08/03/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT. City Council August 3, 1981 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Bridges, Spindle and Thomas Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Gene Hughes, Anne Kyle, Barbara Wainger, and John Rischer The meeting was opened by "Mayor For A Day, Gene Nughes." (Mr. Hughes was high bidder on the "Mayor For A Day" position auctioned by the area Chamber of Commerce.) 1. The minutes of the July 20th meeting were approved on a motion by Spindle. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of $21,866.29 was given by Spindle. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for June in the amount of $17,202.69 were approved on a motion by Thomas. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Lloyd explained to Council that the purpose for CATV asking for assignment to First National Bank of Fort Worth was to incorporate all of their financing into one bank. Lloyd talked with Mr. William Whi.tsitt of Citizens National Bank in Dallas and he assured Lloyd that everything was --in order and that CATV of Lewisville was a good company. The cable company could not change without the city's approval. Councilman Nesbitt ask if the changes which John Sullivan had requested were made. Sullivan's two (2) objections were: (1) to get clearance from the other bank and (2) to correct the spelling on Page 2, #2 from "franchise" to "franchisee." John Rischer with the cable company corr- ected the letter of agreement and he and Mayor Cole initiated the change. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the letter of agreement of TV Cable of Sanger, Inc. to the First National Bank of Fort Worth. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. The agreement with Sanger Electric for Electrical Improvements CDBG Project was omitted. 6. Lloyd read aloud the following Resolution authorizing the clearance and demolition of three vacant structures in accordance with the city's CDBG Program. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger entered into a Funding Agreement with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to carry out a Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, said CDBG Program authorizes the expenditures of funds for voluntary clearance and demolition activities; and WHERAS, the owners of the properties described hereafter have voluntarily consented to have the city under the CDBG Program demolish and clear the vacant structures; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; T'dAT the vacant structures on the hereafter described properties fall within the approved HUD criteria for clearance and demoliton,and, THAT the three vacant structures at 208 Willow Street, 101 Jones St., and 211 Jones Street being further legally described as. Tract 68, H. Tier. Abst. 71-72, R. Bebee Block 55, H. Tier. There was discussion of the bidding, salvaging, burying, and demolition. The City is trying to have at least ten houses before the city advertises for bids. 7. Barbara Wainger with the Texas Department of Community Affairs out of Austin met with Council and explained the Housing Assistance Payments Program. She stated the program served the smaller areas of Texas (not the large cities) and benefited the low income, elderly, and handicapped persons. The rental assistance comes directly from Austin to the land- lord. HUD determines the fair rents -..for this area based on the size such as 1-bedroom with utilities_; 3-bedroom etc... A City must select a local operator and the operator is trained in Austin. The department reimburses expenses on a state per diem and mileage. The operator usually is the C.D. Director. The audit is done in Austin. The City would receive a $74.00 fee times the number of units in the program. The selection of qualified applicants is based on income. A 25% or 20% option on gross wages is applied depending on the applicant to determine their portion of the rental payment. Lloyd stated to. Council that the grant program deals with housing and this is part of the total package and provides rental assistance. Mayor Cole asked what the city's responsibility was and Mrs. Wainger stated the following. (l.) to select a local operator (2.) provide a work station (could be City Hall) (3.) provide a telephone Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adopt the Resolution endorsing participation in the Statewide Housing Assistance Payments Program and authorizing execution of contract with the Texas Department of Community Affairs. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Resolution as follows. WHEREAS, Section 8 of Title II of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 provides for housing assistance funded by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ,(HUD) to be paid to owners leasing rental units to eligible lower -income families to the end that such families are able to live in privately owned, existing, decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing of modest nature; WHEREAS, the proposed program offered by the Texas Department of Community Affairs for our jurisdictional area is responsive to the condition of the housing assistance needs of lower -income persons and families residing in or expected to reside in the community, including the elderly, handicapped, disabled, large families and those displaced or to be displaced; WHEREAS, the City of Sanger, Texas, supports the Texas Depart- ment of Community Affairs to apply for, implement and jointly administer with our City the Housing Assistance Payments Program in our jurisdic- tional area; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas contemplates the execution of and/or amendment to a contract with the Texas Department of Community Affairs that provides for local administration of contract responsibilities associated with the Statewide Housing Assistance Pay- ments Program during the period stated in the contract that does not exceed the HUD-TDCA approved Annual Contributions Contract term and for a maximum amount of TDCA liability not to exceed $7,500 per year for the period stated in the contract; and WHEREAS, it has been duly determined that the City of Sanger has the legal authority to render the afore -described contractual performance; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, that our jurisdictional area hereby requests and authorizes the Texas Department of Community Affairs to act on behalf of our jurisdictional area as the application and joint -administrator of the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for existing Housing; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: THAT THE CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BANGER, does hereby approve and authorize the jurisdictional body`s execution of the afore -described contract, and subsequent contractual amendments to the afore -described contract, and does hereby authorize Ralph B. Cole, Mayor, to sign and execute the afore -described contract on behalf of the City of Sanger so as to legally obligate and bind the City of Sanger to all the performances, obligations, terms, and provi- sions set forth therein. 8. Lloyd advised Council that J. P. Hampton had given his resignation as City Fire Marshal due to health reasons and concern for the problems and fire -hazard conditions of the Middle School. Council was opposed to accepting J. P.`s resignation and requested Lloyd talk with him again and ask that he come to next council meeting to see if the matter could be reconciled. Each felt Hampton had done an excellent job. 9. Other such matters: (a.) TML Region 8 Meeting for August 24 was discussed. All councilmen and wives plan to attend except the Thomas`. (b.) Budget Workshop was set for Thursday, August 6, 1981 at 6:00 p. m. (c.) Lloyd informed Council that Brazos would be sponsoring an all expense paid trip for the city officials to their San Miguel lignite plant on August 20-21. This trip is sponsored for cities in which the Brazos system services. A rate increase is expected in near future. (d.) Bridges requested that the city see if the new telephone services could be improved and ask if the city planned to do streets this summer. Lloyd stated the city had considered doing the street behind the car wash. He preferred to work with Bill Switzer on the construction. (e.) Lloyd informed Council that August 18 would be the date would approve or disapprove the city`s application. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MAYOR