05/04/1981-CC-Minutes-Regular9. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the capital improve- ments project on the Easley Subdivision on North Second and FM455 in the amount of $1,709.00. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Cole appointed Donn Nesbitt as the City's Official NCTCOG Voting Representative for 1981-82. 11. Lone Star Gas Rate Increase Request - Motion was made by Benny Bridges to Suspend Action on the requested Lone Star Gas rate increase. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 12. The delinquent tax. item was put on the agenda at the request of Mayor Cole but the item was taken care of prior to the meeting. 13. Other such matters: (a.) Council was advised of the T.M.L. Region VIII meeting April 29, in Ft. Worth. Ralph and Lloyd plan to attend the Brazos Electric annual meeting the same night and invited the council and their wives to also attend. (b.) Lloyd requested the meeting time to be changed back to 7*00 P. M. Council wanted to stay with 6*00. (c.) Benny Bridges mentioned a lot that needs mowing. (d.) John L. to amend the Housemoving Ordinance. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council May 4, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bi11 Carpenter, and Bill Butler 1. The Minutes of the April 20th meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $22,411.30 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements were not available. 4. Progress report on Bond Sales - Bill Carpenter with Kidder Peabody spoke to Council regarding progress of bond market. He began by advising council that the prime interest rate had gone up to 19% and that the bond market was in chaos. He felt the full application of the city would be approved by FHA by the year 1983, however, he requested that the city's full application be into FHA by October, 1981. He stated that the Reagan budget cuts if approved would be restrictive to FHA. Carpenter then ask Council's priority on the application since it was in a three part request (Landfill, Water, and Sewer Improvements). Mayor Cole stated all were priority items but the landfill issue would possibly be first in his opinion. Carpenter stated that the Texas Water Development Board had some sewer money. He was unable to get anyone to verify the amount. He is pursuing the possibility of some available funds. Mr. Carpenter was somewhat critical of the City engineering firm. Stated Council should put pressure on them to make sure the application to FHA was in as soon as possible. He also insinuated that Council had been "dragging" their feet by not putting pressure on Hunter. However, the Mayor quickly told Mr. Carpenter they were not aware that pressure was needed or that the city was lagging on anything. In the future if Mr. Carpenter needed something done in a hurry or pressure put on someone he should advise the Mayor and it would be done. Lloyd ask Carpenter what kind of deadline he was talking about on the application and Carpenter stated the earlier the better. Mayor Cole told Lloyd to tell Hunter & Associates to get it done by June 1, 1981 or the City would get another engineering firm. Surface water was discussed as a lone range item. 5. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve Donnie Howard and Tim McCoy as Police Reserve Officers. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. The variance request for remodeling a garage into an apartment for Bill McCay was discussed. Mr. McCay requested a building permit to convert his garage into a two bedroom apartment. A drawing of the existing structures and dimensions was given to Council. Lloyd advised Council that P & Z had approved the request. Zoning was discussed. It was noted on the present Zoning Map that the property is classed for Local Retail. Mayor Cole stated once the use changes the zoning reverts back to the use and it should be Single Family. Lloyd stated the Zoning Ordinance was not clear on this point. Motion to approve the variance request was made by Spindle. Bridges gave the second. Voting for were Bridges and Spindle. Voting against was Thomas and Nesbitt. Cooper abstained, Mayor Cole broke the tie by voting no. Motion failed 3-2. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Final Plat for John Porter's tract 106B, H. Tierwester. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Nesbitt to adopt the resolution designating Lloyd Henderson as the signatory agent of the City for the Texas Department of Water Resources. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Lloyd advised Council that he had done some research and that an Industrial Corporation was founded in 1�59. It was out of date and would cost $50G to reinstate. He felt the city should start over. Item to be considered at a later date. 10. John L. ask to postpone again the Lone Star Gas Franchise Amendment until he has more time to consider and discuss it with Mr. Thogmartin. 11. Other such matters: (a.) Bill Butler came before Council requesting a General Warranty Deed from the City on two alleys on the Sanger Grain and Elevator property so that he might acquire title insurance. Mayor Cole stated the City could give a Quit Claim but would be unable to give a general warranty deed. Mr. Butler stated that Jagoe would not accept the quit claim. Mayor Cole stated that he would check with the city attorney about this. 52 -= (b.) Lloyd advised Council that he had talked with Jack Russell and as of August lst the city would no longer qualify for UDAG funds. This grant is based on income level. Forty four towns were taken off funding. (c.) Lloyd told Council that copies of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey were available. (d.) Council was advised that a Public Hearing on the Landfill will be held June 24, 1981. The State Health Department will conduct the hearing. (e.) Lloyd ask the Council if they were in favor of the Firemen: and Staff Appreciation Dinner. All said ems, but would like it closer to home. Last year it was held in Lewisville. (f.) Lloyd advised Council that John L. is still working on the Housemoving Ordinance. (g.) Lloyd explained to council about all the limbs down all over town, and that some were the property owners. Mayor -.Cole told Lloyd if the limbs are on the property owner's land charge for hauling them off or leave them there. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, B. J. Thogmartin, John Lancaster, Esta Ashcraft and the Sanger Community 4-H Club. 1. The Minutes of the May 4, 1981 meet 2. Disbursements in the amount of $4, motion by Nesbitt. Thomas gave the se 3. After numerous questions and discus statement and capital improvements shee Improvements for $11,350.73 were approv Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion to approve the variance req into an apartment on Lot 1, Block 4 of by Thomas. Spindle gave the second. YdcCay needs to have the property rezon the same time. Voting for was Thomas. Bridges, Cooper, and Nesbitt. Motion g were approved as printed. .71 were approved on a �. Voted unan. ions regarding the revenue the Sanger Electric Capital d on a motion by Bridges. Est for remodeling a garage :he Hughes Addition was made Lscussion. Mayor Cole stated i and ask for a variance at Voting against was Spindle, piled 4-1.