11/03/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: City Council _ November 3, 1980 Present: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Absent: Others Present: John L. Sullivan Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jack Russell, Danny McDaniel, Thomas Moore, Sue Cook, Lloyd Bucklew, Georgia Royal, 011ie Parramore, Mike Hughes, Mike Walsh, W. D. Valentine 1. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing on the Commu- nity Development Block Grant open. Thous Moore, appoint- ed Chairman of the group, gave council the suggestions from the committee. They are as follows:. (l.) Low Income Apartments (2.) Gas lines accessible to low income areas. (3.) Water lines f_or better fire protection. (4.) Drainage and street improvement all over town. (5.) A neighborhood park (possible site to consider would be area South of Baptist Church.) (6.), Update the sewer system. (7.) Demolish dilapidated houses. (8.) Code Enforcement officer and program. (9...) Connect low income families to sewer. The city will be asking for $430,000, each year for a period of two years.. The grant money to be spent in the older parts of town. Jack Russell, with Governmental Service Agency, coordin- ator for applying for the grant funds, spoke to Council. He explained that this grant was througL. HUD. Compli- mented the Committee on their suggestioL.s Gild stated that this was not the final recommendations. Lloyd is to complete ilia investigation w th regards to other opinions the city may receive. Jack stated that only 2 out of 10 cities had received funding but felt confident that Sanger would qualify for funding. He mentioned the necessity of a survey of low income neighborhoods. The poverty level income being 1C2880 and b`1^w. This survey must be conducted before the next couL'lcil meet- ing_ Target areas are from FM 455 to Austin Street including the houses on the South side of Austin. Dead- i i n r. J wr7 r 0 1_r_e for tY_c rre-aprlicat`oL�_ is anua_,� �, l..`,i. Mayor Cole called the public hearing closed. 2. The mizi�ies of the Octc�er 2G, ic80 m°�Gtir+_� were approved as printed. 3_ Disbu�csen.eLlts .for 513,265.G8 were apr�rove.d on a. motion by 'N;esbi tt_ Bieidges second. Vote:' un.an. -, tither s�9ch matters (a.) Council was reminded of the TML Confer=nc and the Hunter Dinner next Monday evening. All were invi E=d to aLterid. (b.) Lloy1 gave Ccunci 1 legal iri -ormation on bids for cities under 5,000 population. It is still $3,000, ( c .) It was noted that having the IL-ldian painted on the Water Tower would cost $20.0. Council as well as students abreed or t'_le all Purple Indian. (d.) Donn Nesbitt spoke to Council on behalf of The Chamber of Commerce. Tree C'_���-rber 'las broken all records with its '_1ig membership total of 106 members, A total. of 34+ businesses have j oir_ed. Dorm Nesbitt stated thhat the C'aamLer 11ad, be ckn wor.P:Lng on a new Vim. ge for the City of `anber and a newslo�, an has been selected. Doti Nesbitt showed a dra:.�ing with large letters spelling out Sanger and t11e slogan is "Sanger Texas Someplace Special." The Chamber is sponsoring a brochin e and the cover cost alone Ls $27000. The inserts run from $500 to $6100. The C'Zamber is going to have a Sanger Civic AuctLon which was explained by Mr. Mike Hughes. The auction will be held at his fa=m Saturday'; November 8. 1980 with a Bar,--B-Que meal beglnnLng at ? : 45 p.m. This is a com;lle tel-7 western tj»e afrai_r. TJi th auctioneer...Hayor. Cole was asheld to omen the auction and he a Yeed. :Zr. Hug-h.es as'ced for Z;Odonations of antD T Lype of merchandise (new or used) to auction off in order to raise money to help defray the e<,pense of brochures. i Zeeting adjourned. ATTEST: