03/02/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 2, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Bridges, Nesbitt, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Joe Rogers, Roy L. Urban, Ralph Amyx, D. L. Johnson, Glenn C. Wilson, F. P. Moynagh, D.V.M., Fred Simmons, Harry Downs, Buddy and Jackie Echols, Vic George, and Charles Earle. 1. The minutes of the February 16, 1981 meeting were approved with the following corrections: a.) No. 4, Item 2 to read ...Holy Temple Church of God In Christ in lieu of colored church. b.) No. 10, Item A to read ...had recently completed a survey in lieu of recently did. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $14,339.76 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Thomas second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-51 for Glenn C. Wilson - Mayor Cole opened the public hearing and asked for those in opposition to speak first. Those opposing the zoning change from R1 to R2 were Vic George, Buddy Echols and Jackie Echols. They opposed the petition because of the number of apartments which already exist in the area and that are unkept. They stated the existing apartments house an undesirable element of people. It was their -- feeling that rent property owned by someone who didn't reside there is not kept up. Glenn C. Wilson spoke in favor of the petition. Stated he felt a brick duplex would be upgrading the area. Mayor Cole advised Council that P & Z had approved the petition. Also that 22 surrounding neighbors had been notified with only 3 opposing.the petition. Motion was made by Bridges to grant Petition Z-51 changing the zoning classification on Pt. of Lt. 3, Blk. 7, 100 x 100, West Sullivan and located at 805 Elm from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Two Family Classification. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Building Permit variance request by F. P. Moynagh - Dr. Moynagh would like to build a veterinary clinic east of the Croney Mfg. Company on Lot 1, Block 1, of the Westside Industrial Park. The property is properly zoned (Light Industrial) which is necessary for a vet clinic but does not meet the requirements of the city's livestock ordinance. The ordinance states all pens or buildings are to be constructed 1,000 feet from an occupied building if he treats hogs and 200 feet away for other animals. Dr. Moynagh requested Council to consider amending the livestock ordinance to exclude veterinary clinics. Donn Nesbitt stated he felt the intent of the Livestock Ordinance was for individuals keeping livestock. Stated that veterinarian clinics are one of the cleanest operations since they are regulated by the state. He did not feel the Livestock Ordinance should apply to vet clinics. Benny Bridges stated he wasn't against vet clinics but felt the existing ordinance needed to be revised. It was agreed by Council that Lloyd get the present Livestock Ordinance amended and call a special meeting to take action on Wednesday, March 4, at 3900 P. M. 5.' Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 81-2 appointing the members of the Board of Equalization for 1981 and setting the time and Dlace for the meeting of said board. Those appointed were: Jack Armstrong, Billye Hollingsworth, and Aaron Yeatts. The Board will meet on August 12, 1981 from 9:00 A.M. to 12*00 Noon. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 81-12 AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR 1981 AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR THE MEETING OF SAID BOARD. 6.' It was the general consensus of the council that the automobile tax was unfair. The approximate loss in revenue, if the tax was eliminated was estimated at $7,000. Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the resolution in order to tax automobiles Motion died for lack of a second. 7. Policy regarding Sanger Electric Connect Fee - At the last Council Meeting Lloyd and Lindon were asked to draw up a policy which would ensure the Electric System reimbursement for back-up transformers. The policy came up with, proposed that the cost for one half the price of the backup transformer be included in the service fee. The proposed new fee schedule was presented as follows: Sanger Electric System PROPOSED NEW SCHEDULE FEE February 25, 1981 CONNECT FEE $15.00 To all new customers and any customer moving within the system TEMPORARY SERVICE FEE $50eOO Paid upon request of service by contractor or builder RECONNECT FEE $15.00 To customer who is disconnected for nonpayment and reconnected or customer customer requesting disconnect and reconnect for remodeling