09/21/1981-CC-Minutes-Regulare 15. Executive Session - Council went into executive session to consider Land acquisition. Council reconvened to open session and the city manager was instructed to: (l.) Purchase the an for $5,0000 (2.) 18 month revisionary clause or dedicate road to public use. **Note - Council agreed with Mike Ramos to work out details of revisionary clause with John L. (3.) Give two sewer taps. 16. Other such matters: (a.) Mayor Cole requested that Lloyd get with Bolivar Water about doing their billing and get financial accounting on computer and consider working with North Texas State University on this. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council September 21, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle, and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Mrs. Myrtle Haynie, Grace Herd, Beulah Giles, R. L. Odom, J. P. Hampton, Sandra J. Smith, Randy Rhodes, Anne Kyle, Frank J. Millar, Abe Millar, Billye Hollingsworth, Steve Hollings- worth, Larry Klein, Gene Hughes, and John L. Sullivan 1. Three bids were received by council on the one ton truck and one bid received on the 20' Refuse Trailer. They are as follows: One -Ton Truck 1. Bill Utter Ford 2. David Ford Truck Sales - 9,123.67 3. Wyatt Chevrolet - 9,128.33 20' Refuse Trailer 1. Haulall Refuse Trailer, Inc. - $7,961.00 Bids to layover for council review. 2. The minutes of the September 8, 1981 meeting were approved with one addition on Item No. 12 "...to be used for electrical capital `•— improvements..." 3. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disbursements in the amount of $998.16. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $8,207.51. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 5. The final replat of Block D, Hillcrest Addition was approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Petition for Bobby J. Ready for annexation - Lloyd explained to Council that C. G. McNeill was negotiating with Ready for the 34 acres of land adjacent to his trailer park. The purchase is contingent upon the annexation and zoning to Local Business classification. Council advised -Lloyd that they were only considering the annexation at this time and would not guarantee a zoning change at this time. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the petition for annexation . Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Zoning Petition Z-52 for Frank Millar - Council ask for the city attorney's opinion on the zoning request for Frank Millar to change from a non -conforming use to multi -family. John L. stated it would be illegal spot zoning. Motion was made by Nesbitt to go with P & Z's recommendation and deny the petition. Bridges gave the second. Voting for were Nesbitt, Bridges, Thomas, and Spindle. Cooper abstained. Motion carried 4-0. 8. Other such matters: (a.) Mayor Cole pointed out, some inconsistencies in the city's billing of commercial businesses. He stated the city had a policy on apartments but none on commercial when more than one business is located in one building. Lloyd to come up with a workable policy (not retro active) but from date of approval by council. (b.) Motion was made by Bridges authorizing Lloyd to advertise for bids on a new 2T. pickup for the water department. Spindle second. Voting for were Bridges, Nesbitt, Thomas, and Spindle. Cooper abstained. Motion carried 4-0. (c.) Lloyd discussed with Council the possibility of a Salary Step Plan for city employees. Lloyd stated the only thing city employees have by way of a plan is a wait until the budget is approved plan. He stated the city needed a plan whereby both the city, staff, and council would know what salaries would be in the future. (after 1 yr. - 5 yrs. etc...) Mayor Cole agreed there should be a Step Plan. Stated most places have a Step Plan and that it should be made a part of our personnel policy. He stated the Plan should also have been presented at budget time. Mayor Cole suggested that Lloyd work on the step plan and bring back for Council consideration. Donn Nesbitt felt the Step Plan would be good. People want to know how we as a council will pay for this - not by raising taxes but we could get other revenues up to pay for an increase. Bridges stated he had had pot shots made at him about salaries. If the city can find the money in the budget to pay this, he would give 20% to the employees, but he believes in living within his means. Mayor Cole told Lloyd if he would come up with the extra increase out of the present budget he's all for it. Felt it should have been presented at budget time. (d.) Lloyd presented the final plans for viewing of the water portion of the HUD program. (e.) Bridges stated he had heard some talk about cutting fire department funds. Lloyd explained that it was the later part of the budget year when funds were very low. Fire Department can get items under new budget. (f.) Trees for the park were discussed. (g.) Lloyd handed out the corrected budget sheets to council and mayor. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council October 5, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Sidney George, and Anne Kyle 1. The Minutes of the September 21, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. After questions and discussion of Item 8 and 11 Donn Nesbitt made a motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $22,382.85. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Nesbitt quoted from the FCC regulation with regards to Benny Erwin installing the police radio into the new police vehicle and strongly suggested the unit be taken to an FCC technician for testing. It was agreed. Sidney stated he was unaware of the regulation and that it would not happen again. 3. Council reviewed the three bids received from David Ford Truck Sales, Inc. and Wyatt Chevrolet Co. on the 1-Ton Truck for sanitation department. City Manager Lloyd Henderson recommended that Council go with Wyatt Chevrolet Co. since it was only $6.00 over the lowest bid and the convenience of servicing the equipment locally would more than offset.the difference in bids. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to accept the Wyatt Chevrolet Co. bid at a price of $9,128.33 for a 1982 Chevrolet C/Deluxe one ton truck. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan.