05/18/1981-CC-Minutes-Regular(b.) Lloyd advised Council that he had talked with Jack Russell and as of August lst the city would no longer qualify for UDAG funds. This grant is based on income level. Forty four towns were taken off funding. (c.) Lloyd told Council that copies of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey were available. (d.) Council was advised that a Public Hearing on the Landfill will be held June 24, 1981. The State Health Department will conduct the hearing. (e.) Lloyd ask the Council if they were in favor of the Firemen: and Staff Appreciation Dinner. All said yes, but would like it closer to home. Last year it was held in Lewisville. (f.) Lloyd advised Council that John L. is still working on the Housemoving Ordinance. (g.) Lloyd explained to council about all the limbs down all over town, and that some were the property owners. Mayor,Cole told Lloyd if the limbs are on the property owner's land charge for hauling them off or leave them there. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council May 18, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Cooper, Nesbitt, Thomas and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, B. J. Thogmartin, John Lancaster, Esta Ashcraft and the Sanger Community 4-H Club. 1. The Minutes of the May 4, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $4,028.71 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Thomas gave the second. toted unan. 3. After numerous questions and discussions regarding the revenue statement and capital improvements sheet the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $11,350.73 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion to approve the variance request for remodeling a garage into an apartment on Lot 1, Block 4 of the Hughes Addition was made by Thomas. Spindle gave the second. Discussion. Mayor Cole stated McCay needs to have the property rezoned and ask for a variance at the same time. Voting for was Thomas. Voting against was Spindle, Bridges, Cooper, and Nesbitt. Motion failed 4-1. 5. Consider Lone Star Gas Franchise Amendment - John L. Sullivan stated he had prepared the House Moving Ordinance but was not able to complete the Franchise Amendment in time for the meeting. Wording is still a factor with the amendment although Lone Star Gas agreed to add the following statement. "Provided such charges have been approved by the city." John Sullivan wants to have it drafted to the ordinance to exclude charges to the customer. Mr. Thogmartin with Lone Star stated that Lone Star is asking for two things. (l.) To change the wording of yard line to service line (2.) and if the City wants to capitalize and pass it on to all customers or -if the City wants the customer to pay for line replace- ment and repairs. Rate structure was discussed. John L. to have changes drafted by next meeting. 6. Motion was made by Nesbitt to adopt the Resolution of Appreciation to the Sanger Community 4-H Club for their clean-up efforts over the city. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Council received the Amended House Moving Ordinance from John L. They requested the item to be placed on next Council agenda in order that they might have time to study the amendment. 8. Wendall-Thomas presented the variance request for Jesse Coffey on Lot 13,Blk..A and Lt. 17,Blk.D, Gateway Addition. Thomas stated the variance was no longer needed on Lot 13, but in order to Face the house as requested by the homeowners the variance to 15' would be necessary on Lot 7. Motion was made by Bridges to grant Lot 7, Block D, Gateway Addition0 for were Bridges, Cooper, Spindle, Motion carried 4-0. 9. Other such matters: ` the variance request of 15on Cooper gave the second. Voting and Nesbitt. Thomas abstained. (a.) Danny Spindle reported that the Miss Flame contest netted $2,484.40 for the Fire Department. (b.) Lloyd advised Council that a_portion of the HUD Grant narrative requesting funding for cleaning up taxes on property across the tracks would be beneficial to the private sector therefore would not qualify under HUD. (c.) It was noted that 25 resumes had been received for the Community Director`s position. Interviews will begin next week. ATTEST: MAYOR