01/26/1981-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council Special Called Meeting January 26, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas and Nesbitt ABSENT: Cooper OTHFR_S PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Carpenter, Fred Simmons, Tom Pardue, Lindon Carr, Bennie Schertz, Eunice Gray, and Randy Bridges 1. Lindon Carr met with Council to didcuss the Capital Electric Expenditure necessary for the Denton Plastic firm which purchased the Brougham Property. An estimated usage of 375 KW Demand and 90,000 KWH was given. 375 KW = $749.389 90,000 KWH = $4,209.93 for a total fo 84,959.81 less wholesale of $3,456.00 leaving a balance of $1,503.81. Estimated payout - 18 months. The cost estimate to serve Denton Plastics is as follows: Labor $4,647., Transporta- tion $465., Material $21,847. for a total of $26,959. The material includes 4-333 KVA Transformers at $3748. each. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the estimated capital expenditure of $26,959. Nesbitt gave the second. It was voted unanimous. Discussion. Question was asked "If Denton Plastics should pay for the spare transformer since North Texas Plastics were required to pay?" Mayor Cole stated he felt they should be treated and handled the same. Denton Plastics have ask for a load factor of 750 KVA. The load factor is not guaranteed nor is there an assurance the business will stay. Lloyd to get with Lindon and work out an agreement which will perfect the city. M eeting adjourned to a public hearing on the Bond Election. ATTEST: IiAYOR riINUTES: City Council February 2, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt and Bridges ABSEPTT: Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESEiiT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Bill Carpenter, Mike GJalsh, and t;ob flood 1. The canvassing of ballots of the Bond Election held January 31, 1981 was conducted with the following results. 140 VOTES: FOR ) 38 VOTES: AGAI�iST ) PROPOSITION N0. 1 THE ISSUAPJCE OF GJATER.Z)ORK� SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS