01/19/1981-CC-Minutes-Regular2S MINUTES: Emergency Called Meeting January 9, 1981 5:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, Cooper and Nesbitt OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Carpenter, and John L. Sullivan 1. In the January 5, 1981 council meeting it was agreed upon by Council (at the calling of a bond election for the purpose of 3- Propositions Water, Sewer and Sanitary Landfill) that they be secured by a pledge of the net revenues of the City Waterworks, Sewer, and Electric System. Mr. Carpenter explained to Council that the bonding attorney had changed the reading of proposition 3 to read...."to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds..." It was agreed by Council to accept the changes in the writing of Proposition 3 as written in new Bond Order. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: 1`4AYOR MIPtUTES: City Council January 19, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Thomas, Bridges and Cooper ABSENT: Danny Spindle, John L. Sullivan OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Harold Easley, Mark Lanier, Andrea Miller, Carrie Ann Mask, Tom Cole, Laura Hume, Barbara Brady, Carolyn Mask, Sunny Yeatts, Judy Cole, and Tom Conger 1. The minutes of the January 5, 1981 Regular Meeting and January 9, 1981 Emergency Meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $12,224.47 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Nesbitt second. Voted unanimous. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for October, 1980 in the amount of �6,349.64 and November, 1980 in the amount of $2,224.66 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Thomas gave the second. Voted unanimous. 4. At the October 20, 1980 mecating Council gave their approval to establish a City Police Reserve. Chief George recommended the following for Council approval: Danny Spindle, Rickey George, and Allie Morgan Daven- port. Motion was made by Thomas to approve these three for City of Sanger Police Reserves. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 5. No action taken on the appointment of a Fire Marshall. 6. Annual dumping permits at the landfill were discussed. Lloyd had stopped the annual permits, but Mayor Cole advised him it was a council action by ordinance to permit the annual purchases, therefore the city would continue to issue the permits until council action was taken to amend the ordinance. The fee now for a yearly permit is $50.00 and is uncontrollable. With the permit they can dump as much as and as often as they like. Other examples of misuse were mentioned. Mayor Cole stated he felt the rate should be a least $84.00 per year with the issuance of 52 coupons representative of 1 dumping per week. Color codes were suggested as to load size. Lloyd to get with the Mayor and do some work on the ordinance and rate structure. 7. The Sanger Lions Club requested Lloyd to ask Council if they could erect an electric bill board at the city park. The sign would be lighted and announce coming events. They have asked the city to furnish the elec- tricity. The location of the sign would be somewere along the West side of the park. Questions arose. Who would change the sign? Where exactly will it be placed? How large is it, etc? It was the consensus of the council that since the city has a park committee that they should be presented with this request first and then back to council for final action. Agreed. 8. Sanger Electric Budget FY 1981 - Mayor Cole and Lloyd met with Richard McCaskill and Dan Swenke of Brazos and reviewed the Budget with them. Mavor Cole stated that Brazos is concerned about getting their money back by the end of the contract period which has only four years remaining. Since the 1981 operating budget reflects a net increase in cost of only $1183.00 they are requesting that Council reconsider the amount in the city budget for debt retirement. They do not feel the $4239.00 Guarantee would be enough, however, it has been budgeted for the past two _years and Brazos did not need to request it. With four years left on the contract, Brazos feels they need to recover an average of $10,751.25 per year. The amount requested is the difference between $10,751.25 and the net increase in cost of $1183.00 or $9568.25. Mayor Cole suggested the city place $7000.00 as a guarantee. Discussion. Benny Bridges suggested the City split the request with a guarantee for $5375.00 Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to place as a guarantee for Brazos the sum of $5375.00 Cooper "gave the second. Voted unan. Motion to adopt the 1981 operating budget for Sanger Electric was made by Cooper. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Request from speech and drama club - Andrea Miller was designated spokeswoman for the club. She informed Council that a team of six plus a coach had been invited to Harvard to participate in the mdational Forensic Association. This is quite an honor for the students as well as being prestigious for the Sanger community. She introduced the squad in the audience and made a request of $250.00 donation which is representative of one plane fare. Motion to approve this expenditure was made by Cooper. Bridges second. Voted unanimous. 10. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the single lot subdivision preliminary plat for Lucille Houghton as recommended by P & Z. Bridges gave the second. Voted unanimous. Comments were made regarding directions shown on plat map. 11. Other such matters: (a.) Harold Easley told Council that he wanted to develop about a 1 acre tract of land at the corner of FM 455 and North 2nd Street. He stated he had checked with the city engineer and the property would sewer o.k. He stated he was aware that anytime you subdivide property you were required to curb and gutter. Easley _- does not plan to cut any interior streets. There is no curb or guttering in the surrounding area and he wished to poll council to see if this would be required. He stated he felt the expense would be too great if this was required to develop the area. Discussion. It was the general consensus of the Council that no curb and guttering would be required. He further stated he had talked with Lloyd regarding building permits and at this point ask for a time table on a new sewer line that is proposed to come down North 2nd Street. Lloyd explained approximately three or four months. By the conversation Easley had had with Lloyd, he did not understand it to take this much time. Easley stated he could get the permits as soon as the sewer was in. Stated it was his assumption that he could get the permits as soon as he purchased the property but would need sewer. Lloyd stated he would have no problem with five permits. Questions arose regarding the existing problems already in the area. Approximately 450 feet of new sewer line is needed. The City wants an 8" line laid from 455 up North 2nd. Lloyd to check about sewer funds and also if the city_ can do the work on an emergency basis and still include this work in the grant. An approximate cost of $3200.00 was mentioned. Council stated they would work with him as best they could about the line. (b.) Lloyd informed Council that he had requested screed limit signs on the I-35 Service or Frontage Roads @ 30 mph. Expects to hear soon. (c.) Bridges stated a citizen had had a problem getting in touch with the police department over the weekend. Stated it took on hour to get in touch with the Police Sunday. Sidney stated that he was on call and just came off night shift at 5:00 and didn't hear the phone. Stated this was reason he had asked for another man. Said he had a CETA applicant. Lloyd advised. Council that he and Sidney had discussed this but had not come to an a&zw.eellent at this time. It was suggested this be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. ATTEST: