11/16/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularDonn Nesbitt made the motion to hold the bid over to allow Jack Russell time to study and look over the bid. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-54 - Bobby J. Ready - No one present spoke in opposition of the petition to change the zoning on 33.87 acres from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business.) Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept the recommendation for approval of zoning petition Z-54. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Other Matters: (a.) Council discussed with Mr. Travis Roberts whether or not Hunter Associates had been slow in making application to the Farmers Home Administration for the purchase of bonds. Mr. Roberts gave council a written chronological list of events and written notes on the FHA Application and money availability. Attached is a copy of that report written for council. ATTEST: �j MAYOR MINUTES: City Council November 16, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Nesbitt, Thomas, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, John White, Ernie Chesney, Anne Kyle, Travis Roberts, John L. Sullivan, and Tony Wright 1. The minutes of the November 2, 1981 regular meeting and the November 9, 1981 Special Called Meeting were approved as printed. 2. Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $11,086.24. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for$7,082.42 for September, 1981 were approved on a motion by Nesbitt. Henry Cooper gave the second. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and deny Petition Z-55 to change the zoning classification from R-1 Single Family to R-2 Two Family. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. • �, 5. Award bids on HUD Water Improvements Project - Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates briefed Council on the bids received for the water improvements project. A total of six bids were received. The low bid for all Projects 1 through 7 (1-7) was submitted by F & J Contracting, Inc., Rowlett, Texas for the amount of $326,469.02. The available funds for this project is $190,000 which includes the engineering fees. Mr. Roberts stated that Projects 1,2,3,6,& 7 would be the most beneficial to the City. He stated he had talked with F & J Contracting and they would be willing to do 1-project or all Projects. Roberts advised Council this would need to be subject to HUD approval. Lloyd Henderson ask if the City could let bids on Pro- jects 1, 2, and 3 with the others contingent on the drainage bids which are coming up for bid on the 15th of December. The City would know then how much money would be needed for the drainage and could possibly apply any left over funds to the water project subject to HUD approval. Donn Nesbitt ask for some background on the F & J Con- tracting firm. Roberts stated they were a relatively small firm. They have shut back to two crews. Have done work for Rowlett and three subdivisions in Carrollton. Wendell Thomas ask who would be doing the inspection for this project. Mayor Cole stated John White, the new CD Director would do the inspections. Hunter & Associates would also help. Roberts advised Council that the cost of Projects 1, 2, and 3 would be $186,949.40. This amount does not include engineering fees. The bids are on a unit price basis which means the city would be paying for what actually goes into the ground. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to award the bid on Pro- jects 1, 2, and 3 to F & J Contracting Company of Rowlett, Texas subject to clearing all bidding and contractual re- quirements through HUD. Henry Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Ambulance Contract - Council again considered the contract for ambulance service to Sanger. The new cost for the service will be $6375 per year. The cost is based on a $2.50 capita charge times population figures of 2550 figured by the COG. Last year's cost to the City was $2100. It was noted that the City of Sanger had 31 calls last year; 22 in the Sanger area and 1 transient, making a total of 74 calls. Eleven of the 31 did not pay; 7 of the 22 did not pay, and the transient did not pay. Councilman Nesbitt stated he did not like the wording of the contract. John Sullivan stated he did not like the contract since there was no guidelines for the extent of service avail- able. It was left. up to the City of Denton. Portions of the contract were discussed. Sullivan stated the con- tract could be referred to as a "yellow dog contract" not obligated to do anything. Council agreed that Lloyd and Nesbitt should talk with John Maxwell and see about getting the contract changed. Item to be placed on next council agenda. 7. Lloyd explained to Council that only $6500 had been allocated for codification of ordinances under the HUD Program. Governmental Service Agency's bid was for $7500. He said he could come up with the $1,000 difference out of the HUD Budget. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to award the bid on HUD Codification of Ordinances to Governmental Service Agency. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Lone Star Gas Amendatory Ordinance - Sullivan stated that in talking to Thogmartin that he had said Lone Star was trying to meet federal regulations. Sullivan stated he had never received the regulation requirements. John L. stated he was not concerned with the ownership of lines but the right of control over the lines. Section 4 of the ordinance was discussed for some additional wording. Mayor Cole requested changes be made to present td_Lone=_Star for their approval. Item to be placed on next agenda. 9. Item passed over. Lindon Carr was unavailable with cost figures. 10. Pickup bids were discussed. Cooper showed Council an advertisement with Dub Shaw Ford for a Pickup for around $6M. Lloyd stated the new pickup would be used to help on refuse pick-up if ever needed. Lloyd to check with Dub Shaw Ford and get size of truck advertised and equip- ment that comes with. Bids to lay over until next meeting. 