11/02/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council November 2, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Thomas, Nesbitt, Cooper, and Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Abe Millar, Anne Kyle, Billy Earl Switzer, Lindon Carr, Sid George, Kenneth George, and Bill Carpenter 1. The Minutes of the October 19, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements for $17,826.13 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Bridges gave the second. Voted unanimous. 3. Ten bids were received on the 1982 2Ton Pick-UD. Dealerships submitting bids and bid amounts are as follows: Lee Jarmon Ford $8,176.81 Bill Utter Ford 8,418.17 Ted Arendale Ford 83265033 David Ford Sales 81401086 Sachse Ford 83875.00 Merrell Buick 8,479.59 Wyatt Chevrolet 8,648.19 Bounds Chevrolet 8,188.00 Al McNatt Chevrolet 8,377.84 Westway Motor Sales 82593.37 4. Mayor Cole advised Council that he had received another letter from Jesse Seal requesting the city to move the electric utility pole off his property. Lindon Carr was asked to get cost figures and Lloyd was requested to write Seal a letter advising him the item would be on the next regular council agenda. 5. Council considered the increase in meter deposits for Sanger Electric. Abram Millar spoke against the proposed increase. Stated the City should do a credit check: and check credit background. If customer checked out 0. K. City should not im- pose the deposit. Gave Denton as an example. To hook onto their system if you can furnish a letter of credit you won't be charged the deposit. Mayor Cole stated that most utility companies require a deposit. Donn Nesbitt stated that renters seem to be the big problem for creating delinquent collections. He didn't feel the de- posits on commercial customers was needed. Bridges stated that council needed to find out what was wrong in the present policies and close up the loopholes. Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to increase the meter deposits for Sanger Electric as requested and place on the agenda of the next regular meeting to attack the policies of the electric system in order to close up the loopholes that help to create the delinquent accounts. Spindle gave the second. Voting for were Bridges, Spindle, Thomas, and Cooper. Voting against was Nesbitt. Motion carried 4-1 6. Council was presented an "Estimate on Costs for billing services for Bolivar Water Corp." Mayor Cole questioned parts of the cost estimates. Lloyd to re -figure and bring back to Council. 7. Motion was made by Nesbitt to cast the city's 10 votes for Harold Easley (Denton County Single Appraisal District Board.) Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Mayor Cole asked that items.8 & 12, Consider pro- posed contract with commissioners court for housing prisoners, and consider policy regarding police assistance outside the city limits be considered together. Mayor Cole was quick to state that the fee recently set by Commissioners Court to all municipalities for prisoners held in the county jail was not a one-sided cost. Bill Switzer., county commissioner advised Mayor Cole there would be a second reading before the fees were set. Stated no cities showed up to protest. Mayor Cole informed Mr. Switzer the reason no cities showed up was because they were not informed in'time. Kenneth George, County Sheriff, spoke for the in- crease. His reasons were as follows: 1. To cut down on the number of people brought to the county jail by the smaller cities. He stated if the officers would file the proper charges against the subjects the county could automatically handle. 2. If the fee is not high enough then the larger cities (Denton and Lewisville) would start dumping their prisoners in the county jail. It would not be feasible for them to maintain one as long as it cost them what it is today. 3. Full time jailers are required on the floors. A nurse comes around each day. Sheriff George commented that the cooperation between the cities and the S. 0. had been good. Small cities assist or_ out of town calls and the S. 0: answers the phone and dispatches to the officers. Sheriff George stated the county needs to recover their cost. Sheriff George also stated that if an -out of town department was called out by the S.O. they would be - covered under county insurance. Mr. Switzer again stated the 2nd reading would be the first Monday in December. That he was glad to get the city's input and that the commissioners were ready to listen to any suggestions. Switzer further stated that it was not the small cities causing the problems but the fast growing areas in the south part of the county that the county gets most of the inmates from. C Mayor Cole gave the example of a prisoner who had been fined $100.00 who decided to lay out his fine. It would cost the City of Sanger $18.00 per day and the prisoner could rest and get meals and get the city to pay him out. Sheriff George stated there was a solution. To do away with the municipal court and file every- thing through J. P. Court and the S. 0. would handle all of it. Mayor Cole stated as far as the City and County, he felt that the cities are getting less and less from the county. Bridges ask if the fee could be graduated to pop- ulation size? Switzer replied "I doubt it.?" The contract was not signed at this time by council. 9. Consider rate increase to county for fire calls. Mayor Cole stated since the county is -going up on everything the city should look into ways they could go up. It was noted that 35 calls were made by the Sanger Fire Dept, inside the city for the FY 80-81 and 71 were made outside the city for a total of 106 calls. With considerationof the Fire Departments budget for 80-81 the 106 fire calls averaged out at a cost of $122.00 per call. Danny Spindle advised Council that the rate request was usually done at the county fire fighters meeting. Danny to find out when the meeting will be held. 10. The Santa Fe Railway Company wrote the City stating they had no objections to the request for a water line crossing at Bolivar Street. This is apart of the City's HUD water improvements project to loop the east side of town. The railway company requested that the city execute a resolution and a pipe line license covering the installation. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the resolution and pipe line license. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Bill Carpenter met with Council to update them on the bonds and application with FmHA. Carpenter stated the bond market had strengthened some, dropping interest from 14% to 13%. Prime from 18% to 172%. Farmers Home has gone from 5% to 12,%. Carpenter handed out a market recap of certain bond ratings and yield averages from a 5 year period to a 20 year period. It showed the General Market Interest and the the Texas Market interest. He stated the City of Sanger would possibly be in the Baa-1 rating. Carpenter wanted Council to be aware of the changes in the market. Carpenter stated he would recommend the city going to the open market on whatever debt the city would have to have but to pursue Farmers Home on financing the balance. He stated that the 5 3/4% from Texas Water Quality was still committed. Discussion. Mayor Cole stated he felt the cheapest money would be over 20 years. Carpenter explained the 10 yr. recall on FHA loans that also could be considered. Council advised Carpenter that they wanted to pro- ceed. Council discussed Hunter Associates and the fact that they had dragged their feet on the city's application to Farmers Home. Bridges requested that the engineers be placed on the next regular agenda. Carpenter stated that no certificate of sufficiency had been presented to the Texas Water Quality Board. He stated the City should have been asking where the $150,000 was. Again Council advised Carpenter to proceed in getting the application through FHA. Lloyd to check with other cities on their engineers. 13. The audit was not ready and could not be presented to Council. l4. John Sullivan ask for more time to study the pro- posed amendatory ordinance with Lone Star Gas. Item to be placed on next agenda. 15. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd to get cost figures for a Staff -Firemen Appreciation Dinner. (b.) Lloyd was happy to advise Council that John L. had received the land- fill permit. (c.) Council called a special meeting to begin at 5:15 pa m. on November 9, 1981. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: Special Called Meeting November 9, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges ABSENT: Mary Jo Stover OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Travis Roberts, Jack Russell, Dave Harris, Joy Ready, and several contractors. 1. Six bids were received and opened on the City Is HUD Program Water System Improvements Project. The Bid tabulation is as follows: F & J Construction. Total Bid Project #1 $132,080.55 Total Bid Project #2 27,053.99 Total Bid Project #3 295779.86 Total Bid Project #4 40,796.90 Total Bid Project #5 353988.39 Total Bid Project �i6 465575.73 Total Bid Project #7 14,193.60 Time - 120 Working Days TOTAL $3269469902