10/20/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council October 20, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Cooper, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas Absent: John L. Sullivan Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Sue Jillson, R. H. Dalenberg, Benny Parrent, Carlos W. Brown, Valerie Redmon, Mr. & Mrs. T. P. Parker, C. C. Chisar, Fred & Margaret Simmons, J. Frank Kerby, Rhae Burden Hey, Richard Muir, W. D.Valentine 1. Mayor Cole administered the oath of office to newly appointed Councilman Harvav TT. Thomas f_or Place 2. 2. The minutes of the October 6, 1980 meeting were approveA as printed. 3. Regular disbursements were discussed along with two statements from Hunter & Associates for services dating; back to 1979. They totaled $2,437.99. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disbursements for 811,636.01 and the Hunter bills for $2,437.99. Spindle second. Voted unanimous , 4. Ordinance establishing a Police Reserve Force - Council again discussed the insurance for the six reserves. In a letter from The Muir Agency it was noted the annual cost per person would be $22.60. The benefits provided nor are as follows: $ 5,000 limit - Accident Medical $10,000 - Accidental Death and Dismemberment $ 250 - Dental Limit Disability - Beginning after eight(8) days. $50 per week - 104 weeks maximum Donn Nesbitt made the motion to adopt the Police Reserve Force Ordinance but the insurance would not be approved until January 1, 1981. Benny Bridges second. Voting for were Nesbitt, Bridges, Cooper, and Thomas. Spindle abstained. Motion carried 4-0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A POLICE RESERVE FORCE, PROVIDING FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP, ORGANIZATION, DUTIES AND PENALTIES. 5. City Hall Modifications - Council felt that the city staff with the help of Councilman Thomas could get the modifications done by using area contractors. It was agreed. 6. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Govern- mental Service Agency (GSA) agreement. This agreement ,Ter to HUD that the city has contracted with Governmental Service Agency to plan and manage the city's application. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion to adopt the Citizens Participation Plan for the Community Block Grant Program was made by Bridges. Spindle second. Voted unan. 8. Lloyd recommended the firemen and staff appreciation function to be held at the Holiday Inn, Lewisville, Texas on Saturday night November 22, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. He further recommended a buffet (including 3 meats) at a cost per person of $9.00 which includes tax and tip, Councilman Bridges requested Lloyd to see if he could get the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department at Pasadena, Texas to be guest speaker - It was agreed. 9. Mayor Cole called council into executive session. 10. Other such matters: (a.) City Insurance Program - Richard Muir was on hand to discuss the city's various coverages with council. After a question answer discussion Mayor Cole suggested the city check with the other agents in town and see if they would want to divide the policies and premiums. Lloyd was asked to check with Lindon Carr and see if he felt the city had adequate coverage on the power plant. (b.) A repair proposal was handed to Council by R. H. Dalenberg with the Pittsburg Tank and Tower Company. His proposal included the following: 1. Four metals exhaust stocks and all appurtenances (Sand blast to commercial finish, full prime coat and one full finish coat of same type of print as is to be applied to the water tower.) All piping, control boxes and mufflers are to be included. $3,908.00 2. 80' x 4.0' building, with 15' x 14'-6" projection on south face to be brush: blasted, truck pointed as needed and one complete coat of masonry paint applied. $4,488.00 3. 80' x 40' building, with 15' x 14'-6" projection on south face; brush blast entire roof and air.>lv zinc -chromate primer, one full coat of aluminum. $3 , 2.95.00 Alternate to Item ;k3. Apply full coat of aluminum to roof in present condition (NO GUARANTY) $1,911.25 Discussion. It was mentioned that the roof on the power plant needs to be replaced. Also the sway rods are out of adjustment in the over -head storage. Lloyd to check with John L. about bid amounts. (c.) Motion was made by Cooper that the city present Dr. Chapman with a plaque on "Dr. Chapman Day." Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council November 3, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Absent: John L. Sullivan Others Present: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jack Russell, Danny McDaniel, Thomas Moore, Sue Cook, Lloyd Bucklew, Georgia Royal, 011ie Parramore, Mike Hughes, Mike Walsh, W. D. Valentine 1. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing on the Commu- nity Development Block Grant open. Thorias Moore, appoint- ed Chairman of the group, gave council the suggestions from the committee. They are as follows: (l.) Low Income Apartments lines accessible to low income areas. (3.) Water lines for better fire protection. (4.) Drainage and street improvement all over town. (5.) A neighborhood park (possible site to consider would be area South of Baptist Church . ) (6.) Update the sewer system. (7.) Demolish dilapidated houses. (8.) Code Enforcement officer and program. (9.1) Connect low income families to sewer. The city will be asking for $430,000. each year for a period of. two years. The grant money to be spent in the older parts of town. Jack Russell, with Governmental Service Agency, coordin- ator for applying for the grant funds, spoke to Council.