04/20/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularATTEST: Bill Lemons spoke in favor of the structures stating that they had cut one room off which would be put back on after it has been relocated. Also structure sags in places and looks generally rough when it has been loaded. Lloyd ask Parrent if he would put this structure next to his house in the Indian Springs Subdivision? He replied no. Mayor Cole ask Parrent if he understood that no street exzsts and that he would have to build the street. He answered "I know that." Danny Spindle told Parrent when Krueger property was being subdivided that it was stated by Parrent that he planned to build a duplex or dwelling on that lot. Parrent stated that at the high interest rates he couldn't do that now. Lemons stated that as long as a structure was not substandard that he had no problem moving houses into other cities. Cooper made the motion to allow the structure to be moved into the City. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Cole advised Parrent-that the Council had upheld the City Manager's recommendation and the structure could not be brought in. Parrent wanted a show of hands but Mayor Cole stated the answer was evident with the motion. Meeting adjourned 9:15. MAYOR MINUTES: City Council April 20, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Cooper, Thomas and Nesbitt OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, B. J. Thogmartin, John Lancaster, Mike Walsh, Lindon Carr, John L. Sullivan, and John Springer 1. The minutes of the April 6, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $5,609.74 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. IV 3. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to adopt the Solid Waste Amend- ment Ordinance No. 81-4. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unanimous. ORDINANCE N0. 81-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF S4NGER SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE REQUIRING RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS TO USE PLASTIC BAGS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 4. Consider removing electrical power line for Jesse Earl Seal - Lloyd and Lindon got together with Jesse Earl Seal and made some suggestions the city might consider doing in regards to the power line on the Seals property. Those suggestions were as follows: (a.) Move the pole on his lot to the highway right-of-way and install two (2) guy wires for support. (The guy wires would be located in the right-of-way). (b.) Remove the pole and span the entire property. This would require a 26 ft. aerial easement. (c.) Move the pole to the right-of-way and span I-35 for a guy wire on the east side of the Highway. The city would need a 72' ft. aerial easement across the front of his property. Lloyd advised Council that none of the suggestions were acceptable to Mr. Seal. Mr. Seal was ask to make suggestions to the City. Mr. Seal penned his suggestions in letter form which Council received. He suggested that the city relocate three poles (he gave a drawing) and he would give the city a 712 ft. aerial easement. Lindon Carr estimated the cost of Mr. Seal's request at $3,391.00. Discussion. It was noted that the pole had been on the Seals property for some twenty years and the city would claim statute of limitation. The question regarding removal of the power pole on Harold Easley's property on 2nd Street came up. Mayor Cole stated this was entirely different in that Mr. Easley was ready to construct houses. Council felt that when the Seals property is developed, consideration for removal of the pole would be given at that time. It was mentioned that Mr. Seal was not ready to develop the property but would like some assurance the pole could be moved in the future. 5. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to elect. Henry Cooper as Mayor Protein by acclamation. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Cole made the following appointments to the various city departments: Police Dept.-------- Water Dept.--------- Fire Dept.---------- S-------- ewer & Sanit. Dept. lectric S E------------ treet Dept. ---------Wendell Thomas ---------Benny Bridges ---------Danny Spindle ---------Henry Cooper ---------Donn Nesbitt ---------Ralph Cole 7. Consider Preliminary Plat for John Porter's Tract 106B, H. Tier - wester Survey - Mayor Cole restated the changes that were submitted on the new Preliminary Plat presented by John Springer for John Porter. The entire area was replatted,tle utility easements were shown, and the street name was corrected. Lloyd advised Council that each time Porter's plat was submitted it was a last minute effort. The City Ordinance calls for the staff to have it for 10 days prior to the meeting. This is not the case on this plat. Staff never sees the plat until the night of the meetings. Council advised Lloyd they would support him in upholding the ordinance. John Springer was advised to take the Preliminary Plat as well as Final Plat for P & Z to consider since they had not seen the revisions requested by council. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the new Preliminary Plat. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Lone Star Gas Company Franchise Amendment - Mr. B. G. Thogmartin spoke on behalf of Lone Star Gas for the requested franchise amendment. Basically the amendment to the ordinance places the responsibility on the gas company for maintenance to the meter (regardless of where the meter is located) rather than to;the property line. If the meter is located next to the house then the gas company will maintain the line in the yard. Entry on the yard will be worked out between the individual homeowners and Lone Star Gas. All new customers will sign a contract with Lone Star permitting them easement on private property. Donn Nesbitt ask if there was any changes from the main line to the meter. Mr. Thogmartin answered "No". Nesbitt felt the amendment would benefit the homeowners. Benny Bridges inquired about that would be done by Lone Star after a line is dug up in someone's yard. Mr. Thogmartin stated that ,one Star would try and fix it back as it was. He stated if they could, a new line would be run through the old line, therefore, the yard would not be disturbed when replacement was necessary. Mayor Cole read aloud Section 4 martin if what he read did not said "we do not plan to charge under the rate section." of the Amendment and ask MrThog- in fact create a fee. Mr. Thogmartin for this. Any charge would be covered Mayor Cole felt with the wording used Lone Star would have control from the main to the meter and the customer would have to pay for repairs in the future. Mayor Cole stated this would allow Lone Star to charge the customer for putting the line in. Mr. Thogmartin stated the new policy would offer the following advantages: 1. Quick response with repair of leaks after they are detected on a service line. 2. Minimum periods of disrupted service for customers while service lines are being repaired, 3. Will allow efficient use of labor and materials to effect repairs of to provide new installations; 4. Saving customers the expense and inconvenience of maintaining gas lines between their property line and the gas meter: and, 5. Increased safety for customers by assuring service line installation according to local, State and Federal standards. John L. Sullivan stated the wording in Section 4 gave Lone Star the unrestricted right to charge the customer. Discussion. He further stated they .would .say what they mean and write it into the ordinance. Motion was made by Cooper to table the Franchise Amendment until the next meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Thogmartin assured Council that the wording could be worked out. 9. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the capital improve- ments project on the Easley Subdivision on North Second and FM455 in the amount of $1,709.00. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Cole appointed Donn Nesbitt as the City's Official NCTCOG Voting Representative for 1981-82. 11. Lone Star Gas Rate Increase Request - Motion was made by Benny Bridges to Suspend Action on the requested Lone Star Gas rate increase. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 12. The delinquent tax item was put on the agenda at the request of Mayor Cole but the item was taken care of prior to the meeting. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Council was advised of the T.M.L. Region VIII meeting April 29, in Ft. Worth. Ralph and Lloyd -plan to attend the Brazos Electric annual meeting the same night and invited the council and their wives to also attend. (b.) Lloyd requested the meeting time to be changed back to 7*00 P. M. Council wanted to stay with 6*00. (c.) Benny Bridges mentioned a lot that needs mowing. (d.) John L. to amend the Housemoving Ordinance. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council May 4, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Bill Butler Mary Jo Stover, Bill. Carpenter, and 1. The Minutes of the April 20th meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $22,411.30 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements were not available. 4. Progress report on Bond Sales - Bill Carpenter with Kidder Peabody spoke to Council regarding progress of bond market. He began by advising council that the prime interest rate had gone up to 19% and that the bond market was in chaos. He felt the full application of the city would be approved by FHA by the year 1983, however, he requested that the city's full application be into FHA. by October, 1981. He stated that the Reagan budget cuts if approved would be restrictive to FHA. Carpenter then ask Council's priority on the application since it was in a three part request (Landfill, Water, and Sewer Improvements). Mayor Cole stated all were priority items but the landfill issue would