11/17/1980-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council November 17, 1980 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Spindle, Bridges and Thomas ABSENT: Nesbitt and Sullivan OTHE RS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Tony Wright, Ken Cornell, Mike Walsh, and correspondent from Denton Record Chronicle 1. Item.one removed from agenda. Sanger Courier failed to run legal notice on November 6. To be placed on next agenda. 2. The minutes of the November 3, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements for $7,796.47 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Spindle made the motion to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $3,275.13. Bridges second. Voted unan. 5. The 1979-80 Audit was presented by Tony Wright. He felt the city was in better shape financially this year as compared to last year. His recommendations to Council were as follows: Asset Protection An inventory of all assets owned by the City should be made on an annual basis. A card file should be maintained on these assets with each card bearing the description, identi- fication numbers, date of purchase, and the cost. Competetive Bids Section 2 of article 2368a, V.T.C.S., provides that no county or city may make a contract involving an expenditure of $3,000 or more without submitting the proposed contract to competetive bids. A number of contracts were rewarded for construction without competi- tive bids. Ticket Dismissal All traffic tickets should be dismissed by the judge and not by an individual officer. Only one incident noted. Fire Department Equipment Ownership should be established on any equipment purchased by the Department and the City jointly. It was noted here that all vehicles with Titles were in the City's name. Mayor Cole ask Tony Wright if the City was legal in allowing the Fire Department to handle check writing. City Manager to check with John L. on this. Lloyd to check with the fire department and see what type of policy they have regarding equipment, funds, etc. Motion was made by Bridges to accept the audit. Spindle second. Voted unan. 6. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt the New Fair Housing Ordinance 80-13. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 80-13 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE POLICY OF THE CITY; DEFINING TERMS; PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION IN THE SALE OR RENTAL OF HOUSING; PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITING IN THE DISCRIMINATION FINANCING IN THE OF HOUSING; PROVISION OF BROKERAGE SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN EXEMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE POSITION OF FAIR HOUSING ADMINISTRATOR; PROVIDING FOR THE RECEIPT, INVESTIGATION AND CONCILIATION OF COMPLAINTS ALLEGING DISCRIMI- NATION IN HOUSING; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INSTITUTE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS; FORBIDDING INTIMIDATION; PROVIDING FOR COOPERATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR EDUCATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 7. Item to be placed on next agenda. 8. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the variance request on Church of Christ Parsonage at 801 Cherry. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. The variance request was to build a carport 8" under the required distance at the back and 1'8" under requirement at the front. 9. Ken Cornell request for sewer taps (Skelly Line) - Cornell stated he was negotiating with Ted Fox for land to build houses on. The property is .6 mile outside the city limits which makes it beyond the 'i mile city extraterritorial jurisdiction. Cornell wanted to know what city policy was for tying onto the sewer line. He stated he would like to pay the city a flat fee for the connections. He further stated he would not own the land until the land was developed. He plans to put 1-gravel road down the middle of the property and dedicate it to the county. One hundred houses are scheduled over a 5-year period. Cornell stated however that he would not put in curb and guttering period. Discussion. Mayor Cole suggest the city staff find out council policy regarding hook-ups outside the city. He further requested the city staff check with the city attorney regarding easements which grant one tap. Does this mean it is good for one house or one hundred houses? Item to be placed on next council agenda. 10. Other such matters: (a.) Annexation recommendations from P & Z were discussed. Council agreed that to annex the portion P & Z recommended was not feasible at this time. (b.) Lloyd gave Council an update on the flooded lower lift station. The electrician has recommended taking the electric panel out and putting it upon top. Council agreed with a strong stipulation that it be covered and locked. Mayor Cole suggested that the city keep a spare motor on hand. Lloyd stated the engineers have now developed a by-pass up through ground by means of a force main. IE (c.) Danny Spindle representing the Fire Department, presented Joe Spratt's name for new fire chief. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint Joe Spratt as new Fire Chief. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. (d.) Ken Cornell is requesting a variance on the Beatrice Banks property at the corner of Kirkland and Sims. Lot size is 60'x75'. Cornell will be tearing the existing house down. Council gave tentative approval and requested that Cornell go through P & Z. (e.) Lloyd informed Council that Pittsburg Tank people had torn down a portion of the city fence. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: Present: Others Present: 1"lti. S V 2C City Council December 1, lQg0 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jack Russell, Ken Cornell, Jerry Jenkins, John Wilson, Ted Fox, and John L. Sullivan 1. Mayor Cole called the public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant open for comment. Jack Russell, grant consultant, was on hand and discussed the proposed projects. Mr. Russell stated he would be going to a more ambitious grant program. The program was expanded from a 2 year to a 3 year plan. The priority items scheduled for the first year are as follows, (l.) Water Distribution (2.) Electrical (3.) Code Enforcement $190,000 $ 60,000 $ 26,000 (A study to do codification on ordinances and to pay for a code enforcement officer.) (4.) Distribution $ 15�000 (5.) Administration $ 22,000 (6.) Drainage $167,000 The priority items scheduled for the 2nd year are as follows: (l.) Rehabilitation grants & loans $210,000 (2.) Code Enforcement $ 22,000 (3.) Administration $ 22,000 (4. ) Acquisition of dilapidated structures $ 60,000 (5.) Relocation $161,000 (6.) Demolition $ 5-000