02/16/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularCETA. employee. CETA pays the salary and benefits for one year and the City would hire after one year. The person hired must fit CETA requirements and Lloyd recommended the City to enter this program for personnelfor the Police Dept. This person would be required to become certified within 6 months and this would require 360 hours of Course work. An hourly rate of $4.80 per hour is the starting salary, and would give an annual wage of $9,984. When benefits are considered such as holidays, social security, insurance, it would add up to around $15,000. Mayor Cole stated that the overtime the City now pays to the Police Department would reduce the pay for the regular officers. Sidney stated he understood and not much over- time was being paid at present. He said there was an approximate 48 hour period over 7 days span that was not being covered by a policeman. Cooper ask if the department would have to have another car? Lloyd stated they would not. The first year the new employee would be riding with another officer. The new employee would be able to carry a gun as soon as the paper work in Austin is approved. Mayor Cole stated that Lloyd did the hiring and firing except maybe on department heads and that he and Sidney, couldo. get together regarding personnel. Lloyd advised Council that he and Sidney had talked with Willie Henderson and would like to consider him at this time. Motion was made by Thomas that the City enter into the CETA program. Cooper second. Voted unan. 6. PZotion was made by Bridges to appoint J. P. Hampton as City Fire Marshall with a salary of $40.00 per month. Cooper second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters. (a.) Robert Flood with Central Telephone came before Council to check and see if the changeover of the system was satisfactory. Lloyd commended Flood and thanked him for the.new phones he found for the offices. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council February 16, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, J. P. Hampton, John L. Sullivan, Henry Grann, and Glenn C. Wilson 1. The minutes of the February 2, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. Z. Disbursements for $4,449.33 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Bridges second. Voted unan. Ful 3. Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements in the amount of $3,529.14 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Swear in J. P. Hampton as Fire Marshall - Lloyd stated that the Fire Marshall position was appointed by Council and the appointee works under the supervision of the City Manager. He explained that he and J. P. were planning ways the office of Fire Marshall would be operated. The position of Fire Marshall carries a good deal of legal authority such as shutting down a business if they do not comply with codes, and on Arson the Fire Marshall becomes a policing authority and other duties as specified in the Fire Marshall Ordinance. Mayor Cole stated the town of Sanger is some 80 years old and. the City has not clamped down in all these years and he felt the Fire Marshall would have to use a lot of common sense judgements. You just don't go in and shut down a business here in Sanger. Lloyd stated that he and J. P. wanted to solicit Council's support and for Council to advise how far the Fire Marshall's position was to go with enforcement. J. P. Hampton ,passed around his inspection book for Council viec✓ing. He stated he wanted to give a fe�,,illustrations of what shapethe town is in from the inspections he has already made. They are as follows: (l.) Tansey Co. - has a strip of grass 50' wide next to their building that is a fire hazard.. The company's insurance company has also called atttertiOn to this. J. P. stated the individual making the inspection with him said he would get something done. J. P. explained that the inside was very good. The company has a fire extinguisher at each machine, no smoking Signs and good safety through- out. The outside is the concern area. (2.) Holy Temple Church of God In Christ on Kirkland Street - The church was locked but the electric cable hooked to the outside is in bad shape and the lumber where it's located is rotted out. J. P. stated Sanger Electric had agreed and volunteered to do this repair for the church. (3.) Sue's Style Shop - They have installed a wall heater and the heater is not properly vented through the roof_. The heater has charred up the. wall area. (4.) Art Store - Found one room full of empty boxes and shredded papers. (5.) Enlow's Feed Store - The building is about to fall down. Large holes in the roof and the building is leaning. J. P. suggested the building inspector take a look. (6.) Krum Oil Co. - J. P. stated he hadn`t done anything about electric wiring much, but did call attention to Krum Oil who had wiring running out of 2 or 3 different plugs into more wire. J. P. stated that the business people were very cooperative into and receptive. Council expressed support to J. P. but again stated to be sure and use common sense judgements and not close anyone down. J. P. told Council that he o�as giving a 30 day correction notice. The fire code calls for a 5 day notice. Mayor Cole swore in J. P. Hampton as City Fire Mashall by reading him the oath of office. 5. Final Plat of Single Lot Subdivision for Lucille Houghton was approved on a motion by Danny Spindle. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Discuss Railroad Crossing on Willow Street with Mr. Henry Grann - Mr. Grann spoke to Council regarding their decision not to participate in the Federal Program to provide protective devices at the Willow Street crossing. He felt that Council had overlooked some things in their decision. He stated not very many things could be had by paying only a 5% cost. He explained that all information was computerized from the number of vehicles crossing, the number of trains through the area, and the number of accidents that have happened at the crossing. The crossing rated high enough to warrant it on the state's 1981-82 program. He stated there are eleven thousand unsignaled crossings in the state. He stated the money was not required at this time but they did need the certification from the City of participating. Mr. Grann felt that Citizens of Sanger were concerned with the crossing. P•4ayor Cole ask if FM455 would be routed out Willow Street when the Lake Aubrey project goes in. Others stated it would be out by Stuckeys. The Council wanted to know why the Railroad was not participating. Grann stated they did not have the money. It was mentioned the logical one to sue in case of an accident would be the railroad company. Mayor Cole told Mr. Grann that the City had been unable to get assistance on the drainage problem along 5th Street from the Highway Department, and it made it difficult to cooperate with the State on their request. Mr. Grann told Mayor Cole to get in touch with Milton Watkins, District maintenance Engineer, POB 3067, Dallas, Texas and see what he could do. Danny Spindle talked with a State man on Cooke County and he was told the Feds would pay 90% and the States were supposed to pick up the 10%. The states are trying to get the cities to pay for part. Mr. Grann didn't understand it to be this way but state he would check into it. Cooper stated he would like to see the project done for an estimated cost of $3800. Mr. Grann stated the crossing would be looked at in July or August and a decision made at that time on what devices would be needed. Actual work should be done probably in 1982. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd about funding. Since money for this project was not budgeted Council would have to designate where the money would come from and Lloyd suggested the Street Fund using sales tax revenue for this expenditure. Motion was made by Henry Cooper that the City of Sanger participate in the Federal Program to provide protective devices at the Willow Street crossing. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voting for were Cooper and Thomas. Voting against were Bridges, Spindle, and Nesbitt. Motion failed 3-2. 7. Capital Improvements for the Bob Duwe Company - Lindon Carr presented council the following cost estimate to serve the Bob Duwe Company on 11:1455 and Acker Street. COST ESTIMATE TO SERVE BOB DUWE'S INDUSTRIAL LOAD IN THE PORTER COMPLEX LOCATED AT HLdY. 455 AND ACKER STREET IS: Labor $ 15566 Transportation 156 *Material 9,534 TOTAL $113,256 (*This includes 4-100 KVA transformers at a cost of $1,850 per unit) Mr. Duwe requested service in two weeks, we can provide one-half of this load requirements within this time frame on a temporary basis at an additional cost of $645. We now serve this building with a 100 amp. service. Estimated usage of 180 KW Demand and 29,440 KWH Estimated usage of 180 KW Demand and 29,440 KWH 180 KG? _ $359.88 29,440 KWH = _955.41 $1439.75 Less Wholesale 1131.44 Payout 17 months. Donn Nesbitt spoke favorably of Mr. Duwe. Stated he felt he would be an asset to the community. It was noted that Mr. Duwe has a health problem but seems to be a good business man. Henry Cooper asked what the guarantee meant in Lloyd's administrative comments. Lloyd explained that Mr. Duwe would sign a letter of committment that he would be here but it was not a guarantee of the $11,256. rlayor Cole wanted to know if the line was already there. Carr told him it was in the budget and he saw no problem getting it done. Sanger Electric will be bringing service in from the Keaton line. The lines are not there. Carr further stated they could give service for his load requirements now but could not during the summer. Mayor Cole wanted to know exactly what the Keaton Substation served. Carr