07/20/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMotion was made by Bridges to extend the rate increase request for another 30 days in order to get the 120 day suspension allowed by law. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters: (a.) Tony Reyes expressed his appreciation for COUnc11'S confidence in selecting him as Community Director. Stated he had reviewed everything that had been amassed to date with reference to the grant appli- cation and that Jack Russell had done a good job. Stated that the Section III, Affirmative Action Plan was a well put - together plan as, per HUD regulations. Stated he would be introducing some new programs to council by way of Lloyd in the future. Stated he wanted to get the Community informed by way of a newsletter. The more people that are informed the better relations could be developed. Meeting adjourned 7:00 p. m. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council July 20, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle, and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, J. P. Hampton, Douglas B. Cargo, Richard Allen, and Ann Kyle 1. The minutes of the July 6, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the disbursements in the amount of $3,897.26. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Lloyd advised Council that he had polled each of the P & Z members regarding the variance request by Gene Hughes. Each were in favor of granting the variance not only for Lot 4, Block 1 of the Shirley Addition, but also granting the variance on Lots 5 & 6 of Block 1. Councilman Bridges discussed the frequency by which council was being faced to grant variances. Council requested the City Manager to do a study and cost analysis of a building inspector. Motion was made by Thomas to grant a 20' variance on Lots 4, 5, and 6 of Block 1, W. B. Shirley Addition. Bridges gave the second. Voted unanimous. 4. Bill Switzer for the Presbyterian Church - Switzer advised Council that the church had voted unanimously to give two acres of their property, which is the two acres on the West side, to the City, along with $8,000 to be used toward the purchase of a building. Switzer said the church had in mind a Butler type steel building, approximately 60' x 100' with 24' doors on each side and use space heaters. Facility to be.used for religious recreational and civic use. He further stated a governing board would be chosen - 1 member from each of the. churches (a lay person)to serve on the Board. This Board would answer directly to the City Council. Switzer also suggested that the Wednesday Study Club be appointed as a sponsor and help raise funds for the building project. Lloyd stated that he had talked with Lite Federal Parks people and at present they only have funds through Spetember. Matching funds are available only_on the land. He suggested that the City not put them - self in a position of receiving the land until they have a waiver of retro-activity from the State Parks and Wildlife Department which would permit matching funds, providing funds were available. If money is not available from Parks and Wildlife then the City would receive and develop the property on its own. 5. Assignment of CATV of Sanger, Inc. to First National Bank, Fort Worth, Texas - John L. suggested to Council the City find out what happened with the other bank and see if they are aware the second bank is picking up the loan. John L. stated this request seemed to be -identical to the first request the City received from CATV of Sanger, Inc. He stated the letter adequately protects the City, but would prefer that the City did not get involved in their financing. Sullivans two objections to the letter of request were: (l.) To get clearance from the other bank. (2.) Correct spelling on Page 2, ��2 from "franchise" to "franchisee. " Council discussed the slow repair service citizens were receiving. 6. Rodgers Water Line - Lloyd advised Council that Mr. Rodgers is planning to build a new house on his property fronting Duck Creek Road and is requesting permission to connect to the existing water- line which extends to the two houses built by Frazier and Rodgers. Two requirements were placed on Mr. Rodgers at that time: (1) to replace a line that was not deep enough or large enough (2) that the line be looped with the trailer park. The line was replaced but the looping was waived since the trailer park was on one meter. The Council has previously agreed not to tie anymore houses on the existing line until it was looped-. Motion -was made by Nesbitt to deny the request of Rodgers to tie on another house. Bridges gave the second.. Voted unan. 8. Public Hearing to consider Facility Plan and Enviromental Document for E. P. A. Sewer Grant - Mr. Douglas B. Cargo and Richard Allen were introduced to Council as representing Hunter Associates. Mayor Cole called the public hearing open and ask for comments from the floor. Mr. Cargo stated the Enviromental Document is a required part of the Facility Plan but had to be treated as a separate part of Alternate 3 in terms of cost and benefits to the City of Sanger. Mr. Cargo recommended the contract stabilization process with a 300 Thousand Gallon Capacity be adopted. This will give the City an almost duplicate facility. He stated there would be little or no enviromental impact since the location is at the existing site. The City will be requesting a 20/20 permit which Mayor Cole ask Mr. Cargo to explain. He stated the 20/20 deals with suspended solids and BODs. 20% can be allowed to remain. The other 20% is how many organisms are actually requiring oxygen. The less oxygen the poorer the quality of water. With no more comments Mayor Cole closed the public hearing. He then read aloud the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS Resolution indicating the City of Sanger, Texas having the necessary legal, financial, institutional, and managerial resources, intends to construct, operate, and maintain certain proposed treatment works if such works are funded by the State and Federal Governments. t WHEREAS, the City of Sanger possessed the necessary legal, financial, institutional, and managerial resources to construct, operate and maintain sewage treatment works and related facilities; and WHEREAS, the recently completed facility planning report, prepared in accordance with the Final Construction Grant Regulations, 40 CFR, Part 35, Subpart E, recommends certain improvements to the City's collection, treatment and disposal facilities will satisfy State and Federal requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Sanger hereby indicates its concurrence with the proposed recommended families in the referenced planning report and the City's intent to construct, operate, and main- tain such proposed facilities in accordance with State and Federal requirements, if said facilities are approved and funded by the State and the U. S. Enviromental Protection Agency. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adopt the resolution. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Other such matters. (a.) Lloyd advised Council of the TML Region 8 Meeting on August 24th. Council said it was too early to decide. To be put on next agenda. (b.) Lloyd stated it has been publicly announced that the Sant Fe R. R. is closing out the small town freight offices. He talked with R. E. Caldwell in Fort Worth to let him know the City opposes the action. Lloyd stated that a meeting was set up with Caldwell for Wednesday, July 22, at 10:00 A.M. and businesses and other interested parties were invited to attend. (c..) J. P. Hampton met with Council with great concern regarding__the potential fire hazard that the Middle School presents. He has not filed a report as yet with the State agency. Wants Council's support in this matter. They agreed. Mayor Cole stated if he were J. P. he would write up the report and send it in. J. P. stated that 2- fire escapes were pad locked. The main exits open only to the inside, the structure has been weakened by the removal of some supports and at the High School no one knew where the key was located to set off the alarm. If was further suggested that Hampton meet with the school board and discuss the matter with them. (d.) Cooper again asked if Rodgers would loop the line could he go ahead and have service. It was the general consensus of Council that Mr. Rodgers be annexed into the City before anymore services are granted. (e.) Donn Nesbitt reminded Council of the Chamber of Commerce Auction to be held Saturday, July 25, 1981. ATTEST: MAYOR