11/09/1981-CC-Minutes-Specialt Carpenter stated that no certificate of sufficiency had been presented to the Texas Water Quality Board. He stated the City should have been asking where the $150,000 was. Again Council advised Carpenter to proceed in getting the application through FHA. Lloyd to check with other cities on their engineers. 13. The audit was not ready and could not be presented to Council. 14. John Sullivan ask for more time to study the pro- posed amendatory ordinance with Lone Star Gas. Item to be placed on next agenda. 15. Other such matters: (a.) Lloyd to get cost figures for a Staff -Firemen Appreciation Dinner. (b.) Lloyd was happy to advise Council that John L. had received the land- fill permit. (c.) Council called a special meeting to begin at 5:15 p. m. on November 9, 1961. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: Special Called Meeting November 9, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, Spindle and Bridges ABSENT: Mary Jo Stover OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd- Henderson, Travis Roberts, Jack Russell, Dave Harris, Joy Ready, and several contractors. 1. Six bids were received and opened on the City's HUD Program Water System Improvements Project. The Bid tabulation is as follows: F & J Construction: Total Bid Project #1 $132,080.55 Total Bid Project #2 27,053.99 Total Bid Project #3 29,779.86 Total Bid Project #4 403796.90 Total Bid Project #5 353988.39 Total Bid Project #6 46,575.73 Total Bid Project #7 143193.60 Time - 120 Working Days TOTAL $326,469.02 8 4J� Mid -Cities Construction: Total Bid Project #1 $1445200.00 Total Bid Project #2 31,880.00 Total Bid Project #3 29,305.00 Total Bid Project #4 47,770900 Total Bid Project #5 355780.00 Total Bid Project #6 45,485.00 Total Bid Project #7 103,620900 Time - 180 Days TOTAL $345,040.00 Atkins Construction: Total Bid Project ��'1 $149,790.00 Total Bid Project #2 34,045.00 Total Bid Project #3 28,580.00 Total Bid Project #4 50,905.00 Total Bid Project #5 375650.00 Total Bid Project #6 50,870.00 Total Bid Project #7 11,660.00 Time - 200 Days TOTAL $363,500.00 Dickerson Construction: Total Bid Project vl $141,965.00 Total Bid Project V2 41,900.00 Total Bid Project #3 38,875.00 Total Bid Project #4 5710560.00 Total Bid Project #5 44,567.50 Total Bid Project #6 53,797.50 Total Bid Project #7 14,170.00 Time - 210 Days TOTAL $392,835.00 Ben Sira: Total Bid Project ��'1 $176,013.00 Total Bid Project ��2 44,568.00 Total Bid Project #3 33,141.50 Total Bid Project #4 60,993.00 Total Bid Project #5 501,157.25 Total Bid Project #6 571,815.50 Total Bid Project #7 15,184.00 Time - 240 Calendar Days TOTAL $437,872.25 Ruff Construction: Total Bid Project ��'1 $225,010.00 Total Bid Project ��2 57,727.00 Total Bid Project it.) 48,455.00 Total Bid Project #4 81,095.00 Total Bid Project #5 62,525.00 Total Bid Project #6 763,925.00 Total Bid Project #7 243050.00 Time - 360 Calendar Days TOTAL $575,787.00 It was agreed by council for the city engineers to study and review the bids and make their recommendations to the council by the next regular meeting on November 16th. 2. One bid was received and opened on the city's HUD Program Codification of Ordinances Project. Governmental Service Agency submitted the bid for a total of $7500. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to hold the bid over to allow Jack Russell time to study and look over the bid. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-54 - Bobby J. Ready - No one present spoke in opposition of the petition to change the zoning on 33.87 acres from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business.) Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the recommendation for approval of zoning petition Z-54. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other Matters: (a.) Council discussed with Mr. Travis Roberts whether or not Hunter Associates had been slow in making application to the Farmers Home Administration for the purchase of bonds. Mr. Roberts gave council a written chronological list of events and written notes on the FHA Application and money availability. Attached is a copy of that report written for council. ATTEST: MAYOR MINUTES: City Council November 16, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Thomas, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John White, Ernie Chesney, Anne Kyle, Travis Roberts, John L. Sullivan, and Tony Wright 1. The minutes of the November 2, 1981 regular meeting and the November 9, 1981 Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 2. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $11,086.24. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for$7,082.42 for September, 1981 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Henry Cooper gave the second. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and deny Petition Z-55 to change the zoning classification from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Two Family. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan.