04/06/1981-CC-Minutes-Regularoffice all day and no one came to do the printing. Stated he couldn't believe that something couldn't be done. Mayor Cole stated that Tim McCoy, a former FBI person said he would be willing to do some free investigation work. Bridges ask about a police telephone line. Lloyd stated the city had checked this and two consecutive numbers would be needed to have the roll over system. Lloyd to check about the cost of a new line. (b.) Lloyd told Council that Judge Waage ask that the city upgrade the fines. He recommended the following changes: Regular fines - From $25.50 to $33.50 Contest of Speed From $43.50 to $103.50 Public Intoxication- From $78.50 to $103.50 Since it was up to the judge it was judge decision to change the fine amounts. 9. Mayor Cole called council into executive session to consider personnel and land acquisition. Council reconvened to open session and took the following action. Motion was made by Thomas to core sample Fred Simmons property. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Nesbitt to give the City Manager a 5% pay raise. Spindle second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Spindle to create the position of Cashier - Clerk and that Rachel Thomas fill the position. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR N1�INUTES: City Council April 6, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Nesbitt, Cooper, Bridges, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Harold Easley, Mike Walsh, J. W. Bucklew, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, Benny Parrent, Billy Lemons, and Richard Muir 1. The city council canvassed the election returns of the April 4, 1981 city officials election. The official results are as follows: PLACE l: Henry Cooper 105 Write Ins: Joe Higgs 1 Bill Bounds 1 Joe Brown 1 Johnny Coker 1 PLACE 2: Billy Jack Hampton 48 Harvey Wendell Thomas 97 PLACE 3: Benny Bridges 110 Iv Write Ins. Charlie Haskins 2 -PLACE 5: .:.Danny Spindle 113 Write Ins: Bill Gentle 1 Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the election results. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Mayor Cole administered the oath of office to: Benny Bridges, Henry Cooper, Danny Spindle, and Harvey W. Thomas. 3. Minutes of the March 16, 1981 meeting a*ere approved with the following corrections: Item No. 8 (a) second paragraph to read: Bridges ask about a police telephone. Item No. 8 (b) last. statement to read: Since it was up to the judge, it was his decision to change the fine amounts. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve disbursements in the amount of $14,667.67. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. After discussion of Item 4 and W. 0. 98C Nesbitt made the motion to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for the amount of $7,678.71. �Ia.yor Cole called attention to the statement of revenue and expenditures from Sanger Electric. Mayor Cole stated the cost of power was up over 1980. Stated there was a $13,000 difference in purchased power year-to-date 1981. Wanted council to be aware of the high fuel cost and low operating revenues. 6. Additional Telephone Line to City Hall - Lloyd recommended council consider an additonal telephone line at city hall to be used for the police department calls only. Total connect charge would be $155.50 with a monthly charge of $18.75. It was mentioned that within one year Centel is supposed to have the kind of equip- ment so that you could have five members on one line that would rotate. Motion was made by Bridges to approve a new telephone line for the police department only. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to place 3322 and 7466 on a rotary system to be changed when the new phone book comes out about July. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Jesse Earl Seal has requested that a power line belonging to the city be removed from his property along the West I-35 service road between Bolivar and Elm Streets. The estimated cost to relocate the line is $1500. Discussion. Councilman Bridges felt we should be sure that the city was on the Seal property and that if we were the city should get off. Councilman Nesbitt stated that we should check and make sure there was no previous agreements. Lloyd stated that even by moving the pole 12 feet to the east that two guy wires spread 30 feet apart would take up 60 foot of Seal's front. Council requested that Lir_don and Lloyd talk with Jesse Earl and see if some agreement could be reached. 8. Solid Waste Amendment - IMavor Cole read aloud from Section 2 of the proposed Ordinance Amendment. There were still some questions regarding the amendment. Councilman Nesbitt would like the ordinance to require restaurants and grocery stores with raw or wet garbage to put their garbage in plastic bags before it goes into the container. He felt the effective date should give at least 30 days. Lloyd was requested to re -work the ordinance and write the minimum specs on the plastic garbage bags, require food handling establishments to use plastic bags for raw foods, change the effective date and if dumpsters are not kept clean individuals will be charged by the city for their cleaning. 9. Motion was made to approve the Final Replat for Harold Easley on Block 74, Original Town and grant a 15' variance of Lots 1, 5, 6, and 10 by Bridges. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Final Plat on J. W. Bucklew Subdivision, H. Tierwester Survey. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Richard Muir presented John Porter's plat on his subdivision of Tract 106B, H. Tierwester survey. Mayor Cole was opposed to the printed "Final Plat." Stated the plat was no where near a final plat. The water line across the property was not shown, the property with building & fences already existing were not shown or divided up. The Street name needs correcting. Mayor Cole felt the proposed veterinary clinic should be along I-35 service road instead of Acker Street. Stated it would kill residential development across to the west side of Acker Street. Also the problem of the already platted 106-A was not resolved. Motion was made by Spindle not to accept the plat as presented. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt the resolution enabling — the Denton Housing Authority to enter Sanger city limits to assist the Timothy G. Cooley family. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan_. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd advised Council of the public hearing on April 15th and 16th for the Community Development Block Grant. (b.) Lloyd advised council of the TML meeting April 29th at the Diamond Oaks Country Club in Fort Worth. (c.) Lloyd explained that the pre -application for the Bond Sales was hung up in Temple. Probably will not get the money until 1982. (d.) Bridges ask if the fogging machine could be used to keep down the mosquitoes. (e.) Cooper wanted to see if the city could cut down the dead trees along Sth. Lloyd to check. (f.) Nesbitt stated that Representative Ralph Hall of District 4 would be at City Hall on April 16, at 2:15 p.m. for a town hall meeting. All were encouraged to be on hand for this gathering. (g.) Benny Parrent has requested to move two structures into the city. Lloyd accompa .,es: Parrent to Gainesville where the structures were located and took pictures to show council. Parrent plans to locate one of the structures on North 7th Street behind Jim Conley's house and where the Easley (Krueger) Addition begins. Lloyd told Council that he felt this type of structure would not blend in with the existing houses. Parrent stated the City did not have the right to tell him what kind of house to build or move in. He stated the house looks better and is better built.than the ones in the neighborhood. Bill Lemons spoke in favor of the structures stating that they had cut one room off which would be put back on after it has been relocated. Also structure sags in places and looks generally rough when it has been loaded. Lloyd ask Parrent if he would put this structure next to his house in the Indian Springs Subdivision? He replied no. Mayor Cole ask Parrent if he understood that no street exists and that he would have to build the street. He answered "I know that." Danny Spindle told Parrent when Krueger property was being subdivided that it was stated by Parrent that he planned to build a duplex or dwelling on that lot. Parrent stated that at the high interest rates he couldn't do that now. Lemons stated that as long as a structure was not substandard that he had no problem moving houses into other cities. Cooper made the motion to allow -the structure to be moved into the City. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Cole advised Parrent that the Council had upheld the City Manager's recommendation and the structure could not be brought in. Parrent wanted a show of hands but Mayor Cole stated the answer was evident with the motion. Meeting adjourned 9:15. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: City Council April 20, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Cooper, Thomas and Nesbitt OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, B. J. Thogmartin, John Lancaster, Mike Walsh, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, and John Springer 1. The minutes of the April 6, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $5,609.74 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan.