08/17/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT. City Council August 17, 1981 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Thomas, Spindle and Bridges Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo .Stover, Bill Thogmartin, J. P. Hampton, Anne Kyle, Sid George, Gene Hughes, John L. Sullivan, Royce Jones 1. Mayor Cole declares the Proposed Use Hearing on Revenue Sharing funds open to the public. A new garbage pickup truck and trailer were discussed along with a new police car, dumpsters, and furniture and equipment for the ad- ministrative offices. 'Council instructed Lloyd to draw up the specs. for the new garbage pickup and trailer. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing closed. 2. The minutes of the August 3, 1981 meeting were approved as printed, 3. Disbursements in the amount of $10,314.61 were approved on a motion by Cooper. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Request from Royce Jones - Mr. Jones stated to Council that:his deeds did not call for a street coming through his property on the West side of 3rd Street. The city maps show a strip of land across this property designated "street not open." Mayor Cole ask if there was an easement for the street. Jones stated "no", but that he would be willing to give an easement for the drainage ditch. Jones stated that Dewey Fields had advised him to have the property lines down the middle of the drainage ditch so that each property owner would be able to maintain and keep clean if property is subdivided. Mayor Cole told Mr. Jones that he did not foresee a problem with the replat but it would be necessary to go through P & Z first and then back through Council. 5. Lone Star Gas ---Rate Increase request - Council had previously delayed action on the rate increase and the 120 days exten- sion expired. Mr. B. J. Thogmartin represented Lone Star Gas and presented Council with a cost summary comparison with rate increases and info for Pilot Point and Sanger. A residential bill comparison showing the monthly consumption, the bill at the present rate, the bill at the proposed rate and the amount of the increase was also given to council. Lone Star is asking for a 7.80% increase based upon current annual revenue from residential and commercial customers. Estimated total increase in annual revenue is $15,966. Mr. Thogmartin stated that the rate increase was necessary due to the high inflationary rate. Mayor Cole recommended to Council the following: (l.) the minimum residential to remain at $4.00 (2.) increase the commercial minimum from $4.00 to $7.00 (3.) allow a 4% overall rate increase (a 5.55% total increase ) Mayor Cole stated that Lone Star Gas wanted a return of $21,222. His recommendation would give Lone Star a return of $20,230.59 which would be less than a thousand dollar difference which he felt they could live with. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the 4% overall rate increase, approve the minimum residential to remain at $4.00, and to approve the commercial from $4.00 to $7.00. Danny Spindle gave the second. Discussion. Donn Nesbitt felt the commercial user was being penalized by the rate increase. He felt the cost should be placed to the user which is the residential customer. Mr. Thogmartin assured Mr. Nesbitt that :Cost of Services Survey had been done by Lone Star and the commercial customer was the greater user overall. Mayor Cole ask if the service charge increased. Thogmartin stated there was no change. Voting for was Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, and Cooper. Voting against was Nesbitt. Motion carried 4-1. 6. Review Fire Marshal position with J. P. Hampton - Lloyd stated to council that J. P. had some of his anxieties removed after meeting with the State Fire Marshal about the middle school as well as the other two schools. Council again expressed their confidence in J. P. and advised him they were 100% behind him in his efforts. J. P. asked Council to consider anew Fire Ordinance with a separate section dealing on schools and some means of enforcement. J. P. requested a raise to $100 per month effective Sept. 1, 1981. Cooper made the motion to pay J. P. Hampton $100 per month effective Sept. 1, 1981. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adopt the resolution authorizing the clearance and demoliton of three vacant structures in accordance with the CDBG Program. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Resolution as follows: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION OF THREE VACANT STRUCTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR APPROVED CDBG PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Sanger entered into a Funding Agreement with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to carry out a Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, said CDBG Program authorizes the expenditure.of funds for voluntary clearance and demolition activities; and WHEREAS, the owners of the properties described hereafter have voluntarily consented to have the city under the CDBG Program demolish and clear the vacant structures; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS; THAT the vacant structures on the hereafter described pro- perties fall within the approved HUD criteria for clearance and demolition and, THAT the three vacant structures, one at 200 E. Willow, and two at 205 E. Willow being further legally described as: Tr. #69, H. Tierwester Tr. #67, R. Bebee PASSED AND APPROVED for demolition and clearance by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, this 17th day of ' Au ust, 1981. 8. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the Certificate of Ordinance and adopt the resolution requesting financial assistance through the Texas Water Development Board. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. (Attachments) 9. Budget Workshop - Council discussed revenues, and expendi- tures and then went over each departments budget figures. Salaries are based on a 4% increase except an alteration is to be made on Hampton and Willie Henderson. Henderson did not receive an increase in salary upon completion of his schooling which had been agreed through the department. Council advised Lloyd to figure Henderson on an annual salary of $12,000 in lieu of the 4% across the board. 10. Mayor Cole called council into executive session to consider land purchase. After some discussion council resumed to open session and on a motion by Danny Spindle the City Manager was authorized to negotiate the purchase of land for the right-of-way to the proposed landfill site. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Other such matters: (a.) It was agreed by Council to'set the September meeting for Tuesday, September 8th due to Labor Day Holiday. (b.) Mayor Cole advised Lloyd that the City of Arlington has a gas leak ordinance and instructed him to check about it. (c.) Council agreed to oppose the closing of the railroad station. (d.) Lloyd again advised Council'of the meeting with Brazos at the new lignite plant. No one was interested in attending. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: r� OR MINUTES: City Council September 8, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt., and Bridges ABSENT: Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, J.,P. Hampton, Mrs. Myrtle Haynie, Beulah Giles, Sandra J. Smith, Virginia Millar, Frank Millar, Abram Millar, Fred Wusterhausen, E.B. Forten- berry., Marilyn M. Gaines, E. A. Morrow, Mary Burrows, Ruby Odom, R. L. Odom, Grace Herd, Dosia Powers, Billye Hollingsworth, Larry Klein, Joyce Parrent, Benny Parrent Gene Hughes, Mike Ramos L. One bid was received from Roberts and Siegmund Construction, Inc. for the demoliton and site clearance of six dilapidated structures located in the Community Development Program Project Area in the City of Sanger. Total bid was $2500. A Certificate of Insurance for limits of liability for 250/100 B.I. accompanied the bid.