12/01/1980-CC-Minutes-Regular(c.) Danny Spindle representing the Fire Department, presented Joe Spratt's name for new fire chief. Motion was made by Bridges to appoint Joe Spratt as new Fire Chief. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. (d.) Ken Cornell is requesting a variance on the Beatrice Banks property at the corner of Kirkland and Sims. Lot size is 60'x75'. Cornell will be tearing the existing house down. Council gave tentative approval and requested that Cornell go through P & Z. (e.) Lloyd informed Council that Pittsburg Tank people had torn down a portion of the city fence. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: Present Others Present: 1"1 ti Y V K City Council December 1, 1Q$0 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jack Russell, Ken Cornell, Jerry Jenkins, John Wilson, Ted Fox, and John L. Sullivan 1. Mayor Cole called the public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant oven for comment. Jack Russell, grant consultant, was on hand and discussed the proposed projects. Mr. Russell stated he would be going to a more ambitious grant program. The program was expanded from a 2 year to a 3 year plan_. The priority items scheduled for the first year are as follows. (l.) Water Distribution (2.) Electrical (3.) Code Enforcement $190,000 $ 60,000 $ 26,000 (A study to do codification on ordinances and to pay for a code enforcement off_icer.) (4.) Distribution $ 15�000 (5.) Administration $ 22,000 (6.) Drainage $167,000 The priority items scheduled for the 2nd year are as follows: (l.) Rehabilitation grants & loans $210,000 (2.) Code Enforcement $ 22,000 (3.) Administration $ 22,000 4.) Acquisition of dilapidated structures $ 60,000 (5.) Relocation $161,000 (6.) Demolition $ 5,000 Priority items scheduled for the 3rd year are as follows. (l.) Code Enforcement $ 24,000 (2.) Administration $ 22,000 (3.) Rehabilitation grants & loans $100,000 (4.) Street Paving $334 000 These items are in keeping with the City's Master Plan. Mr. Russell made council aware that streets were the number one item on the survey taken in the city. Lloyd ask if the Resolution; in approving these items, could be changed. Russell answered yes - the budget could be amended. Mayor Cole ask what the city's chances were at being funded under this program. Russell responded that only 20% of the applicants had been funded. Bridges wanted to know if Russell had had any conflict: with the State since there is a lot of drainage and improvements scheduled. Russell stated that this would have to be coordinated with the State but felt there would be no problems. Mayor Cole closed the public hearing. 2. The Resolution authorizing submission of the pre - application for the Community Development Block Grant was approved on a motion by Cooper. Bridges second. Voted unan. Lloyd Henderson, City Manager was appointed as the Director and Mayor Cole was authorized to sign grant documents. 3. The minutes of the November 17, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 4. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the disburse- ments in the amount of $21,217.99. Spindle second. Voted unan. 5. Zoning Petition Z-48 - Glenn C. Wilson was approved on a motion by Bridges. Cooper second. Voted unan. Zoning was changed from (Rl) Single Family to (R2) Two Family on Lot 1, Block 7, Sullivan West Addition. b. Zoning Petition Z-49 zoning the newly annexed property of Benny Johnson and Don Sable to Local Business was approved on a motion by Spindle. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Ken Cornell request for sewer tap - Council requested to know if John L. could remember preparing a policy regarding outside hook-ups and connections for city services. City staff could not locate an adopted policy as such. John stated he remembered discussing the matter on several occasions but was not sure one had been adopted by council. He stated even though the city does furnish service to customers outside the limits of the city that the city is under no obligation to give service. The city can deny service to any person. What it cannot do is cut off service to those presently being furnished with service. Mayor Cole ask the council if they wanted to allow service on the Skelly Line. Ken Cornell stated at the time the Skelly Line was constructed, the people who were approached for easements were led to believe the line would benefit their property. Skelly paid for the line and now the line is free to the city. If the line is not to benefit then somewhere there is a misunderstanding. Mayor Cole asked if the sewer easement granted the right to the original landowner to hook onto the line, could it be passed on to a new buyer. An easement is part of the property if it has been filed at the courthouse. Question arose regarding blanket easements. John L. stated if in the easement it is sta ed' to be a part of the consideration of the easement then the city is bound by it. He did not feel however that this could be granted to a large number of people. Consideration may be personal to the owner. Mayor Cole Requested Lloyd to research the easements and continue to look for the policy on outside hook-ups. (8.) Other such matters: (a.) It was noted that Dr. Nat Adams �•�as moving her practice. Jerry Jenkins is now associated with Wilson Land Company and he has a good prospect for a Veterinary Clinic. He discussed the city's livestock ordinance and ask if the city would be against a vet clinic on I-35 and if the city would consider changing their ordinance. Lloyd to check with other cities about their ordinances governing veterinary clinics. (b.) Council set date for workshops for Monday, December 8, 1980, at 6:00 p.m. Workshop scheduled to discuss the water and sewer program and bond program. (c.) Lloyd advised council that the city`s workmen's compensation policy expires with the Muir Agency January 9, 1931. The Texas Municipal League offers a much cheaper rate for the same coverage and the city staff recommends a change to T.M.L. Council was in complete agreement. (d.) It was agreed to turn the Christmas lights on prior to the tree lighting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. City police to turn off each night. (e.) Mayor Cole stated that James Ready had lost his vehicle in a chug hole on North 6th Street by the car'; wash. Lloyd to get street repaired. (f.) Coun.cil to consider new electrical inspector in near future. (g.) Councilman Nesbitt distributed the new Sanger brochures to council and gave cost figures for their'purchase. ATTES'.": TiINUTES : PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: (?�,) A new business, Denton Plastics., will be coming to Sanger. They have purchased the Brougham property. They are a heavy electrical user and L)_oyd mentioned he would be coming to Council for their Consideration of an industrial user rate as soon as Lindon ;ets it prepared, (i.; COln ?lman Bridges requested a report on the landfill and stated if the testing was complete we need to make sure the holes are filled in. (j.) Councilman Bridges outlined a new city delivery servica for cities with a population over 2500. This tape service would possibly attract businesses to reolca_e to the Sanger Area. Conditions to be met are as folloUs: 1. Population of over 2500 At least 700 moil deliveries 3. All streets marked ar_d easily accessible. 4* Clearly visible house numbers on all houses. Meeting adjourned. City Council December 15, Mayor Cole, and Bridges :r'SAY O R 1980 Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle Lloyd Henderson, nary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Tom Fouts, Bill Carpenter, Ken Cornell, Ted Fox, and dike :,aalsh 1. The minutes of the December 1, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of Y10,857.1E were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Spindle second. Voted unanimous. 3. Item passed over. Capital Improvements did not come in. 4. Ken Cornell request for sewer hook-up - Ken stated that the proposed subdivisior. would have paved streets. The county has a subdivision ordinance similar to the city's that require the paving. He did state there would be no curb or guttering. Mayor Cole ask Council if they wanted to let Cornell hook onto the Skelly Line. Discussion. Line leaks were discussed as well as taps on the lines which might cause the leaks which have been found. It was stated no taps are supposed to be made except those the city is aware of. Councilman Bridges