03/04/1981-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council Special Called Meeting March 4, 1981 PRESENT: Cooper, Bridges, Thomas and Nesbitt ABSENT: Mayor Cole and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, F. P. Moynagh, D.V.M., Bill Walker, Francis Croney, Roy Urban, Alton Johnson, D. L. Johnson, Grover Sebastian, and Fred Simmons 1. Mayor Protem Cooper presided in the absence of Mayor Cole. Lloyd presented the amended Livestock Ordinance to Council. Lloyd stated the vet clinics would not be limited to the 200' rule. (A.) To operate a vet clinic you must be located in the prover zoning - Light Industrial. Property is zoned properly. (B.) The animal ordinance stated you cannot build, construct within 200 ft. of an occupied building. The Ordinance has been revised to protect residential areas and still open up for the vet clinics. The following phrase has been added to Section I, Hogs and Other Animals, Section II, Size of Lots and Section III Penalty Provisions: ...firm, corporation or other business entity including but not limited to veterinary clinics." m 1979 1980 Cooper opened the floor to any oposition. Mrs_ Francis Croney spoke against the amended ordinance. Stated he was next door to the proposed vet clinic and was greatly opposed. He stated the only air conditioning at his business was open air and the clinic would be out in his back door and they would get the odors from cows or whatever he puts in next door. His employees would have to live with the odor problem for 8 working hours. Dr. Moynagh invited Mr. Croney to see his established clinic in Denton. He stated it was a very clean operation and that he intended to keep the operation a first class operation. If odors exist the public health could be called in. Mr. Bill Walker stated he wasn't against Dr. Moynagh personally or the vet clinic. but when you are operating that close and have a holding pen it gets in a situation like feed lots. Dr. Moynagh admitted that animals do create odors. Stated he did not intend to hold any animal over the minimum time it would require to treat the animal which is usually not more than a 12 to 24 hour period. Mr. Croney stated when the droppings stayed on the ground it created an odor. Dr. Moynagh stated he uses lime to combat this. Simmons, Johnson, and Urban spoke in favor of the vet clinic and Dr. Moynagh's operation. Stated the Sanger area needed a good vet and he was best in County and most cities have vet clinics in downtown area. Cooper closed the hearing. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the amended ordinance as presented. Thomas gave the second. Voted unanimous. -idge-s—t-o—�grp-r-ove ugta�e�rs . 2. The resolution to continue taxing all automobiles that are less than 5 years old was reconsidered by Council. It was noted that the City would lose one fifth of the tax base by not taxing on the vehicle. In the regular meeting Monday night Council had estimated figures. Actual figures on a comparison basis was presented as follows: Market Value 3,756,187 4,156,479 5 0'� Assessment Ratio $1,878,094 078,240 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX COMPARISON 1979-1980 Total Tax Revenue To Be Collected $13,146.66 14547.68 , Total Tax Revenue Collected Uncollected To Date $10,690.89 $2,455.77 10,195.89 $it;351.79 Percent Collected 81% 72% Motion was made by Bridges to adopt the resolution taxing on all automobiles less than 5 years for the 1981 year. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Other Matters: (a.) Lloyd advised Council there was some problem with going with 6" PVC as agreed at the Monday meeting to repair the problem leak along the Interstate. B & H feel they need a one and a half inch clearance and the bell that is around the 6" makes it larger. Lloyd stated you could run more water through a 5 inch PVC than you could a 5.inch steel pipe. Council agreed to go with the 5 inch PVC. 4. Executive Session was taken off and requested to be placed on next agenda. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: 7 MINUTES: city council March 16, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J. W. Bucklew, Harold Easley, Mike Walsh, Dennis & Linda Hewlett 1. The minutes of the March 2, 1981 Regular Meeting and the minutes of the March 4, 1981 Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $9,949.93 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Cooper second. Voted unanimous. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $4,130.78 were approved on a motion by Thomas. Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Preliminary Subdivision Plat for J. W. Bucklew - The plat has been approved by P & Z with the condition that Mr. Bucklew grant a 72 foot easement along the south and east property lines. Mr. Bucklew has agreed to furnish the city with the easements. Donn Nesbitt questioned the site of the proposed lots 50' x 280'. He wanted to know the proposed use. Bucklew stated he was thinking about mini warehouses on one of the lots. Thomas ask about the additional 72 foot easement on the east boundary. Lloyd stated the city would request this from the Presbyterian Church. Thomas also wanted to know about the water and sewer. Mayor Cole interjected that when Bucklew hooked onto the sewer Line that he would fall under the pro/rata covererd under Jesse Coffey's contract. Lloyd advised Council that J. W. wanted a building permit but Council stated it was necessary to have services in, easements in hand, and approval of final plat by P & Z before a permit could be issued. Stated they would .all a Special Meeting to hurry things along if it became necessary. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the preliminary plat upon securing the 72 foot easements. Thomas second. Voted unan. 5. Preliminary Subdivision plat for Harold Easley - Mayor Cole stated it seemed that the City had cut across Easley's property with an electric line which they are now asking him to pay for moving. Cole felt since the City was illegal, the city had no right to ask Easley to pay for the removal of the line. Bridges wanted to know how much money this would cost, but Lloyd did not have figures available at this time. Bridges also wanted to know how the property would be sewered Lloyd stated Item 6 on the agenda was to cover the sewering of the property. He stated that the City engineer had figured the fall on the line and recommends replacing the old line with a 10 inch line. The line sags. There is only a 1.79' fall and the only way to produce