12/15/1980-CC-Minutes-Regular(?�>) A new business, Denton Plastics, will be coming to Sanger. They have purchased the Brougham properi- 7 They are a heavy electrical user and L107d mentioned he would be coming to Council for their consideration of an industrial user rate as soon as Lindon gets it prepared. (i.; Councilman Brides Lequested a report on the landfill and stated if the testing was complete we need to make sure the holes are filled in. (j.) Councilman Bridges out'_ined a new city delivery servica for cities with a population over 2500. This type service would possibly attract businesses to reolca_e to the Saaser Area. Conditions to be net are as folloWs: 1. Population of over 2500 400 At least 700 mail deliveries 3. All streets markad and easily accessible. 4. Clearly visible house numbers !fin all houses. Meeting adjourned. ATTESm: TiINUTES: City Council December 15, PRESENT: Mayor Cole, and Bridges r��,yOR 198G Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Tom routs, Bill Carpenter, Ken Cornell, Ted Fox, and 'N'ike 4.Jalsh 1. The minutes of the December 1, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $10,857.18 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Spindle second. Voted unanimous. 3. Item passed over. Capital Improvements did not come in. 4. Ken Cornell request for sewer hook-up - Ken stated that the proposed subdivision would have paved streets. The county has a subdivision ordinance similar to the city`s that require the paving. Fe did state there would be no curb or guttering. Mayor Cole ask Council if they wanted to let Cornell hook onto the Skelly Line. Discussion. Line leaks were discussed as well as taps on the lines which might cause the leaks which have been found. It was stated no taps are supposed to be made except those the city is aware of. Councilman Bridges 22 was opposed to the hook-ups because of existing problems on the existing line. Stated the city needs to repair the lines for citizens inside the city who are paying taxes. Ken stated that Mr. Fox had bought the land with an easement. "Does b.e have the legal right to tie onto the Skelly Line." John L. read aloud the letter written by past Mayor Ken Cornell regarding the line. John L. stated his opinion was based on the documents he was reading and to give an opinion on Mr. Fox's papers he would have to read them. Motion was made by Councilman Nesbitt to deny the Ken Cornell request for sewer hook-up to the Skelly Line. Councilman Bridges second. Voting for were Bridges and Nesbitt. Voting against was Spindle. Thomas and Cooper abstained. Motion carried 2-1. 5. Research Ordinance for Veterinary Clinic - Lloyd explained to Council that the city's zoning ordinance provides for veterinary clinics under the Light Industrial Classification and this ordinance along with the Livestock Ordinance pretty well spells out the requirements for vet clinics and is basically what the other cities are using. As long as the vet clinic is built in the LI area and kept 200 feet from the nearest house it is legal to have. John L.'s letter of opinion (some time ago) stated the need to look closely at the 200 foot distance requirement. 6. Discuss City Electrical Inspections - Councilman Thomas would like to have all phase of building inspected such as foundations, plumbing, electrical, etc. He talked with one of the Denton inspectors and he stated he would be willing to do our inspections on a daily basis for a fee. It was agreed the city must come up with a building code in order to do this. It was suggested that the city could possibly use a college student for a project like this. Lloyd to check about fees for this type inspection work. 7. Consider Utility Bond Issue - The Bond issue was discussed in council workshop and was requested to be placed on the agenda for the 15th. Four payout schedules were discussed at the workshop but the interest was too much to pay back on all except the Farmers Home Appli- cation. Interest would be 5%. Bill Carpenter with Kidder -Peabody spoke to Council on behalf of the bond program. He stated that Kidder - Peabody was the fourth largest banking firm. They do not solicit individual accounts but work on corporations and institutions. blr. Car er._ter s.tateei he had been brought up to date on the city's water problems. There is a possible 3 out of 4 ways the city could finance a new water facility and overhead storage. (l.) Open Market with a bond issue - This would require a high water rate increase. (2.) Askthe Texas Water Board in Austin to buy the bonds (25 !Tears at 5.6%). The only problem Mr. Carpenter stated was they are down to their last 35 million. (3.) Farmers Home Administration Application - (5% for 40 years). The water rate increase required to repay the money is less than any other way to go. Cities under 10,000 population are the only ones who can qualify. Mayor Cole as'c what Mr. Carpenter's fee would be? (See basic fee schedule attached.) Mr. Carpenter stated the basic fee schedule fee would cover all costs involved in successfully completing the bond program. The trip to New "ork for a new bond rating is e.�tra expense to the city and also an approxi- mate cost of $150.00 for election judge and clerk expense and the advertising of the Bond Election is extra to the citT; Mayor Cole ask Carpenter if he would be avialable to attend a public meeting on the uond issue if Council requested it. His answer was ves. riie stated if the city chose to retain him he would submit his contract to John T_. ?Kayos Cole explained that it was tine consensus of Council in the workshop to go ahead with an election. Carpenter .osed the question "noes the city have time to wait if the election is defeated? If you have the mean, to candle an adverse vote then that's fine." Discussion. Motion was made by Councilu,.an B-ri.dges to engage Bill Carpenter subject to John L.'s review of the contract. Councilman Thomas gave the second. Voted unanimous. 8. �oB.sider establishing electrical rate for lame commercial and industrial users -- Lloyd explained to Council that Lindon had prepared the following proposed large commercial and industrial electric rate but the Denton Plastics firm is now requesting two services and would not qualify for the special rate. Information to be kept for further use. PROPOSED Sanger Electric System Large Commercial & Industrial Electric Rate Schedule LC-03 Availability Available to any customer for all commercial uses when service Ls taken at a single poirt of delivery. Type of Service Service shall be single current at the available through a single meter. Rate Demand Charge Energy Charge hase or three h6h ppase 0 ertz alternating secondary voltage and shah_ be taker. $4^.88 for first 25 K'T� demand or less $ ". GO per_ iZW for all additional KW 1.89(� per KWH for first 100 KWN per KW of of billing demand 1.26� per KWH for next 50,000 KWH l.11(,� per KWH for all additional KWH Minimum Bill The minimum monthly bill for the above rate shall he $49.88 wholesale Power Increase If at anytime the rate under which the Sanger Electric System pur- chases electric service at wholesale is modified, a correspondirsg modification may be applied to the above rate, subject to Council's approval. Terms of Payment All bills for electric service are due and payable at the office of the Sanger Electric System on the first day of each month. Payments become delinquent after the fifteenth day of each month whereupon a 10% penalty is assessed to each delinquent bill. Service may be discontinued, upon due written notice, to customers having past due bills on the tweet y-seventh of the month, in addition a fifteen dollar ($15.00) reconnect fee will be assessed to all customers whose service has been discontinued. 2 k 9. Consider an ordinance quitclaiming certain portions of Pecan Street and an alley East of and parallel to Second Street - Tom Fouts came before Council to request a quit claim on behalf of Denton Plastics. It was noted that Mrs. J. W. Hale had given Mrs. Ruth Rippey a deed to her property described as Lots 1-2, Block 8, Original Town. Fouts stated that Mrs. Rippey would be willing to quit claim her portion of the alley for a fee. John L. to examine the deed on the 16th. John L. stated that several problems exist in the request. First Brougham has no title to the J. L. Powers property described as Lots 9, 10, 11, Block 7, Original Town. Taxes have not been paid since 1939. Brougham is willing to pay up the taxes for the quit claim. The property has not been fenced therefore does not fall under the powers of limitation. It would be better for the purchaser to get a special warranty deed instead of the quit claim. Discussion of the Powers property followed. Fouts stated J. L. Powers had died in a mental hospital in Wichita Falls many years ago and apparently left no heirs. Council discussed taxes and Mayor Cole as well as Council felt it would be better for all concerned parties to go through a tax suit, clear the taxes, and sell the property. John L - If the City were to sell at a tax sale the true owner would have a right to redeem in two years. That would be a better means of obtaining a title. The purchaser says he could do without this so why not amend the application. We do have a problem of limited options as to what we can do. Discussion. John L. to see Mrs. Rippey's deed and then take action regarding the quit claim. Motion was made by Cooper to approve the quit claim subject to John L.'s approval after he sees Mrs. Rip?�ey's deed. Spindle second. Voted unan. 10. Spindle made the motion to approve the Resolution changing the Tax Assessment Ratio from 50% to 100% effective January 1, 1981. Thomas second. Voted unan. 11. Other such matters: (a.) Regional 8-TML meeting scheduled for January 12, 1981. All interested parties are urged to attend. (b.) Motion was made by Bridges to give extra pay to city employees for Christmas. $25.00 to be given to employees with one year and less tenure. $50.00 to be given employees with tenure of over one year and up. Thomas second. Voted unan. (c.) Report of Service Awards Program to be placed on next council agenda. (d.) Councilman Bridges requested a stop sign at the post office entrance off of 5th Street. Lloyd to see this is done. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR