10/05/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council October 5, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John L. Sullivan, Sidney George, and Anne Kyle 1. The Minutes of the September 21, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. After questions and discussion of Item 8 and 11 Donn Nesbitt made a motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $22,382.85. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Nesbitt quoted from the FCC regulation with regards to Benny Erwin installing the police radio into the new police vehicle and strongly suggested the unit be taken to an FCC technician for testing. It was agreed. Sidney stated he was unaware of the regulation and that it would not happen again. 3. Council reviewed the three bids received from David Ford Truck Sales, Inc. and Wyatt Chevrolet Co. on the 1-Ton Truck for sanitation department. City Manager Lloyd Henderson recommended that Council go with Wyatt Chevrolet Co. since it was only $6.00 over the lowest bid and the convenience of servicing the equipment locally would more than offset the difference in bids. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to accept the Wyatt Chevrolet Co. bid at a price of $9,128.33 for a 1982 Chevrolet C/Deluxe one ton truck. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. M Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to accept the bid of Haulall Refuse Trailer, Inc. at a price of $7,961.00 for 1-20.' Refuse trailer. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Lloyd informed Council that the bid price included Haul - all for making the installation on the truck here in Sanger. They would deduct $250.00 if the city chose to take it to them for the installation. Council agreed to have them install in Sanger. 4. The following resolutions for the Demolition of Houses - CDBG Project were approved: Motion was made by Danny Spindle for the clearance and demolition of the vacant structure at 301 Kirkland St., belonging to Beatrice Banks and being further legally described as the S. W. 65' x 75' of Block 77, R. Bebee Survey. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Henry Cooper for the clearance and demolition of the vacant structure at 218 So. 7th Street, belonging to Bill Hamrick and Jnette Hamrick Seeton, and being further legally described as Lot 4, Block 1, Hampton Addition, SE 52.5' x 105'. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Benny Bridges for the clearance and demolition of two vacant structures at 107 No. Jones, belonging to National Living Centers, Inc. and being further legally described as AB 70, R. Bebee. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to appoint Harold Easley by Resolution as the City of Sanger's nominee to fill one of the five positions on the Denton County Single District Appraisal - Board. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Lloyd advised Council that Lindon Carr was requesting Council's approval to spend $1,000 for capital improve- ments to conductor 5 lots in Block D. Hillcrest Addition. Lloyd stated that this was the regular procedure on a subdivision. The itemized cost is as follows: Material $393, Transportation $58; and Labor $649. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the $1100 expenditure for capital improvements for Gene Hughes subdivision, Block D, Hillcrest. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Consider contract with Brazos on HUD Electrical Project - Lloyd explained to council that the project will basically reconductor the east side of the rail- road tracks and upgrade the Willow Street circuit. Lindon Carr estimated the job to cost no more than $60,000 which is allocated by the HUD project. Lloyd explained that several changes had been worked out with HUD regarding pay periods. Lloyd further ex- plained that if the job did go over $60,000 the city would be liable for the difference. Lloyd was advised by Council to make sure improvements do not go over the $60,000. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to approve the contract with Brazos on the HUD Electrical Project. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the Pre- liminary Bid Specifications on the HUD Water Improvements Project. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 2 ,-, Lloyd stated that the bid would be run in the Sanger paper and also the Contractor's Magazine. Will run for a period of 30 days. 9. Council did not.go into executive session but did discuss salary adjustments. Lloyd told Council that he was still working on the Step Salary Plan and hoped to have it completed by the first meeting in November. He then requested council -to consider amending the present budget and give an additional 4% increase in cost -of -living for the staff. This would call for an additional $7,391 and the following budget line items could be transferred from the different accounts into department salary accounts. Transfer From: Police Dept. 421.18 Fuel, Gas, Oil Police Dept. 421.17 Motor Veh. Maint. Police Dept. 421.43 Motor Vehicles Transfer To Police Dept. 421.1 Salaries Transfer From: Admin. Dept. 400.19 Dues & Subscrip. Admin. Dept. 400.23 Furn. & Fix. Admin. Dept. 419.4 Bldg. Maint. a. Transfer To Admin. Dept. Transfer From: Sanitation Transfer To Sanitation ------------------------- Transfer From: Water Dept. Water Dept. Transfer To Water Dept. Transfer From: Sewer Dept. Transfer To Sewer Dept. 431.1 Salaries 500. 2000. $2800. 1200. 500. $1950. 432.12 Contract Labor $ 650. 432.3 Salaries $ 650. 170.37 Cap. Water Lines $1000. 170.42 Cap. Outside Mach. 500. 170.1 Salaries $1500. -----------------=------------------- 171.36 Cap. Mach. & Equip. $ 600. 171 Salaries 600. TOTAL AMOUNT TRANSFERRED - $73500.00 Wllie.Henderson`s salary was discussed and since he received a sizeable increase at budget time. above what everyone else received, he would not be eligible for the cost of living increase. Motion was made by Benny Bridges to amend the budget as proposed -and give the additional 4% increase. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd reminded and invited council to attend the Annual T.M.L, meeting to be held in San Antonio on October 25-27. (b.) Council was informed that the material on the Brazos rate increase was available for viewing and study. Mayor Cole stated the rate increase was before the PUC in Austin and if Brazos got what they were asking there would be a $300 per month additional cost to the city's purchased power cost. The rate increase becomes effective October 31, 1981. Lloyd will be meeting with 5 other cities served by Brazos tomorrow in Weatherford. They will be discussing the problems of the rate increase. (c.) Council agreed it would be 0. K. for Lloyd to sell some old cast iron pipe which was replaced recently. There is approximately 330' of 6" pipe. 15 joints of 21' and 1 joint of 17'. Lloyd stated he would like council to consider trading in the street sweeper for a broom and dust pan. Council felt they wanted to keep the sweeper but to use it primarily on'Bolivar Street. Lloyd ask Council if they would be willing to sell the old motor grader. Council agreed and told Lloyd to advertise for bids. (d.) Anew drainage improvement map on the HUD project has been received. (e.) Council received the letter of resignation from Municipal Judge Mervin L�laage to be effective October 31, 1981. (f.) The City received a letter from the City of Denton informing the city that a rate increase in ambulance service would be considered by the Denton City Council on October 6, 1981. If the rate increase passes, it will increase the City of Banger's participation from $2500. to $6375 annually. (g.) Cooper requested Lloyd to check the trees for the park. Thomas wanted to see .how much the city was losing in the Sewer and Sanitation Depart- ment and bring them up to pay their way. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council October 19, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Cooper, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas and Nesbitt ABSENT: Mayor Cole OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, J. P. Hampton, and Anne I:yle. Mayor Protein Cooper presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Cole. 1. The Minutes of the October 5th meeting were approved as printed.