation. A total of 27 units of blood was given by Sanger area residents. (d.) Several rural residents questioned Mayor Cole regarding the landfill site. Questions such as" "Are we looking at only one site? Is there a rational basis for finding a suitable landfill? What are the long range plans? Why dosen't the city hire a consultant that deals strictly in landfills?" Mayor Cole responded to the questions. (e.) A thank you note was read to council from Lindon — and Jo Carr. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: