06/08/1981-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: Special Called Meeting June 8, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Spindle, Bridges and Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Gene Hughes and Billy Jack Hollingsworth 1. Executive Session - Council reviewed the resume of Juan Antonio - Reyes for the position of Community Development Director. Discussion regarding salary and program followed. The designated salary and administrative amounts in the HUD funds are as follows: lst year - $30,000 2nd year - $229000- 3rd year $24,000 The salary recommended for the first year would be $17,000; With Benefits (social security w/c and Ins.) would total $19,080. An increase of $500. (not committed) would be given on Jan. 1 if performance warranted. A $750 moving allowance to be given. Lloyd explained in the $30,000 first year amount a fee of $6500 for codification of city codes was allocated, gasoline expense, and furniture and fixtures were added into the first year figure. It was also noted that Mr. Reyes was advised if the program was not funded during the 2nd and 3rd year that he would be terminated. It was further understood and discussed that at no time would Mr. Reyes be paid out of city funds (only the federal funding). After the first year, raises (if any) would be given Mr. Reyes at the same time city employees received theirs, which is normally determined at budget time but his would come from the federal funding. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to hire Mr. Juan Antonio Reyes for a base salary of $1751000 plus benefits and a $750 moving allowance. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Consider amending the Truck Route Ordinance = Donn Nesbitt requested Council's confidentiality regarding -the main road to Lake Ray Roberts. Nesbitt told Council the main road been desig- nated as FM455. He explained that the Corp of Engineers is dead set against the present looping of FM455 and would prefer the straight shot from 5th Street to 2nd Street. This strip is now designated as a city truck route. The Corp is unable to initiate action with the state as long as this strip is designated a truck route. Nesbitt proposed to Council to put up a sign reading "No Through Trucks Allowed," and the city must write a letter to the Corp of Engineers stating this fact. They can in turn put pressure on the State to redo the portion from 5th to 2nd and extend FM455 without looping. Billy Jack Hollingsworth was opposed to changing the designated truck route unless it was for only a short period of time. Council requested the City Manager and Donn Nesbitt to contact officials of the State Highway Department and the Corps of Engineers and set up a meeting and see what can be worked out. This item to be placed on the Council Agenda for June 15th. 3. Water Improvements Item taken off the agenda. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: