03/16/1981-CC-Minutes-Regular4. Executive Session was taken off and requested to be placed on next agenda. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council March 16, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J. W. Bucklew, Harold Easley, Mike Walsh, Dennis & Linda Hewlett 1. The minutes of the March 2, 1981 Regular Meeting and the minutes of the March 4, 1981 Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for the amount of $9,949.93 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Cooper second. Voted unanimous. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $4,130.78 were approved on a motion by Thomas. Cooper second. Voted unan. 4. Preliminary Subdivision Plat for J. W. Bucklew - The plat has been approved by P & Z with the condition that Mr. Bucklew grant a 72 foot easement along the south and -east property lines. Mr. Bucklew has agreed to furnish the city with the easements. Donn Nesbitt questioned the site of the proposed lots 50' x 280'. He wanted to know the proposed use. Bucklew stated he was thinking about mini warehouses on one of the lots. Thomas ask about the additional 72 foot easement on the east boundary. Lloyd stated the city would request this from the Presbyterian Church. Thomas also wanted to know about the water and sewer. Mayor Cole interjected that when Bucklew hooked onto the sewer line that he would fall under the pro/rata covererd under Jesse Coffey's contract. Lloyd advised Council that J. W. wanted a building permit but Council stated it was necessary to have services in, easements in hand, and approval of final plat by P & Z before a permit could be issued. Stated they would call a Special Meeting to hurry things along if it became necessary. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the preliminary plat upon securing the 72 foot easements. Thomas second. Voted unan. 5. Preliminary Subdivision plat for Harold Easley - Mayor Cole stateA it seemed that the City had cut across Easley's property with an electric line which they are now asking him to pay for moving. Cole -felt since the City was illegal, the city had no right to ask Easley to pay for the removal of the line. Bridges wanted to know how much money this would cost, but Lloyd did not have figures available at this time. Bridges also wanted to know how the property would be sewered Lloyd stated Item 6 on the agenda was to cover the sewering of the property. He stated that the City engineer had figured the fall on the line and recommends replacing the old line with a 10 inch line. The line sags. There is only a 1.79' fall and the only way to produce { more fall is to go to a larger line. Easley plans to sewer down the middle of his property with a 6" line and tap into the 10" line. Planning & Zoning approved this plat with set backs to be added. Easley stated he would need to ask for a variance on the four corner lots and should it be presented on the final plat. Mayor Cole stated he did not need to show final plat with variance but that he request the variance the time final goes through. -� Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the preliminary plat with recommended setbacks. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Cooper that the City pay to have the elec- trical line moved off of Easley's property (Blk. 74, Orig. Town). Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Sewer Line Capital Improvements - Lloyd advised Council of two problem areas existing that he feels need immediate attention. One is a problem at FM455 and Acker Street. Two houses are hooked together on the same line. There is a 4" Sewer Line at Acker Street running east along south side of 455 and approximately 50' to a small manhole. At this point it reduces to a 3" line and goes north on a 45 degree angle under 455. It connects to a 6" line on the north side of 455 and proceeds east to IS35. This line is always stopped up under the highway. The city has worked this line on several occasions and it feels like a portion of the line has caved in. He said the city had two options. No. 1 the city could bore under FM455 and replace the three inch with a six inch line' or No. 2 build a new line South down Acker Street. If a line is built going down Acker Street it would eliminate going under FM455 and having to deal with the highway dept. Also houses built along Acker Street could hook onto this line. Lloyd received two cost estimates (for bore only). One from Benny Johnson for $1500 and one from B & W Backhoe for $800. It was general consensus of council to go down Acker Street with the line. Lloyd advised Council that the City has approximately $29,257 in uncommitted sewer bond funds for the new line. Motion was made by Bridges to lay a new 8" sewer line from FM455 down Acker Street south to Pecan Street. Spindle second. Voted unan. The second problem area is the sewer line from FM455 and North 2nd Street running south to Pecan and 2nd. This is a 6 inch line that sags. There is an 8 inch line coming in at FM455 and joins an 8 inch line at Peach Street. In this present area there are gas lines, water lines, phone lines and Lloyd felt that it would be better to contract the digging. Lloyd recommended Joe Amyx dig the line at $1.00 per foot. The approximate cost would be $710.00. Motion was made by Nesbitt to hire Joe Amyx @ $1.00 per foot to do the digging. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Consider amending Solid Waste Ordinance No. 73(4-16). The solid waste amendment requires all residential pickup to be put in plastic bags beginning April 1, 1981. The City has arranged a purchase with Denton at $3.60 per roll. The City presently sells the bags for $4.20. Nesbitt felt disturbed about the reading in the commercial section. Council also had question regarding compactor bags. Lloyd was requested to rework the amendment. 8. Other such matters: (a.) Bridges ask about the Police Department and what they were doing regarding the break in at Riverside Chemical and Sanger Electric. Lloyd stated the police felt they knew who it was but the problem existed with the judge in Denton. Bridges stated he had talked with other police chiefs and stated they were not having problems if it was handled properly. Also that Sanger Electric employees were told they would be finger printed and they hung around office all day and no one came to do the printing. Stated he couldn't believe that something couldn't be done. Mayor Cole stated that Tim McCoy, a former FBI person said he would be willing to do some free investigation work. Bridges ask about a police telephone line. Lloyd stated the city had checked this and two consecutive numbers would be needed to have the roll over system. Lloyd to check about the cost of a new line. (b.) Lloyd told Council that Judge Waage ask that the city upgrade the fines. He recommended the following changes: Regular fines - From $25.50 to Contest of Speed - From $43.50 to Public Intoxication" From $78.50 to Since it was up to the judge it was to change the fine amounts. $3 3.50 $103.50 $103.50 judge decision 9. Mayor Cole called council into executive session to consider personnel and land acquisition. Council reconvened to open session and took the following action. Motion was made by Thomas to core sample Fred Simmons property. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Nesbitt to give the City Manager a 5% pay raise. Spindle second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Spindle to create Clerk and that Rachel Thomas fill the the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: I�'INUTES : City Council April 6, 1981 the position of Cashier- position. Thomas gave PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Cooper, Bridges, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Harold Easley, Mike Walsh, J. W. Bucklew, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, Benny Parrent, Billy Lemons, and Richard Muir 1. The city council canvassed the election returns April 4, 1981 city officials election. The official are as follows: PLACE l: Henry Cooper 105 of the results