stated everything south of the high school and West of I-35 is on the Keaton Substation. Mayor Cole requested to know what agreement had been reached with Mr. Duwe. There seem to be some misunderstanding regarding the agreement. No agreement was made. Mayor Cole stated that Duwe's business and other businesses requesting temporary service and heavy load requirements should be treated the same as the City treated North Texas Plastics. North Texas agreed to pay to change out the temporary service when the permanent equip- ment arrived and he agreed to pay 2 the cost of an extra transformer. It was the general consensus of the Council to treat every one the same. Mayor Cole suggested the City come up with a policy so there would not be any questions in the future on this type request. It Ls the council's opinion if Mr. Duwe wants temporary service that he would pay the $645.00 and when service is installed permanently Mr. Duwe is to pay one half the cost of a spare transformer. Total cost to Mr. Duwe is $1570. Lindon Carr wanted to know if this meant Sanger Electric would have to keep an extra transformer on each agreement. Mayor Cole stated it does not mean that you would have to purchase a transformer for every agreement made. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the cost estimate of $11,256 for the Bob Duwe Company. T�?endell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Motion made by Donn Nesbitt to approve an additional cost of $645. in order to provide one-half load requirements on a temporary basis for the Duwe Company. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Benny Bridges told the Council that the City meets the criteria for postal service delivery. The downtown area would be eligible for delivery. Bridges stated it was necessary that houses be numbered to receive service. Mayor Cole explained there would be some reduction in service. The P.O. could go to a cluster box system. The carriers T70uld not sell stamps or money orders (except under certain conditions) and box rental would double. The question of cluster boxes was brought out and Bridges stated he would turn the offer down if they went with cluster boxes. Donn Nesbitt ask about the numbering of the house and box and Bridges stated he would find out. 9. The workshop with Charles Earle was cancelled. Mr. Earle was unable to attend. Rescheduled for March 2, 1981. U. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd stated he and Billy Barclay had recently completed a sanitation survey. They checked with Muenster about paper bags and their cost was 20� per bag. This would be too expensive and too bulky to handle. They checked with Denton about ordering plastic bags. The City of Sanger could join with them in the bid process. The bags would cost $3.36 per roll. Fifty two bags would last approximately 6 months. Lloyd felt this would enhance the City to go with this system. They also got two bids on a new garbage truck. One was $42,000 and one was $44,000. They found that some cities have gone to the trailer pick-up method. Lloyd passed out illustrations. The trailer would cost approximately $7,000 and the truck $7,000 or $8,000. The trailer is not a packer but operates by conveyor belts (18'. 20', 24' lengths) and it's much faster than what we have. This type operation is quieter, faster, and more economical. Cuts Gasoline cost by 60%. This system is not dependent on one truck. If your landfill is 8 miles or more away this system would not be feasible. Council instructed Lloyd to pursue. (b.) Lloyd advised Council that more and more cities were getting away from dependency on tax money and onto user fees. Lloyd also stated that the City needs to have a look at all Ordinance required fees. Mayor Cole ask Lloyd to work up something on sewer and water users fees and just how to implement the change. (c.) It was mentioned that the city officials should talk with Jim Born and get him to introduce a bill to general law cities over 2500 population the power to annex as home rule cities. (d.) It was mentioned that the City needs to get with Bolivar Water and Denton. County Electric. They are operating within the City without a franchise. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council March 2, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Bridges, rTesbitt, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS ' PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Garr, Joe Rogers, Roy L. Urban, Ralph Amyx, D. L. Johnson, Glenn C. Wilson, F. P. Moynagh, D.V.M., Fred Simmons., Harry Downs, Buddy and Jackie Echols, Vic George, and Charles Earle. 1. The minutes of the February 16, 1981 meeting were approved with the following corrections: a.) No. 4, Item 2 to read ...Holy Temple Church of God In Christ in lieu of colored church. b.) No. 10, Item A to read ...had recently completed a survey in lieu of recently did.