01/18/1982-CC-Minutes-RegularCondemnation proceedings are hereby authorized and directed to be instituted by the City Attorney at the earliest practicable date in a Court of competent jurisdiction to acquire, through the exercise of said powers of eminent domain, the fee simple title to the following land: All that certain 25.35 acre tract of land, in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, in Denton County, Texas, described in deed from Henry D. Cooper and wife, Vera Lou Cooper, to Lou Henry Cooper and Jerri Ann Shepard, shown of record in the Deed Records Denton County, Texas, to which reference is hereby made for a complete description of said land by metes and bounds; for said municipal purpose. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of January, 1982, at the Special Called Meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, pursuant to notice. Attest : TG e'.:. . City SeEretary Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to allow the City Manager to expend $5,000 and proceed to secure the right-of-way for the construction of a road for the purpose of ingress and egress to the landfill site. The city will agree to the following conditions on the purchase of the property for a right-of-way: 1. The City hereby agrees to dedicate the road as a public road and that the grantors and their assigns have access forever. 2. If the landfill site is not used or if the city does not build the road within three (3) years the property reverts back to the seller. Wendell Thomas gave the .second. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES:. -City Council January 18, 1982 Voted unan. PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Donn Nesbitt, Danny Spindle, and Wendell Thomas ABSENT: Benny Bridges VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Royce Jones, Ben Terry, Dan Swenke, J. D. Copeland, Frank Bushnell, Lindon Carr 1. The minutes of the January 4, 1982 regular meeting and the January 8, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to approve disburse- ments for $10,879.32. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the following police reserve applications for 1982. Rickey George Allie Davenport Donald Howard Danny Spindle Tim McCoy Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voting for were Nesbitt and Thomas. Spindle abstained. Motion carried 2-0. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for November, 1981 in the amount of $8,135.61. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Lloyd presented to Council a Quitclaim, a Resolution, and a drainage easement on property belonging to Royce and Mary Lou Jones on 3rd Street. He advised Council that John L. had checked the documents and they were in order. Mr. Jones is replatting his property on 3rd Street west of his residence. The property being considered is a 50' street designated not to be opened. Mr. Jones wants the Quit Claim so he can replat the property and give this strip as a drainage easement to the city. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the Quit Claim. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Nesbitt to adopt the Resolution. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. A replat on part of Block 9, and all of Block 13, Hampton Addition was presented by Ben Terry. Wendell Thomas questioned Terry about the 6 lots that face Walnut Street. He wanted to know if Terry planned to curb and gutter? Terry stated he really didn't know - that it may not be feasible. If it is not financially profitable he is not planning to cut the street immediately. Mayor Cole ask Terry if he understood if he cut the street that he would have to follow the sub -division ordinance and curb and gutter. He stated he understood. Lloyd referred to the City Attorney's letter regarding interior and exterior streets. Discussion. It was noted that P & Z had recommended approval subject to the re- numbering of Block 9. Motion was made by Dan Spindle to approve the Pre- liminary Replat for Terry subject to the re -numbering of Lots in Block 9. Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Mr. Dewey Fields presented the Preliminary Replat on Gateway Addition. Mr. Coffey is anticipating the construction of a new street and 22 homes to begin in February. Fields explained to council that Coffey would like to open up Stephen Street and build houses on both sides. They need to change the curvature of Stephen, John and Bauer Streets which would give a better land use for the area. The 15' set back on corner lots and lots along the service road were discussed. Field's stated he was unaware of the 25' set back on corner lots. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the pre- liminary replat on the Gateway Addition. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voting for were Nesbitt and Spindle. Wendell Thomas abstained. Motion carried 4-0. 8. Motion was made by Wendell Triomas to approve a building set -back variance of 1.5' for Gene Hughes on Lot 5, Block D, Hillcrest (223Diane Drive). Donn Nesbitt gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to approve the Pre- liminary Single Lot Subdivision, Block F, White Addition for Mrs. Mae Hackney. Dan Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adopt a Demolition Resolution authorizing the demolition and clearance of two structures located at 202 Pilot Point Highway being legally described as Lot 1, Block 75, Original Town and in accordance with the CDBG Program. Dan Spindle gave the second. 11. Other matters: (a.) Mayor Cole stated that Benny Bridges had called regarding his absence. (b.) Mr. Dan Swenke with Brazos spoke to Council regarding a requested increase for Sanger Electric due to an increase in wholesale power. -° Swenke began by saying no rate increase had been figured in the Sanger Electric Budget. However, Brazos had gotten an increase in their wholesale power cost. it is necessary that the increase be passed on to the consumer in the very near future. Swenke stated the increase in rates would need to be passed before the 25th of January which would necessitate a special meeting of the council. He further stated that this was a sizeable increase. Brazos recommended that the No. 1 Clause (Purchased Power Adjustment Clause) be modified from $4.75 to $6.75. This is a demand adjustment and would only be applied to the large commercial bills. The minimum bill for the large consumer would go from $49.88 to $75.00 for the first 25 KW demand or less. Part of the increase would be picked up through this adjustment. The balance would be picked in Clause No. 2 which is applicable to residential and other users excluding the large commercial. Swenke stated that the adjustment in Clause 1 and 2 would allow Brazos to pick up the wholesale power increase. The Fuel Cost Adjustment portion of the schedule was questioned by Mayor Cole. He stated that it did not refer to Fuel Cost Adjustment but stated actual revenue. Swenke stated Brazos would modify the wording. The wording in Clause No. 1 (Correction Factor) would be modified to read PCAD revenue instead of actual revenue and the wording in Clause No. 2 (Correction Factor) would read PCAE revenue instead of actual revenue. boo Swenke stated the whole object is to take the increase and proportion it through the retail rates. Swenke stated that with the new San Miguel lignite plant, the fuel charge is due to come down. A residential rate comparison was given. A 12 month average increase on a resi- dential bill would be approximately 21.53%. This figure could go up or down depending on the fuel cost. Mayor .Cole called a special meeting for Friday, January 22nd at 6:00 P. M. to consider the rate increase. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: PRESENT: VACANCY:. OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Special, Ca�.1ed January 24, 1982 Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle: Tk�,omas and. Nesbitt Place 1 Lloyd. Henderson, Mary Jo Stovez 1. The City Council met to consider the Sanger Electric Increase request of Brazos Coop., It was the general consensus of council that. Brazos had not given the City nor the Council proper time to consider the requested rate increase. r2ayor Cole expressed to Council the need for control on the requested rate adjustments, Discussion. Benny Bridges made the motion to approve the rate increase with the following statements. applying to Clause 1 - PCAD Applicable Only to Dirge Commercial Tariff.) and to Clause 2 - PCAE Applicable to all tariffs): This clause covers only the wholesale power adjust- ment granted by the Public Utilities Commission prior to January 12 1982 and shall remain in effect only until the wholesale power cost is again adjusted by the Public Utilities Commission. Should an adjustment produce more revenue than the actual wholesale power increase in any month, the over charge will be credited to the customers next month billing.