11. J. P. Hampton submitted his resignation as fire marshal of the City. Motion was made by Thomas to accept the resignation. Cooper .gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Item passed over. 13. Tony Wright, C.P.A. discussed the 1980-81 City audit with Council. The following recommendations were read and received by Council. a. Purchase Order System - A Purchase Order System should be instigated by the city to help strengthen the internal control over purchases. Control over purchases would come through one individual thus eliminating random unauthorized purchases. b. Travel Vouchers - A travel voucher should be used by City Employees to help substantiate travel expenses. A complete voucher would show date of travel, purpose of travel, and expenses incurred. c. Cash on Hand - All checks received over the counter should be stamped "for deposit only" immediately. During the examination, checks were noted to have been held over the week- end with no such pay. d. Bonuses and Extra Pay - Employees W-2's should reflect bonuses and weekend pay as salaries. e. Sanger Electric Expenditures - All capital improvements expenditures should be thoroughly examined by the City Council. The need and location of such expenditure should be questioned. f. Transfer of Funds - Transfer of monies from designate funds to general funds should be recorded in the minutes as a council policy or for each transaction. Tony advised Council to keep a close look at the Sanger Electric expenditures. Their expenses and distribution is broken up in a different way and council should keep a close check on the statements. Sanger Electric System broke even except for the depreciation. Motion was made by Thomas to accept the audit for FY 80-81. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Other such matters: a. Mr. Ernie Chesney met with Council to discuss the Denton -Collin County Water and Sanitation District. Mr. Chesney lives near Prosper. He stated a few months ago he became aware of the effect of the district and started investigating and found out that it is made up of 7-cities and was created in 1969 by the Texas Legislature. The district has been inactive for the past few years. Several of the cities do not have repre- sentatives. Mr. Chesney stated that he had filed suit against the District recently and had been granted an injunction until after the lst of the year. He stated the district had the right to sell bonds and to tax. Mr. Chesney informed Council there had been a lot of opposi- tion to the landfill site near Prosper and Celina. Mr. Chesney "I take it you have not been interested since you have not sent a representative. People from Celina let their Council know and they with- drew. The District at present does not have a quorum. There is only 3 cities responding. Their last action was illegal. They did not have a quorum. From our point of view, as long as they don't have a quorum we're alright, Mr. Chesney said. Mr. Chesney ask the council to consider what was best for Sanger. If Sanger already is in process of putting together a landfill then Sanger dosen't need to attend. If 2 more cities show up for their meetings a quorum would exist. Mr. Chesney stated that 212 acres were under contract. Little Elm, Frisco, and Pilot Point are active cities. Money is coming from donations. $350,000 has been allotted for a trash dump. They have made pre -application to FHA for $600,000 at 1214% interest for 33 years. It will take approxi- mately $75,000 per year to pay debt. Mayor Cole interjected that the City of Sanger does not have two people appointed to the Board at the present time. The City only this week received information about a meeting. Mayor Cole read aloud the minutes of council on March 5, 1979 requesting action be taken to get the City out of the District. The District can only be changed by the legislature and the City of Sanger's withdrawl request apparently was not followed up on. Mr. Chesney stated the Legislature would not meet again .until 1983. Between now and then if they got two more numbers to show up they can take action. John White advised Council that the City has the right to refuse any type of referendum and say no for a solid waste site. Mayor Cole stated the majority of the district can vote for it and although Sanger voted against it and wasn't in majority, it wouldn't matter. Mr. Chesney felt Sanger could do 1 of 2 things. (1) Sanger, Aubrey, Celina, and Prosper could send 2-representatives and vote against the projects. (2.) Could adopt a Resolution of Objection to the Denton -Collin County District. Mr. Chesney offered the name of Earl Hale, his attorney, Dallas, Texas, if council should have any questions that he might answer. Mayor Cole stated that Sanger would be contacting the other four cities that are not participating and see how they stand. b. The police departments shifts were discussed. Wendell Thomas felt the city wasn`t being covered properly in the early morning hours. The police go off a 4:00 a.m. and are on call until 6:00 a.m. A rash of burglaries have happened and it is felt they occurred when no one was on duty. c. Lloyd stated he was still working on the Firemen - Staff Appreciation Dinner. d. Council was advised that Tuesday the Commissioner`s ---- Court would meet to act on the jail fee of $18.00. Lloyd to attend. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council December 7, 1981 R ESENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges _ ' OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Anne Kyle, B., J..Thog- martin, and J. C. Landers 1. The minutes of the November 16, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disbursements for the amount of $29,857.89. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan.