02/01/1982-CC-Minutes-Regular;o� No action taken on Fuel Adjustment Clause. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: City Council February 1, 1982 Voted unanimous. PRESENT: Mayor Cole,. Bridges, Thomas, Nesbitt and Spindle VACANCY: Place 1 OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Mary Hesse, Karla Stover, Jack Russell, Anne Kyle, Kathy Toups, and Don Johnson. 1. The Minutes of January 18, 1982 meeting were approved with one correction to No. 3 "Danny Spindle abstained on the vote." The minutes of January 24, 1982 were approved as printed. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $16,681.93 were approved on a motion by Donn Nesbitt.. Bennie Bridges gave the second,. Voted unan. 3. Mr. Don Johnson with the North Central Texas Council of Governments presented Mayor Cole, recipient for the City, the Municipal Management Award given by the Governmental Services Agency. The award is given annually by GSA to the Texas city which through exemplary management of municipal affairs makes the greatest improvement during the previous year in the quality of life of its citizens... The City of Sanger was selected for this award for its successful efforts in long-range planning, for its effective use of federal grants, for its efforts in revitalizing older areas of the city, and for implementation of an improved garbage collection system. Mayor Cole Conveyed to Council that he had received a letter of congratulations from Richard E. McCaskill with Brazos Electric Power Coop, Inc, with regards to the award. 4, Motion was made by Benny Bridges for the Official Calling of the City Election on April 3, 1982� Dan Spindle gave the second.. Voted unan. 5. I�iayor Cole opened the public hearing on zoning Petition Z-56 for Danny Spindle and Jim Frazier.. There was no opposition to the change. Motion was made by Wendell Thomas to approve Zoning Petition Z-56. Bennie Bridges gave the second. Voting for were Bridges, Thomas, and Nesbitt. Danny Spindle abstained. Motion carried 3-O. 6. Item to consider Sanger Electric Budget for 1982 passed over. Brazos was not ready with Budget. 7. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt that the City of Sanger discontinue taxing personal automobiles for the tax year 1982. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Danny Spindle to adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to obtain a Certificate of Obligation to be used in the purchase of the landfill site.. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. The City Manager advised Council that the city had the deed in hand on the right-of-way purchase from Eagles Farms, Inc.. He stated that he had talked with County Commissioner Switzer and that he is planning to build the road for the city and use county materials for its construction Commissioner Switzer has asked the City to name the road. It was agreed by Council that the Historical Society name the road for the City. 9. Motionn was made by Donn Nesbitt to Adopt the Resolution authorizing the clearance and demolition of two dilapidated structures in accordance with the city's approved CDBG program_ Property located at 603 Bolivar Street.. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan.. 10. Other such matters: (a.) Mayor Cole proclaimed the week of February 7-13 as Office Education Association Week. On hand to receive the official proclamation was OEA president Karla Stover and Mrs. Mary Hesse OEA advisor. (b.) Lloyd informed Council that he had checked with two companies regarding the rate study on Sanger Electric. The two firms he checked with were Bill Morres and C...H. Guernsey.. He estimated the cost to run approximately $5,000 for the study. (n) Lloyd called for some help from Council on the plat of Royce Jones. Council advised Lloyd to call it a Final Replat, get signatures on the replat and bring before council on the 15th. (d.) Council was informed that the next T.M.L. Region 8 meeting will be held at Billy Bobs on February 17, (e.) Jack Russell informed Council that the codification would probably be ready by the end of February. He will begin to mail out completed Chapters for Lloyd and the council to review.. Should be able to adopt in March. (f.) Lloyd had a display of different pipes and how water _and chemicals affect each kind. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to adjourn the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council February 15, 1982 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Nesbitt, and Thomas ABSENT: Danny Spindle VACANCY: Place 1 Bridges gave OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lindon Carr, Dan Swenke, Clarence Carpenter, Dewey Fields, and Ben Terry. 1. The minutes of the February 1, 1982 meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve disbursements for the amount of $11,324.19. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Item 4, 5, and 7 were questioned by Donn Nesbitt. Lindon to get with Lloyd and give explanation on the labor, etc... Donn Nesbitt made the motion to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements for $12,720.15. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Donn Nesbitt to approve the Final Replat for Royce Jones, Lot 45R, Block 23, and Lot 59R, Block 22, Hampton Addition. Wendell Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Donn .Nesbitt to approve the Final Plat of the single lot subdivision for Mae Hackney on Lot 4, Block F, White Addition. Bung and setback variance to be brought before council at time building permit is requested. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Council discussed the Final Replat for Ben Terry on Part A, Block 9, and all of Block 13 in the Hampton Addition. Council was concerned about the extension of Walnut Street as shown on Mr. Terry's replat. Council wanted to know if Terry planned to build the street. Mr. Terry stated that it was not feasible to open at this time and that he would not obligate himself to open it in the future with the economy as it is. Terry asked Council what their feeling was about closing off the Walnut Street portion that runs through his property and making a driveway to the lots on either side. It was council's consensus that this is private property and Terry could do what he wanted with it. Discussion.