or upgrading electrical wiring. SERVICE FEE $15.00 When seal is broken on meter without prior notification of Sanger Electric Svstem or trouble call where such call is necessitated by failure of customer's equipment or apparatus. RETURNED CHECK FEE $ 3.00 NEW RESIDENTIAL SERVICE FEE $25.00 Paid upon request of permanent service 10 OR 30 SMALL COMMERCIAL OR INDSUTRIAL FEE - $6.7O PER 1/3 OF CONNECTED KVA - For new installation or upgrading of existing serATice, standard secondary voltage, 75 KVA load or above. Note: The Commercial and Industrial Fees shall be subject to change by the City Manager, if inflation necessitates an. increase. Lindon told Council that Sanger Electric was presenting to them the idea of not saving to the customer "you're going to have to pay 2 the cost of a spare transformer," but to use the wording "connect fee." Lindon stated a 200 amp load would calculate out to 48 KVA 28.8 KVA and 25 KVA ,with an average four customer bank (small business). Formula for recuping the cost for 2 a trans- former: 2 of 25KVA = $724 = $362 = $90.00. Most business will 2 4 come in at 60% according to Carr. (This is on small commercial) Sanger Electric has 13 transformers in stock. For the large commercial or industrial he is recommending the bar_ke at above 75 KVA. Mayor Cole stated he would like the wording changed in the 10 or 30 Commercial or Industrial Fee to delete (75 KVA load or above) ar�d use (above 75 KVA capacity). Also the note at the bottom of the proposed new schedule to include...by the City Manager, upon approval of the City Council... Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the new fee schecule with the above changes. Thomas gave the second. Voted uran. 8. Workshop with Charles Earle - Mr. Charles Earle and Mr. Joe Rogers with the Denton County appraisal Office met with Council to explain_ the timetable for the transition of the new appraisal district. They answered questions and advised council on steps needed to work out the transition_. 9. Other such matters: (a.l .Council received the Cable T. V. Report for 1°80. Franchise tax amounted to $60.87 representing 3% of gross receipts for October, November and December. (Do) Lloyd advised Council of the major break in the water line by Kirby`s Restaurant that crosses the Interstate. He explained that it was a 6" line inside an 8" casing. To repair the line, it necessitates the cutting and dragging the pipe out of the casing. This represents a large expense to the City. The City crew is incapable of handling the job. The City received three cost estimates as follows. (l.) B & W Backhoe - $2,000 plus the cost of materials (2.) Johnson Plumbing - $80 per hour plus materials (3.) Lewis Dickerson - $22.50 per ft. @300 fts. _ $6750 Lloyd recommended to Council the City go with B & W Backhoe. They have had experience of this type. The repair will disrupt the service for general hours. City plans to wait until Spring break or a week -end. Lloyd stated the City was loosing approxima=ely five gallons of water every 20 minutes. City is planning to go with the 6" PVC pipe. Motion was made by Bridges to expend whatever is necessary to repair the problem. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. (c.) Council had question about Police Department and the rash of brew no throughout the City. Council was advised that Police Department had solved many of the break-ins and thefts but there was a problem with the Judge after it goes to Court in Denton. It was requested that everyone on Council draft a letter to Judge Scofield. ATTEST: MINUTES: City'Council Special Called Meeting March 4, 1981 PRESENT: Cooper, Bridges, Thomas and Nesbitt ABSENT: Mayor Cole and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, F. P. Moynagh, D.V.M., Bill'Walker, Francis Croney, Roy Urban, Alton Johnson, D. L. Johnson, Grover Sebastian, and Fred Simmons 1. Mayor Protem Cooper presided in the absence of Mayor Cole. Lloyd presented the amended Livestock Ordinance to Council. Lloyd stated the vet clinics would not be limited to the 200' rule. (A.) To operate a vet clinic you must be located in the prover zoning - Light' Industrial. Property is zoned properly. (B.) The animal ordinance stated you cannot build, construct within 200 ft. of an occupied, building. The Ordinance has been revised to protect residential areas and still open up for the vet clinics. The following phrase has been added to Section I, Hogs and Other Animals, Section II, Size of Lots and Section III Penalty Provisions. ...firm, corporation or other business entity including but not limited to veterinary clinics."