10/19/1981-CC-Minutes-Regular(c.) Council agreed it would be 0. K. for Lloyd to sell some old cast iron pipe which was replaced recently. There is approximately 330' of 6" pipe. 15 joints of 21' and 1 joint of 17' . Lloyd stated he would like council to consider trading in the street sweeper for a broom and dust pan. Council felt they wanted to keep the sweeper but to use it primarily on'Boli.var Street. Lloyd ask Council if they would be willing to sell the old motor grader. Council - greed and told Lloyd to advertise for bids. (d.) Anew drainage improvement map on the HUD project has been received. (e.) Council received the letter of resignation from Municipal Judge Mervin Waage to be effective October 31, 1981. (f.) The City received a letter from the City of Denton informing the city that a rate increase in ambulance service would be considered by the Denton City Council on October 6, 1981. If the rate increase passes, it will increase the City of Sanger's participation from $2500. to $6375 annually. (g.) Cooper requested Lloyd to check the trees for the park. Thomas wanted to see how much the city was losing in the Sewer and Sanitation Depart- ment and bring them up to pay their way. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council October 19, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Cooper, Bridges, Spindle, Thomas and Nesbitt ABSENT: Mayor Cole OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, J. P. Hampton, and Anne I:yle. Mayor Protein Cooper presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Cole. 1. The Minutes of the October 5th meeting were approved as printed. 2. After discussion of items 3, 62 32, and 35 it was agreed the city should purchase more bulk items.. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disburse- ments in the amount of $4,426.34. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Benny Bridges questioned Lindon on Item 2 of the Capital Statement. He questioned why the excess charge was made to Benny Parrent. Lindon felt -- it was due to split billing but agreed to check and find out and let Lloyd know. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for August, 1981. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Consider Increase in meter deposits for Sanger Electric - Lindon Carr met with council to recommend an increase in meter deposits. The proposed increases are as follows: RESIDENTIAL DEPOSITS Homeowner -All Electric Homeowner -Conventional Current $ 50.00 25.00 Renter -All Electric House Renter Convenuional House Renter All -Electric Apartment Renter -Conventional Apartment Renter -Mobile House or Trailer COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS Small Business (100 amp or less) Large Business, Industrial (100 amp or more) Charge per connected amp When homeowner customer has for twelve (12) consecutive having service disconnected and without having more tha which a bill was delinquent, not delinquent in payment o Electric System will refund 60.00 35.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Current $ 50.00 .50 Proposed 50.00 125.00 75.00 125.00 110.00 110.00 Proposed 100.00 n t paid bills for service billings without for nonpayment of bill wo (2) occasions in and when customer is f current bill, Sanger the deposit. Council was given a comparison sheet which included Owner, Renter, and Commercial Customers in Conven- tional homes, rent houses, or apartment, all elec- tric houses or apartments and small and large businesses and showed the loss to the system for the period 7-31-80 to 7-31-81. Total amount after customer deposits were applied was $7,383.94. Lindon felt the new rates would re -coup enough money to pay 9010 of the purchase power that it cost to supply those customers who were delinquent. Bridges asked Lindon how our rates compared with other cities. Lindon stated it was our city and Sanger Electric is trying to re -coup the loss. No comparisons have been made with other cities on this. Discussion It was noted that Sanger competes with Denton County Coop. Their deposit is 2/6 of an annual bill when they have a history on a service. Sanger will be below them in some instances. Lindon stated he wanted to point out to council the system was definitely losing money. Cour_cilman Nesbitt felt the city would be nenalizing more people than doing good. Cooper wanted to know if there was anyway to collect. Carr stated it was very difficult to collect. The city can get a judgement which is costly. If the customer moves back into town and tries to get on the system again the delinquent bill must be paid first. Discussion regarding legalities of not issuing a tax certificate when utilities were owed was discussed. City to check with John L. and get an opinion regarding this. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to table the deposit rate increase for further study. Motion died for lack of a second. Lloyd advised Council that this had been well thought out by Lindon before it was presented. That it would be helpful now if Council gave him their input and thinking. Motion was made by Nesbitt to table the increase in meter deposits until the November Z. 1981 meeting for further study. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Billing for Bolivar Water Corporation - Lloyd told Council that he had been doing some work regarding this but had not completed his figures. The City has some 1,000 accounts and Bolivar Water has 1100. It takes 20 hours for the city to run a complete billing. The billing clerk is paid $4.97 per hour which would total $99.40 for the 20 hour period. The people in Computer business that services the city say a charge of $50.00 per hour should be assessed for Computer time alone (not including man hours). The City would not make enough to pay for a full time employees salary. The city could possibly get some help from the HUD funds. Bolivar Water is now paying .35( per card. It will be hard to compete with a time-share computer service. Discussion. Motion was made by Nesbitt to delay action until the November 2nd meeting. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Brazos Rate Increase - Lloyd explained to Council there was nothing on this item to vote on or to decide on. He briefed council on the meeting held in Weatherford regarding the increase re- quest. Seven cities are involved and it was the feeling of most that an expert was needed to advise the group if the rate increase was justi- fiable. The City of Weatherford agreed to take the lead and inquire about the cost of hiring a consultant. Lloyd stated that Mayor Cole had ask Lindon what kind of rate increase the City of Sanger would have to pass on to the customer, but Lindon does not have enough information at this time to make the study. It was noted that cooperatives are being charged differently than cities. 7. Council did not go into executive session but did consider a new Community Development Director. Lloyd advised Council that he and Mayor Cole had talked with John White about the C. D. Director's position. Lloyd stated that White was familiar with the program and that he had made White aware - that our grant was a three year program with appropriations on a yearly basis. White is pre- sently with the City of Pilot Point as City Admin- istrator. If Council approved him tonight he could submit his resignation to his council tonight and give them a 30 day notice. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and hire John White as the new Community Development Director. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd requested Council to call a Special Called Meeting for November 9, 1981 to open bids on the HUD Water Improvements Program and award bid for Codi- fication of the cities ordinances which is in conjunction with the HUD grant. It was agreed. (b.) Question was asked if Lone Star Gas was required to repair the city streets where they have made repairs on their lines. It was also noted there are gas bubbles on Hughes and loth by the elementary school which needs some attention. Lloyd stated that when the repairs were complete that he and Bill Thogmartin would make the inspection together and Lone Star would be charged when necessary. Lloyd will check the leak at loth and Hughes. (c.) Cooper requested that Sidney get some of the speeding stopped on 5th Street. Sidney agreed. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p. m. ATTEST: