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01/24/1982-CC-Minutes-Special\OC� Swenke stated the whole object is to take the increase and proportion it through the retail rates. Swenke stated that with the new San Miguel lignite plant, the fuel charge is due to come down. A residential rate comparison was given. A 12 month average increase on a resi- dential bill would be approximately 21.53%. This figure could go up or down depending on the fuel cost. Mayor .Cole called a special meeting for Friday, January 22nd at 6*00 P. M. to consider the rate increase. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council Special Ca�.led January 24, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges., Spindled T�,omas and. Nesbitt VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo.Stover 1. The City Council met to consider the Sanger Electric Increase request of Brazos Coop., It was the general consensus of council that Brazos had not given the City nor the Council proper time to consider the requested rate increase. Mayor Cole expressed. to Council the need for control on the requested rate adjustments, Discussion. Benny Bridges made the motion to approve the rate increase with the following statements applying to Clause 1 - PCAD Applicable Only to Large Conimercia Tariff.) and to Clause 2 - PCAE Applicable to all tariffs): This clause covers only the wholesale power adjust- ment granted by the Public Utilities Commission prior to January 1, 1982 and shall remain in effect only until the wholesale power cost is again adjusted by the Public Utilities Commission. Should an adjustment produce more revenue than the actual wholesale power increase in any month, the over charge will be credited to the customers next month billing. i01 No action taken on Fuel Adjustment Clause. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council February 1, 1982 Voted unanimous. PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Thomas, Nesbitt and Spindle VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Mary Hesse, Karla Stover, Jack Russell, Anne Kyle, Kathy Toups, and Don Johnson. 1. The Minutes of January 18, 1982 meeting were approved with one correction to No. 3 "Danny Spindle abstained on the vote." The minutes of January 24, 1982 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $16,681.93 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt.. Bennie Bridges gave the second.. Voted unan. 3. Mr. Don Johnson with the North Central Texas Council of Governments presented Mayor Cole, recipient for the City, the Municipal Management Award given by the Governmental Services Agency. The award is given annually by GSA to the Texas city which through exemplary management of municipal affairs makes the greatest improvement during the previous year in the quality of life of its citizens... The City of Sanger was selected for this award for its successful efforts in long-range planning, for its effective use of federal grants, for its efforts in revitalizing older areas of the city, and for implementation of an improved garbage collection system. Mayor Cole Conveyed to Council that he had received a letter of congratulations from Richard E. McCaskill with Brazos Electric Power Coop, Inc.. with regards to the award. 4. Motion was made by Benny Bridges for the Official Calling of the City Election on April 3, 1982. Dan Spindle gave the second, Voted unan. 5. Mayor Cole opened the public hearing on zoning Petition Z-56 for Danny Spindle and Jim Frazier. There was no opposition to the change. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to approve Zoning Petition Z-56. Bennie Bridges gave the second. Voting for were Bridges, Thomas, and Nesbitt. Danny Spindle abstained. Motion carried 3-0.