12/07/1981-CC-Minutes-RegularJohn White advised Council that the City has the right to refuse any type of referendum and say no for a solid waste site. Mayor Cole stated the majority of the district can vote for it and although Sanger voted against it and wasn't in majority, it wouldn't matter. Mr. Chesney felt Sanger could do 1 of 2 things. (1) Sanger, Aubrey, Celina, and Prosper could send 2-representatives and vote against the projects. (2.) Could adopt a Resolution of Objection to the Denton -Collin County District. Mr. Chesney offered the name of Earl Hale, his attorney, Dallas, Texas, if council should have any questions that he might answer. Mayor Cole stated that Sanger would be contacting the other four cities that are not participating and see how they stand. b. The police departments shifts were discussed. Wendell Thomas felt the city wasn't being covered properly in the early morning hours. The police go off a 4:00 a.m. and are on call until 6:00 a.m. A rash of burglaries have happened and it is felt they occurred when no one was on duty. c. Lloyd stated he was still working on the Firemen - Staff Appreciation Dinner. d. Council was advised that Tuesday the Commissioner's -- Court would meet to act on the jail fee of $18.00. Lloyd to attend. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council December 7, 1981 PPFSENT: Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, Nesbitt, and Spindle ABSENT: Benny Bridges OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Anne Kyle, B., J..Thog- martin, and J. C. Landers 1. The minutes of the November 16, 1981 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve disbursements for the amount of $29,857.89. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Nesbitt to approve the amended ambulance contract from the City of Denton. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Lone Star Gas Amend- atory Ordinance No. 81-13. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. Mr. Thogmartin was asked again by council to clarify for the minutes who would be responsible for the cost of replacement of lines from the customer's meter to the main. Mr. Tho5211 n replied "From the meter to the main will be re- placed at the total expense of Lone Star Gas." 5. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $6,562.36. Cooper gave the second. Voted unan. Nesbitt requested to have Sanger Electric show council on the statement the address where the street lights were replaced and pole installations etc...made. 6. One applicant was presented to council to fill the vacancy of Fire Marshal. J. C. Landers was hired on a motion by Cooper with a monthly fee of $100.00. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted Mkorwi 7. Motion was made by Spindle the City accept the bid offered by Charles Bounds Chevrolet in Decatur for a total of $8,188.00 on a 1982 2T. Pickup. Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Council considered Aaron Yeatts as a possible candidate for the Board of Review - Denton County Appraisal District. City Secretary to check and see if he would be willing to serve. If he is affirmative item does not need to come back to council. 9. Motion was made by Cooper to join the Texas Public Power Association with dues of $250.00. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Nesbitt to adopt the Resolution authorizing the clearance and demolition of vacant structures located at 204 E. Smith St., 503 So. 5th St., and 206 So. Sims being further legally described as: TR. 67, R. Bebee Survey, Lt. 295 Blk. 19, Hampton Addn., and Tr. 68B, H. Tier. Survey. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Firemen's Appreciation Dinner - Lloyd advised Council that the Ben Keith's Room at the Anhauser Busch Distributor Company in Denton was available for December 18, 1981. Approximate cost would be $250.00. Mayor Cole advised Lloyd to set it up. Time set at 6:30 p.m. on the 18th. 12. Other such matters: (a.) Extra pay for extra work (Xmas) was discussed by Council. Motion was made by Cooper to give $25.00 to each employee. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made by Nesbitt to give $35.00 to each employee for Christmas bonus. Thomas gave the second. Voting for were Nesbitt and Thomas. Voting against was Spindle. Cooper abstained. Motion carried 2-1. (b.) Donn Nesbitt thanked Council, Mayor, and Staff for the flowers sent to him in the hospital. (c.) Cooper requested Lloyd to check about trees for the City Park. Lloyd to check with County ex- tension agent. (d.) Spindle requested the City repair a pothole at 3rd and Locust at McCuistion's house. (e.) Lloyd advised Council that the HUD Water Line Project would be laid in January '82. The con- tract to be to the Mayor by the end of this week. Lloyd to check regarding the terms of the contract. (f.) Thomas stated there are two stop signs down in the Gateway Addition. ATTEST: MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 7 ICE City Council Emergency Meeting December 85 1981 Mayor Cole, Cooper, Thomas, and Spindle Bridges and Nesbitt Lloyd Henderson and Mary Jo Stover Members present adjourned _due to lack of a quorum. ATTEST: s MAYOR MINUTES: City Council Emergency Meeting December 9, 1981 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Thomas, Nesbitt and Spindle ABSENT: Bridges and Cooper OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson and Mary Jo Stover Members present voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Councilman Henry Cooper. Council went into executive session to consider all matters related to the pending lawsuit set for trial on Friday, a.m. in the 158th District Court. ATTEST: