01/05/1981-CC-Minutes-Regulari1INUTES:. City Council January 5, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Spindle, Thomas, Bridges and Cooper GTHEKS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Gene Hughes, Bill Carpenter, and Bob Floyd 1. The minutes of the December 15, 1980 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $12,214.95 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Thomas second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Financial Advisory Contract with Kidder Peabody & Company, Inc.. Their authorized representative will be Bill Carpenter. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Consider Bond Ordinance to call an election for Capital Improvements on Water, Sewer, and Sanitation - Mayor Cole called council's attention to the fact the Bond Election Order did not state anything about the landfill. Mayor Cole feltthere should be a Proposition 3 added to the ordinance to include bond funds for the landfill site and improvements. Bill Carpenter stated to council that waste collection is usually a general fund expenditure rather than a revenue expenditure. Unless Council acts to remove a general fund item to the revenue fund the landfill item should go under General Obligation Bonds. Lloyd said the floormat of the budget is that sanitation funds are designated general fund. Council further discussed moving the waste collections from General Fund to Interfund Accounts. Amounts agreed upon for the 3 Proposition No. 1 Proposition No. 2 Proposition Pdo. 3 ropositions were: - p Water $860,000 Sewer $290,000 Sewer Plant 173,000 E.P.A. 117,000 Landfill & Improvements - 150,000 Lloyd talked with Sam Tipton about the equipment necessary to operate the new landfill. Sam feels the dozier the city is using now and the purchase of a dragline would be enough. With regards to selling the bonds, Carpenter would like to go with the Texas Water Quality Board first - then to FHA. Mayor Cole stated he wanted to apply for federal funds on sewer reeds now. The city may not get the funds but Jack Russell should try for funds since they are available and it would take approximately four years to start gettingfunds. P.R. work was discussed on the bond issue. Suggestions was made as follows: Printing article in Sanger Courier, Mayor Cole to compose a letter to utility customers presenting facts, have a public meeting on January 26, 1981 at 6*30 P.M., and get the Fire Department to announce on P.A. system to vote "yes" in bond election day of election all over town. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to accept the Ordinance calling a bond election for January 31, 1981 with proposition No. 3 - for purpose of acquisition and improvement of a sanitary landfill system for solid waste collection, to be added with stated amounts agreed upon.. Billye Hollingsworth was appointed Election Judge and Mrs. Thelma Spratt as alternate judge. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Carpenter requested that Lloyd and the City Engineer and any of the council go with him to Fort Worth to talk with F. H. A. In February he wants to go to Austin with members of the council when he talks to Texas Water Quality Board. Carpenter ask Council if they wanted to consider asking for grant assistance from F. H. A. or whether the city would be asking them to be a buyer for all or part of the bonds. He stated it would go faster if the city ask only for the bond purchase. It was agreed. 5. Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Z-50 for Gene Hughes was open for comment. Hughes spoke in favor of the rezoning of Lot 2, Block 49, Original Town from Single Family (R-l) to Two Family (R-2). Stated he planned to construct a Brick duplex with a construction cost around $55 to $60 thousand, off street parking (paved), and no variance would be necessary. Stated he felt two of the board members didn't disqualify themselves properly since they were also on the 200' resident list. It was mentioned they did abstain from voting. After discussion council did not wish to overrule P & Z but felt this would be an asset to the area. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the rezoning of Lot 2, Block 49, Original Town to Two Family. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the variance request of Ken Cornell for Beatrice Banks. The existing house is to be removed. The lot is 60' x 75'. The porch will extend 4 foot past the front 25 foot and the back yard is 10 foot rather than the 25 foot setback required. Bridges second. Voted unan. 7. Item 7 to consider the Muir Agency as agent for record for the city insurance was passed over. 8. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Resolution requesting technical assistance from Texas Parks and �lildlife. Cooper second. Voted unan. 9. Other such matters: (a.) Service Pin Recognition - Lloyd explained there is a one time die charge of $225.00 per design making a total of $500.00 for the die. One is for the City of Sanger Employees and the other for the Volunteer Fire Department. The pins will cost $16.00 each. This quote is from Josten's in Denton. Donn Nesbitt suggested Lloyd get in touch with Emblematic Jewelry Specialists for a comparative price. (b.) Lloyd advised council that Jerry Jenkins had given his resignation as Fire Marshal, Lloyd to contact Brad Cole or Danny Harris. (c.) Lloyd explained to Council that the State Board checked the Willow Street railroad crossing and found it in need of railroad protective device improvements. The''city's share for these improvements would -item. $3880. This is representative of a 5% share for the city and 95% for the state. Lloyd advised Council that it was not mandatory to participate. Council did not wish to participate. (d.) Reminder to Council of the T. M. L. Jan. 12, 1981 meeting in Denton. (e.) Lloyd to check with Highway Department about getting a speed limit sign for the service road by Gateway Addition. (f.) Bridges mentioned that the city could not give an exclusive franchise to a Cable T.V. Company. It must be available to any com- pany wanting to negotiate with the city. Floyd. with Central Telephone was on hand to discuss the change over of the city's telephone system to the post office side. Lloyd's original bid from Centel was $5320.60 . This bid was for installation of (8) desk phones and (1) wall six -button touch call telephones, installation and maintenance for (1) year. Lloyd told Council that he had contacted 11 or 12 companies in the metroplex and they quoted from $721.00 to $2945.00. Heated discussion. Lloyd talked with Mr. Whitney today and ile ask Bob Floyd to come up with a better cost figure and he gave council the figure of $3032.00 which includes $152.00 for cable installation and $2880.00 if the city purchases the equipment. Floyd explained to council that it would be to the city's advantage to purchase the equipment. The lease on the equipment is $74.66 per month. More discussion. Council wants to use the present equipment. Ask Floyd to call Whitney. Floyd called and came back to council with a change over cost for moving (5) telephones and adding (2) for a cost of $390.00. The service charge on the line is $134.00. Motion was made by Bridges to accept the cost figure of $390.00 plus $134.00 for a total of $524.00. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. (h.) John L. prepared a Quit Claim Deed to the Brougham Industries, Inc. to include portions of Elm and Pecan Streets, and specified alleys. He stated there had been a delay in getting approval from SBA for the loan. Frank Brown is anxious to get the deal closed with Brougham and Denton Plastics and is trying to work out a way without going back to SBA. Mrs. Ruth Rippey is willing to give the Quit Claim on her part for $500.00 and the buyers are willing to pay this. The Quit Claim does not include the Powers property. Rice Talley wants to pay the taxes on the property for the next (5) years so.he can have a deed to support the title of limitation. Mayor Cole ask "What if the deal falls through? Can Quit Claim be signed at closing?" John L. said yes and said he would personally take it to the closing in order to see it was properly handled. Motion to approve the Quit Claim Deed was made by Bridges. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: